Warship of Great Power

Chapter 849: Canal officially started

  Chapter 849 Canal Officially Started

   "Your Excellency Qiu Daxin, we don't know about this either. After all, the explosion was just an accident." Lacour replied calmly.

Accident? What an accident, this is what you did on purpose, okay? Qiu Daxin frowned: "Lacul, you also know that once this canal is built, it will bring us great benefits! The economy of our entire country will develop because of this canal! Since you have done Alright, let's keep going."

   "So, will someone be dealt with this accidental explosion?"

   "Of course not, they will all be pardoned! They have also made meritorious service to the country, so you can give them some rewards!"

   "Then if the canal blows up and our navy has made great efforts, can we share a part of the canal revenue in the future?"

   "Yes, didn't your navy always want to purchase carrier-based fighter jets? When the canal is profitable, the country will have sufficient funds and can allocate part of it to you."

   "Then is the excavation of the canal led by our navy?"

   "Yes!" Qiu Daxin was completely immersed in the excitement of digging the canal at this time, and almost responded to Lacour's request, forgetting other things.

   "Yes, but we have to control the funds. We will allocate as much funds as you need."


   "Your Excellency Qiu Daxin, since the excavation has already been decided, should we let those reporters in and give them an introduction?"

   "Yes, of course!"

  So, the reporters were let in with a whimper.

  They only knew that an ammunition explosion took place here, but they didn't know the specific situation. They interviewed the residents of Ranong, and they couldn't say anything. Now, they can finally come in for interviews, and they are very excited. When he came in, he was even more surprised to see Qiu Daxin.

what happened? With such important officials here, is there something important to announce?

   "Everyone, what you are seeing now is a great miracle!" Qiu Daxin blushed with excitement.

"Just last night, our navy conducted a blasting attempt and successfully blasted away the mountains here. Now, a five-kilometer-long trench has appeared here. Its width is 400 meters and it is 20 meters below sea level. Five meters."

  Hearing this introduction, the reporters instantly became excited.


  Who would have thought that the construction of the canal would start like this?

  I have never heard of it before. Although Siam has been planning for three hundred years, it has never been implemented. The construction plan proposed countless times was finally considered a show.

   Now, they have become practical factionists?

   Moreover, it is actually by means of blasting?

   "Everyone has probably guessed that the ongoing project here is the construction of the Kra Canal. I am the planner of this project!"

  In the far corner, Qin Tao, Xu Zhengyang and others disguised themselves as ordinary people. Listening to Qiu Daxin's introduction, Qin Tao knew that the plan of killing first and playing later was successful.

If the canal has not started construction and has been grinding its mouth all the time, it will continue to grind and never reach the step of starting construction. But now, a section of the most difficult part several kilometers long has been dug out, it will definitely Someone jumped out to take credit.

   See it? This is my command, the most difficult section has been completed, and the opening of the canal is just around the corner!

The corner of Lacour's mouth twitched a few times. He didn't expect that Qiu Daxin would take credit so much, but now, he can't expose Qiu Daxin in public. With Qiu Daxin standing up, their actions will be completely legal , the two belong to a mutually beneficial relationship.

   What Qiu Daxin wants is political achievement, what Lacour wants is fame and future benefits.

   "Excuse me, do you plan to use explosions to repair this canal?" The reporter below began to ask questions.

"Yes, among the various construction methods, explosive construction is the simplest and most economical. We only tried it for the first time last night, and built the most difficult section. Next, we will plan to build it within a year. Complete this canal!"

   Five kilometers of canals were blown up in one night, a total of 90 kilometers of canals, is it almost a month? Qiu Daxin made enough margin. Of course, he didn't know that the blasted canal couldn't be opened directly, and had to be rebuilt, and the amount of work in the later stage was still not small. Of course, everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as it is opened, the next step will be easy.

   "Excuse me, why didn't you announce it in advance? Is it because you are afraid of failure?"

"Over the years, we have tried to build this canal many times, but we have never been successful. On the one hand, because we can't find a suitable way, the cost and time are not worth it. On the other hand, we will suffer a lot of interference and cannot let go. This time we did not announce in advance, just wanted to make an attempt without outside interference. Like blasting a hole in a mountain, blasting a way through all resistance, nothing can stop us from building a canal! This is also for the benefit of all mankind!"

   As expected of playing politics, he quickly sublimated this theory.

   "We choose the northern route to build the canal, which will save cargo ships 1,200 kilometers of voyage and save 300,000 US dollars in fuel! By doing this, we are contributing to the world economy and environmental protection!"

   "Mr. Qiu Daxin, you are the most courageous Siamese official I have ever seen!"

   "Someone will do what others dare not do. Our economy has been stagnant since the economic crisis. This time, with the help of digging the canal, our economy will return to its peak again!"

   Just as Qiu Daxin announced it complacently, a group of people on the other side of the ocean were also negotiating urgently.

  The canal is not a matter of Siam, but a major event related to the entire world structure! As the world's police, they must be treated with caution.

   "Mingzhou Group must be playing tricks here! We checked the satellite photos a few days ago and found that a large number of vehicles were working on the site, including a special tunnel boring machine. Only Mingzhou Group has this kind of machinery!"

   "Hmph, this Mingzhou Group is just lingering, always coming to make trouble with us! We must not let this happen!"

   "Yes, Malacca is of great significance to us. However, we don't need to come forward for the time being. Let Singapore come forward to protest. Let's take a look at Siam's reaction first."

If this canal is opened, then most of the merchant ships will no longer go through the Strait of Malacca. Singapore, a country that has risen by sea, will inevitably weaken. Therefore, when they found that Siam actually started to build the canal, they immediately became anxious. up.

   Qiu Daxin, who was full of excitement, had just returned to the capital when troubles began.

   "Your Excellency Qiu Daxin, the representative of Singapore Port Group, Li Mingyao, is seeking to see you."

"No, I can't take care of it for the time being." Qiu Daxin said: "Next we need to have a meeting to discuss the specific issues of the canal construction. What is he here for? Didn't he come to protest? We build the canal, which is our own business , has nothing to do with them.”

"Li Mingyao said that their Port Group is considering withdrawing their investment in us. This is not just their group's consideration. Other Singaporean companies will also consider withdrawing their investment. Our preliminary estimate is that the investment is more than three billion US dollars. .”

The economy of Siam mainly depends on tourism. Whether it is amusement parks or hotels, foreign investment is indispensable. The island country ranks first, and Singapore ranks second. They invest billions of dollars every year. Now , they started to get real!

  If Siam insists on going its own way and wants to build a canal, then Singapore and them will no longer be good friends, and the investment will of course be recovered.

   "Threatening us?" Qiu Daxin frowned.

   “They also said that Americans had spoken to them on the phone in support of their plan.”

Qiu Daxin's complexion became even uglier. He knew that there would be pressure, but he didn't know how much pressure it was. He looked at Rakul who was following him: "Rakul, I'm very sorry, I have to go to receive Singapore first. People, please rest assured, I will stick to my principles, I have told reporters about my determination, if I compromise now, it will have a bad impact on my reputation."

   "Please wait a moment." Lacour stopped him: "If you insist on principles, you will definitely break up. I have a way here."

"any solution?"

"Delay time, tell them that our project is just an accident, our navy's ammunition exploded during transportation, and we don't know whether to build a canal, so we can drag them, and then quickly allocate a sum of money to our navy, Let's get more explosives and blast the entire canal," Lacourt said.

   It is not enough to blow up only one section, the whole line must be blown up, so that if it becomes a fait accompli, no one will hinder it anymore, even if it is hindered, it is useless.

   During this time, you can drag the other party first!

  Qiu Daxin's eyes lit up: "That's right, this is a solution. How did you come up with it?"

  Of course President Qin told you! After the first explosion, Lacourt and Qin Tao discussed the follow-up issues. When dealing with external interference, President Qin proposed this plan.

   This is the most commonly used method in Eastern official circles. Now it is no problem to use Siam to fool Singaporeans.

  In the reception room, Li Mingyao's face was serious, and he was sitting there looking at the door. He was thinking rapidly in his mind how to negotiate with Qiu Daxin so that they would give up the construction of the canal.

  The key is the United States. The United States does not want to see the canal built. We are here to convey this meaning for the United States!

  The door rang, Li Mingyao stood up, looked outside, and then saw Qiu Daxin appearing at the door, so his face continued to be gloomy.

  However, Qiu Daxin was smiling all over his face.

   "Mr. Li, when did you arrive? Why didn't you say hello in advance? We can also send someone to pick you up at the airport."

   What does this mean? Didn't he know he was looking for trouble? Is this to please yourself? It's useless to please?

   "Your Excellency Qiu Daxin, I heard that you are going to build the Kela Canal."

   "Heard? Who said it?"


   "Can journalists be trusted?" Qiu Daxin said: "Journalists like to fabricate news. The more explosive news, the more attention they will attract the public. Their words are unbelievable."

   "But, this time you told those reporters that you were going to build a canal!"

   "Oh, it's very complicated to talk about." Qiu Daxin sighed: "Under the circumstances, I had no choice but to say that."

   "An inside story?"

"Yeah, we are all good friends, so I won't hide it. Last night, the military vehicle we were transporting ammunition exploded violently." Qiu Daxin said: "The mountain collapsed and died. Dozens of people, if this matter spreads to the media, it will be a big trouble. You also know that due to the economic downturn in our country in recent years, the country has not been very stable, so this news must be suppressed. Coincidentally, what was blown out happened to be a long strip, so we simply said that the canal was going to be built. Think about it, how can such a big matter as the canal be built quietly? No meeting to discuss it before? This is a national event. It's not a play house for a three-year-old."

  That's right, Li Mingyao nodded: "In other words, you don't plan to build a canal?"

   "How is it possible, how much money will it cost to build the canal, is it possible with our current economic strength?"

   "But, after all, you said that in front of the reporter. If you don't follow it, won't it affect your credibility?"

"It affects the credibility." Qiu Daxin said: "I'm not the only one who said that the canal should be built. How many people have announced that they want to build the canal, but they still haven't built it in the end? I'm better than them. , at least part of it exploded."

   "You really don't plan to build a canal?"

   "We have always planned to repair it, but there is still a gap between planning to repair it and actually repairing it."

   "You didn't lie to me?"

   "How is it possible? When did I deceive people?" Qiu Daxin showed a harmless smile to humans and animals: "Please rest assured, even if we are building a canal, we are pulling you to build the canal. Otherwise, where would we get so much investment?"

  Li Mingyao was finally relieved, it turned out to be a false alarm, it's okay, it's okay.

  After seeing off Li Mingyao, Qiu Da came to the conference room with great interest. At this moment, Lacour was arguing with a group of people.

   "If the canal is really dug, there will inevitably be a lot of involvement. This project cannot be rushed, and must be demonstrated slowly."

"What's the point, the navy blasted five kilometers in one night, as long as there is enough explosives, a passage can be blown up in a month!" Lacour glanced at the other party: "Trasil, don't you know how to dig a tunnel?" The great benefit that the canal brings us?"

"It's good, but doesn't it cost money to blow up the canal? Your navy not only has to use up all the explosives in stock, but also purchases. Don't these cost money? After the canal is opened, how many years will it take us to recover it? cost?"

   The construction of the canal involves many interests. Trasil originally supported the construction of the canal, but he never expected that the project would fall into the hands of the navy. He could not get anything, and immediately changed from support to opposition.

   "Even if it takes ten years to recover the cost, it is worthwhile. After ten years, we will be able to obtain pure profits. The predecessors plant trees and the future generations will enjoy the shade. If you think like you, then who will think about future generations?"

   During the quarrel, Qiu Daxin walked in: "Stop arguing! Regarding the canal digging, since it has already started, it cannot be stopped, it must continue!"

   "However, this will bring us a huge burden!"

   "There is also external pressure!"

  These people did not sell Qiu Daxin's account, and continued to quarrel.

  They were just trying to tear down the navy, but they would never have imagined how enthusiastic Qiu Daxin was about this project. This is a good opportunity to make a name in history.

  "External pressure? Yes, there is pressure, and I will bear it!" Qiu Daxin looked at the people present: "Now, who else is against this project?"

His tone was cold, and some people who were only planning to make a noise shut up. Only Trasil continued to object: "As far as we are concerned, as long as we dig the canal, we will turn against Singapore. Once they leave Without investment in our country, the consequences are unpredictable."

   "If the old ones don't go, the new ones won't come." Lacourt said: "We don't care about Singapore's attitude. This is our domestic project and has nothing to do with them!"

   “But the hit to our economy is huge.”

  "A blow to the economy? How is it possible, as long as this project is successful, it will have a huge boost to our economy."

   "Stimulation? With those canal tolls?"

"Of course it's not just tolls. Everyone, as long as the canal is dug out, we can build a wharf as a distribution center for goods. The entire Kra Isthmus can be developed. Some cargo ships will dock on one side of the isthmus, unload their cargo, and then the containers will Being transported by road to the other side, loading the corresponding cargo ship, Singapore now is us in the future!" Lacourt said.

  The Suez Canal does not have this condition, because the Red Sea is too narrow, and a large number of ports can be built in the north to allow cargo ships to dock, but what about the south? There is no way to dock cargo ships there. If you continue to go south, you can find a port along the Red Sea coast, but the transportation on both sides will be too troublesome.

  The conditions of Siam are unique. A canal is dug in a long and narrow area. Large piers can be set up on both sides of the canal, and then the goods can be unloaded from one side and transported on the other side.

   Sure enough, many people were moved when they heard what he said.

   It is not very profitable to charge only, but if it is added as a material transfer station, then their development will be faster!

"That's right, Lacour, you're right!" Qiu Daxin was very excited. He found that today's Lacour is exceptionally smart, full of clever tricks, and has transformed from a naval officer to a politician. If Lacour Then use his wife's resources and contacts to step onto the political stage, the future is limitless.

  Looking at the eyes of everyone, Lacour was very happy, Mr. Qin is so powerful! This idea for himself shocked everyone present.

For Qin Tao, this idea is a piece of cake. In his original time and space, there was such a project in the Kra Isthmus. Although there was no canal, he built ports on both sides and a railway in the middle, and then transported materials back and forth. A supplement to the construction of the canal.

   Now, when this plan comes out, it will be even more perfect when it is combined with the canal project.

  Many people present seem to have seen the future scene, the busy Kra Isthmus is simply the second Singapore, no, they can replace Singapore!

   "Hmph, these are not very good." Trasil was still not reconciled.

"These are not good? Well, then I will say something new." Lacour said: "As long as the canal can be repaired, many tankers will pass here. We can build an oil pipeline on the west side of the Kra Isthmus and transport it to On the east side, build an oil refinery on the eastern plain. In this way, the smelted refined oil can be directly shipped on the east side and shipped to various countries that need oil. We can also develop a petrochemical center. Everyone, don’t look at the current economic situation of our country. Tourism is the main industry, and in the future, our country's economy will inevitably revolve around the canal project and become an industrial country!"

   "Petrochemical Center? Lacourt, your tone is so loud, do you know how much it costs to build a petrochemical center? Do we have the capital?"

   "If we can't do it, we can attract foreign capital."

   "It's not that easy, because we offended Singapore by building the canal, and they almost withdraw their capital."

   "They left and there are others. I can guarantee that as long as the canal is opened, there will be foreign investment. I guarantee it with my military honor!"

   Now Lacourt can’t tell Mingzhou Group directly, but since Mr. Qin agreed to this matter, it should be no problem. Mr. Qin will do what he says.

   "Trasil, do you have anything else to say?" Qiu Daxin asked.

   Trasil has nothing to say.

  New ports on both sides, material exchange and trade, and petrochemical industry. If all these are done, then Siam will definitely be able to develop with these, so he has no reason to refuse.

   "I hope Lacourt will remember today's promise, and don't turn everything into empty talk."

"As long as no one makes trouble, all of this will come true! Of course, if someone makes trouble, we are not afraid." Lacour's words were threatening. He hoped that Trasil would understand the situation and not keep fighting against him. Otherwise, there is absolutely no good end!

   "Huh." Trasil made a sound from his nose.

"Okay, since everyone has no objections, let's start this project! First, one million will be allocated from the treasury." Qiu Daxin said enthusiastically, "All this money will be handed over to the Navy, and they will complete the next blasting work. Everyone , this project is related to our national destiny, and no one should have any wrong ideas! Also, this meeting is top secret, if it is leaked to outsiders, especially Singaporeans, it will be a traitor to our Siamese country! Next, I Going to report to the leader, adjourn the meeting!"

  Lacour's face was full of joy, okay, according to Mr. Qin's arrangement, everything is going well!

  (end of this chapter)

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