Warship of Great Power

Chapter 844: global hawk reconnaissance

  Chapter 844 Global Hawk Reconnaissance

   For the Parthian Navy, they really don’t need a large warship. The displacement of their existing frigates is just a little bit larger, which is enough. With a displacement of 1,500 tons, they can be equipped with anti-ship missiles and anti-aircraft missiles, and they can also have a helicopter take-off and landing platform. For them, this is already very good.

  As for the engine, of course there is no need to use a gas turbine. With this displacement, Dongfang provides three or four diesel engines, which are enough for their warships to reach 30 knots, and they are also fuel-efficient. Although Parthia is not short of fuel, the amount of fuel carried by warships is certain. The more fuel-efficient the engine, the longer the cruising range.

  Qin Tao began to introduce various overall designs, and Kassim listened carefully there. After listening to Qin Tao's introduction, Kassim began to ask questions.

   "Boss Qin, can we install a four-sided phased array radar on this frigate?"

  A warship with a displacement of 1,500 tons actually needs to install a four-sided phased array? Qin Tao was a little surprised. Generally speaking, this kind of equipment is prepared for warships of six or seven thousand tons. After thinking about it, he still refused.

   "No, the displacement of this kind of frigate is too small. If you install a four-sided phased array, it will inevitably lead to top-heavy. If you need it, I think it is enough to install an ordinary roof radar. This kind of radar is used for air and sea searches, and its performance is very good."

  If a four-sided phased array is installed, it must be the 052B type. Although Europe is also doing it, it is impossible to sell it to Parthia. As long as this kind of device appears on Parthia’s warships, anyone with a discerning eye can see that it must be provided by the East.

  Qin Tao didn't want to make trouble.

  The roof radar is different, not only Dongfang has it, Lao Maozi also has it, and Ah San’s warship also has it, so even if this kind of thing is installed on the warship of Parthia, the Americans cannot conclude that Dongfang provided it.

  Of course it is impossible for them to step up to check.

   It is better to use the roof radar as the main force.

   "What missile do you plan to use as the main air defense missile?" Qin Tao continued to ask.

   "We have a Hunter-2 missile that is an imitation of the American Standard-1 missile. We plan to install this anti-aircraft missile on our warships." Kasim said. (Hunter 1 is said to be a copy of our Hongqi-2)

  Before 1979, Parthia had a close relationship with the West. Of course, they also obtained a large number of Western weapons and equipment. They could get Tomcat fighters, not to mention other things. Later, although the supply was interrupted, they continued to strive for self-improvement and started surveying and mapping imitation.

  The Hunter-2 missile is a result of their surveying and mapping imitation. Although it was only a product of the United States decades ago, in this world, few countries can survey and map imitate it.

   It’s just that using Lao Maozi’s roof radar to provide guidance for the Standard-1 missile has never been tried before. Will it work?

   "We have now imitated the missile body and the target irradiation radar, and plan to use the search radar of the Hawker air defense missile. If Dongfang can provide us with the roof radar, it will save us from continuing to survey and map. However, this missile is a launcher. Can President Qin replace it with a vertical launcher?"

   Using vertical hair on a 1,500-ton warship? Qin Tao shook his head helplessly: "No, the size of the warship is too small. If you use the vertical launch, you can only deploy a dozen anti-aircraft missiles at most, and the firepower density is too poor. The way of tilting the launch can also make the launcher point to the target in advance and improve the launch efficiency. I do not recommend you to use the vertical launch."

  The Hongqi-16 used by the 4,000-ton 054 is about the same size as the Standard-1. Only 32 units of launchers are arranged on the bow of the ship. For a 1,500-ton warship, 16 missiles can be inserted into it, which is already against the sky.

  So, the hanging hair was also denied by Qin Tao.

   "In the final analysis, it is the displacement that limits our warships. It would be great if the displacement can be increased." Kasim sighed with emotion.

   "Kasim, you need to know what your combat mission is." Qin Tao said: "For you, the navy cannot grow to a large scale for the time being. With this money, wouldn't it be better for you to equip a few more stealth fighter jets?"

  Kasim nodded: "Yes, Mr. Qin, you are right, the stealth fighter is our trump card. However, I still feel unwilling."

   "You can do it if you want, but your air defense system on land can do it." Qin Tao said: "You have been relying on Hawk for air defense, and you have fallen behind."

  Parthia has a large number of Hawker anti-aircraft missiles. In addition to attaching this anti-aircraft missile to the Tomcat fighter jet as a phoenix, they also imitate it. The imitated missile is called Mersad. However, the shape of the Hawker missile is too outdated, so they also improved this missile.

   Needless to say, this kind of medium-range missile. Later, they also worked out an area air defense missile code-named Faith, which looked like a replica of the S-300 at first, and then took the western route.

  So, when this anti-aircraft missile is developed, no one can tell its true origin.

   "That's right, we need advanced area air defense missiles, Mr. Qin, I hope we can get your help." Kasim also became excited.

   "Of course we will help. If you need it, we have an advanced Kaishan missile that can be sold to you."

  The Kaishan missile is a replica of the Hongqi-2 missile. It focuses on cost-effectiveness. The Air Force has not yet taken a fancy to it, but its export sales have improved greatly.

   "On the battlefield last year, this missile made the F117 fall into the sand." Qin Tao continued.

  Kasim's eyes widened: "Really? That is indeed what we need most. We hope to purchase this kind of missile, but we prefer to produce it ourselves."

   "Of course, the missile that suddenly appeared in your hands has nothing to do with us, it is completely independently developed by you." Qin Tao said: "You can openly announce that you have developed a Bavar-373 long-range road mobile air defense missile system."

  Bavar means faith, and 373 is the consonant number of the name of the great Prophet Muhammad. Qin Tao casually mentioned the name of the anti-aircraft missile system of the Parthian kingdom, which made Kasim very happy.

   "That's right, then we look forward to equipping our troops with this long-range anti-aircraft missile as soon as possible."

   This is the benefit of acquaintances. Kasim firmly believed that Qin Tao would not lie to him, so he nodded immediately after hearing a name and hearing that the one who shot down the F-117 was such a big killer.

  Originally, the two were discussing warships, but they unknowingly shifted to the air defense system during the discussion. For Parthia, homeland air defense is indeed more important than warships. After all, they are facing the United States, and it is good to be able to defend them. They need to develop defense forces.

  The U.S. Navy suffered a blowout this time, how will they respond next?

   After discussing with Qin Tao, Kasim and Qin Tao left contentedly, but within half an hour, they left again, with anxiety on their faces.

   "Mr. Qin, just received the latest news. Just an hour ago, a Global Hawk drone of the Yankees penetrated into our airspace and then retreated." Kasim said: "This is revenge. They used this method to retaliate against us!"

   "What?" Qin Tao was very surprised: "The Global Hawk flew into your airspace, and you didn't notice it?"

  Global Hawk is a new generation of high-altitude and long-endurance UAV developed by the United States after the elimination of U-2 and SR-71. Since there is no driver, it is okay even if it encounters some threats, so the mission is carried out even more recklessly.

  Compared with reconnaissance satellites, this reconnaissance method is more flexible and efficient, and it can fly there at any time when needed. Reconnaissance satellites need to adjust their orbits, and orbit adjustments need to be reported and approved layer by layer, which often delays time.

  However, Parthia’s homeland air defense force is still very strong. They have Tomcats, MiG-29s, and Kach and Lightning fighters.

   This is equivalent to slapping the face.

  However, the U.S. Navy does not currently have a Global Hawk. This drone has just been equipped to the U.S. Air Force. For the Americans, this is a victory and they will have more face, but for the Navy, this will make them even more embarrassed.

  "President Qin, there are still many loopholes in our national air defense. After all, our country is vast, and the air defense radar and air defense missile units are mainly deployed around cities and military bases. Their drones entered from the imperial cemetery and flew over our mountains. We didn't find them until we left. When we took off the fighter jets to pursue them, the Global Hawk had already flown away."

  For any country with a vast territory, it will face this kind of problem: There are loopholes in the air defense of the country! Even the east is no exception. Although the aviation bases along the southeast coast are densely packed, the northwest and southwest are full of loopholes.

  Anxi Kingdom's monitoring in the direction of Anxi Bay is relatively strong. They can respond to various situations at any time, but in the east, in the direction of the Imperial Cemetery, they don't pay much attention. After all, there will be no planes flying over there.

  Who would have thought that a drone flew over there!

   "It should be to detect the ballistic missile launch sites in your mountains." Qin Tao said: "After all, your anti-ship ballistic missiles have brought too much pressure on the Americans."

   "We think so too, but we absolutely cannot tolerate this kind of thing continuing to happen, Mr. Qin, we want to shoot down their drones!"

   "Okay, I support." Qin Tao said: "However, Yankees are also smart. This time they invaded your airspace from the direction of the Imperial Cemetery, you must mobilize some anti-aircraft missiles to defend against it. In this way, the air defense force you originally deployed along the coast of Anxi Bay will be much weaker. Therefore, I suggest that you purchase Kaishan missiles immediately and secretly deploy them near the deployed missile force station along the coast of Anxi Bay. At that time, you can take down the Global Hawk."

   This is called playing tricks!

  Kasim opened his eyes wide: "Okay, I will pass on your plan to the superior."

   "The targets they most want to investigate must include our shipyard. You can announce the plan to build warships, and they will not be able to hold back and take off to investigate. At that time, you will be able to decide everything in one fell swoop. However, I have a request."

   "President Qin, please speak."

   "Wait until you shoot down this Global Hawk and give us the wreckage."

   "Of course no problem." Kasim nodded.

  For them, the wreckage is useless, and if they give it to Dongfang, maybe they can share the secrets in it.

   Dongfang also has similar drones, and has even developed a surveillance drone. However, Dongfang has always been weak in the composite materials used in the wings, so the UAV developed by Dongfang cannot achieve such a long wingspan, so it has to become a pole-like upper and lower structure.

   Obtaining the wreckage of the Global Hawk may also help one's side improve the drone, and the electronic equipment on it may also allow one's side to obtain the secrets of the US military.

   Therefore, Qin Tao is very interested in the wreckage, and in this way, Anxi has to purchase Kaishan air defense missiles immediately, after all, to make up for the vacancy caused by the replacement of the air defense missile force.

  Near the Bandar Abbas Shipyard.

  The triple-installed Hawker air defense missile looks a bit fat. Its four triangular wings in the center of the body extend all the way to the tail, forming a unique layout of the first generation of air defense missiles. But no one dares to doubt its combat effectiveness. After all, even the first generation of air defense missiles can be used to fight the Global Hawk.

  Since the Global Hawk has been in service, it has always been a showy existence, flying around on various battlefields, as if no one can do anything to get it, which gives people an illusion: Does the Global Hawk also have the ability to be invisible and cannot be shot down?

   This is of course a misunderstanding. A big guy like the Global Hawk is bigger than a passenger plane, and its RCS is as high as more than ten square meters. Of course, it has no stealth capability. Compared with U-2 and SR-71, it has no advantage: its maximum height is only 20,000 meters, and its maximum speed does not exceed the speed of sound, as if it is a slow target drone flying in the sky.

  However, the Global Hawk has not been shot down for a long time. This is of course because the airspace it detects is almost undefended.

   If you encounter a hard nut to crack, you have to be careful.

  The maximum shooting height of the Hawk missile is only 20,000 meters, so as long as it does not fly above its head, it is safe, but they still have to be careful.

   It's just curious that the Hawker air defense missile ended its air defense mission on this day. They put away the hydraulic outriggers, they put down the tires, and after inflating them, they hung them on the back of the military truck. The entire air defense missile battalion began to shift positions.

  Where did you go? Nobody knows!

   "What do the people of Parthia think, they actually transferred the anti-aircraft missile unit of the shipyard?" In the Wujiao House, they immediately analyzed the latest information.

  This is unscientific.

   Bandar Abbas and Abbas Shipyard are very important, they actually transferred the anti-aircraft missile unit here?

   "They don't have many anti-aircraft missile units on hand. If they want to prevent us from flying into their airspace from the Imperial Cemetery, they can only choose some unimportant air defense units to transfer away. Although Bandar Abbas is very important, they docked several stealth missile boats. These missile boats have anti-aircraft missiles. They probably want to temporarily use these missile boats for air defense."

  Hearing this analysis, the people present nodded: "Yes, it should be like this. Therefore, we only need to drive the warships to attract their missile boats. At that time, Bandar Abbas will be empty. We can just investigate Bandar Abbas. I heard that they are going to build a new generation of warships. Let's see how the shipyard is preparing."

   "Hmph, what kind of warship can they build? The displacement is only over a thousand tons, which is not enough for us to greet with a harpoon. We just don't plan to really fight with them. Otherwise, we can easily send all their warships to the bottom of the sea! They might as well build a few submarines."

   "That's right, if they get the technology from the East and build a few advanced submarines, it will really be a headache for us. I don't know what they think, but they always use the technology of the old man who is outdated. This time, let our Global Hawk drone play tricks on them again!"

   "However, we also need to be fully prepared. Are there fighter jets at the nearby airport ready to take off at any time?"

   "No, the image sent by the reconnaissance satellite shows that the fighter plane over there has also been transferred."

   Bandar Abbas.

  This place was originally very ordinary, and there were not many ships docked here. However, when the infrastructure company of Mingzhou Group came here, everything changed drastically. The port here was widened and deepened, and more and more ships were docked here. There is also a shipyard here, which not only builds ships, but also undertakes some ship repair tasks. The entire port seems to be thriving.

  The 300,000-ton oil tanker Cutis was docking at the port to load oil. The crew members were bored looking at the surrounding scene, and some of them climbed onto the high mast, as if they were repairing the mast. In fact, they had a wide field of vision and could see everything around them clearly.

  Since the Mingzhou Group developed sails to reduce fuel consumption, shipyards from various countries have followed suit. For a while, if a cargo ship does not have a sail, it will be embarrassing to greet people at sea. At the same time, this also gives sailors a feeling of ancient inheritance: with sails, they are like ships. If you climb up, you can show your courage and skills.

  Everything is going well at the shipyard, the light is good, it's a good opportunity!

  He picked up the phone and quickly pressed his fingers on it: "Everything is normal."

  After the development of mobile phones, it has become more and more common to use them to transmit messages. Its biggest advantage is that it does not expose the target like radio, and the content sent is difficult to be stolen. It is impossible for the telecommunications company to have any doubts about these four words and then treat them specially.

  Ten minutes later, the sound of an alarm sounded in the military port on the side of the port. Several missile boats quickly started, accelerated, left the pier, and headed for the outlet outside the strait at lightning speed.

   "All dispatched." He continued to send a second message.

  Actually, an early warning plane has already taken off across the strait to monitor everything here. However, the early warning plane can only monitor a target leaving the port. It doesn't know what the target is, and it doesn't know how many ships are left behind. After all, only moving targets will appear on the early warning plane, and it's just a bright spot.

   Seeing is believing.

   Now, everything is safe.

   "It's time for our Global Hawk to pass by. In an Eastern idiom, this is called making a sudden attack! Let those people know how powerful we are!" On the early warning aircraft, the commander said excitedly.

  Global Hawk is a high-altitude and long-endurance UAV that can fly in the sky for dozens of hours. This time, in order to seize the opportunity, it has been flying over the outside of Anxi Bay. Now that it has received an order, it immediately reverses its direction and flies towards the mouth of Anxi Bay.

  At an altitude of 20,000 meters, this large drone is unremarkable.

  Its wingspan is 35.7 meters, which is larger than Boeing 737. The nose looks a bit like a big-headed fly. There is an engine sandwiched between the V-shaped tail fins, which is different from the general aircraft with the engine placed underneath.

  Its flight speed is not fast, and its long wings with no sweep angle make it impossible to fly at supersonic speed, but it is very good at flying straight and high in the sky.

  As the most advanced reconnaissance platform of the US military, it has never been shot down, and it does not believe that it will be shot down.

  The plane continued to fly forward, getting closer and closer to the strait at the entrance of Anxi Bay.

   "Huh, this trick is really good!" Near the Abbas Shipyard, a convoy was driving over. On the leading pickup truck, a man poked his head out, looked at the sky with sharp eyes, and murmured.

  He certainly couldn't see the drones flying in the distance, but their eyeliners were deployed on the ships sailing on the other side of the estuary, and they had already been caught through the telescope.

   It's not easy, but if you predict the direction of the opponent's approach in advance, you can target it. As for not using radar, of course it was because they were afraid of scaring the snake.

  The missile boat was attracted to the interior of Anxi Bay, and then the opponent flew from outside Anxi Bay. Taking advantage of the gap in the defense of its own side, it could directly penetrate into its own airspace, circle a circle and return.

   There can be no second time for this kind of thing!

   He raised his arm and looked at his watch.

   "Attention, stop advancing after two minutes, deploy on the spot, start up within five minutes, and shoot down the target for me!"

   Until now, they are an ordinary convoy, but in two minutes, they will become advanced weapons!

  (end of this chapter)

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