Warship of Great Power

Chapter 842: If you don't agree, do it

  During the era of the Red Empire, Lao Maozi once engaged in anti-ship ballistic missiles for a period of time. In order to accurately locate the target to be hit, Lao Maozi’s engineers specially developed this cross antenna. This antenna can better accurately determine the location of the target, and then launch a final attack on the target.

   Now, Dongfang also has anti-ship ballistic missiles, but Dongfang’s electronic technology is more advanced, so it does not use this kind of antenna with huge air resistance. The small antenna can be integrated into the warhead, which is obviously more effective.

  Now, as long as you see this kind of cross antenna, you will know that it was obtained archaeologically from Lao Maozi.

   "Damn it, Parthia was inspired by the East and managed to obtain this technology. What should we do next?" The meeting room of the Pentagon House was a little noisy.

   Dongfang’s anti-ship ballistic missiles have already made them wary, but Dongfang has principles and can restrain it after all, but Parthia is different. This small rogue country dares to use it at any time after it has weapons, and even if it is beaten, it often has to admit it.

   They are very annoyed, but do not know how to vent.

   "They have this broken weapon, we have the standard 3, we have completed the interception test!" A voice sounded.

   "If you pass the interception test, do you have actual combat capabilities?" Swift smoked a cigar with contempt on his face: "Everyone knows what is going on with this interception test, and it is fine to announce it to the public. If it is because of this interception test, then you think you can defend the target in actual combat, and it will be very miserable."

  The so-called interception test is just a well-planned collision, which is a coincidence. In actual combat, will the enemy cooperate with you?

  If you think you can perfectly intercept ballistic missiles, but find that you can't parry it, what will happen? The Aegis battleship will be sunk, they must not take such a risk.

   "Then, shall we just watch them show off their power? Seeing our allies helpless? First it was the Kangaroo Country, and now it is the United Kingdom. If this continues, will our allies still listen to us?"

   I have already failed twice, and my allies have been tricked by them, and they are all the most **** allies. If I don’t get back the face of my allies now, then I guess everyone will betray their relatives in the future.

  But if they are in the early stage and the Aegis battleship has an accident, it will become a joke in front of the whole world, and everyone will see their strong outside but capable inside.

what to do?

   "Everyone, we just got a message!" At this moment, an intelligence officer hurried in.

"what news?"

   "Lao Maozi's anti-ship ballistic missile uses a passive radio positioning solution."

"What's the meaning?"

   "They don't have advanced positioning methods at all. The reason why they can accurately capture the target is because they are receiving radio signals emitted by the target, such as attacking our Aegis warships. Because our radars radiate a large amount of electromagnetic waves outward, they can use these electromagnetic waves as a positioning source, just like our anti-radiation missiles. The huge cross antenna is a radio receiver one by one to judge the direction of the target by the strength of the received signal."

   "That is to say, if our warship doesn't send out electromagnetic radiation signals, then it can't find us?" Swift's eyes lit up.


   "Is the news reliable?"

   "Reliable, we found an old Maozi technician who immigrated to our country. He once participated in the research of this kind of ballistic missile. He can be sure that as long as it is a cross, it uses this principle!"

   The dark clouds hanging over everyone's heads dispersed. I thought that Parthia had acquired some advanced technology, but it turned out to be an anti-radiation missile!

  This kind of missile is subject to many restrictions. As long as the target is turned off, it will lose the track of the target!

   "That is to say, even if we are attacked by this kind of missile, we don't have to worry. As long as our warship radar is turned off, it won't be able to find us."

  "The shutdown of the warship's radar also means that we are blind. What if the opponent's missile has an inertial guidance system? Even if our radar is turned off, it can continue to fly over."

Mastering the stick, but aiming for the yard. After the emergence of anti-radiation missiles, radar stations will also be in danger at any time, so the radar soldiers have come up with ways, such as shutting down quickly after discovering anti-radiation missiles, so as to avoid being hit.

  Anti-radiation missiles keep hitting the air, so they have to find a way to superimpose inertial guidance. As long as they aim at the radar station, even if the radar is turned off, it can continue to fly with the inertial guidance system until it hits the target.

   On land, this set can have a great effect, because the general anti-aircraft missile positions are fixed and will not move. Once attacked, they can only wait there to die. For warships that can move, this is not a big deal.

   "We can move! As long as we have a full left rudder, they won't be able to find us." An officer said.

  Everyone nodded: "Yes, this kind of missile is ineffective against our attack!"

   "Then what are you waiting for? Immediately send two Aegis warships to form a formation with the British warships! We want to see what the Parthians can do to us! When necessary, we can still launch a few battle axes!"

  These people finally got excited again. It feels bad to be suppressed.


  Qin Tao was woken up by the phone ringing in his sleep. Hearing the anxious voice inside, Qin Tao rubbed his sleepy eyes: "You wait, I will go there immediately."

  Zhao Ling was also awakened. She wanted to prepare clothes for Qin Tao, but Qin Tao pressed her on the bed and planted a strawberry: "You are not feeling well recently, it is better to lie down."

   "Then be careful."

   "It's okay, I don't do anything, just give some advice." Qin Tao said.


  In the hotel, Kasim walked back and forth anxiously.

  When there was a knock on the door, he quickly ran over, opened the door, and saw a familiar person, as if seeing a savior.

   "President Qin, you are here!" Kasim said, "Our anti-ship ballistic missiles didn't work!"

   "What's going on?" Qin Tao was very concerned. He really didn't know the news. After all, it came too fast and he was still sleeping, so he won't know until the next day.

    "The Americans don't know where they got the news, and infer that our anti-ship ballistic missiles use the technology of the Red Empire era, and they use passive guidance, so they will no longer be deterred by our anti-ship ballistic missiles. They decided to send two Aegis warships to form a fleet with the British to threaten us together."

   "Didn't take the bait?" Qin Tao frowned: "This is indeed a problem, but even if it is passive guidance, it is also a threat. Are they really not afraid?"

   This is like Zhuge Liang’s empty city strategy, it depends on who is more courageous. Generally speaking, Yankees are afraid of death, so they are very timid. How can they become so confident now?

  "We paid a naval officer, and the other party revealed their hole cards. If they encounter our anti-ship ballistic missile attack, their radar will shut down and then operate at full rudder, so that they can avoid our missile attack. They are very confident about this."

  Money is a good thing. It is easy to use no matter where it goes. Parthia has a large amount of American equipment on hand. Over the years, it has mainly relied on smuggled parts to maintain its operation. Of course, there is also a set of effective methods. They also know the true thoughts of Americans through this channel.

   Of course, it is not ruled out that the Americans deliberately leaked it to let the Parthian people know that their strategy has been exposed and their checks and balances have failed!

   "Shut down? Shut down? Doesn't it make you blind?" Qin Tao said: "Don't forget, you still have a lot of anti-ship missiles. The way you deal with maritime formations is not anti-ship ballistic missiles at all, but anti-ship cruise missiles."

  Kasim's eyes lit up: "That's right, let's forget about it! If they dare to come, then we will launch missiles and kill their warships!"

   "Don't do this kind of thing until the worst time." Qin Tao said, "It won't do you any good if there is a real fight. After all, peaceful development is the first priority. You can intimidate the Americans, so that they will not dare to come here."


   Anti-ship ballistic missiles have failed, can anti-ship cruise missiles still scare the opponent away?

   "This time, I'm afraid you will have to sacrifice some of your money." Qin Tao said: "As long as you fight hard, the opponent will have to be afraid."

   "President Qin, please speak."

   After Qin Tao finished speaking, Kasim opened his eyes wide: "Boss Qin, is it really okay to do this?"

   "If this doesn't work, then let's fight." Qin Tao said: "I have done everything that should be done, but they are still obsessed with their obsession. Let them know that your Parthian country is a big country in the oil region, and you are not at the mercy of others."


  The British naval officers and soldiers who have been wandering in the Arabian Sea for half a month have already fallen to the extreme, but now, when they heard that two US Navy destroyers came to form a formation with them for a cruise, they suddenly became excited again.

   Great, I can finally feel proud!

   They fought again.

   "With the Aegis battleship, we will not be afraid!"

   "That's right, even if there are anti-ship ballistic missiles, they can be intercepted by Aegis warships!"

   "If you want me to say, what kind of Type 45 do we still have to develop, and it is enough to directly import Arleigh Burke-class destroyers from the United States!"

  The U.S. Navy is the first in the world to install a four-sided phased array radar and a vertical launch system. They have the most advanced Aegis warships. Only they can have a complete air defense firepower network. Even without an aircraft carrier, they can fight independently and run across the ocean.

  With the help of the US Navy, they have nothing to fear.

  Listening to the words of his subordinates, Philip was also very emotional.

  With the relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, it is possible to purchase any weapon. Even the ballistic missiles carried on nuclear submarines are imported directly from the United States. However, the introduction of American weapons means the shrinking of its own defense industry.

  They developed an early warning aircraft by themselves, but it was immature. In the end, the British Air Force couldn't wait and decided to purchase the E-3 early warning aircraft from the United States. Therefore, their own early warning aircraft development was completely ruined. Now that the aircraft carrier they are building plans to use American fighter jets, they have lost a large order for their own fighter jets. Now, the British industry only has two strengths: aero engines and electronic systems. If they purchase warships from the United States, it means that their electronics industry will also shrink rapidly.

  So, even if they know that the Sampson radar used on the Type 45 destroyer is expensive and its performance is not as good as Aegis, they still have to use it. If they don’t purchase it, then future warships can only rely on imported American products.

   What else are they left with?

   "That's right, we can also have the ability to intercept ballistic missiles by importing Standard 3 missiles. What kind of aster do we use? That thing is too backward."

  European countries stopped and stopped on the joint research and development of warships, noisy, and finally parted ways. However, the countries have obtained a lot of technology, so after they separated, their own development process was also very fast.

  Although there are differences in the shipboard radar system, almost all missiles use the Aster series missiles. This is a missile jointly developed by France and Italy. It uses the same warhead and is matched with different boosters to obtain different ranges. The range of the Aster 15 has reached 30 kilometers. Europeans have always liked to put gold on their faces. Although this missile has a short range, they think it has the ability to intercept multiple times, so they gave it a new name: "Short-range area air defense missile".

  Generally self-defense warships use this kind of missile, and the Aster 30 is used to provide the fleet with air defense capabilities. The range of this missile has been increased to 100 kilometers. This missile can also be regarded as a real area air defense missile.

  Although the active radar seeker is used, it looks very advanced, but there is still a big gap compared with the standard series of American missiles. Therefore, for front-line sailors, they certainly hope to directly use advanced standard missiles. As for whether the European defense industry can benefit, it has nothing to do with them.

  Philip also felt a little emotional. If there is standard 3, then his side really doesn’t have to be so embarrassing. However, those big men in Congress may not agree, forget it, let’s not think about it.

  Two warships appeared in the sea ahead. The polygonal radar on the bridge was so conspicuous that the British sailors began to drool.

   Aegis battleship, the most urgently needed Aegis battleship!

   "D97 called the US Fleet, D97 called the US Fleet, and we are about to join your formation." Philip held the radio and issued a call.

   "Received by the Wilbur." A voice came from the opposite side: "Please join our formation now, let us exercise freedom of navigation together!"

  On the Wilbur, Captain Paul had a smile on his face: "Did you see that? Those poor people trembled and joined us. Without our US Navy, they wouldn't even dare to enter the Bay of Rest!"

  The behavior of the British is enough to be called a clown-like behavior, even if their American allies look down on them, but this is also normal. After all, Americans have always looked down on all beings from the perspective of God and think that they are omnipotent.

   "Report, just received a message." At this moment, the communications officer ran in.

"What's up?"

   "The Anxi Nation Navy announced to the outside world that they will conduct a military exercise in Anxi Bay."

Military exercises? Paul said with a smile: "Should we continue to launch their cross anti-ship ballistic missiles?"

   "No, their navy is going to be fully dispatched to conduct a sea attack exercise. The focus of the exercise is to attack the sea."

   "Attack on the sea?"


   "What ability does the Parthian have to attack the sea? They only have a few outdated warships at hand?"

  The first domestically produced destroyer in the hands of the Parthians is the Jamalan, which was completed and delivered to the navy in 2010. Although it is called a destroyer, its displacement of more than 1,000 tons is only a frigate. Now, the old warships that the Parthian Navy has on hand are all more than 1,000 tons of displacement, and they are old. The Alvand class is an old ship from the Pahlavi Dynasty.

   "That's right, they should use this kind of outdated warship as the main force, hmph, aren't they afraid of being killed by us again?"

  On April 18, 1988, Sahand, the fourth ship of the Alwand-class frigate, was sunk by the USS DDG-16 Joseph-Strauss destroyer in the "Operation Praying Mantis" retaliatory strike launched by the United States. At that time, the Yankees were ruthless, and the Sahand was hit by two Harpoon missiles and two AGM-123 missiles successively.

   Now, the officers and soldiers of the U.S. Navy are very proud when they talk about this matter.

   In a relaxed and happy atmosphere, a fleet of four warships headed for Anxi Bay.

  This time, Anxi did not delay too long, and the exercise had already begun on the second day.

  In the calm Anxi Bay, a warship with a displacement of more than 1,000 tons is sailing. Its appearance is quite special. There is no helicopter take-off and landing platform on the rear deck, only two double-mounted anti-ship missile launchers. Looking at its quadrangular appearance, you can know that it is written by the East.

   This is currently the Alvand class warship with the largest displacement in Parthia. Looking at the hull number 71 on its bow, it can be judged that this is the first ship Alwand.

  As a warship refitted from a British-developed Mark 5 frigate, it doesn’t even have anti-aircraft missiles, and its combat effectiveness is not strong. Therefore, if you just see it, you won’t feel any deterrence. Instead, you can only think it’s ridiculous. Is this frigate out to seek death?

   However, around it, there are more than a dozen other warships sailing.

  The displacement of these warships is only five or six hundred tons, and they can't even be called ships, they can only be called boats. However, their appearance is refreshing, and their attack power cannot be underestimated.

  Looking at the shape first, they are different from ordinary warships. They have two hulls, which are poked on both sides of the hull, thus forming a unique catamaran structure.

  This kind of catamaran is also a current trend. With the same displacement, it has more space and is more stable in the waves. Although it is small, it has a helicopter take-off and landing platform installed on the rear deck. Even a frigate of more than 1,000 tons cannot do it, but it has been realized on its hull!

  The appearance of this helicopter platform is very unique, but it not only has this platform, but its overall shape is also very different.

   As soon as the hull broke out of the water, it began to recover. The shape of the bow is somewhat similar to the latest DDG-1000 of the US Navy, which is a unique wave-piercing body! The two sides of the hull are similar to the shape of a stealth warship. In the design stage, stealth was considered as a key consideration, and it looks very good.

  On both sides of the mast behind its bridge, you can see two triple-mounted launch boxes. Just look at the boxy box, you can know that the anti-ship missiles are installed inside. Together with the 30mm naval gun on the bow, it seems to be all its weapons, but in fact, it also has many other equipment, such as those square-like covers in front of the mast.

  The overall design is very advanced, with a sci-fi feel. It’s okay if there are only one or two ships, but there are more than a dozen ships sailing around this warship now!

   The scene of the exercise formation sailing was photographed by a helicopter in the distance, and then transmitted back to the joint formation of the United Kingdom and the United States.

   "What are they trying to do? Mosquitoes eat elephants?" Looking at the photos of the exercise formation, Paul had a sneer on his face: "Hmph, they probably don't know what it means to be overwhelmed, right? No matter how small their missile boats are, they will be killed by us. We don't even need missiles, we only need naval guns to kill them all!"

   "This is the Parthian naval formation. Now we are conducting exercises. No ships are allowed to enter the exercise area. Once it gets close to our formation for fifteen nautical miles, we will sink it!" A voice came from the public frequency band of the radio.

   "Sinking? We have the right to sail freely, but you are trying to fire?" Philip was eager to try in the arrogant British formation: "Now, we just want to keep getting closer to see if they dare to fire!"

   "Anxi Bay is only this wide, how can they occupy it all?"

   "Attention warships twenty nautical miles ahead of my formation, please change course immediately and leave my formation!"


  We are still thirty nautical miles away from each other! At this time, Philip was a little confused.

   "Look, this is the level of the Parthian navy. They can't even measure the distance accurately. Just like that, they still want to launch an attack?"

   "Fifteen nautical miles away, issue a final warning, if you continue to approach, you will be hit by us! Note, this is the final warning, our Parthian navy has the right to attack any warship that breaks into our exercise formation!"

   Listening to the voice on the radio, everyone is very funny. Are these guys directing and acting on their own? And it's too unprofessional. When the Cold War was at its height, NATO warships would join in the fun every time the Red Empire exercised. The big guys were very restrained. Even if it was a collision, they would never dare to fire.

  These Parthians threaten to open fire at every turn?

   "Look, what is that?" At this moment, someone shouted.

  On the sea in the distance, a cloud of white smoke rose up, and the white smoke was rapidly extending and expanding. At the same time, the radar on the warship also issued an early warning: "An anti-ship missile was detected by the other party!"

  Everyone was dumbfounded.

  Paul stood on the bridge with gloomy eyes: "Do they really dare to launch missiles?"

   "Yes, it is indeed an anti-ship missile, but it is not aimed at our formation!"

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