Warship of Great Power

Chapter 836: columbia fireworks

  Although the Starship Company is a subsidiary of the Mingzhou Group, it operates independently. In addition to the funding from the Mingzhou Group, the Starship Company will also receive some other investments. For Max, no matter what the money is, all comers are welcome. After all, playing aerospace is burning money.

   This Starworm test, even if it is successful, will burn millions, and it will not be profitable. Next, it will have to continue to experiment and improve, and it will cost a lot of money.

   This time Max was illegally detained by the Yankees, and he also won the sympathy of many people. Many people donated to the Starship Company, which made Max a lot of funds at hand.

   "Money is not a problem. Even if there is no investment, our Mingzhou Group will continue to invest in Starship Company. On the road to conquering space, we will continue to overcome obstacles and move forward bravely." Qin Tao said: "Also, we have to have more projects."

   Max's eyes lit up: "President Qin, do you have any other projects for us?"

   "Yes, recently I watched a video of a comet hitting Mars. The scene was spectacular and shocking. Fortunately, there is a giant planet Jupiter in our solar system to attract various celestial bodies. Otherwise, the earth would be in big trouble."

   "Yes, the destruction of dinosaurs came from the impact of an extraterrestrial meteorite." Max said: "Dangers in space may appear at any time."

   "Then can we find a way to stop this threat?"

  Max became serious: "President Qin, what do you want to say?"

  "When we find that the extraterrestrial meteorite is in danger of hitting the earth, can we launch a rocket to hit it at a suitable angle, so that the extraterrestrial meteorite can change its flight trajectory, so as to avoid hitting the earth?"

   Max’s eyes radiated brilliance: "Of course, in space, the speed of the aircraft is very fast. Even if the mass of the aircraft is not large, the impact generated by the impact is also very strong. The sooner the impact, the better. In this way, as long as the target is given a small speed change, it will lose a thousand miles, which is enough to increase the distance between us and our earth. Mr. Qin, do you want to support our starship company to do this kind of project?"

   "There is only one earth for human beings, and the earth is the homeland of human beings. We must protect our own homeland, so now, we can propose this plan first. Our starship company serves the interests of all mankind. We want to explore the outside world, and we must protect the earth well." Qin Tao said: "Let's put it together with this Starworm external conference."

   Max nodded: "Good!"

  At this time, Max couldn’t think of the real meaning of the project Qin Tao mentioned. After all, he is not a military strategist, he is just a scientific madman. What he thinks of is how to protect the earth, and definitely not how to use these things to threaten certain countries.

   That afternoon.

  "Everyone knows what happened to me. After I came back, I could only work harder and use our repeated successes to slap NASA. It is a backward organization that only knows how to fight for power. They have long lost the motivation to explore space. In the future, the heavy responsibility of exploring the universe and protecting the earth can only fall on our starship company!" Max began his speech to a group of reporters, which he is familiar with.

  "Today, we successfully carried out the Starworm's 150-meter jump test flight project. This test flight is of great significance. Although there is only one engine, it has verified the key technology of our starship: recycling! In order to enter space at a low cost, our starship needs to be recycled and reused. "

  The screen of the test at that time appeared on the TV behind Max. A thing that looked like a thermos bucket ignited and took off, flew sideways, and then landed at the other end. As for the accident that happened during the landing, it was intentionally blurred.

  Seeing that this thing can fall down by itself, the people below are all boiling.

   "Excuse me, will your future starship adopt this vertical landing method?"

   "This method is so new, I can't believe that you have this ability!"

   "This is the beginning of a great era!"

   "For us, this is the only way to fly to Mars, but we not only want to fly to Mars, we also have to do more meaningful things. Everyone, we all know that extraterrestrial meteorites or even comets hitting the earth will cause us terrible disasters. Therefore, our starship company decided to start a new project."

   The following quieted down, waiting for Max's announcement.

   "Our starship has the largest carrying capacity at present, 60 tons in low-Earth orbit and 15 tons in synchronous orbit. Even if it flies out of the earth, it can still have a load of 10 tons. We can use this 10-ton mass to directly hit the outer meteorite, so that it can change its orbit and avoid threatening the earth. We will set up a special team to study this project. We call it the Zeus Project."

   On this point, Max is still biased towards the West. The name of the plan he proposed is a character in Western mythology. However, he directly used Zeus, which is enough to show the power of this plan. At a critical time, it is to protect all mankind!

   There was a sensation below.

  Across the ocean, NASA headquarters.

   Several people who were sprayed have resigned, and even the top leader resigned to avoid trouble. Now, Sean O'Keeffe is leading NASA's work. At this time, he looked at his subordinates with a serious face: "The development momentum of Starship Company is too strong, we must contain them!"

  The people under him don’t speak, now they just need to listen to the leader’s arrangement, so as not to get burned.

   "I decided to launch space launch as soon as possible! Starship has only launched Starship MK1 once so far. This kind of launch is like a baby just walking. Our space shuttle is the most important tool for entering space!" O'Keeffe looked at everyone: "The construction of our International Space Station is too slow! We must speed up and use the space shuttle to transport the next Destiny test module up as soon as possible!"

What? Everyone present was dumbfounded.

  Flight Director Wayne Hal had no choice but to speak: "Your Excellency O'Keeffe, you probably don't know that the space shuttle is different from a taxi. You can't fly as you wish. Our space shuttle needs to undergo a lot of maintenance work before takeoff. There are no missions this year. The recently arranged Columbia will not be launched until next year."

   "No, we can't wait that long. Now, NASA has become a joke all over the world. It seems that we, the most famous space agency in the world, are about to fall from the altar, and we are not as good as a private airline in the East that has just been established for a few years! We must use an excellent launch to prove that we are the strongest in this field!"

   This is the tragedy of laymen leading experts.

   Sean O'Keeffe has no aerospace experience at all. In 1978, O'Keeffe received a master's degree in public administration from the Maxwell College of Syracuse University, and then went to the White House as an intern. Afterwards, I went around in various departments, and the most senior one was as the head of the navy in 1997. Before being transferred to NASA, he was the deputy administrator of the Office of Management and Budget.

  What kind of **** came up with the idea of ​​letting someone without any aerospace experience be the head of NASA?

   Now, the big guy still has to think of a reason.

   "Although the Destiny test module has been built, it still needs a few months to test." The companion on the side said.

  When the space shuttle was developed, it was mainly used to conduct space science experiments, but now it has become a means of transportation, used to assemble the International Space Station and transport materials, which makes them a little helpless.

   "Yeah, our space shuttle is mainly for scientific experiments."

   "Yes, scientific experiment, is there any scientific experiment project?" O'Keeffe opened his mind.

   Now everyone can't veto it.

  Scientific experiments have always been carried out, and many applications have been filed for several years, but have not yet been launched.

   "Bring me the science experiment project and let me see!"

  O’Keeffe became serious, even if he was a layman, he was still the leader, and soon he found one: “This, the experiment of silkworms spinning and cocooning in space designed by Eastern students, this is very good! Conducting experiments designed by Easterners on our space shuttle is enough to slap them in the face!”

   This experiment is meaningful and very simple, as long as some silkworms that are about to cocoon are taken into space.

  Everyone knows that this time the horse must be rushed, and I hope there will be no accidents.

   "When is the next closest launch window?" O'Keeffe, an outsider, finally asked an insider's word.

   "A week later." A subordinate replied, regretting it just after he finished speaking, why didn't he say two months later?

   "Within a week, launch ready, we can't wait any longer, we're going to make that star bug a poor bug."

One week?

  Everyone frowned.

   "Our Columbia space shuttle's solid booster has not been produced yet, this will take two months."

   "Then remove a set from other space shuttles and use it." O'Keeffe said: "This project must be fast, and you don't have any thoughts of delay. They say that our NASA is bloated and inefficient. We will show them what is high efficiency! Anyone who hinders us from improving efficiency and only complains is not suitable to continue working in NASA."

   No one spoke.

   "Okay, let's talk about how to further curb the rise of the starship company. I think we must suppress them in an all-round way. We cannot allow them to participate in any space activities, and cannot undertake any missions to transport and launch satellites in space!"

   This guy doesn't have any experience in space, but he knows how to fight politics the best! The people present did not speak, but they were muttering in their hearts, what is Starship Corporation doing? They want to land on Mars, they want to protect the earth, what about us? How are we fighting for power and power, how are we engaging in internal strife!

   If you are really fired, it seems good to work for Starship Corporation.


  Qin Tao's trip to the Starship Company is over. Just before leaving, he was surprised to receive the news from NASA.

   "Max, do you think they can make it?"

  "Of course not." Max shook his head: "Although their space shuttles are also in the name of repeatedly entering space to save costs, they actually didn't do it at all. The cost of their entering space is actually more expensive. Take the delivery of goods to the International Space Station as an example. The cost of transporting goods per pound is as high as 20,000 US dollars. The main reason is that the cost of maintenance and inspection every time the space shuttle comes down is too high. They didn't arrange this mission originally, but now they suddenly rush ducks to the shelves, and there will definitely be problems."

   "Definitely?" Qin Tao's eyes lit up: "So, do you dare to be a prophet?"

   "Prophecy of what?"

   "Because the space shuttle is inherently unreliable, and this time it is rushing ducks to be put on the shelves, so their flight will definitely not be smooth, and it will most likely be like the Challenger."

   Max's eyes lit up: "Of course! Even if it comes back safely, they have to be kept in fear! Hmph, I just poured dirty water on them indirectly before, this time I want to do it directly!"

  Max is very capable, but this does not mean that he is a broad-minded person. In fact, he will take revenge.

   Max couldn't wait, and soon appeared in the lens of the TV.

   "I just heard that NASA will organize a new space launch within a week, and I feel very worried. Spaceflight is scientific, and there is no need to be impatient. If we are stimulated by the successful flight of our starworms, we rush to launch the space shuttle, and there may be accidents." Max expressed his concern: "I am here, and I suggest that my aerospace colleagues do not rush and take their time, so as to avoid a tragedy like the Challenger."

   "Mr. Max, what do you think is the possibility of a tragedy happening this time?" asked the interviewer on the side.

   "Although I don't know the specific situation, I think the possibility is as high as 98%."

"so tall?"

  "Yes, NASA led by a layman will continue to decline. I advise American astronauts to be rational and reject this dangerous space launch mission."

   "I heard that NASA has also issued many special laws for starship companies. What do you think of this?"

   "Me? I'm waiting for them to beg me. Now they are unwilling to cooperate with me. When the space shuttle turns into fireworks in space, I want to see how they re-enter space. By the way, I can guarantee that our cost of entering space is only half of Da Mao's cost, and it will be valid forever!"

  Across the way, NASA received the news, and O'Keeffe had a sneer on his face: "Hmph, crow mouth, let us prove his ridiculousness with facts! How is the preparation?"

   “Preparation was intense.”

   "It's right to be nervous. In the past, everyone was used to doing foreign work. Under my leadership, NASA does not allow a lazy person. We must devote all our energy to work! Work makes us happy, come on!"

   One week later, Cape Canaveral, Florida.

  This place is located on the east coast of the United States. After the rocket is launched, it can immediately enter the sky above the sea. It not only makes use of the linear speed of the earth's rotation, but also does not hurt people on the ground due to the falling debris. Moreover, this place is very remote and sparsely populated.

  So, here has become the most important space launch center in the United States.

  In 1947, shortly after the end of World War II, this place was chosen as the space launch center. In 50 years, the first rocket was launched into space, and the space age of Kajiao began. A large number of rockets were launched here, including the Atlas rocket, the Hercules rocket, the Atlas-Akina rocket, the scout rocket, the Saturn 5 rocket, the Saturn 1B rocket, etc. The Apollo spacecraft, the Skylab, and the unmanned planets and interplanetary probes, scientific meteorological communication satellites, etc. were also launched from here.

  Kajiao is already the most important base for NASA’s most important pre-flight test, final assembly and launch of spacecraft

  For the people here, the launch of the Columbia seems to be a very ordinary task, but it is not ordinary, because the sudden task made them very busy, and even the labor union did not come out to interfere with the constant overtime.

  After busy preparations, Columbia finally landed on the launch pad, waiting for the launch window to arrive.

   "How can I see signs of icing underneath in such hot weather?" O'Keeffe, who came to Kajiao enthusiastically, asked while pointing at the screen.

   "Mr. O'Keeffe, this is because we use liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen fuel. After refilling, the fuel will start to volatilize, and the outside will become cold." Hal explained that the top leaders don't know this kind of basic aerospace common sense, what a shame!

   Apart from being a showman, he doesn't seem to be able to do anything else. This guy is only worthy of being an actor!

  O'Keeffe nodded: "So that's the case. You have also seen what Max said. He actually slandered our Columbia that it would blast off like the Challenger. We just want them to know how ridiculous this is!"

   "Yes, we will ensure flight safety." Hal said.

  If it really explodes, it will be an absolute blow to the space shuttle, and NASA will lose face even more, so they must not allow this kind of thing to happen.

   There is no other way but to fight.

   "By the way, where are the astronauts? I'm going to meet them."

  Ten hours later, O'Keeffe yawned and sat in a swivel chair.

   "Why didn't you launch during the day? It took so long to prepare! If I had known, I would have come later." O'Keefe looked at the space shuttle shrouded in night on the screen and began to complain.

   No one answered him, a voice has sounded.

   "Half an hour to prepare!"

   There is still half an hour left, so we have to wait!

  O'Keeffe didn't want to miss this important moment, but he was indeed too sleepy. Before he knew it, he squinted his eyes and fell asleep on the chair. When he woke up, the surroundings were already full of cheers.

   "What happened? Did it launch?"

   "Our Space Shuttle has successfully launched! Into orbit!"

   "Damn it, why didn't you wake me up?" O'Keeffe was a little annoyed, but he cheered up again later: "Hmph, Max must be disappointed now, his prediction didn't work out, and our space shuttle has been successfully launched! Next, we're going to announce it to the public!"

  At first, the Challenger exploded during liftoff. After all, this process is the most dangerous and critical. Now that the Columbia has entered space, everything is normal!

  The news was announced to the world soon, and there was also a video.

   "Enlarge this video!" Qin Tao said while staring at the screen, pointing to a certain part.

   Zoom in, zoom in again.

   "Did you see it? There are falling objects here!" Qin Tao pointed to the black shadow that flashed across the screen.

   "Yes, there is a falling object. If I guess correctly, a piece of foam material should have fallen off the surface of the external fuel tank, and this material happened to hit the leading edge of the left wing of the space shuttle." Max said: "This is a very serious sign of an accident, and I must announce it to the public."

   Soon, Max appeared on the TV screen again.

  “After a thrilling launch, Columbia finally successfully entered orbit. However, when we observed the take-off video released by NSAS, we saw a scene that worried us. After the launch, a black shadow hit the wing. We analyzed that it should be the foam plastic that fell off the surface of the external fuel tank, which would pose a threat to the space shuttle. Here, I suggest that the space shuttle dock with the International Space Station. If the living materials on the station are not enough, we can launch the starship at any time to help the International Space Station replenish materials."

  Seeing this report, O’Keeffe had a smile on his face: “They were really interesting. They started saying that we would explode in the air like the Challenger, but now they found out that we didn’t, and started cursing that we would explode when we landed. Hmph, it’s better for them to worry about how they will end up!”

   "Our engineers have investigated this video and think that Max's analysis makes sense." Hal said.

   "What?" O'Keeffe's face changed: "What are you talking about? Max's analysis is likely to happen? Today is not April Fool's Day!"

  "Mr. O'Keeffe, the aerospace industry is rigorous, and even a small mistake may bring irreversible consequences." Hal said: "We must not watch the astronauts on the sky take risks."

   "They will not be in danger, they will return safely."

   "Then shall we mobilize the reconnaissance satellite in space to take a picture of the damage to the wing?"

   "Of course not, it's superfluous. Moreover, those satellites in space are not ours. They will let us pay for the satellites that mobilize the army."

   "Then should we tell the people above this news, let them be prepared, even if each person records a video, in case they don't come back, they can have an explanation."

  "A will? What are you thinking!" O'Keeffe said with serious eyes, "Now, we don't have to do anything, just follow the normal flight procedures. Don't be smart, you're all a bunch of idiots!"

  Columbia is the first space shuttle in service, which is of great significance to NASA. Its name originated from the first American ship "Columbia" to sail around the earth. Now, as everyone waits for the return of the decorated veteran, no one thinks it will turn into fireworks in space.

  Max, the guy who will take revenge, is too much to slander their space shuttle!

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