Warship of Great Power

Chapter 831: The backs of overseas Chinese descendants are hardened!

  Chapter 831 The backs of overseas descendants of Chinese people are hardened!

  Wu Fu, commander-in-chief of the visiting formation, stood on the bridge, watching the approaching German warship with a smile on his face.

"Germany sent their most advanced frigate, but this kind of frigate is still inferior to ours. Look at its bridge, there are so many big balls, each big ball is an independent radar Or satellite antennas, with so many large and small equipment, electromagnetic compatibility is definitely a big problem." Captain Li Chun said: "It would be good if their overall combat effectiveness reached 50% of ours."

"Twenty percent is not bad." The first officer said beside him: "Although it has a vertical launcher, it only launches sea sparrow surface-to-air missiles. This kind of missile has a short range and cannot **** the entire fleet." , on the whole, it is on the same level as our 052."

  052 does not have a suffix, of course it is the first two destroyers No. 112 and No. 113 built. The displacement and so on are really similar to the F123 class, and the power combination is also similar.

"Actually, German technology is also good. When we were building the 052, we used the reduction gear box made by Renk, which is the same model as the warship opposite. After inspection, there is no metal **** inside, which shows that the German technology is still very good." Wu Fu said: "Now we can have such a good warship, not because the other party is too weak, but because we are too strong. Because we have the Mingzhou Group!"

When the 112 destroyer was built, the country was still very backward. Diesel engines, gas turbines, gearboxes, and even propellers all had to be imported, and none of them were made by themselves. But now, the power systems of domestic warships have long been completely localized. , the reduction gearboxes manufactured by the domestic Huating Pump Factory are no worse than imported ones. These are the results of Mingzhou Group's efforts to catch up and surpass them.

   Speaking of these, everyone is very emotional.

   Woo, woo!

  The warship on the opposite side sounded its siren.

   "We also sound the whistle!" Wu Fu ordered: "Give me the radio."

   "This is the formation of the Eastern Navy visiting Europe! Nice to meet you." Wu Fu called to the other party in fluent English.

   "The German Navy Mecklenburg here, welcome, please follow us to Wilhelmshaven."


  The two sides formed a formation.

On the Mecklenburg, the German naval officers and soldiers looked enviously at the warships forming the formation with them. The four-sided phased array on the top of the mast was the most eye-catching. It was built within a period of time, forming a sharp contrast with our own.

From the bridge on their side, you can look down on the deck of the Eastern warship. The briquette-shaped launchers behind the naval guns are even more enviable. Inside are anti-aircraft missiles with a range of 100 kilometers. This is an area defense airship. !

"Our F124 frigate also has the ability to launch long-range air defense missiles." Captain Karl said unwillingly: "Moreover, the standard-2BlockⅢA long-range air defense missiles we launched have a range of 167 kilometers, which is farther than their air defense missiles. .”

   "Captain, should we test them?" said the first officer beside him.

   "Test what?"

   "Of course it is maneuverability. We said that in order to catch up with time, we need to sail at full speed. The gas turbines they use are made by themselves. Maybe they are defective and cannot be driven to the maximum speed."

  Carl nodded: "Okay."

"The Mecklenburg called the Eastern Navy's visiting formation to Europe. Due to time constraints, we hope that you can speed up and sail at full speed into Wilhelmshaven. A large number of spectators have already gathered there, and they can't wait." Carl called, while Found the best excuse.

   "Received, our number 167 will speed up and arrive at the port first." Wu Fu replied.

   "Hmph, I think these Germans are uneasy and well-intentioned." Li Chun said, "I'm afraid they want to take the opportunity to test us."

   "Then let them see Dongfang Speed, start the gas turbine, and go at full speed!" Wu Fu said.


   "There is a puff of light blue smoke coming out of their chimneys, is it starting the gas turbine?" On the Mecklenburg, the first officer put down the binoculars and said.

"Yes, heard the sound of the gas turbine, they have been coming this way, they should have been turning on the diesel engine, now, let's see... wait, they have already started to accelerate! Come on, start our LM2500, we must not be left behind !"

  The characteristics of gas turbines are that they can reach the maximum speed and run at full power just after starting up. Diesel engines can't do anything.

   At this time, upon hearing the captain's order, the engineers began to frantically start the funded LM2500 gas turbine. However, in the process of starting up, No. 167 had already surpassed the dust and soared.

   "Their gas turbines are so powerful?"

   "Yes, their warships have a larger displacement than ours, and their aspect ratio is also smaller. It is said that the resistance should be very high. I am afraid that the power is 40 megawatts?"

   "Don't let us lag behind the warships of the Germans." On No. 167, Li Chun said excitedly: "Compared with us for speed, speed, they are not qualified!"

  F123 is the most advanced frigate in Germany, but it was built on the safe side. It did not use the latest LM2500 gas turbine in the United States. It used the Mod7 model. The power of the stand-alone is not high, and it is stable and mature.

  No problem in normal times, but now if you want to speed up, you can’t compare with Dongfang’s. Although No. 167 uses only GT-15000 gas turbines, it has a reasonable ship type and a well-matched propulsion system, so its speed-up and extreme speed capabilities are good.

   "Should we wait for them?" The first officer was a little worried. If the warship greeted by the Germans was left behind, and one of our own warships rushed up first, it would always feel a little inappropriate.

"Wait? What are you waiting for! Many of our compatriots are waiting at the port. We have to drive to the port as quickly as possible and let our compatriots see the warships built by our motherland." After Li Chun finished speaking, he glanced at Wu Fu, I saw Wu Fu picked up the radio and called: "The Eastern Navy's visiting formation to Europe called the Mecklenburg. Is our speed too fast? Do we need to stop and wait for you?"

  Carl gritted his teeth: "No! We can catch up!"

  In the problem of chasing and encountering, one of the key points is the speed difference. If the one behind wants to catch up with the one in front, it has to be faster.

  Now, the speed of the German warship behind is slower than that of the front, so the chasing is getting farther and farther.

  Carl put down the radio and said angrily: "Full speed, full speed, I don't believe I can't catch up with them!"

No. 615 did not participate in this kind of competition. After all, the comprehensive supply ship with a big belly is not fast. It is good to keep up with the formation cruising speed. Don't think about the combat speed. Anyway, it is only a nanny. The main body of the visit is the 167 Number.

   At this time, our side has clearly gained the upper hand.

   "If our warships are equipped with GT-25000 gas turbines, the Germans will not be able to catch up." On the supply ship, everyone said while watching the excitement.

"They can't catch up now. Both sides have reached the maximum speed. Our warship is 30 knots, and their warship is 29 knots." The second officer looked at the data observed on the ship's radar and said: "Their maximum speed is faster than ours. Low, so the more you chase, the farther you go.”


Knowing that the warship from the East is coming, many people have rushed over ahead of time to hold a spontaneous welcome ceremony for the arrival of the Eastern formation. OK

  In the distance, at the line of the sea and the sky, a pyramid-shaped thing appeared, and that thing gradually enlarged, revealing the circular radar dome above.

"I'm coming!"

   "Really? How did you see it?"

   "Mast top phased array radar, only one warship in the East is in service in the world, it must be!"

   "That's right, it really is from the east, I've seen the red flag!" Another person said.

   Everyone is excited.

  The outline of the warship is getting bigger and bigger, and gradually the bridge below, the deck, and the sailors standing on the deck can be seen clearly.

"Sure enough, it's our warship. It's beautiful, it's so beautiful!" Zhong Chuhua looked at the warship in the distance on the railing of the pier, and said excitedly, then wiped his eyes with his hand, not sure if it was the sea breeze or the tears of excitement. .

  Schroeder was annoyed: "Where is our warship?"

   "Our warship is behind, about three nautical miles behind."

   "Lagging behind? What's going on, didn't you agree to come in formation?"

   "Captain Karl proposed to advance at full speed, but was left behind."

   "Damn, this matter must be kept secret, it will definitely become a joke if it gets out!"

   "Turn off the gas turbine, start the diesel engine, and slide over by inertia." Wu Fu gave an order.

  Through the binoculars, I can already see crowds of people on the distant port. Those people are all oriental faces.

  No matter where they are, overseas travelers are always concerned about their motherland!

  The gas turbine stopped, and the warship entered a deceleration state. Before entering the port, the speed was already a few knots left. Without the help of the tugboat, No. 167 docked steadily on the pier, fully reflecting the high quality of the Eastern sailors.

   At this time, the Mecklenburg has also gradually approached the port, but it no longer has any sense of existence. This way, it has been a complete clown.

  The Orientals are also too powerful. In a short period of time, they have overcome the difficulties of marine gas turbines and have mature and reliable gas turbines! Not even Germany can do it!

Germany's diesel engine technology is powerful. Whether it is on the surface or underwater, it is the most powerful existence. However, Germany is also flawed. In terms of aviation power, they are very weak. From the end of World War II to the present, there is almost nothing outstanding. It shows that they have not independently developed a fighter jet, nor have qualified aero engines, so naturally there are no modified gas turbines.

   Of course, they can purchase. The entire western world, except the United Kingdom, almost all rely on purchasing American gas turbines to drive their warships. All kinds of German warships use LM2500.

   Dongfang is too powerful, anything is fine!

  The military band played music on the port. Schroeder represented the German navy and welcomed the guests from the East at the port. The two sides held a series of ceremonies. Then, the Germans finally boarded the Eastern warship for the first time.

"This naval gun of yours should be an imitation of the Da Mao naval gun, right?" Schroeder began to point fingers after boarding the warship: "Also, this air defense missile of yours is also an imitation of the S-300 Taste it?"

   "Your Excellency Schroeder, is your understanding of our military based on various calm data analysis, or is it the media's rumors?" Wu Fu asked.

  Schroeder's face changed: "Of course we have our own analysis."

   "Then you should know that our Hongqi-9 air defense missile and the S-300 have different body lengths, different guidance methods, and different warheads. These basic data are different. Can it still be an imitation?"

Schroeder could only smile embarrassingly: "Yes, these basic data are different. The Red Flag IX missile enables your warship to have area air defense capabilities, but you only have this kind of air defense missile. Can’t respond flexibly to unexpected situations? If an anti-ship missile at a distance of five kilometers is suddenly discovered, can Hongqi Nine react?”

"If your point is not true, you have also seen that our phased array radar is placed at the highest position. Even anti-ship missiles flying at ultra-low altitude and sea-skimming can be found 25 kilometers away, and then Intercept calmly, of course, in times of war, we will still have aircraft carrier formations and carrier-based early warning aircraft. Even if we are fighting on a single ship, we will also have carrier-based early warning helicopters, and we will not be approached by anti-ship missiles to five kilometers. Undetectable situation. You are also a professional navy, you know these precautions, right?"

  Schroeder stopped talking. Ever since he got on the warship, it seems that the atmosphere is not very harmonious.

"Of course, if we are really approached by the opponent, we are not afraid. We have 730 close-in anti-aircraft guns to take on the task of the last line of defense. With dense projectiles, we can easily destroy the target in the air." Qin Tao pointed The direction of the second deck, which is also the direction of the bridge.

   "Can we go to the bridge to have a look?" Schroeder said again.

   "Originally it was not allowed, but since you have this request, we can meet it, but please note that our bridge can only be seen, not touched. If someone can't do it, then don't go up."

   "Is your bridge so expensive?" Arnold behind Schroeder complained angrily: "We have sent a sincere invitation, is this your attitude?"

   "No, it's just that our bridge had some accidents during the voyage, and some places leaked electricity." Wu Fu said: "If you accidentally touch it, it will be bad if you get electrocuted."

   Leakage, what kind of excuse is this?

  The German naval officers looked helpless, but they also knew that since they had talked about this, it was best not to touch it. If the other party really messed up and made a leak, they would suffer.

   "Okay, let's just look at it, not touch it."

In the 1980s, when Mr. Liu went to inspect the aircraft carrier of the United States, they also demanded that he could only look at it and not touch it, so Mr. Liu could only look at the US aircraft carrier with his hands behind his back. That scene was fixed on countless people. In my mind, now, I can finally do the same thing and ask foreigners to do this.

The interior of the bridge is clean and tidy, and a row of LCD screens shows its modernization. Since the ship has been parked, the screens are all black, and no images can be seen, but you can imagine what it looks like when it is working normally. a sight.

"Your bridge has reached the most advanced level in the world." Schroeder sighed, although he didn't want to admit it, but the fact is that the F-124 frigate they are building is also at this level. The warship has served in the Eastern Navy for several years. This is the gap!

"Thank you for your praise. Our warships in Dongfang have indeed reached the world-class level." Wu Fu is not modest. The African world without electricity.

   "How far can your four-sided phased array radar system detect fighter targets?"

   "Can you find the stealth machine?"

   After being surprised, everyone started asking questions.

"If you want to search at a long distance, it is still the rotating phased array radar behind us. If you want to say that it is also the stealth machine, everyone should know that the way to find a stealth machine is to increase the intensity of electromagnetic waves. Phased array radar can All the radar waves are irradiated on the stealth target, so that the opponent has nowhere to hide."

  Although the Eastern Navy has already started to use meter wave radar to detect stealth aircraft, since it has not attracted the attention of the outside world, of course its own side will continue to fool around.

  052B is also the most suitable choice. Behind it is a circling S-band phased array radar, which just promotes this radar as the main means of fighting stealth aircraft. The Europeans think so anyway, and the big guys happen to coincide with each other.

   "Yes, if you want to detect stealth aircraft, you have to use a large phased array radar." Schroeder said: "Our F-124 frigate also plans to adopt this solution!"

   "Can we know the detailed parameters of the radar behind?"

   "You have to contact the Mingzhou Group. After all, they are in charge of selling warships, and all the parameters of export-oriented warships are with them." Wu Fu continued.

   "We're not here to buy warships."

   "Then what's the use for you to know the detailed parameters?"

  The eastern navy came, and the German navy also boarded the eastern warship. However, the atmosphere was not very harmonious. Many things they wanted to know could not be obtained. These easterners are really unfriendly!

  Getting off the warship, Schroeder and others were dissatisfied, but then, the crowd below cheered loudly.

   "Long live, long live!"

   "What are they doing?"

   “They are organizing tours for tourists.”

   "Huh, let them earn some entrance fees, and their warships are only worthy of being a tourist attraction."

   Saying this sentence is sour.

At this time, at the position of the bridge deck of the warship, several sailors are organizing the audience to visit in an orderly manner, going up from the bow and going down from the stern. Although they can only take a quick look at it, it also opened the eyes of many people. up.

   Zhong Chuhua walked towards the warship with the support of his son. Seeing him coming, the sailor hurried forward to help him.

   "Old man, please slow down."

   "It doesn't matter, I can go." Zhong Chuhua said: "Although I am old, I must personally board the warship of our motherland!"

   "Old man, come here first, we will take pictures under the naval gun."

  On the entire warship, the most suitable place to take pictures is the naval gun, which is mighty and majestic, and most people know it. The angular naval gun looks even more spectacular.

  The old man walked over, and the family behind him followed, son, daughter-in-law, grandson, granddaughter, the whole family stood in front of the naval gun.


  A precious photo was taken.

   "Old man, please slow down, let's continue to visit, behind is the anti-aircraft missile produced by our motherland, with a range of 100 kilometers." A female soldier who came with the warship came over and assumed the role of explainer.

   "One hundred kilometers?"

   "Yes, one hundred kilometers. At present, only the United States and Da Mao's navy have this level of air defense missiles in the world, and none in Europe."

  The TV camera was sent back to the east, Qin Tao was also heartbroken watching the scene in the TV.

"The ancient Romans back then stood straight because they had a strong motherland behind them. Now, when our people go overseas, they will also stand straight. No matter what problems they encounter, the motherland will be behind them. The Navy will be on the scene as soon as possible."

"That's right, neither the air force nor the army can do it. Our navy needs to hold more visits, go to more countries, and promote the strength of our motherland." Wu Shengli nodded. This time, No. 167 gave the navy enough face. , The Navy also has a beauty in its heart.

   "In the future? It's okay to go to other countries, but Europe is probably enough."


   "We've already been slapped in the face once by us, and we want to slap the face a second time? If we go there again, we must send 052C. Aren't their poor warships even smaller in front of us?"

  Wu Shengli was dumb: "Okay, you are right."

   "We also have to appear frequently in the world, so that foreigners can gradually adapt to the strength of our navy, so as not to look at us with colored glasses."

   While a few people were chatting and laughing, someone walked in.

   "Reporting to the leaders, just half an hour ago, the U.S. Navy test-fired a Standard-3 missile and successfully hit the Aries ballistic missile."


  (end of this chapter)

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