Warship of Great Power

Chapter 813: busyness of the new millennium

  Chapter 813 Busy in the new millennium

Fortunately, the reaction force of the impact brought the Nasimov back to its right position. At this time, its bottom also began to touch the sea water. The excellent design allowed it to shake left and right in the sea water for a few times, but it still stabilized, but PD- The No. 50 floating dock was completely hopeless, sinking rapidly in front of everyone's eyes, and disappeared on the water.

   "No, no!" Ivan exclaimed one after another, with a sense of powerlessness in his voice. This is the treasure of their 82 ship repair yard. This thing has sunk, how can we repair the ship next? How can they make money without repairing ships?

  Nicolas was also terrified, but at this time he could only rejoice: "Fortunately, the cruiser is still there."

His focus is different from that of the ship repair yard. He first values ​​the property of the navy. The cruiser Nasimov is one of the few large warships available in the navy. If something happens to this warship, he will There is no place to cry, and even because of this accident, he still has to take responsibility.

   Now it’s just a floating dock, which Nicholas can still accept.

   At this time he obviously did not realize the importance.

   After a lot of tossing, it was already sunset, and the Nasimov cruiser, which survived the catastrophe, temporarily stopped at the side of the pier, and everyone began to study countermeasures in the dilapidated conference room of the ship repair yard.

   "Our floating dock must be salvaged, but the salvage needs about two million rubles." Ivan said.

   "Spending so much money? Then why bother, can't you change to a floating dock?" Nicholas asked.

   "This PD-50 is the only floating dock that can repair 10,000-ton warships. The other floating docks are thousands of tons." Ivan said.

  Nicolas frowned: "I remember that ten years ago, we had at least hundreds of floating docks, and there were more than 20 floating docks above 10,000 tons."

  In the era of the Red Empire, everything was thriving. They wanted to build and repair ships, so there were a lot of floating docks.

   "Yes, but that was ten years ago. Now, the only ones above 10,000 tons in our country are PD-50." Ivan said helplessly: "The past era is really nostalgic."

   They miss the past era, but they can't go back!

   "That is to say, the floating dock has sunk, and we have to salvage it, otherwise, we won't be able to continue repairing the ship?"

  Ivan nodded with a sad face.

   "Zaytsev! What are you still doing? Arrest the people from the power supply bureau, especially the director." Nikolai's words were murderous: "We have to let them pay for the losses of our navy!"

  This accident was caused by many reasons. The PD-50’s built-in power system was damaged, so the external power was used temporarily, but the chain was disconnected at a critical moment, and the power supply bureau actually pulled the switch! Although closing the gates will not damage the floating dock, the reason is still from the floating dock itself, but after all, it is directly caused by the power bureau.

  So, this debt has to be settled on the power supply bureau, and the people there have to pay for it!

   Zaitsev took the order and left, and called back ten minutes later.

   "People have run away, we are chasing!"

  The power supply bureau never thought of getting into trouble with a big man like Nicholas, let alone asking for electricity bills just to pull the brakes, but it actually sank the floating dock!

   Having poked such a big basket, can you not run away?

   "Hmph, it's useless to run away, all their property will be seized as compensation!"

   "Your Excellency Nicholas, we don't seem to have the right to do this."

"Why don't we have the power? This is a debt dispute. Of course we have the right to seize their real estate first. The court procedures are slow. When the court issues the relevant procedures, they have already transferred the property away. Something happened. I am in charge!"

So Zaitsev over there started to take action and quickly seized all the real estate. He thought he could recover some losses. Unexpectedly, the power supply bureau was also an empty shell with very little real estate and a lot of debts. The real estate was seized, and there was no way to make up for this loss.

  Although Murmansk is an ice-free port, it is also very cold here. Seeing that the project could not proceed, Qin Tao did not stay here any longer. It was almost the Chinese New Year, so of course he had to go home.

Bazarov looked lonely, and originally wanted to go to the East with Qin Tao to see how the integrated electric propulsion of the entire ship in the East is going, but now seeing that the maintenance work is nowhere in sight, he can only return to the ruby ​​​​design Bureau.

The capital of the motherland is also freezing cold, the north wind howls, and the whole land is covered with snow. Qin Tao and others return to the Princess Tomb, Zhao Ling goes home directly, and Qin Tao comes to the Yellow Tower. Unknowingly, another Years have passed!

  Qin Tao sighed with emotion.

"Boss Qin is back? It doesn't seem to be going well this time. We are still looking forward to seeing the design drawings of the Kirov-class nuclear-powered cruiser." A leader said with a smile: "But it's not too late for a good meal. Maozi's floating dock has sunk, if they want to continue to repair the Kirov-class cruiser, they can only send it to our east for repair? We want to see, there are plenty of opportunities."

   "That's right, Boss Qin has done a great job!"

  Listening to everyone's praise, Qin Tao was also speechless for a while: "Everyone, I have nothing to do with the things you are talking about. How could I sink their floating dock? It has nothing to do with me."

Yeah? There was still disbelief in everyone's eyes.

"I just watched it in the past. The main reason for the sinking of the floating dock is the aging equipment. The whole Da Mao is like this. What does it have to do with me." Qin Tao said: "Besides, the boss of Da Mao is very capable now. I If he cheats, he will definitely find out. If I want to continue my activities with Da Mao in the future, I have to be honest. If I do something, I’m afraid I won’t be able to come back.”

   "This is a symbol of Da Mao's decline, Mr. Qin, you said that if Lao Maozi sells the Kirov class, can we get one back?"

Qin Tao shook his head: "What age is this, and you are still staring at old Maozi's crap? If we need it, can't we build it ourselves? Old Maozi's Kirov class, the design is primitive and backward, and it is modified. The cost is not less than rebuilding. Does the Navy want it? If so, we can design it any time."

  Ten years ago, the Navy looked at Lao Maozi’s Hyundai-class destroyer Liushuikou. After all, it had a displacement of 8,000 tons, and the largest Luda-class in China was only more than 3,000 tons. But now? The navy has already been rampant, and they are still so worthless, why are they so greedy when they look at Lao Maozi's second-hand broken ships?

"The displacement is too large, and our navy doesn't need it." Wu Shengli said: "The current destroyer is enough, but if the Kirov class can be sent to us for refitting, it would be good to visit it. Back then When this warship came over, our navy had confronted them."

In the 1980s, the second ship, Fulongzhi, traveled thousands of miles to serve in the Pacific Fleet. When it passed the eastern coastline, it was closely monitored by the Eastern Navy. In order to protect its own interests, there was even a warship that bravely bumped into it, forcing The Defulongzhi turned its head and erected all its gun barrels, indicating that it passed harmlessly.

  Although the navy was weak back then, it was not afraid of a strong enemy. Looking at it now, the tide is turning.

"I don't know about that either." Qin Tao said: "Old Maozi values ​​the Kirov class very much, so he may not be willing to send it to the east. However, Lao Maozi's floating dock has sunk. We can use the method of building a boat on the beach, but if they don’t want to salvage it, there will still be big problems in the future.”

   "What's the big deal?"

"When the aircraft carrier is in the mid-term maintenance, there will be no floating dock to use." Qin Tao said: "The PD-50 floating dock is the only floating dock that can repair the aircraft carrier at hand. With the way I use it, I can't use it." In a few years, the Kuznetsov should be repaired."

   "Okay, at that time, they will have to ask us for help." The big guy was very excited.

   "That's not necessarily true." Qin Tao shook his head: "Don't forget, how the Chaori King was refitted, the old Maozi may be able to use his own method to mount the horse at that time, so save as much as you can."

   "Boss Qin, you want to provide the integrated power of the whole ship to Lao Maozi. This is our most advanced technology." Someone raised a key question: "Will this cause leaks?"

The comprehensive power system of the whole ship is the most important system of our own side, and it is also an important equipment for future warships. If it is used by the aircraft carrier of the big dog, the big dog will definitely not let the Americans see it. It is the same as the stealth machine, but it is not necessarily for the big hair. Who knows if someone will sell the core secrets to the Americans for money.

   Moreover, I heard that Da Mao has sent someone to work with him, maybe he is planning to get the secrets of this system.

Qin Tao smiled: "I provided this system to Lao Maozi mainly to meet the transformation plan of the gas turbine. It is called the integrated electric propulsion of the whole ship. In fact, it is not too smart at all. In fact, the gas turbine drives the generator to generate electricity. The engine provides power to the propulsion motor, and the excess power is sent to the entire ship. The intelligence level of the whole process is very low. The most complicated part of our system is power distribution, which is not available on them, so don't worry. "

  The most core thing will not be provided to them, it is just a simple transformation plan, the purpose is to sell 40 megawatts of gas turbines, and at the same time verify their own generators and motors, the old man is a test product.

  Everyone was stunned.

   Thinking about it, I was too worried. How could Mr. Qin show these key things to others? The ones for personal use and the ones for export are definitely not at the same level.

   "If Lao Maozi gives up this modification, will the project of cutting and transporting wood from Lao Maozi stop?" Some people are also worried.

   "The big guys still pay attention to timber? Our navy wants to do business?" Qin Tao was curious.

"Of course not. We just think it's a good idea to import wood from Lao Maozi. In recent years, our country has paid more and more attention to environmental protection. We must maintain a certain forest coverage and not cut down casually. Trees are the most suitable, not only meeting our environmental protection requirements, but also getting a lot of wood, Mr. Qin, do you have an idea to start a furniture company or something?"

   "Our Mingzhou Group is a high-tech military industry group, and we are engaged in high-end products. The furniture company is too low-grade, so we only sell." Qin Tao said.

  Qin Tao really despised these three melons and two dates.

  However, he doesn't like it, but someone can.

  Zhao Ling went home and saw Qin Haiyang, who was already in the senior grade of elementary school. After a while, her son had grown taller again. He was the same size as Zhao Ling. It is estimated that in two years, he would surpass Qin Tao.

   "Mom, my classmate came to play at home today." Qin Haiyang said to Zhao Ling: "This classmate is my best friend."

   "Best friends? How old are you, what are your best friends? You should pay attention, you can play, don't always play, it will delay your study."

   "Well, I know." Qin Haiyang ran out after finishing speaking: "I'll pick up my classmate at the gate."

   "Isn't your classmate from our compound?"

   "Of course, our school has also been reformed. It not only accepts students from the big courtyard, but also has extra degrees, and can also recruit foreign students."

  Zhao Ling watched her son run out, then turned to look at her mother: "Mom, how is Haiyang studying this semester?"

   "This kid is very interesting. He spends more time playing than studying, but he always comes first in every exam. It seems that he has inherited Taozi's excellent genes and has a smart brain."

   "Mom, are my genes bad?"

   "Your is also good. But there is still a gap with Taozi's."

  The two girls were talking and laughing, Qin Haiyang had already returned with his classmates, and not only the classmates, but also the parents of the classmates.

   "Dad, you go back, I can't lose it here."

"It's okay, Dad will send you to your classmate's house and go back. When you finish playing and call, Dad will pick you up again." The middle-aged man was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and he was still carrying a big bag in his hand. It didn't look like he was just here to send his son off For play.

   "Welcome, welcome." Zhao Xiu'e went up to greet her. Even for the sake of her grandson, she couldn't neglect the parents of her classmates.

   "Hello, I heard from my child that I have the best relationship with Qin Haiyang in school. I never thought that Qin Haiyang's family conditions are so good, and my child is a high climber." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

   "They are all children who go to school together. There is nothing to climb high or not. They study hard together, become talents, and build the motherland when they grow up." Zhao Xiu'e said.

"Yes, the future of the motherland depends on them. By the way, I am the person in charge of the Lin Group. This is my business card." The middle-aged man put down the big and small bags in his hand, and handed them over respectfully. Business card: "Our group is incomparable with yours, but we recently heard that we have negotiated a ten-year timber logging contract with Da Mao. I wonder if our group can take advantage of this."

   Sure enough, the drunken man didn't care about drinking, and actually used the child to open the way. However, seeing Qin Haiyang and Lin's son having fun, Zhao Ling couldn't say anything else.

   "This project has encountered some accidents and has not yet officially started. However, I accept the business card. If we want to cooperate, we will give you priority."

   "Thank you. I'll take my leave then."

  The other party didn't exchange any more pleasantries, as long as the meaning came to mind.

   Zhao Xiu'e wanted to send it off, but the other party insisted on refusing, and walked out by herself.

  Children's inner world is the purest and should not be mixed with these things. Zhao Ling looked at the two children, frowned and walked back. She just sat on the sofa when the phone came again.

   "Mom?" Zhao Ling looked at the number and quickly took it. It was Qin Tao's mother who called: "I'm waiting for Brother Tao to come back and discuss when to return to Mingzhou for the New Year."

"No, Mom didn't ask you this. I heard that you and Da Mao have negotiated a ten-year tree harvesting agreement. We have some furniture factories here in Mingzhou. They are very interested. They came to me. I can't save face, so I just I’ll give you a call and ask if I can give them some of the wood that’s been cut.”

   "It depends on Brother Tao's intentions. I will tell Brother Tao when he comes back."

   "Oh, I'm really sorry to bother Taozi with such a trivial matter."

   "Mom, don't say such outrageous things. Anyway, Chinese New Year is coming soon, so it's no big deal."

Originally, Qin Tao just had no intention of inserting willows. He did not expect so many people to care about it. It seems that the control of wood in China is very strict. When these furniture factories heard about imported wood, they were all tempted, and they used various relationships to find Ming. state group.

   Those who can get in touch with Qin Tao directly will not miss it, and those who can't get in touch with other people are asking how to distribute this batch of wood.

   After Qin Tao finished the meeting in the yellow building and went home with his father-in-law, Zhao Ling had already collected all the companies he had contacted with, and then reported to Qin Tao.

  Looking at the dense list, Qin Tao also felt a little overwhelmed.

   "These people are real, isn't it just some wood, so it's so popular?" Qin Tao felt helpless.

"At present, our domestic furniture market has also developed. In the past, every household used woodworking to make furniture, but now it has transitioned to the era of brand furniture." Zhao Ling said: "Domestic furniture is divided into two parts. The Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta, and Chengdu are composed of three major plates, forming the Iron Triangle of the South, which belongs to the first furniture camp. We also have a furniture base in Mingzhou. The Audio-Technica belongs to the second camp of furniture. Due to domestic environmental protection and timber control, their production costs are getting higher and higher, so they urgently need new sources of timber. When we first negotiated with Lao Maozi, we just proposed it casually, but it solved the domestic problem. big problem."

"I still feel very fulfilled to be able to contribute to our country's economy." Qin Tao said: "Since so many companies have needs, our group has set up a special department to be in charge of connecting with these companies. This can also be regarded as logistics. As for the aspect, leave it to the transportation company, so as to save us a headache."

  Qin Tao is most used to being a hands-off shopkeeper. He will never do things that can be entrusted to others. Anyway, this timber business is a big deal in the eyes of others, but in his eyes, it is a trivial matter.

   "Okay." Zhao Ling nodded: "There is another thing to report to you. There is news from Ma Gong that the first Golden Sun electric car has been officially developed..."

   "Really? This is really good news!" Qin Tao said: "When we return to Mingzhou for the New Year, we can go to Huating to see this car."

   "Magong's intention is to drive the first car from Huating to the capital as a gift to the motherland." Zhao Ling said.

"Gift? What kind of gift is he offering? If you really want to drive to the north, it's almost ashamed." Qin Tao said: "Let him wait for us to attend the new car launch ceremony, and then send someone to take the car from Huating Drive to Mingzhou and promote it along the way."

Qin Tao proposed the electric vehicle plan a few years ago, and he proposed many advanced ideas at that time, such as using 21700 directly for the battery, which will be larger and use fewer nodes, and the overall vehicle will be redesigned. The battery pack is placed on the chassis to lower the center of gravity, etc. Due to the limited energy of Ma Gong, the research and development of this electric vehicle is slow. The three-electric device was first developed and mature. Qin Tao also bought several HMC6470 station wagons and asked them to install them. After testing the three-electric system and gradually matured, the first Golden Sun electric vehicle was finally built.

  The car was made a month ago, but Qin Tao has been busy, and it is only now that they have time, and they hope to drive it over to show Qin Tao.

Of course it won’t work. It’s freezing cold now, which is a severe test for electric vehicles. Electric vehicles are not suitable for the severe cold in the north. This is determined by the basic principle: the battery is a chemical device, the lower the temperature, the slower the chemical reaction !

  If you really go to the north, you can only go for 200-300 kilometers, but now you can only go for 100 kilometers. You stop and go, either charging, or on the way of charging, and you can’t be pointed out?

   You must know that a group of people in the island country are engaged in hydrogen energy at this time. They claim that hydrogen energy is the ultimate route every day. Once their own electric vehicles make a fool of themselves, they will definitely seize the opportunity.

  Qin Tao didn't want any surprises.

  It’s like a certain company in later generations advertised that electric vehicles can also run on plateaus, and then they were photographed with several extra-large power banks behind them. This kind of publicity is purely negative.

   "Okay." Zhao Ling nodded: "Then I'll tell them."

   "Well, is there anything else?"

  I don’t feel at peace when I go home, there are so many things to deal with.

   "There is nothing else."

  Qin Tao nodded. Fortunately, he can finally rest for a while.

   "Dad, Dad, are you back? When are we going home?" At this moment, Qin Haiyang came in. He had already sent his classmates away, and there was only one person left.

   "Do you miss Grandpa?"

   "No, I want to see the big ship, Dad, I will build a ship in the future... Well, Dad, I also miss Grandpa." Qin Haiyang's IQ and EQ are obviously very high.

   "Are you going to build ships in the future?"

   "Yes, I want to build big ships and spaceships. You also said that our future is the sea of ​​stars." Qin Haiyang said excitedly.

   "Okay, I have great ambitions. If I want to realize my ideals, I need to study more. Do you want to take advantage of the winter vacation to learn all the content of the next semester?"

   "I learned it a long time ago. I read it a few times in my spare time, and I remembered it all. Those books are not interesting. I think your book on shipbuilding is interesting."

   "Really? Then tell me about the stress calculation formula."

   "I can't understand those."

   Calculus, how do elementary school students understand it?

  Qin Tao took out a book with a smile: "This is a book on calculus, you should read this book first."

  (end of this chapter)

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