Warship of Great Power

Chapter 799: Swedish submarines are of poor quality

  Chapter 799 Swedish submarines are of poor quality

  Collins-class submarines were built by Sweden. Although Sweden is a small country, it is unique in military research and development. They have JAS39 Gripen fighter jets, stealth missile boats, and good submarine research and development capabilities.

In the 1970s, they developed the A17 Gotland-class submarine. This submarine mainly performs the task of closing the Baltic Sea, so it is a one-thousand-ton near-shore submarine, and the Collins-class submarine is this kind of submarine The simple enlarged version of the ship has been enlarged from a displacement of 1,000 tons to 3,000 tons, so that the endurance requirement of 10,000 nautical miles can be met, and the living space and material reserves of the crew can also be satisfied.

  However, the hull can be enlarged, but other places cannot be directly enlarged, such as the engine.

Looking around the world, advanced submarine engines come from Germany, but Sweden does not directly purchase MTU diesel engines. They use their own V-18B14 Heitmott 17-cylinder 4-stroke diesel engines on this submarine. This diesel engine is not used at all. The experience of using it on submarines was previously used in fields such as offshore oil fields.

   Therefore, its noise is a bit loud, so that when the first ship Collins was in service, they tossed for a long time to reduce the noise, and adopted various measures. When the second ship came, they also laid sound-absorbing tiles.

   Even so, its noise is still not small.

   The Farncombe sailed quietly underwater, unaware that its sound had spread with the sea water, and reached the sonar buoy that was thrown down before dawn.

  Shuangsha Island.

   "Underwater sound is heard, a submarine is coming!"

   "Can you tell the model?" At this moment, even Qin Tao became excited.

  Although he came up with the idea, the superior also agreed, and decided to teach some people a lesson, but it is not so easy to actually operate it.

  What if it is a nuclear submarine that comes, and if something goes wrong and the nuclear leak is caused?

   "Yes, this submarine is making a lot of noise. We are doing a comparison in the database, and we will have results soon..." The sonar operator said this, and the information was already displayed on the screen.

   "Collins Class!"

   "Okay, it's a conventional submarine, and it's just in time!" Qin Tao was finally relieved now, and it's still a dog's leg! Beat his dog, let the dog owner lose face!

   "According to the original plan!"

   The arrow is on the string, I have to send it!

  Due to funding problems, the Navy does not have a large number of submarines. At this time, the sister ship No. 273 is sailing on the sea. No. 272. At present, there are only these two submarines in the entire southern waters.

  It was in a state of buoyancy, sailing in a grand manner, so that everyone could see clearly. After receiving the telegram, the captain showed a smile on his face: "Attention everyone, act according to the original plan!"

  In the distant sky, a helicopter appeared. It stirred the airflow and made a whirring sound. On the enclosure of the conning tower, the sailors who were watching there shouted loudly: "Attention, there are planes!"

   "Quick, dive, emergency dive!"

  There was a vortex in the bow of the boat. The submarine was diving rapidly. The bow of the boat sank into the water, and the hull sank into the water. The special shell finally disappeared, and the waves rolled up on the sea surface, and then disappeared.

   "Damn it, why did they dive?" Swift was annoyed when he got the news.

   "When it was diving, a helicopter just flew by, which may have frightened it."

  Although they can't observe closely, they can still use the early warning aircraft to stare at them. They know the situation of the submarine before it dives.

   "Isn't there a fighter plane escorting it?"

   "Yes, but there is a loophole in their organization. The fighter planes escorted in batches have not been handed over. The previous batch flew away, and the next batch is still on the way. During this process, a helicopter appeared."

   "Damn it, which blind guy sent this?" Swift was very dissatisfied.

   This estimate will always be a mystery, they can't find out through investigation, they can only guess that it is from a nearby country, which ruined their big event.

   "Now, we can only hope that the Farncombe will find its trace underwater." Swift said: "I hope the Farncombe will not let us down. The underwater thing is still very interesting."

  The Farncombe tried its best underwater, using its advanced sonar system to find the trace of the target. On the display screen, the trajectory of the target appeared.

   "Currently, it is sailing east."

"The captain of this submarine is really amazing. After finding out that the situation was wrong, he dived and sailed eastward, which would chase everyone in the wrong direction. Fortunately, we have advanced sonar equipment, which can capture Its trace." Peter said with emotion.

   "Captain, are we going to catch up?"

   "Of course not, if we keep following his ass, then we will never catch up." Peter said.

   Playing underwater is tactical. Although both are diesel-electric submarines, they dare not start at full speed. Not only will the precious power be consumed, but more importantly, the noise will reveal their position.

   And, it's not necessary.

   "Then what shall we do?"

"We continue to sail in a straight line. If I guess correctly, it will turn north after driving a few dozen nautical miles to the east, and then sail a few dozen nautical miles. After crossing this island and reef, it will sail westward. "Peter said: "So, as long as we continue to sail north, we can wait for the other party on the route ahead. At that time, we can launch a simulated attack and scare those guys to death."

Hearing Peter's words, the subordinates were a little excited. That's right, since the other party was going back to the home port, he would definitely not sail eastward all the way, and would eventually turn back, in order to let the **** thing above his head come from nowhere. The helicopter flew into the air, they could only circle in a big circle, so as to catch them by surprise. When others thought it would sail directly west, it sailed east instead.

  In the underwater world, there is always slow motion. In order to pursue extremely high quietness, the submarine sailing underwater will only use a speed of three to five knots.

  Several hours passed, and the sonar operator suddenly shouted: "Turn, the other party has turned, turned and sailed north!"

"Let's continue to catch up. In a few hours, they will sail west." Peter's face was full of excitement. As a submarine captain, he must be like a hunter and be patient. Now, the other party It is equivalent to going around a big circle, but they are walking in a straight line, so that they can catch up with each other.

  The Farncombe is still moving forward, and everyone's hearts are full of expectations. They don't know that there is a huge danger waiting for them just ahead of their route.

   "The target has turned to the west!" The sonar operator shouted loudly: "According to the existing route, we will meet them in three hours!"

   "Great, everything is going the way we want!"

   "That's right, it's just leading them by the nose!"

   While they were excited, they felt the hull of the boat shake. It was also for this reason that they realized that something was wrong. Someone glanced at the depth gauge, and then shouted loudly: "We are losing depth!"

   For any submariner, the last thing he wants to see is to drop depth for no reason! Peter's face changed suddenly: "What's going on?"

   "I don't know, it has fallen to a hundred meters now!"

  The Collins-class submarines use tensile high-strength steel developed by Sweden itself. This alloy steel is easier to weld and process than HY80 and HY100 nickel-chromium steel. And the yield strength is also good, which can bring the submarine a maximum diving depth of 300 meters, which is not bad among conventional submarines. You must know that many nuclear submarines only have a diving depth of 300 meters.

However, generally speaking, as long as a submarine dives into the water, it is safe and difficult to be found, so under normal circumstances, a submarine will not dive too deep, usually tens of meters deep, even a hundred meters It's a very deep place, with a maximum diving depth of 300 meters. Except for diving to this depth during testing, it will never be driven to this depth at ordinary times.

   "Come on, speed up, lift the rudder!" Peter shouted.

The routine operation of falling deep underwater is to pry the submarine up with the rudder surface, and then the submarine floats upward by its own power. This is the first step. If you can’t come up, empty the seawater in the ballast tank, otherwise the submarine will go up. .


   The engineers got busy, and just after boosting the power, they heard a unique sound, sizzle, sizzle! The sound of water under high pressure is so irritating to people's eardrums, they looked at the rear of the submarine, where the drive shaft is, and water has already started to spray!

   "Report, the tail drive shaft bearing is leaking again!"

The Collins-class submarine is an enlarged version of the Gotland-class submarine. For them, this is no problem. They believe in Swedish shipbuilding technology. Several other bidding proposals are also simple enlarged versions of ordinary submarines. However, they later found out I am too naive.

   It is not enough to amplify everything synchronously. After amplifying, it will cause many problems. For example, is the noise of the submarine also amplified? The shape of their submarine was larger, and the noise was further increased when sailing underwater. Later, a fairing was added between the conning tower and the hull, and the problem was finally solved.

The problem of water leakage from propeller bearings was discovered when the first submarine was launched, and it took the Swedes two years to solve it. Those people patted their chests and assured that the problem of water leakage from bearings would never happen again. Who would have thought , At such a critical moment, he actually lost the chain!

   "Quickly, empty all the sea water in the ballast tank!" Peter shouted loudly.

   If other pipes are damaged, there may be remedial measures, but the propeller bearing of this submarine is leaking, and there is no way to repair it! It can only be urgently emptied of sea water and floated up.

   "Captain, but the sea here..." Someone next to him raised a question.

   "I don't care what sea area this is, I must first ensure the safety of the children." Peter said.

  Peter is a very kind guy. He has always called his crew members children. Now that his children are facing the most dangerous situation, he must not just sit idly by.


  High-pressure air enters the water tank and starts to empty the sea water, but at this time, the problem comes out again.

   "The bow reports that the ballast water tank is faulty!"

   "Damn it, quickly, troubleshoot!" Peter shouted loudly, why does this Swedish-made submarine always lose its chain at critical moments!

The design of the Collins-class submarine is quite special. It only has main ballast water tanks at the bow and stern. Now, the ballast water tank at the bow of the boat has encountered problems and cannot be emptied of sea water. Only the ballast water tank at the stern is left. When the tail began to empty the seawater, the tail became lighter and began to rise, while the bow of the boat went down. The state of the whole submarine did not seem to be floating, but diving.

   "We are still falling deep, one hundred and fifty!"

  Although these measures have been taken, they still cannot prevent the sinking of the submarine!

   "Drain the fuel and increase the buoyancy!" Peter shouted loudly. Now they have no other choice! Although they were still 150 meters away from the maximum diving depth, if they did not stop their descent, they would encounter a terrible crisis.

   Drain fuel?

  Although this solution is very different, it is indeed a solution to the problem!

   Submarines must ensure that buoyancy is equal to gravity when navigating underwater, but what if the diesel engine is operated at the depth of the snorkel? As the diesel engine continues to consume diesel, the submarine will become lighter and lighter. The solution used by the Collins class is a double-layer fuel tank, which is only placed inside, and the outside is air. When the diesel is consumed, the outside air will be replaced by seawater. In this way, seawater is used to replace the consumed diesel oil to maintain the normal weight of the submarine. .

  This method seems simple, but the problem of seawater mixed into diesel has troubled them for a long time, resulting in early damage to the diesel engine, which was solved by adding a special filter device later.

   Now, they need to drain the diesel, empty it all, and replace it with air, so that the buoyancy of the submarine can be further increased!

   This is a crooked idea, but it works!

  At the critical moment, Peter also had a big brain.

  The sound of high-pressure air kept ringing, and the submarine continued to sink.

   "Fall to a depth of two hundred meters!"

   "Two hundred and fifty meters!"

   "Stop losing depth!"

Finally, at a depth of 250 meters, the submarine seemed to be tamed like a runaway wild horse, and it stopped falling. Compared with its eastern counterparts, their biggest advantage is that when encountering seawater cliffs, the depth is relatively shallow. There is a lot of room for manipulation.

   "Thank God." Peter said, "Now, children, let me take you home."

   "Report, there is too much water in the engine room, and the main motor can no longer be started!"

   "Report, the bow ballast water tank cannot be rectified!"

   One bad news continues to come.

"Send a distress signal immediately!" Peter said: "Report to the superiors that we have encountered a cliff in the sea and the submarine has serious quality problems. We are currently parked at a depth of 250 meters and are expected to sink slowly. Please ask them Rescue, immediately, immediately!"

Now, they have emptied the ballast water tank and the fuel tank at the tail. It is said that they should be able to float up, but due to the water in the tail tank, their gravity is still slowly increasing. Now they are just maintaining balance. As more and more water enters, they will continue to sink.

  If they sink again, they will go to **** completely!

  A distress buoy was released from the control tower, which floated to the surface of the water, and then electromagnetic waves were emitted in all directions.

   It was already night when I got the news, and Swift was about to go to bed. After receiving the news, Swift lost all sleepiness.

   "The sea is on a cliff and the submarine is malfunctioning. It is a miracle that they are not dead yet." Swift said: "Thanks to our nuclear submarine not passing, otherwise it is very likely that they will not be able to come up."

Conventional submarines will not dive too deep, but nuclear submarines are different. After all, once they go to sea, they will hardly surface, and the depth of water will make them better concealed, so they are likely to dive to one or two hundred meters, and then encountered a seawater cliff, fell directly below the limit depth, and finally over.

  Thanks to the conventional submarine, it was able to persist at a distance of 250 meters.

   But what next?

  "The propeller bearing at the tail of their submarine leaked water, and now they can keep from sinking because their submarine has emptied all the fuel, but if it continues to wait, the seawater will continue to pour in, and it will still sink. We must rescue it immediately."

   "Rescue? How do we rescue? We simply can't launch a rescue in that sea with great fanfare!" Swift said.

  Thanks to not sending a nuclear submarine there, even if it is lost now, it has nothing to do with them.

   "Are we going to die?"

   "What else can we do? Ask the Easterners for help, ask the Easterners for help?"

   "Report, our early warning aircraft found that two ships are heading towards the sea area where the accident occurred."

   "What ship?"

"have no idea."

  The display on the early warning aircraft is just a bright spot, and it is impossible to display the specific model, so they don't know.

Swift frowned, and then said: "They made a lot of noise underwater, and the Easterners must have noticed it. Maybe the Easterners thought it was their 039C submarine that had an accident. Next, we need to Wait and see what happens. It is very likely that the Easterners will take action and rescue the unlucky guy on that submarine. The sea water is really terrible."

  When Swift said this, he didn't have the slightest worry, but half an hour later, someone came to him.

   "Mr. Swift, our ship Farncombe has encountered danger during the voyage and urgently needs your rescue!" The visitor said nervously: "They are now struggling with death underwater, and they need rescue!"

   "We are working hard." Swift said: "Our submarine rescue equipment has been packaged locally, ready to be loaded onto the transport plane, and then transported by the transport plane..."

"We can't wait that long." The person who came was very anxious: "At present, the submarine is still flooding. It won't be long before they can't maintain the current state of balance. They will continue to fall in depth. Once they start to fall, there will be no more water." It is possible to save! We must rescue immediately!"

   "Rescue immediately? How is that possible? Our rescue equipment is not here at all, and we are helpless. Now, the only ones who are closest to us are the Easterners. Do you want to ask the Easterners for help?"


  The man gritted his teeth: "Okay, then let's go to the Easterners for help. Mr. Swift, we also ask you to hurry up. If the Easterners don't agree to us, we still need our allies."

   Seeing the person leave, the assistant was a little worried: "Isn't it a bit..."

   "There is a cliff in the sea, so what if we go to the rescue? Maybe we will catch our rescue submarine! We don't need to take this risk for them. Just let the Orientals take the risk."

  Shuangsha Island.

  Here has become a city that never sleeps. Even at eleven o'clock, there are still many people playing. The lights illuminate the entire island as if it were daytime, and the tourists are still having fun.

Kewell stepped on Shuangsha Island with a heavy heart. Thanks to the good intelligence work, he was able to know that Mr. Qin was on this island at the first time, and he also knew that the deep-submersible lifeboat of Mingzhou Group was currently operating nearby. , all of this seems to be too coincidental.

However, seawater cliffs are really not something that can be found casually. This thing is erratic, and whoever encounters it will be unlucky. Therefore, they can't blame the Easterners for the matter. Now they don't have the mood to think about the aftermath. , There is only one thing they have to do: Let the Orientals take action and help them rescue the crew in the submarine.

  Submarines can sink, but people can be rescued and come up.

   "Is Mr. Qin there?" Kewell asked the person at the door when he came to the front of Qin Tao's villa.

   "Boss Qin has already fallen asleep, so we can talk about something tomorrow."

   "Sorry, I'm in a hurry."

   "It's your business that you are anxious, and it has nothing to do with Mr. Qin. Mr. Qin and his wife are here for vacation, not for work."

  Kewell took out a bank card in his hand: "There are ten million dollars in it, which is for Mr. Qin..."

   "A meeting ceremony? If it is a meeting ceremony, then I can convey it to you."

   This is a reward, the reward for asking the other party to rescue, and now it has become a meeting gift?

  Kewell was a little reconciled, but he also knew that there was no other way. He had to see Qin Tao as soon as possible and make a decision on the matter as soon as possible. The longer it was delayed, the more dangerous the people inside would be.

After a few minutes.

   "Boss Qin is here to invite you, but you have offended me and need to check first."

  The other party touched Kewell's whole body before sending him in.

  Qin Tao was wearing pajamas, sitting on the sofa, holding a cup of freshly brewed coffee in his hand.

   "The gift of 10 million US dollars is just to see me once. There must be something important and urgent?" Qin Tao said: "There is no need to exchange pleasantries, let's hurry up and talk about something."

   "Yes, Mr. Qin, we have a submarine that has an accident in the waters of **. I hope your deep-diving lifeboat can rush to the sea area where the accident happened to rescue as soon as possible."

   "Oh, how did your submarine crash, and what is its current status?"

  (end of this chapter)

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