Warship of Great Power

Chapter 796: The second big event in 1999

  Chapter 796 The second big event in 1999

  The time finally came to the end of September.

  For Qin Tao, every year is busy, but in the past year, his wife has been by his side all the time, which is different from the monotonous life before, and he feels very fulfilled.

   "Although you can't stand on it to watch it, it's also good from the side." Qin Tao said to Zhao Ling: "This is the military parade of the century, so rare."

When the People's Republic was first founded, the military parade was held every year just like Lao Maozi. Although the scene was grand, it was a waste of money and people. It was soon extended to be held every few years. However, some problems appeared later, and there was no parade for a long time. There was another military parade.

   In this way, the military parade did not start again until 1984. Many people still remember the grand occasion of that session.

  Afterwards, the country decided to hold it every five years, and many equipments were put in full effort. They wanted to be finalized before 1989, and the names of many equipments were also defaulted to Type 89. Unfortunately, the military parade did not take place that year.

In this way, it has been dragged on until 1999. This is a memorable day. This is the 50th birthday of the motherland. Therefore, a large-scale military parade must be held. At the same time, it is about to enter the new millennium. Therefore, this This military parade is very meaningful.

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Zhao Ling nodded: "Yes, this is the military parade of the century, which is very rare, but what is even more rare is that our equipment is also included in the parade, which is the most exciting thing .”

  Mingzhou Group is the most important weapons supplier and has provided the navy with a large number of warships. However, as we all know, warships cannot be exhibited on land. Fortunately, a military parade at sea was held this year, and those precious warships have been exhibited to the public.

  Mingzhou Group has already shown their faces, but it’s not enough. They still have more and more advanced equipment, and they want to show their faces in this military parade!

   "Yeah, I'm really looking forward to it."

At this time, the two were sitting and chatting in the courtyard of Gongzhufen, and they were quite leisurely, while the others were busy going around. Various weapons and equipment vehicles, lined up neatly, waiting quietly.

   They have been training for more than a year, and now they are looking forward to walking neatly, driving their most advanced equipment, through the parade.

  At the same time, farther away, at an airport in a municipality directly under the central government in the east of the capital, fighter planes are also undergoing final inspections.

   "Really, why don't you let me fly J-32, that's the plane I should be flying!" Under a large plane, Delano sat on the grass with a dissatisfied face.

"Because you are our instructor." Wang Wei sat next to him: "Since you are an instructor, of course you can't fly a fighter jet, you have to fly a command plane. In this way, you can accept the inspection earlier than we arrive. It's still early. I can't let you be at the end, can I?"

  The air echelons of this review are also particular.

Air Police-2000 and J-11 fighters form the first echelon in the air, and they need to arrive at the inspection field in seconds, while Air Police-600 and J-32 fighters will form the second echelon behind the Air Force fleet Arrive at the battlefield.

The air force took the lead, and they didn't say anything. After all, the Air Police-2000 is bigger and belongs to the strategic early warning aircraft, but they are not bad. Their Air Police-600 can take off and land from the aircraft carrier. If a war really breaks out , they must be at the forefront.

   Moreover, their **** formation fighter plane is still the stealth J-32!

The number of air echelons of the naval aviation is still relatively small, and it cannot be compared with the air force. Therefore, the navy has to be selective. The J-15 has appeared many times in the early days. The key is that it still looks very similar to many fighters of the air force. Therefore, After some research, the navy decided to go to J-32, a black-skinned fighter, guaranteed to be unique.

   Don’t rob the air force, it’s useless to rob, the air force flies third-generation aircraft, and our navy flies fourth-generation aircraft!

   Received the review task, Delano was very excited, almost the first one to sign up, the result? Delano was selected, but he was the commander of the early warning aircraft!

  He has been very unhappy, which is equivalent to him doing nothing, just taking a taxi in the air, boring, really boring!

   "I'd rather not be this instructor." Delano said angrily.

"No, instructor, you probably don't know that we are about to start selecting flight crews for the 002 aircraft carrier. As an instructor, you have rich experience in operating US-made aircraft carriers. You should be selected for the 002 aircraft carrier. You don't always complain No catapult to take off? If you don’t become an instructor, maybe you won’t have a chance.”

The construction of the 002 aircraft carrier has started, and the relevant personnel of the aircraft carrier have begun to be allocated, especially the pilots. The navy has trained a large number of pilots at the Huangdi Village base, and they have all completed training on the 001 aircraft carrier. However, who will be on the 002 aircraft carrier in the end? , Still have to rely on experience and qualifications to speak.

  Draenor's qualifications are high enough, as long as he doesn't act like a monster, he will definitely be able to get on 002, which is a super aircraft carrier with a displacement of 80,000 tons!

  Draenor immediately stopped complaining: "Okay, then I'm on the AWACS."

   After finishing speaking, he turned his attention to the Air Police-2000, which is a strategic early warning aircraft, but unfortunately it belongs to the Air Force, so he has no chance to get on it.

  Wait, what's behind KJ-2000? Delano looked at the huge rectangular air intake, and felt his eyelids start to twitch: "Wang, there is actually a Tu-22M in this exercise?"

"Mr. Instructor, you have to see clearly that it is our H-6 modified model. Last time in the exercise, our H-6 J showed its power and promoted the prestige of the country and the army. Of course we have to participate in the exercise this time, but , this time is the formation of H6K and H6J, and it should be the finale flight in the last formation. It doesn’t matter if the layman’s name is Tu-22M. You have lived in the East for many years, and you know that with our own Strength can be developed, why is it necessary to imitate Tu-22M?"

In the past, the aviation troops used Nanyuan Airport for all previous military parades. After all, it was right next to the capital. After taking off, they climbed up and formed formations in the air to pass over the parade ground. It was very fast. However, as the parade air troops More and more, Nanyuan Airport is not big enough. If the organization is not good, a negligence may even cause a mid-air collision. Therefore, for this exercise, the airport was transferred.

   After all, there are many big guys that need to be inspected. Just the formation composed of the new H-6 will occupy a large area of ​​the apron.

  The sun has slipped to the west, and the day is about to end again. Delano sighed: "We still have to wait more than ten hours before we can get to tomorrow."

  He couldn't wait.

   "Among the people who participated in the parade, Delano was the most excited and impatient." Xu Zhengyang told Qin Tao the news: "It's really interesting. He is a foreigner, why is he so interested in the military parade."

"It's not because I haven't participated in it before." Qin Tao said: "We orientals are generally reserved, while foreigners are unrestrained and extroverted. We write what we like on our faces. The United States has never held any military parades. Delaware Nuo hadn’t participated in it before, so of course I’m excited now.”

There are many reasons why Yankees don't hold military parades. For example, they have a short history and no historical background. For example, their system, the army has never belonged to a certain president or party but to the country. However, the most important reason , or is the military parade to show the strength of the country and enhance the confidence of the people, and the Yankees are now the world's policemen, fighting wars all over the world, so they don't need to show their muscles on the parade ground for a long time.

  However, this also means that their soldiers cannot participate in this kind of ceremony, and cannot experience this exciting feeling.

   "Okay, let's go to bed early, we need to get up early tomorrow." Qin Tao said: "It's late, I'm afraid I can't find a suitable place to watch it."

  Actually, Qin Tao was also very excited. After all, in 1984 he had no personal experience, but this time in 1999 he was finally able to participate in person. Watching it on the spot and watching it on TV is definitely a different feeling.

   "Boss Qin, is Boss Qin there?" Just then, a voice came from outside.

  Qin Tao put his hands on his forehead helplessly. It seems that his dream of going to bed early and getting up early has been shattered. He walked to the door and looked at the people who came in from the outside: "Old Huang, Old Liu, long time no see."

   "Yeah, long time no see. In the past, we didn't have the opportunity to visit Mr. Qin. This time, we heard that Mr. Qin was also invited. I knew you must be here, so I came to visit."

   "Come in, Xiaoling, pour tea!"

In the past, Zhao Ling worked in the aerospace department, and the two visitors in front of her were the veterans of the aerospace system, so Zhao Ling naturally gave warm hospitality and happily ran to pour tea, and Xu Zhengyang could only stand aside watch.

"President Qin, we have made a lot of money this time, and we have a lot of funds for the development of the aerospace industry." Mr. Huang said first. As the designer of the Dongfeng 21 missile, they will of course benefit from the sale of this missile. Very shallow. (It is also said that Mr. Zhang is the chief designer, but judging by the time, it is already after the new millennium that Mr. Zhang leads Dongfeng 21, so let’s put it on Mr. Huang’s head here.)

   "Well, it's because we have such good things on hand." Qin Tao said: "With the money in place, can our Dongfeng-21 be further improved?"

Mr. Huang nodded: "That's right. At present, our improvements are mainly concentrated in two directions. One is the missile launcher. We need to switch from a trailer to a multi-axle launcher with stronger supply capabilities. One is missiles. We need to develop more advanced warheads with stronger orbit changing capabilities, so that we can pierce the enemy's missile defense system."

The height of the road is one foot, and the height of the devil is ten feet high. In the attack and defense of missiles, the attacking side has an advantage, because the difficulty of defense is much higher than that of offense. If a potential enemy wants to develop an advanced defense system, the own side only needs to develop more advanced missiles. , to pierce the opponent's defense system.

   This is also the mission of Dongfeng-21. After the successful development of the anti-ship type, these improvement projects will follow.

"With sufficient research and development funds, we can improve Dongfeng-31, and the submarine-launched Julang missile can appear faster." Liu Lao said, he is the chief designer of Dongfeng-31, and he is more interested in this project. value.

The range of Dongfeng-21 is too short to play a good deterrent effect. Therefore, Dongfeng-31 is also under intensive research and development. This time, it will participate in a military parade to demonstrate its own ballistic missile strength. The pace is also faster.

  Mr. Liu came to Qin Tao to discuss this matter.

Qin Tao nodded: "That's right, we've been waiting for the brand new Julang missile for a long time. At present, the construction of the 095 nuclear submarine is going well, and it is estimated that it will be launched next year. When this nuclear submarine is confirmed to meet the requirements after sea trials, we will be able to On the basis of this nuclear submarine, we have started building a ballistic missile nuclear submarine. There is no problem with our Mingzhou Group's research and development on the submarine, it depends on whether the missiles of our aerospace department are strong."

   "Yes, we are also eager to complete the work of Dongfeng going to sea. After all, the range of Dongfeng-31 is still a bit short."

Compared with Dongfeng-21 of two to three thousand kilometers, the range of Dongfeng-31 has been increased to eight thousand kilometers. However, this range is still not enough to constitute a nuclear deterrent to the other side of the ocean. Advantage.

  However, if you put the missile in a submarine and let the submarine drive thousands of kilometers before launching, there is no problem.

   If your sword is not long enough, take a step forward, if your missile range is not far enough, get closer!

  If it was in the past, this kind of thinking is still too naive, because without the protection of any force, it is simply an impossible task for a nuclear submarine to sail into the Pacific Ocean alone and face countless anti-submarine aircraft and ships.

   But now, the navy already has an aircraft carrier formation, which can pass through the first island chain and enter the Pacific Ocean at any time, completely protecting the threat of underwater nuclear submarines!

  This is also the task of certain countries' navies. They don't need to compete for sea dominance, they only need to protect the safety of underwater nuclear submarines.

   "Well, we are also looking forward to having brand new submarine-launched missiles, so that we can also build ballistic missile nuclear submarines. However, land-based models must continue to be developed, such as the development of models with further extended range." Qin Tao said.

Dongfeng-31 is followed by Dongfeng-41. The latter has a range of more than 10,000 kilometers and has officially become a strategic ballistic missile. 41, the old Dongfeng-5 can be retired.

  Although it cannot be launched from a submarine, it can be carried around by a missile vehicle on land. This method also reduces the cost. After all, a launch vehicle is much cheaper than a nuclear submarine.

  Old Liu nodded: "Yes, we still need a model with a further extended range, but the outside world does not know how far our Dongfeng 31 can hit."

Qin Tao's eyes brightened: "That's right, this time it will be displayed publicly, let's not say anything, let the outside world guess, they will definitely think our Dongfeng 31 is an intercontinental ballistic missile, so it can play a deterrent effect! "

  Of course, the military parade is to show its own great power to the outside world, and make some people be afraid of it. In terms of ground weapons, Dongfeng-31 will definitely be the finale. Just like during the military parade in 1984, Dongfeng-5, which was hauled in three sections, was exhibited to the public for the first time, which shocked the outside world at that time.

   "It's a pity that our country's most important weapons cannot be sold, and we cannot export them to earn foreign exchange. Our aerospace department still has to rely on the appropriation from the superior to maintain it." Liu Lao said.

"That's not necessarily true." Qin Tao shook his head: "When our big guy is built, it can be used not only as a ballistic missile, but also as a carrier rocket. At that time, it will be sent directly to Qiongzhou for launch. Solid rockets can be launched at any time." , there are not as many complicated operations as liquid rockets, but as a supplement to liquid rockets, it is quite good."

  Old Liu nodded: "Yes, it can be used as a solid launch vehicle."

   The big guys chatted very happily. It was already past ten o'clock in the evening when these aerospace veterans were sent away.

When he was lying on the bed, Qin Tao suffered from insomnia. Originally, his sleep quality was good, but for some reason today, his mind was full of various things. He has been in this world for ten years. In the past ten years, many improvements have occurred. Under his promotion, the development of the military industry in the motherland has made great progress. What should he do in the next ten years?

   Can the scale of six to eight aircraft carriers be realized in the next decade?

   "Brother Tao, do you have something on your mind?" Zhao Ling asked from the side.

   "It's nothing, just do some exercise, exercise helps sleep."

   "Hey, no, you have to preserve your energy so that you will be full of energy tomorrow."

   "Can't sleep, where is the energy."

  At five o'clock in the morning, Qin Tao and Zhao Ling got up from the bed, put on the eight wolves men's clothing they had prepared earlier, and in front of the mirror, there was another radiant young man.

  Zhao Ling also wore a decent business attire, had a simple breakfast with Qin Tao, and then got into the car.

  The entire road has been under martial law. They have a special pass and can continue to move forward. Looking at the vehicles that have removed the camouflage nets and the soldiers lined up neatly, Qin Tao is also extremely excited.


   When passing by a phalanx of vehicles, Qin Tao's eyes widened. These are all Steyr trailers. On the back of the truck, there is actually a white drone!

  The huge nose, the uniquely shaped overlapping wings, and the engine in the middle of the V-shaped tail, this thing actually participated in the military parade?

"The times are developing and science and technology are advancing. Of course, we have to display the most advanced weapons in this military parade. UAVs have long been on the stage of war. The UAVs of our Shuangyang Factory have begun to enter military service. It's displayed, look, there are missiles hanging under the wings, and our drone is more advanced than the Global Hawk." Zhao Ling pointed to Qin Tao.

  Qin Tao nodded. His wife is a secretary, so she must know more than himself. He didn't know that the drone participated in the military parade, but she already knew it in advance.

  Looking at these things, Qin Tao suddenly felt a sense of accomplishment.

  When the military parade changes from tanks, aircraft, and cannons to high-tech weapons, it shows that the army's combat thinking has also changed, and they are already preparing to win high-tech wars!

Arriving at his place, Qin Tao once again saw a lot of acquaintances. Mr. Huang and Mr. Liu who visited him yesterday were all present, and Zhao Shunli, the director of Shuangyang Factory, was also among them. When he saw Qin Tao's At that time, Zhao Shunli immediately greeted him excitedly.

"Boss Qin, Boss Qin! This time, you've got your credit. Without Genghis Khan Aviation and your support, our Shuangyang factory wouldn't be able to produce modern drones, and we wouldn't be able to participate in the military parade. And I won't stand here, this **** is enough for my old Zhao Chuan's life!"

   Being able to stand here is definitely a lifetime of pride. Of course Zhao Shunli knows that Qin Tao gave him all of this.

"Well, Director Zhao, I saw the drone phalanx." Qin Tao said, "Your drones are not big, and they can just be dragged by a car. If they are bigger, they can only fly coming."

   "We also wanted to fly, but after considering various factors, we gave up." Zhao Shunli said: "However, it is also good to participate in the exhibition on the ground, after all, the ground can be seen more clearly."

   Who doesn’t want to fly if they can fly, but drones have too many uncontrollable factors, and the superiors still have to consider safety issues. What if the program fails?

   "After this exhibition, your drones will definitely become famous all over the world, and it shouldn't be a problem to sell thousands of them." Qin Tao said.

  This military parade is not only watched by Chinese people, but also watched and analyzed by the whole world. Any kind of equipment displayed will become a star.

   "Yes, we are also looking forward to it."

   Everyone chatted, waiting for the scheduled time to arrive.

  The sky is clear and cloudless, it is a good weather for flying!

   Aviation base.

  "We have undergone rigorous training and are already experienced veterans. This time, we only have one request, and every second is accurate. Pass the parade ground and accept the review of the leaders and the people of the motherland. Now, let's go!"

   Following the commander's order, everyone strode towards their equipment, and the commander also trotted all the way to board Air Police-2000.

  He wants to lead the entire air formation to pass the reviewing stand on time!

The roar of the engine sounded, and the planes slid onto the runway one by one, ready to take off. The planes that had already taken off in advance were circling in the sky, preparing to form a formation. The radar on the ground was busy, and the early warning aircraft in the air were also busy. They directly commanded , everything will be more orderly.

  Draenor took one last look at the blue sky outside, and got into the Air Police-600. He was too excited last night, so he didn't sleep well. However, he just drank a cup of coffee, and now he is full of energy.

  Go, accept the review!

   Some people are also worried.

   The ground equipment phalanx, the first one is the tank phalanx, and it is the latest product developed by the domestic tank industry!

  It has six pairs of road wheels, the hubs are white, the tracks are black, and the armor is grass green. It looks layered and spotless.

  An old man with only one arm was standing there quietly.

   "Old Zhu, are you still worried?"

   "Yes, this tank uses our newly developed 1,200-horsepower engine. In the past few years, the chain has been continuously dropped during the test. Now I don't know if it is mature. If it suddenly shuts down in the middle..."

  (end of this chapter)

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