Warship of Great Power

Chapter 776: Lost a truckload of processors

  Chapter 776 Lost a truckload of processors

"Come on, drink." Outside a certain logistics park, in a tavern, a big man held a wine bottle in his hand, and poured wine to the person opposite: "Our brothers are really destined, and we meet again. Those who run taxis, I really envy you who run logistics, the car is good, the distance is long, just drive all the way, like me, picking up and dropping off customers in the urban area, it will end in a short distance, and I have to run to make an order."

"You run around the city all day, and you can go home at any time, but unlike me, it takes three to five days to go out." The skinny truck driver said: "Fortunately, it's relatively easy to go to Suzhou next time." It's close."

   "Suzhou? The electronics industry has also developed there. There are several computer factories, right?"

   "That's right, there is a computer factory there, but it doesn't have much technical content. It's just an assembly factory. If the local government didn't vigorously develop the computer industry and didn't collect their taxes, they would have been unable to operate."

   "I heard that the Godson-4 is about to come out. It is a high-tech, and it is said to be the world's leading. Does your car carry this kind of chip?"

"That kind of chip, where is our turn." The truck driver said, "That kind of chip is too precious, so our company simply dispatched a helicopter, parked directly on the square of SMIC, loaded the goods, and flew directly to the computer. The assembly plant, this chip is not retail yet, it is only supplied to a few computer factories."

A hero with three gangs, no friends, and a dominance is not enough. Loongson began to assemble computers by itself, but later, after it developed, their assembly business did not expand, and the excess production capacity was provided to other computer factories. What Founder, what Great Wall, etc., a large number of computer companies have emerged in China. Of course, L also wants to have a certain share.

Of course, there are also some manufacturers of motherboards and the like. In this way, the domestic computer industry has fully developed. However, VIA supplies motherboard chipsets and the like. Over the years, VIA has relied on Godson to It is also growing rapidly.

At this time, when the truck driver said that the Godson-4 was actually transported by plane, he cried out inwardly, but there was no abnormality on his face, and he continued to ask: "Then your car is transporting the Godson-3. ?”

"Shh, these are all secrets." The truck driver said, "One thousand and eight Godson-3, my truck can transport 20,000 processors at a time, think about it, how much is it? If this news spreads, I'm afraid it will attract a lot of people's attention, so don't hurt me."

In fact, if it is a retail processor, the kind of processor that is packed in a box, the number of processors cannot be placed. After all, the processor is small, but the box is big, especially if there is an original cooling fan inside, the volume is even larger. When it gets bigger, a container can only hold thousands of processors.

However, if it is provided to the computer manufacturer, there is no need for a cooling fan, and there is no need for a separately packaged box. Several processors can be placed in one electrostatic bag, which occupies a small volume. Therefore, one container can hold two processors. million processors.

   If this is robbed, the loss will be huge.

"Of course not, how could I harm you." The taxi driver said: "Come on, drink! Call my pager if you have anything to do. Although I am not very capable, I have many good friends. If you have something to do, you can come to help. "

   "Well, after drinking this glass of wine, I went back to rest, loaded the car at night, and set off overnight. Alas, running long distances is really boring."

   An hour later.

   "Godson-4 is going to be transported by plane. We definitely can't do it. We can only think of Godson-3."

   "Godson-3? We can purchase this kind of chip aboveboard. What do we need it for? What we want is Godson-4!"

"That one container costs 20,000 yuan. If we get this batch of processors, we can save 20 to 30 million yuan. With this fund, we can survive. Otherwise, we won't last long. "

   "So what if we got the processor? Can we use it ourselves? Every processor is numbered. If you want to investigate, you can definitely find out that we did it!"

   RMB has an anti-counterfeiting code, and the CPU also has a serial number. However, this serial number is generally not read unless it is a special investigation.

"Investigate? How to investigate? After we get this batch of processors, we ship them overnight. Our customers are mainly overseas. Needless to say, Dell and HP can eat the goods. Just put them on a cargo ship and go out to sea , How do they investigate? When we declared at the customs, we said that it contained the Godson-2 processor, and we had a relationship with the customs. Before we were traced to our place, the goods had already been sent out. Now, Loongson-3 is also a sought-after product in the world. We can still make a lot of money with this batch of goods. Of course, making money is secondary, and the main thing is to vent your anger. You and Mr. Ni have worked together before. You don't miss old love!"

   "Okay, let's do it, but, we must pay attention to not make any omissions! Also, book me a ticket for tonight, I'm going to the United States."

   "Okay, don't worry, leave this to me, nothing will happen."

   This night is destined to be restless.

On the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month, it was already the New Year's Eve. The thin truck driver drove his special container truck on the wide road. In order to transport sophisticated electronic equipment, his car also used a tall Mercedes-Benz front. I don't know how many people want to drive this kind of car. He is lucky to have this opportunity.

  But now, there is always an ominous premonition in his heart.

  Behind, the light of several headlights flashed.

  Godson Corporation.

   "Boss Qin, they succeeded and took away all the processors in our car."

   "How did they transport it away?" Qin Tao said.

   "They used a few gold cups and broke them into pieces."

   "Okay, it seems that you are also a veteran." Qin Tao said: "Next, what are they going to do with this batch of chips?"

   "I don't know yet, we have to continue to monitor." Xu Zhengyang said: "However, we have received news that Liu Zhonglie has ordered a ticket to the United States, and it will take off in half an hour. Shall we intercept it?"

   "Of course not." Qin Tao said: "A person like him, like the old fox, has arranged everything. If we can't catch him, let's let his clients find trouble with him."

  Qin Tao sat firmly on the Diaoyutai.

   "I hope they don't test the processors, but directly put these processors into the chassis, sell them to customers, and wait until the customers use them..." Qin Tao smiled on his face.

   Tens of millions of RMB will turn into a loss of tens of millions of dollars. At that time, let’s see how that guy compensates others. Is it safe to go abroad? When the time comes, he just wants to go home!

Several Jinbei cars came out of Huating, went straight to Jinling along different roads, and met at the pier in Jinling. The contents of the cars were reloaded into containers, and then passed the customs inspection that night. Load the freighter.

  In the early morning of the next day, the freighter blew its whistle and slowly left the pier, heading for the high seas. Yang Qingfeng finally breathed a sigh of relief that the matter was considered over.

  Godson lost 20,000 processors, 1800 each, which is a loss of 36 million! If it is a small company, such a loss will directly lead to the bankruptcy of the company. Even if the Godson company is not short of money, their supply will be tight. After all, their production capacity is there, and the order is not completed on time. Lose a lot of money to the customer.

On the far side of the ocean, upon receiving this news, Liu Zhonglie let out a long sigh of relief. He held a red wine glass and looked at the two people in front of him: "Everyone, luckily, I brought you a large batch of Godson-3 processors, these processors are still the same price as before, 300 dollars a piece."

Although Loongson has raised the price several times, there is still some price difference at home and abroad, 300 US dollars a piece, according to the exchange rate of 8.2, that is more than 2,400 RMB. However, considering the impact of freight, tariffs, etc. Almost, unless it was smuggled without going through the normal procedures.

   "Liu, I heard that Dongfang has lost a truckload of processors. Is there any contact with you?" Dell's purchasing staff said.

   "How is it possible? We purchased it through formal procedures." Liu Zhonglie said: "There will be absolutely no problem. Don't make random assumptions. If you are not satisfied with this batch of processors, then we can sell them to other companies."

   "Of course not, we are very satisfied, Liu, I hope this kind of thing will happen a few more times in the future. It will seriously damage the vitality of Godson, and even make them completely close down. Things like factory fires can also happen."

  The other party was hinting at himself, Liu Zhonglie had no choice but to smile wryly, doing this kind of thing already took a big risk, how could he do that kind of thing, fire? You don't know how strict the management of other people's factories is, it is simply militarized management, setting fire? Even if there is a fire, it will be extinguished quickly.

  Liu Zhonglie didn't dare to do that kind of thing at all, but now that the processor is lost, I don't know how Godson will react?

   Their response was no response, business as usual!

  Yang Qingfeng, who still stayed in the East, was very curious. Why didn't Godson respond?

   Could it be that they were afraid that if the news spread, it would affect their reputation, so they suffered from being dumb? However, it should be possible to investigate secretly. Of course, if you want to investigate, you can't find anything. Everything has been cleaned up. To catch thieves and seize stolen goods, they can't find those processors. No matter who is suspected of being behind the scenes, it is just slander.

   A few days passed quickly, and the Lunar New Year in 1999 came as scheduled.

   The entire eastern land was bustling.

  Firecrackers, red couplets, children wearing new clothes, the whole world is celebrating.

  In the Mingzhou Group, everyone who received the computer was extremely surprised.

   "This is our New Year's goods?"

   "Our President Qin is generous this time."

   "That's right, Mr. Qin didn't tell us anything!"

   "Hey, Lao Zhang, why are you going?"

   "Go work overtime on the berth!"

After getting the computer, everyone was very touched. The group is so generous to them, what else can they say, of course they have to work hard, even if it is New Year's Eve, their work is still very busy, and, There are more people on the berth than usual, and the bustling work scene constitutes another scene of Mingzhou Group.

   "Boss Qin, the workers were very excited after getting the computers, and they spontaneously ran to work overtime!" Xu Zhengyang said to Qin Tao.

   "Well, you don't need to worry about these things. Just take care of He Qian. What about He Qian?" Qin Tao looked around.

   Every New Year, Qin Tao's place is very lively. Vitalia is coming, and she has to bring her father with her. But this year, there is another person: He Qian.

For the Chinese New Year, He Qian prefers to stay on the island and spend the New Year with the soldiers on the island, but just a few days before the Chinese New Year, the Mingzhou Group sent a telegram, saying that there are some technical issues that need to be clarified. Zhouzhou Group resolved, so He Qian could only come up.

  After coming here, I knew there were no technical problems. Qin Tao just wanted her to accompany Xu Zhengyang to celebrate the New Year. He Qian had no dissatisfaction, so she started to work happily.

  I usually live in the guest house of Mingzhou Group, and I go in and out with Xu Zhengyang as a pair. It is also very interesting to experience Xu Zhengyang's usual working environment.

   "She is making dumplings with Secretary Zhao and Vitalia." Xu Zhengyang said, "This is what women do..."

"What's wrong with the women's work? You can also help." Qin Tao said: "Now your task is to make dumplings with He Qian, without putting white flour on your face, or waiting for the dumplings to be cooked , can’t come back.”

  Xu Zhengyang had no choice but to go to the pile of women.

  Seeing him coming, Zhao Ling immediately said: "Zhengyang, you came just in time, you come to roll the skin, let Xiaoqian make it, and Wei Na and I will go to make dumplings."


  Therefore, there were only two dumpling-makers left. Vitalia and Zhao Ling walked to the front of the stove, turning their heads while walking: "Zhao, they look more compatible, but unfortunately, my secretary will be disappointed."

   "Your secretary is still single?"

"Yeah, ever since I met Xu Zhengyang, I've never looked down on other men. This time, I planned to follow him. Fortunately, I persuaded him to go back. Otherwise, two women will play together. See what Xu does. Parry."

  Zhao Ling smiled, but did not speak.

   "Old Qin, where is your son?" Zhao Ling suddenly thought of something and shouted to Qin Tao.

   "I went to play with Cong Ju's daughter." Qin Tao said.

Although this boy is the third generation of the factory, he didn't stay in the factory very much. He has been studying in the capital all the time. He's the guide here.

   As night fell, the whole family was reunited, and the Spring Festival Gala was shown on the TV.

   "In the past few years, there has been a song that has become popular all over the country every year." Zhao Ling said: "In 1997, it was 1997 AD. Last year it was 1998. I don't know what it is this year."

   "This year? Of course it's the song of the seven sons." Qin Tao said.

  "Song of the Seven Sons? Is this one?" Vitalia thought of something and sang, "...but what they took away was my body..."

  Having been in the East for a long time, Vitalia has become more and more fond of Eastern culture. She sings so well, and she doesn’t even know that she is a foreigner just by listening to the singing.

   "Vitalia, you sing a good song, do you know the meaning of it?"

   "Of course I know." Vitalia said: "Like the Pearl of the Orient, Magang was leased out a hundred years ago, and now it will be taken back. Qin, our country is experiencing a historical moment of great rejuvenation."

  Qin Tao secretly smiled in his heart, Vitalia has performed well, now, she has regarded herself as a real oriental person!

  The foreigners in the Mingzhou Group also regard themselves as Chinese. Our oriental culture is so powerful and inclusive.

   "Sure enough, this song is on!" Zhao Ling looked at the TV screen, very surprised.

   "It was sung by a few children. Among them, the Cantonese child is so beautiful. I don't know how beautiful he will be when he grows up."

  After growing up? Qin Tao shook his head with a smile, in the expectant eyes of everyone, he looked ugly!

  After the lively Spring Festival, the intense work started again. The container has also crossed the ocean and arrived at the other side of the ocean. The container was loaded on an 18-wheeler truck and sent to Dell's factory on the same day.

Different types of processors match different types of motherboards. Therefore, the Dell factory specially ordered 20,000 motherboards produced by VIA for this batch of processors. They almost bought out all of these motherboards in the US domestic market, and even the prices were lower. went up.

  The motherboard, memory, hard disk, and graphics card are all installed in place, and the processor is waiting for it. After the processor arrives and is installed in place, each computer will leave the factory.

  Before leaving the factory, isn't it tested?

According to the original process, after the computer is assembled, it needs to be inspected before leaving the factory. However, Loongson computers are so popular. After the news that Dell has assembled 20,000 computers has spread, many customers have long been in their factory. Waiting in line outside, as long as the computer comes off the production line, it will be snatched away by them, for fear that it will be snatched away by others.

   Before reaching the detection line, the computers were sold out.

   The first one to get the goods was the Computer Department of Harvard University.

  The scale of this computer department is not large. After all, this university of liberal arts civilization has not been valued much in the history of engineering, and it is also very poor. However, there have been many tall, handsome and rich alumni in this computer department, the more famous ones are Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, Ballmer and so on.

  Recently, the Department of Computer Science at Harvard University complained that their computers were too backward, so alumni launched a series of donations, and immediately raised enough funds to allow them to purchase the most advanced computers in the world.

  After repeated comparisons, they made a move that surprised these alumni: purchase Godson-3 computers!

This is obviously a slap in the face. Many people are speechless, but the money has already been donated, and they can't interfere with where it goes. They can only watch the purchases made by the Computer Department of Harvard University. It just so happens that Dell has made a batch. Just bought it back.

  Universities have this advantage. No matter how many people rush to buy, they have priority. They have built a new computer room, which can accommodate 300 computers.

  Three hundred Loongson-3 computers were installed, and all the teachers from the computer department came, as did several donated alumni.

   "Today, we are very happy. Our computer department finally has a world-class computer. If we conduct research on this computer, we will get twice the result with half the effort. Now, let's start using it!"


  A teacher turned off the electric switch, and there was a slight hissing sound. There was some sound of electric current in the computer, which should be normal.

   "Power on!"

   Someone pressed the power button.

no response!

   I pressed another one, but there was no response!

what happened?

   "Is it not assembled properly? Maybe the transportation has caused a circuit failure, let's check it." Everyone plays with computers, so I understand this. After transportation, the memory sticks become loose, which may cause it to fail to start.

   "Okay, now let's troubleshoot and see who can fix the computer first."

  So, in addition to the teacher, the students also got started. They disassembled the computer and started to fiddle with it.

  The memory module is loose? Plug it in again!

  Line problem? reconnect!

   They tossed for a long time, but they still couldn't start.

   "None of these computers can be started. Next, we need to use a replacement method. Bring the computer in my office and replace the parts on it one by one."

  Tossing from noon to night, they got nothing.

  The same problem also appeared in other departments.

The second one to get this batch of computers is a famous animation company. They use computers for animation design, and they need computers with as powerful a performance as possible. They purchased 200 computers for design and post-rendering, etc. Work, they count on a big job.

   "With these computers, our animations can win Hollywood awards, and the audience will not be able to tell whether our animations are made by computers or by hand. Let's do it."

   "Report, the computer will not start."

   "How is it possible? Dell is a big company, why can't the computer start?"

   "I've tried every one, and it's all the same."

   "Please come over from Dell!"

  Because the number of 20,000 computers is too large, and they are shipped together, there are not enough technicians from Dell, so they came here the next day, and they started to study the computers.

  Insert the fault detection card.

   The fault detection card did not respond either!

How is this going? Damaged power supply?

   Change the power supply!

   Change memory!

   Change the graphics card!

   Change processor!

  By the time they changed the processor, the parts that were originally replaced had already broken, so they didn't even know that the culprit was the processor.

   Similar news is still being sent back to Dell's headquarters. All customers are complaining that these Godson-3 computers have problems and cannot be turned on!

what on earth is it?

  In the headquarters, a large group of technicians are constantly busy. Their method is also very simple, which is to change parts.

   After a day of tossing, at night, someone finally tried to change the processor on a brand new machine.

   "Beep!" The computer made a crisp sound and turned on successfully.

  (end of this chapter)

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