Warship of Great Power

Chapter 730: All-in-one UAV

  Chapter 730 Reconnaissance and strike integrated drone

  Qin Tao shook his head: "I'm sorry, I can only give a warning of danger and see what may happen in the future, but I can't say how to solve the problem."

  Qin Tao said that he was very embarrassed, this is an unsolvable problem! If they don't cooperate with FAW, they will not be able to solve the problem of birth certificates, and if they cooperate with FAW, they will be picked by FAW.

FAW is definitely the best at doing this kind of thing. The small Qiongzhou Automobile Factory is nothing. Xiali was played to death by FAW anyway. He was originally independent and had a good life, but he just became a subsidiary of FAW. , I didn’t get any technology, what FAW wanted was their qualification to cooperate with Toyota, Xiali was gone, and FAW and Toyota cooperated like ducks in water.

  Qin Tao knew these results, so he issued a warning, but if he was asked to say how to deal with it, he really couldn't say it. After all, FAW is a giant, and he is not in the same industry.

In the future, even the Mingzhou Group will make cars, and they will be electric cars, not fuel cars, so it is a new field, and at the very beginning, their electric cars were just toys for the rich, like The impact produced by General Motors is the same, and it will slowly lower the price in the future, and finally compete with ordinary fuel vehicles. Since it is taking a high-end route, it naturally cannot compete with a behemoth like FAW. They want to compete It is those luxury cars imported at high prices from abroad.

   "Mr. Qin, I heard that you also want to enter the automobile industry. Our Qiongzhou Automobile Factory hopes to cooperate with you." Director Jing continued.

Hearing what he said, Qin Tao realized that the other party had encountered a problem and was on the verge of bankruptcy, so it was risky to seek a hug from his own side and cooperate with FAW, which was foreshadowed by Qin Tao, so they did not There is no other choice but to continue looking for Mingzhou Group.

  Although in Qin Tao's consciousness, the electric car project has never been considered as a priority, but after all, it has been publicized for a long time, and it has been publicized for several years, so the interested person Jing Jing has already paid attention to it.

   "We are taking the route of electric vehicles." Qin Tao said: "And it is still in the design stage, only to overcome the problem of the power system, and there is still a long way to go in terms of the complete vehicle."

"Mr. Qin, you have the power, and we have the production capacity of complete vehicles." Director Jing said: "We can cooperate in production! As long as you install the power produced by you on the car shell produced by us, we can assemble it." Electric cars are coming out. Our Qiongzhou is an island, transportation is inconvenient, and the cost of gasoline is higher than that in the interior, if electric cars can be used, it will greatly facilitate the transportation in our island!"

  Hearing what Director Jing said, Qin Tao was really tempted.

After the electric vehicle is produced, it needs to have an experimental base. After all, even if it runs hundreds of thousands of kilometers on the test track, it cannot truly simulate the use of the user. In the hands of the user, there will still be problems. .

  Electric vehicles are a new thing. If there is a problem, it may cause word-of-mouth collapse. If the electric vehicles manufactured in the early stage are used in Qiongzhou Island first, and problems are found during use, it is a good choice to modify them.

  Moreover, the island is indeed short of energy, and the extensive use of electric vehicles can reduce the consumption of liquid fuel, so it is still beneficial.

   Thinking of this, Qin Tao nodded: "Director Jing, these suggestions you put forward are very meaningful, but if we want to produce electric vehicles, we will definitely design a new appearance. The molds here are..."

In the early stage of the development of electric vehicles, there were indeed many oil-to-electric vehicles. The trunk was freed up to install the battery, and the motor was installed in the front where the original engine was, so that the electric vehicles were saved, and then they could earn It’s a lot of money, the cost is 30,000, the sale is 300,000, and the state subsidizes 150,000. If you set up a car rental company by yourself, you can earn more than 100,000.

However, this kind of chassis is not suitable. There is a big difference between electric vehicles and ordinary fuel vehicles, so the chassis should also be specially designed, especially the battery. The heavy battery pack cannot be placed in the front, otherwise once the car crashes, it will be gameover. Yes, putting the trunk is the most common, but this will cause the car to be rear-heavy and front-heavy, and the grip will be reduced.

  The most suitable layout is to arrange it on the chassis of the car according to the shape of the car itself, so that the center of gravity can be lowered without affecting the capacity of the trunk, and an additional front trunk can be added.

  Of course, this layout also has problems: when crossing potholes, if you hit it, the consequences will be very serious.

   With the improvement of the national road idea, this design finally became the mainstream, but if you engage in this kind of chassis now, there are still risks.

Before Qin Tao's eyes, a Mazda HMC6470 station wagon appeared. In Mazda's product line, this kind of car is called a station wagon, but it is different from the European crock trucks. This car has a higher chassis and bigger tires. It is the style of the SUV of later generations! From the current perspective, it is similar to the Cherokee of this era.

   Behind the two rows of doors, there is a large suitcase, which is directly flush with the roof. It is precisely because of the structure of the rear that it becomes a station wagon, which can hold a lot of things when traveling.

   Qin Tao stopped talking suddenly when he reached this point, which made Director Jing very curious. He followed Qin Tao's gaze and saw what Qin Tao was looking at, and he was overjoyed.

   "Mr. Qin, this is one of the main models we currently produce, the HMC6470 station wagon. If you like it, we can send you one. Although it can only be driven on the island, the quality of Mazda is very reliable."

Qin Tao shook his head: "No, the three-electric system of our electric car can be tested on this car first! I just said that I want to order ten cars, and five of them need to be this kind of car, as long as the chassis is enough, and then we put them into an electric car."

   There is still a long way to go for electric vehicles, the three-electric system has come out, and now we need a test vehicle, just use the vehicle in front of us!

  The car is large and has a strong carrying capacity, so the battery pack can be placed in the trunk, and this car is front-rear-drive, so the motor is also placed at the back, or the front can also be installed, creating a four-wheel drive structure!

   Just use it as a toy for Ma Ming!

  Director Jing was overjoyed immediately: "Okay, Mr. Qin, we will prepare the chassis for you immediately, and refit it here, or send it to you?"

   "Just here, I'll call someone over."

  The core technology of electric vehicles lies in the battery pack and motor, which are all inside. After being sent to the three-electric system, the outside world can't see the way.

   "Okay, let's set aside a special warehouse for you to modify. Don't worry, Mr. Qin, we will never let the islanders see your modification project." Director Jing said very excitedly.

Although the choice of the factory's follow-up path is still not determined, at least, a new path has appeared in front of us. Qin is always a very emotional person. Since the two parties have cooperated, President Qin can't just sit back and watch I watched my side go bankrupt.

  He also knew that the Mingzhou Group's project was highly confidential, so he quickly patted his chest and promised that the islanders would never see it, and he must do a good job of keeping it secret.

  Qin Tao nodded with satisfaction: "By the way, Director Jing, I don't think you are very old."

   "That's right, Mr. Qin, I graduated in 1988. At that time, the whole school had only one target to come to Qiongzhou, so it was assigned to me. After working for ten years, I became the director of the factory."

  Hearing this, Qin Tao was very emotional: "You are young and promising."

   "No, President Qin and I are still incomparable. Our company is about to go bankrupt. Your Mingzhou Group is already a multinational enterprise. Ashamed, ashamed."

  Factory Manager Jing is very young, only a year earlier than Qin Tao, Qin Tao was in the factory in 8*9 years of college graduation, now looking back, it was exactly ten years.

To have such an achievement in ten years is absolutely unprecedented and unprecedented. Although other people are also capable, they are definitely not as good as Qin Tao. Some young people are also young and promising, but they belong to the family. Bless you, Qin Tao is truly self-made. When he took over the shipyard, he was poor and useless.

  After visiting the automobile factory, Qin Tao took a plane to Guizhou that night.

  On the plane.

   "How is the search for the production qualification of the car factory that is about to go bankrupt?" Qin Tao asked Zhao Ling.

"We're still looking for it. All car factories are very welcome to us, but they don't want to relocate. They just hope that we can acquire them and let them continue to grow and develop. Even those companies that go bankrupt are not willing." Zhao Ling said .

   "It's good to be born a long time ago." Qin Tao said with emotion.

This is like a license plate in the capital. The first person who can afford a car gets a license plate at will. There are even five or six license plates under his name. Later, the license plate starts to be drawn, and some even win for more than ten years. .

In the previous era, there was no such thing as automobile production qualification. After all, they were all state-owned, and they could be used after they were produced. Until 1986, the state established the China Automobile Industry Corporation, led by this company, and the public security The Communist Party of China, the Transportation Commission and the Construction Commission jointly managed the national automobiles and put them in the form of a "catalogue".

  In this way, one is in charge of production, and the other is in charge of licensing, forming upstream and downstream management. Only the production enterprises and products recognized by the four departments are licensed by the Ministry of Public Security.

  The review at that time was quite simple. I went to various places to investigate, and all the car manufacturers that had cooked raw rice and cooked rice were all included in the catalog. There were more than 100 companies in total, even a car modification company.

  The original plan was to publish two issues a year to accommodate all rivers and rivers, but later on, this catalog was stuck. Even the auto companies supported by the province like Qiongzhou Automobile Factory could not do it, let alone private enterprises.

   Now, if you want to enter this industry, you have no other way except to purchase production qualifications and rely on other major manufacturers.

   "By the way, we are about to join the WTO, will this be good for us?" Zhao Ling suddenly thought of something and asked Qin Tao.

   Joining the WTO is an opportunity. Since the door has been opened to foreign car companies, there is no need to continue to control domestic car companies!

  Qin Tao nodded: "This is an opportunity! We can wait and see."

  In fact, the car production qualifications are just a matter of the past few years. By the new millennium, the few well-developed private enterprises have changed from guerrillas to regular troops.

  Our side is an electric vehicle, a high-tech industry, and we should support it. Later countries will allow foreign capital to set up independent factories, so our side will definitely be fine.

  If you can’t buy it, just wait until later. Anyway, now that we have a car shell, let's test it first.

   This matter is considered to be over, and next, I will continue to be busy in the military industry.

  UAVs are of great importance. They are brand-new weapons in the new millennium. You can see how important this thing is if you look at future generations and have a dedicated drone carrier.

"Leader Wu, President Qin, you are welcome to participate in the first flight of our drone." Zhang Wanhe, the director of Yunma Factory, went to the airport to greet him in person. President Qin and the others took an ordinary passenger plane, not a military plane, otherwise they would directly It landed on the runway of Yunma Factory, and now it can only be at this civilian airport.

   "Director Zhang, your actions are fast." Qin Tao said.

   "This is mainly due to the Goose Factory." Zhang Wanhe said: "Without their help, our drone is just a large model aircraft, and now it has finally reached the level of the Global Hawk, or even more advanced."

"More Advanced?"

   "Well, Mr. Qin, you'll find out when you go and have a look."

  At this time, the eastern sky has begun to brighten, and another new day has arrived.

  On the runway of Yunma Factory, some people are busy, they surround a plane with a special shape.

If you look at the length, this thing is about the same size as the J-7, but if you look at the wingspan, it is definitely much larger than the J-7. The long wings, like U-2, will become U-2s in the sky. Existence like a ghost.

  The nose of the aircraft is curved, like a big-headed fly, and the back is retracted. There are two beautiful V-shaped tails at the tail, which directly replace the horizontal and vertical tails. It seems that the need for stealth is taken into account.

  The arrangement of the engine is the most special: it is directly poked on the back of the aircraft and passes through the middle of the V-shaped tail.

  The overall shape is like a replica of a Global Hawk.

  Wu Shengli has seen wooden models before, but at that time there was no engine on the back of the aircraft, and a propeller engine was used. Now this kind of jet-powered, metal aircraft appears, which looks very fresh.

  However, what surprised him the most was that the missile was mounted near the root of the wing!

  The Global Hawk of the United States is nothing more than a reconnaissance drone. What about our own? Actually started carrying missiles? Judging by the appearance of the missile, it should be a special air-to-ground missile.

   "Okay, let's reconnaissance strike together." After seeing the missile, Qin Tao also said with emotion: "The best way to execute the beheading operation! How did you think of it?"

Qin Tao did not remember that he had proposed the concept of an all-in-one reconnaissance and strike aircraft. After all, in this era, electronic technology is still very backward, and drones are only limited to reconnaissance. If they want to be able to strike, there is still a long way to go. Walk.

  Who would have thought that this drone could actually achieve the ability to strike?

"We have completed a brand-new algorithm, which can input the target into the system, and the detection system will compare and confirm the target during the search process." At this moment, one of them put down the laptop he was testing. , said to Qin Tao: "However, if we need to call other forces to attack after confirming the target, I am afraid we will not be able to catch up. Therefore, we should simply carry weapons by ourselves. After we find the target, we can launch the attack as soon as possible. Kill the target!"

The person who spoke was Zhang Dong, one of the directors of the goose factory. At the same time, after receiving the project, he also organized a large number of people to start research and development. He himself is the person in charge of the project. This first flight, naturally I'm coming along.

  Mingzhou Group is used for both military and civilian purposes. The civilian ships are very powerful, and the military products are even more powerful. Therefore, Zhang Dong has also been infected with this trend. If he wants to do it, he must make it the most advanced in the world!

   At this time, Qin Tao was also very satisfied when he heard what Zhang Dong said: "You guys have done a good job! When the first flight is successful, all team members of this project can get an extra bonus!"

   It is meaningless to talk about ideals. Mr. Qin is so realistic. After he finished speaking, other technicians present immediately shouted: "Long live Mr. Qin!"

   "Hey, don't shout about this! If you shouted like that twenty years ago, you would be harming me." Qin Tao said.

  Wu Shengli also sighed from the side: "Amazing, on the battlefield, this weapon is the most suitable for performing beheading tactics. We used to use special forces to take risks. Now we only need a drone."

  Ordinary planes can also drop bombs, but the enemy will also fight back. Moreover, ordinary planes cannot stay in the airspace for a long time. Even if it is a reconnaissance plane, it only flies back and forth, and the information needs to be returned for judgment.

  UAVs can stay in the airspace for a long time and acquire a lot of information. Now, it has even expanded to attack. How can Qin Tao not be moved, this technology is too good!

   "Yes, there will be more and more drones in the sky in the future. After all, even if the attack fails, there will be zero casualties."

  Once a manned fighter jet is shot down, there will be a big problem. The pilot is captured by the enemy and abused. In order to save one pilot, many more people may die.

  UAVs don’t have this kind of worry.

  Of course, the reason why missiles can be installed is also because of the powerful engine. If only the previous propeller engine was used, it would definitely not be able to provide such a strong bomb-carrying capacity. Now that the turbofan engine is replaced, the take-off weight can be greatly increased.

   "Can you attack the enemy's bridge?" Wu Shengli thought of something and continued to ask.

  If you can attack the enemy's bridge and destroy the enemy's combat command system, it means that the entire warship loses its combat effectiveness.

   "Yes, our drones are low-observable, and they can fly over, as long as the attack is set in the program." Zhang Wanhe said: "Not only can we use it for ourselves, but we also plan to export it in large quantities."

  When he heard the exit, Wu Shengli's face darkened again: "This weapon is a big killer. If we export it, will it pose a threat to ourselves?"

  As soon as these words came out, the lively atmosphere cooled down.

  The army did not invest, and the whole project was completely independently developed by their Yunma Factory! The military procurement can’t be expensive, it’s just a hard-earned money. Therefore, their Yunma factory has long planned to push this drone to the international market. According to their analysis, they can sell hundreds of drones every year. Over 100 million.

   How many more years can the Jjiao Qi last? They plan to rely on this kind of drone for food in the future. Now, the army is afraid of threats and is unwilling to let their own export?

  Even if it is developed by them independently, the army still has the power. If it does not export, it will not export. If it exports, it has to go in and squat, or even eat peanuts.

   "Of course not." Qin Tao shook his head immediately.

  So sure?

  Wu Shengli just raised a possibility, and didn't really stop it, but judging from the faces of everyone, he knew that his question was very sharp, but Qin Tao's answer next was so decisive!

Generally speaking, weapons are double-edged swords. Exporting weapons can not only make money, but also hurt yourself. If you don’t believe me, you can look at the Falklands War in 1982. At that time, why did the Weeping Country successfully use the Exocet missile to sink Shelfie? German number?

  In addition to the reasons analyzed by various military experts, there is another important reason: the Weeping Country also purchased Type 42 destroyers from the United Kingdom.

  Look at the current imperial cemetery. When the old men invaded, the United States provided a large number of weapons to help the guerrillas in the imperial cemetery fight against the old men. Now? Americans enter the Imperial Graveyard and find the natives hailing them with Stinger missiles!

   Now, if you want to sell this kind of drone, even if it is not a reconnaissance strike, it is just a reconnaissance aircraft, and it will pose a threat to your own side!

  Qin Tao actually said of course not?

   "We can completely build in the program. Once the export-oriented drone approaches our border, it will start the automatic return program." Qin Tao said: "The drone they bought can't fly back at all."

  Can you still do this? Exported drones seldom reach our own borders. Generally, such prefabricated procedures will not be found, and it is normal to find them. The airspace of our motherland rejects any aircraft that has not reported!

"In the navigation system of the UAV, there are satellite positioning terminals. At present, we use GPS and Beidou dual-mode navigation, and this kind of program can be preset." Zhang Dong said: "Besides, this kind of program cannot be modified. If it is modified, the drone will be completely locked and unable to take off."

   Zhang Dong affirmed Qin Tao's statement from a technical point of view. And it has also been reinforced, who dares to touch the core program of the drone, the drone will become scrap metal!

  (end of this chapter)

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