Warship of Great Power

Chapter 711: Tailor-made for the old bus?

  Chapter 711 Tailor-made for the old bus?

It's very common for technicians to be unkempt, or even not take a shower for many days because of being busy. Qin Tao can accept it, and seeing the woman coming in front of him, Qin Tao is a little bit guilty. I can't even take care of it, I haven't been to the fourth design department of Mingzhou Group for a long time.

  The person in front of me is, of course, the person in charge of the Fourth Design Department: Alexeyeva! When she was fooled by Qin Tao, she was also highly valued, and she set up a design department to develop ground effect aircraft technology.

Thanks to their efforts, Peace Dove No. 1 has officially entered commercial operation. This ground-effect aircraft can be found in playgrounds in various coastal cities. In Shuangsha Island Fishing Resort, it is even more important to ride this ground-effect aircraft. A must-have for tourists.

However, Alexieva will never stop here. After the success of Peace Dove 1, she began to tirelessly develop Peace Dove 2. According to the plan, its back can carry six anti-ship missiles, It is the terrible **** of death at sea, and also the dove of peace protecting the motherland's sea area.

  However, the development of the No. 2 encountered a big problem.

  Shuangyang Factory is responsible for the production. They have a special production line for the Dove of Peace, and the Dove of Peace No. 2 is also produced there. However, the engine needed for the No. 2 Peace Dove has not arrived so long that the Dove of Peace cannot continue to be built.

  Alekseeva was very anxious. I don’t know how many times I have urged Zhao Shunli here. Now that I saw Qin Tao coming, I ran here immediately. What you said must not be counted.

   "Well, what kind of engine does our Peace Dove II need?" Qin Tao asked.

   "A thrust of at least 600 kN is required to meet the needs of PAR technology." Alexeyeva said.

The most similar to the Peace Dove II is the flower-tailed pigeon. The maximum flight weight of this ground-effect aircraft is about 250 tons. It has six anti-ship missiles on its back and a short wing in front of the nose. Four engines, NK-87 engines from the Kuznetsov Design Bureau, each can provide a thrust of more than 100 kN, what are these engines used for?

   Of course, it is the impact of the momentum, that is, PAR. (Looks like it’s also called power boost?)

When an aircraft with wings flies close to the ground or sea, the air coming from the front will have to flow through the lower surface of the wings. Since there is not enough space under the wings, the air will be congested, and the pressure under the wings will Will increase, drag the aircraft up, this is the ground effect.

This is different from the lift generated by ordinary wings. The lift of ordinary wings generally comes from the leading edge of the wing, while the lift of ground-effect aircraft comes from the bottom of the entire wing, so the efficiency is higher. However, this requires the aircraft to have enough power. Speed ​​will do.

  In the case of zero speed, the wing will not produce this kind of ground effect, so the take-off weight of the ground effect aircraft will be greatly limited. If this situation is not changed, the ground effect aircraft will not be practical.

Therefore, Lao Maozi used this technology, placing a row of engines in front of the nose, through these engines to generate airflow, blowing to the lower surface of the main wing at the back, which can significantly increase the take-off weight of the ground effect aircraft, and can also Provide thrust, serve multiple purposes.

However, this also requires a powerful engine. The eight engines look spectacular in the front, and the fuel is also whizzing. The take-off weight of the flowertail pigeon is 250 tons. Even if only 50 tons of fuel are loaded, the aircraft will It is enough to say that it is against the sky, but this kind of fuel can only make it fly for one or two thousand kilometers. If it is put on the An-124 transport plane, it can fly tens of thousands of kilometers properly.

Now, the take-off weight has been reduced to 200 tons, and optimization has been carried out at the same time. According to Alexieva's calculations, the thrust of the front engine should be at least 600 kN, but is this level of engine easy to find? ?

  Of course it’s hard to find! The engine of a fighter jet has a thrust of more than 100,000 oxen, which is afterburner thrust! Normal military thrust is tens of kilonewtons, and only the engines of transport planes and passenger planes are suitable. However, these engines are not easy to find. For example, the D-30K engine commonly used in transport planes, even if it is imported from China, is also used to modify the H-6. Yes, now the group really hasn't coordinated with the Fourth Design Bureau.

  Alekseeva doesn't care about this, if she doesn't give her an engine, she won't be able to test fly! So at this time, Alexeyeva was very anxious and full of expectations. Since Qin Tao came, he had to help her solve the problem!

   "Is an engine with more than 10,000 horsepower okay?" Qin Tao asked Alexieva.

  The other party frowned: "President Qin, you, an expert in shipbuilding, don't seem to know much about the aviation industry. We only talk about thrust, not horsepower."

In the era of propellers, fighter engines were measured by horsepower. Before World War II, engines with hundreds of horsepower were already very powerful, but by the end of World War II, the most advanced piston engines could already output one or two thousand horsepower. This is still used on fighter jets and bombers, and can even output three to four thousand horsepower. At this time, it seems that no one has heard of the thrust of how many thousand newtons.

However, in the age of jets, this is all about the thrust of thousands of newtons. From the first generation of jets with a thrust of more than a dozen thousand newtons to the current more than one hundred thousand newtons, no one mentions the horsepower of the engine. How is this going?

   Of course, the standard of measurement is different.

In fact, when an airplane flies forward, it needs to push the gas backwards. Whether it uses a propeller or a jet engine directly, the principle is the same. However, in the era of propellers, how much thrust an engine can provide is not only related to the engine, but also to the propeller. It has something to do with the efficiency of the engine. For simplicity and clarity, let's just talk about the power output of the engine.

  In the age of jets, direct injection, of course, has to say how much thrust, as for converting it into horsepower? Then you have to add a power turbine at the back to turn it into a turboshaft engine to measure the horsepower.

  Of course, under ideal conditions, power and thrust can still be converted, this is the formula of P=F*V. How to convert horsepower and power depends on how fast the speed is. The faster the speed, the smaller the thrust. This is the same in cars and ships. (There seems to be an algorithm. According to experience, 15N thrust can be basically converted to 1 kilowatt power.)

Qin Tao had a big oolong, everyone was a little embarrassed, but Qin Tao was not embarrassed: "The aviation industry doesn't talk about horsepower? In the technical indicators of the D-227 engine, the maximum output power is 14,000 horsepower, and the normal output power is Eleven thousand horsepower, why haven't I heard how much thrust this engine has?"

  Aircraft engines include not only turbofans and turbojets, but also turboshafts and turboprops. (And paddle fans.)

   "Mr. Qin, you mean, you can get the D-227 engine?" Alexeyeva's eyes widened.

"Well, we just talked about it, and it's still a secret." Qin Tao said: "Our Genghis Khan Aviation may open a new production line in the later stage, specializing in the production of D-227 engines, so if this engine can be equipped with If we come to the Peace Dove II, then our power problem will be solved, and we can provide ourselves with as much as we want."

   In Qin Tao’s impression, huge ground-effect aircraft are all powered by turbofans or turbojet engines. I have never seen one that uses turboprops. This thing will increase the windward area and reduce the speed. I don’t know if the designer likes it?

"Of course. If four D-227 engines are used, the power can reach exactly 600 kN." Alexieva said: "Moreover, this kind of engine is more fuel-efficient and has a longer range. Even, we can set Set the flight control program, turn on four engines when taking off and landing, fly normally, and if the ground effect is high enough, you can only turn on two engines. In this way, our Peace Dove II should be able to reach 5,000 engines. A voyage of more than a kilometer!"

Alexieva is very satisfied with this engine. It drives the front coaxial counter-rotating propeller, which is equivalent to a turbofan engine with a huge bypass ratio. The fuel consumption will definitely be greatly reduced. If it is specially developed for ground-effect aircraft With the right propeller, the thrust might be even greater.

  When the ground effect aircraft takes off, it needs enough gas propelled by the nose engine, but after flying, with the ground effect, this demand can be reduced, maybe two are enough.

  Qin Tao didn't expect that he had just talked with Zamotayeva about the production of this kind of engine, and now it has this kind of use. In the future, the output of this kind of D-227 engine will be even greater!

In fact, propellers for ground effect aircraft are also very common. Old Maozi’s Orion-25 and domestic CYG-11 light wing-in-ground boats all use propellers, but Qin Tao’s preconceived ideas are full of The flower-tailed pigeon I saw on the coast of the Caspian Sea back then felt that the eight engines in the nose were magnificent enough, and never thought about other configurations.

Anyway, the ground effect aircraft does not need supersonic speed, or even a particularly high speed. Although it is an aircraft, it is actually compared with a ship. It is enough to be more than ten times faster than the ship, and there is no need to continue to pursue too high speed.

   "However, when will this engine be given to us?" Alexieva continued to ask.

"It will take a long time for us to cooperate with Motor Sich. However, we can ask for a few prototypes first, and say that we will use this prototype to sell, so that it can be installed on the Peace Dove II. If we are lucky , three months."

   "Okay, then give us the information of this engine in advance, we still need to improve it based on this engine."

  In the past, the short wings were prepared for jet engines, but now they want to use propeller engines, the shape of the short wings must be changed, and maybe they have to try the air hole. Three months is just enough for them to modify.

   What kind of engine is used, this is really not picky.

"Well, Alexeyeva, you have worked hard." Qin Tao wanted to continue to say a few words of thanks, and then he was able to leave. Unexpectedly, Alexeyeva interrupted his next encouragement, Continue to speak: "President Qin, the engine problem has been solved, and the next step is the weapon. We plan to install six anti-ship missiles on the back. What kind of missiles are installed?"

   Six sun-burned anti-ship missiles are installed on the flowertail pigeon, which is majestic and majestic. What about now? They don't want to install a simple Eagle-82, that kind of power is too weak!

At the beginning, Qin Tao fooled Alexeyeva over just at the right time. Now, everything is moving forward naturally. I really haven’t guessed what anti-ship missiles to use. Now I’ve finally come to this point, so I can’t be ambiguous anymore. It's over.

   "How about the Eagle Strike 8 series missiles?"

"No, the range is only 40 kilometers, and even the improved version is only about 100 kilometers, and it is still subsonic." Alexieva said: "The mission of our weapon is to strike the enemy's high-value water targets. , such as aircraft carriers, etc., we don’t want to do those ordinary jobs.”

  Aircraft carrier?

Then there is only the Eagle-12. This supersonic anti-ship missile has matured. It is installed on the only 10,000-ton destroyer in China. The YJ-18 combined with the Asian Super League is still under development and is not mature enough.

These anti-ship missiles have a long flight distance and require advanced detection methods. Therefore, it is enough to equip the Peace Dove II with an ordinary data link, receive information from the early warning aircraft, penetrate the defense at ultra-low altitude at sea, and run away after hitting it. It can exert its power, but it is a pity that this kind of missile can only be used by itself at present.

   You know, the Navy has not yet decided whether to install ground-effect aircraft. The Peace Dove II is for the market, and the Eagle-12 cannot be exported. Even if it is matched now, it is useless.

  Wait, why do you have to be limited by sea attacks? Can a ground attack work? Is it better to replace anti-ship missiles with cruise missiles?

  Thinking of this, Qin Tao's eyes brightened. The projects currently underway have objectively helped the development of ground-effect aircraft!

  Peace Dove No. 2 is a tailor-made weapon for Laoba!

  The enemy of the old bus is Ah San. For a long time, the old bus has been suppressed and beaten, but with this ground effect aircraft, the old bus can gain the initiative! Starting from their own port, bypassing the southernmost tip of Ah San's land, they appeared on the east side of Ah San!

  Since the loss of Dongba, Ah San no longer has the risk of fighting on two fronts. Now that the old bus has the Peace Pigeon II, he can go around to the east of Ah San at high speed to launch cruise missiles, and Ah San is caught off guard!

  It is faster than speedboats and submarines, has a longer range than bombers, and has a large ammunition load. This is a big killer! Qin Tao was also emotional. He suddenly wanted to understand the real advantages of the ground effect aircraft. If he made a stealth version in the future, would it be more domineering?

  The cruise missile was jointly developed by everyone, and there is no problem with the weapon system.

   Seeing the light shining in front of Qin Tao's eyes, Zhao Ling knew that Qin Tao had already figured out a solution. Her man was powerful, and no matter what problems he encountered, he could find a solution.

   "Alekseeva, how about we arrange more powerful weapons on top of this ground-effect aircraft?" Qin Tao said.

   "A bigger weapon? What weapon?" Alekseeva immediately regained her spirits.

   "You said, in this world, what weapon is the most advanced?"

   "Stealth machine?"

   "No, no, the weapons that our ground-effect aircraft can carry, missiles. It will be used in the last few local wars, and it will become a star weapon and receive the attention of many military strategists."

If it wasn't for the ground-effect aircraft, Alexeyeva would have said Scud and Patriot. Now, she thought about it, and then seriously replied: "Mr. Qin, you mean the Tomahawk cruise missile? "

"Yes, it is a cruise missile." Qin Tao said: "Now, we have also decided to develop a special ground attack cruise missile. This missile has a longer range, higher concealment, and greater power. With it, It will be able to better attack the enemy, even thousands of kilometers away."

   "Are we going to develop?"

"That's right, the specific parameters are imitated by the Tomahawk cruise missile. You can design our Peace Dove II based on this cruise missile, and you need to produce the drawings as soon as possible. There is a good chance that buyers will come to our project. If there is an order, our project can develop faster and better."

   Alexeyeva opened her eyes wide: "Order?"

Having been in the East for many years, Alexeyeva certainly knows that a virtuous circle can only be formed if a weapon is sold. If it is sold and the money is made, it will continue to invest in research and development to produce better and more advanced ones. Buyers, the investment is huge and cannot be recovered, and the entire project is likely to be terminated.

   It's just that she didn't expect Peace Dove No. 2 to be sold so quickly, she nodded vigorously: "Okay, we will do it as soon as possible."

  Received the task and got the promise, Alexeyeva left. She needed to gather her men to start improving the design immediately.

  Looking at the back of her leaving, Zhao Ling said with emotion: "Brother Tao, this is a woman who puts her heart and soul into her work."

  Zhao Ling saw her own shadow from Alexieva. In the past, she worked hard for research and development. Now, as Tao's secretary, she has experienced what life is.

"Well, I also feel that I am a bit of a black-hearted boss. Shall we find her a man?" After Qin Tao finished speaking, he looked around and saw Xu Zhengyang. Xu Zhengyang is not married yet, so they How about a couple?

  Xu Zhengyang quickly shook his head: "President Qin, don't worry about my business. Go in for a visit and assign tasks."

   When they come here, they have to arrange the affairs of the cruise missile research and development team. This research and development team also has technicians from the old bus, so the secrecy is better, and it is best to be an independent courtyard.

   Fortunately, it is newly built here, and it is easy to plan. Before dark, all projects have been finalized.

  The old bus moved very quickly. By the next day, a C-130 transport plane landed on the runway of Shuangyang Factory, and the wreckage of the Tomahawk missile was delivered!

  (end of this chapter)

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