Warship of Great Power

Chapter 614: Inspect Su-35

  Chapter 614 examines Su-35

   What's the use of showing off your turbofan ten in front of Da Mao so ostentatiously?

  Of course, it is to make Da Mao nervous, so that they can come up with better things, otherwise, they will definitely be replaced by their own side.

   Now, the effect has been achieved!

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Yemelyanov was a little helpless: "That's right, in order to develop the fourth-generation aircraft, the Rurika Design Bureau came up with an AL-41F engine with a thrust-to-weight ratio of 11. The engine uses a lot of advanced technology, and it is the best choice for the fourth-generation aircraft. However, its size is larger, and it cannot be installed in our Su-27 fighter. Moreover, this engine actually has many technical problems. It has not been resolved, since the collapse of the Red Empire, the development of this engine has been stopped, and now, it is impossible to produce it again."

After the collapse of the Red Empire, many projects have stagnated and even started to regress. Take the third uncle as an example, the performance of the early version imported from China was fairly stable, but later on, the quality began to decline continuously, which shows that Lao Maozi’s quality control It's getting worse.

  As for the advanced AL-41 engine, it is impossible to reproduce it.

The maximum military thrust of this engine is 117.6 kN. There are many opinions about the maximum afterburner thrust, 175 kN, 181 kN, or even 196 kN. If this engine is installed on the Su-27, it will be appropriate It can achieve supersonic cruise without afterburner, and can fly to Mach 2.5 with afterburner.

  However, it is no longer capable of producing this kind of engine, not to mention that it has not been developed well.

   "Then what advanced engines do you have now?" Qin Tao asked.

"Currently, the Rurika-Saturn Design Bureau is improving the third uncle, and they are developing the AL-31F-M1 engine, which can slightly increase the thrust of the engine, especially improves the high-altitude performance and makes it accelerate faster. "

In later generations, the new Su-35 is equipped with a 117S engine. This engine is actually a version that uses some technologies of the AL-41F engine to improve the third uncle. In the 21st century, there is no such engine now.

  The only improved version of the third uncle is still under development, and it will not be installed on the aircraft until 1999.

  In the past few years, Lao Maozi has really been standing still, even regressing.

  Qin Tao suddenly thought of something: "What kind of engine is installed in the Su-35 you plan to sell to us?"

  The modified Su-35S in the 21st century is equipped with a 117S engine. The current Su-35 is actually the Su-27M. What version of the engine is it using?

   "This fighter uses the AL-35FM." Yemelyanov replied.

The current Su-35 actually intends to use the third uncle’s, but the thrust is insufficient, so a new engine is used instead. As for the specific origin of this AL-35F engine, it is not clear, but the difference between it and the third uncle is that it increases The diameter of the engine inlet was increased to increase the air intake, and the temperature of the turbine inlet was increased to increase the thrust of the engine. The internal structure was also slightly improved, so that the maximum thrust was 8500kg, and the afterburner thrust was about 14000kg. Later, the afterburner was changed to increase the afterburner thrust to 14500kg. This is the famous AL-35FM. The only Su-37 uses the AL-35FM with vector nozzles, also known as AL-37FU.

"Okay, then let's buy this kind of engine." Qin Tao said: "This kind of engine has more thrust than the third uncle, and it should be better than the turbofan ten. If you are willing to export this kind of engine, then I promise , our purchase quantity here will be at least 300 units, and may be more."

   This kind of engine is already their advanced fighter engine. Can it be exported to the East? Yemelyanov felt a little uneasy.

  That night, everyone stayed at Room 606 for dinner, and Mr. Zhang was still enthusiastically introducing it to everyone.

"After our engine is successfully installed, we can use its core engine to develop other engines. For example, we can turn it into a high-thrust turbofan engine by adding an external bypass with a large bypass ratio. , to meet the needs of our transport planes and bombers, and there will be no problem even using it on passenger planes in the future. We can also change it into a gas turbine for ships, hoping to get orders from the Navy."

The development of aero-engines in foreign countries is to develop the core engine first. After the core engine has no problems, then add external ducts to become various engines. Although the turbofan 10 is developed according to the overall engine, as long as it is The core machine can be taken out and used in other projects.

Hearing Mr. Zhang's introduction, everyone nodded frequently: "Yes, we developed Turbofan 10 from scratch. This engine will definitely have a brighter future. We also expect it to bear fruit and become our domestic engine. The most advanced and proven powertrain."

  These people talked very excitedly, leaving Yemelyanov aside. Yemelyanov drank alone, depressed, and fell drunk after a few glasses of wine.

  When Lao Maozi was carried out, Zhang Lao immediately put down the smile just now, and looked at Lin Lao with a serious face.

"Our engine has been approved and installed on a J-11 for testing. We thank the Air Force for its support. However, we still don't understand the rules of turbofan engine development. Therefore, our engine is likely to There are some problems." Zhang Lao said: "I hope that the leaders of the Air Force will give us enough time to perfect this engine."

All countries have encountered big problems in the development of the third-generation engines. The American F100 used to break down frequently, making the F-15 equipped with it the queen of the hangar. The third uncle of the old man also continued to have problems during the research and development stage. So much so that the chief designer came up with a reward plan, and for every gram of weight saved, a certain amount of rubles will be rewarded.

  After experiencing the failure of turbofan six in China, the big guys have also realized the difficulties in the development of turbofan engines. Now that they are about to be installed on airplanes for testing, more problems are likely to erupt. What if the failures are frequent and the Air Force loses confidence?

  They have to agree in advance. The remarks this afternoon are all for the old Maozi, and they don't have much confidence in themselves.

Mr. Lin nodded: "Yes, we are mentally prepared for this. Anyway, there are three uncles making do with it for the time being. With President Qin's promotion, we may be able to import more advanced engines. Our Air Force can afford to wait until our own engines Mature!"

"Everyone, Yemelyanov and I have already said hello. Their Su-35 fighters use the AL-35F engine, with a maximum military thrust of 8.5 tons and a maximum afterburning thrust of 14.5 tons. This engine gives The replacement of our fighter planes will definitely improve the performance of our fighter planes by leaps and bounds."

  Hearing these uprights, Mr. Zhang felt a little aggrieved again, what? Their maximum afterburner thrust is actually 14.5 tons? In this way, isn't the performance of our turbofan 10 falling behind again?

As if knowing what Mr. Zhang was thinking, Qin Tao said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, don't worry, I believe that the engine we made ourselves can also achieve this kind of data. Come on everyone! Turbofan 10 is related to The several fighter jets of our navy, air force and aviation unit will never be dismounted."

  Mr. Zhang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  A week later, the Sukhoi Design Bureau officially sent an invitation, inviting guests from the East to go to the Gromov Test Flight Academy to appreciate the style of their Su-35 fighter jets.

  After getting the news, Mr. Lin led the team again, and a large group of people went to appreciate Lao Maozi's most advanced fighter jet with great interest.

"This is currently the most advanced fighter jet in our country. It is equipped with brand new equipment. For example, its radar system has been upgraded to the latest N011 radar. It is the first airborne radar in our country that uses a flat-panel slot antenna. "Simonov, the head of the Sukhoi Design Bureau, introduced to everyone enthusiastically: "Its appearance has greatly improved our combat capabilities. In the research and development stage, our goal is to track 20 targets. And attack 8 of them."

   For a long time, the best fighter of Lao Maozi is its mobility, and the most criticized thing is the backwardness of the electronic system. On the Su-35, these shortcomings have been made up for!

  After repeated research, they finally solved the processing difficulties of the flat slot radar antenna, and have officially used this radar on the Su-35!

"It has a detection range of 400 kilometers for a bomber target, and a detection range of 140 kilometers for a target with an RCS of 3 square meters. Moreover, our fighter is also specially placed on the tail Inside the tail cone, a rear-view radar is installed, if there is an enemy plane chasing it, the rear-view radar can detect it in time, and at the same time, it can also guide our air-to-air missiles to attack backwards."

   This is also a unique function of the Su-27 series aircraft, and other aircraft simply do not have this capability.

From the rear, there will be an extra tail vertebra in the middle of the two engines, just like the barb of a bee. It was originally the result of aerodynamic design, but the place at the rear can be used to install the rear-view radar, so that It became the only fighter in the world with a rear-view radar. (There is also a saying that this thing is called a tail support)

  Everyone was surprised when they heard Simonov's introduction.

  At present, the domestic 1493 radar has started to replace the original bulky N001 radar, and the radar with the inverted card antenna should have been retired long ago. However, the performance of this radar is not as good as the front!

   Facing a transport plane, it can detect 400 kilometers away, and can chase 20 dozen eight! When did Lao Maozi's technology become more advanced than his own?

  "Mr. Simonov, your radar is indeed very advanced. Can you give us a test in the performance later? Especially this one chasing 20 to 8."

Hearing Qin Tao's proposal, the smile on Simonov's face became stiff: "Well, as you know, we are currently short of funds. We took off 20 target drones at a time and shot down eight of them. It's too expensive for us."

   "If you are reluctant to spend money, you can send 20 target drones from our country." Qin Tao continued: "The consumption is ours."

   "This isn't very good, is it? How can I make you spend money?"

  How shrewd Mr. Lin is, he immediately discovered something from the dialogue between the two parties: the performances Simonov mentioned must be bragging! That's why he didn't dare to test.

   "In this case, let's take off a transport plane and let us see how it detects the transport plane at a distance of 400 kilometers." Elder Lin joined the battle group.

Yankee's AWG-9 radar, the farthest search distance is only 315 kilometers, and other fighters after that, the search distance is not as good as this radar from 20 years ago. As for the old Maozi's technology, it is absolutely impossible to compare with AWG -9 radar strong.

"What we are demonstrating to you today is the maneuverability of this aircraft. In terms of electronic systems, we will only introduce it." Simonov continued to shirk: "We have not contacted the relevant transport aircraft as a target. Come on, everyone, go to the tail, you can see Look at the engine of this aircraft. This is our most advanced AL-35FM engine with a maximum afterburner thrust of 14.5 tons. It makes our aircraft have a better thrust-to-weight ratio and can do more maneuvers. If it is matched with a vector nozzle , and can do many famous maneuvers.”

   Originally planned to introduce electronic technology to make the Easterners envious. Who would have thought that the other party would take it seriously and hold on to it, so Simonov could only change the subject.

  Mr. Lin and Qin Tao looked at each other and smiled. Needless to say, they already understood.

  In fact, although the N011 radar uses a flat-panel slot antenna, it is not mature at all. It is a semi-finished product, so Lao Maozi gave up after testing it, and then improved it to a passive phased array radar antenna, which is called N011M.

  The Snow Leopard radar used by the later Su-35S is a passive phased array system.

  Everyone walked from the front of the plane, to the side, and then to the back.

  The machine body still has old-fashioned characteristics, and the rivets are exposed. Although it has been repainted, it still looks like it has gone through many vicissitudes.

  The numbers of the Su-35 fighters are from 701 to 710. The 11th plane is 711, which is the Su-37.

  However, these prototypes are not newly produced. For example, the 701, 702, 705, 706, and 707 fighters are greatly modified on the basis of the mass-produced Su-27 fighters. Of course, as a test aircraft, it must have a test flight code name. The official number of the 701 prototype is T-10M-1, which was the first prototype to fly in 1988.

   At this time, the 707 displayed in front of everyone is a test aircraft built after the collapse of the Red Empire, and the airframe is relatively new. If it is another plane, it is estimated that the condition will be even worse.

  The aircraft in front of me uses a different front fuselage, canards, and tail braces from the Su-27. However, the mid-section fuselage, vertical tail, and wheels are all the same as the Su-27 mass-produced model. Everyone seemed to have a sense of intimacy.

  Some people are already thinking about this kind of aircraft, and after the 601 surveys and maps, it can be produced in the 112 factory! It adopts a three-plane layout, which is much more maneuverable than the Su-27!

In fact, the Su-35 is just a Su-27 with an extra small wing. At the beginning, the number of the Sukhoi Design Bureau was also Su-27M. Later, in order to sell the aircraft better, it was renamed Su-27. 35.

   Just like the MiG machine, after the reputation of the MiG-29 became rotten, the Mikoyan Design Bureau made a major change to the MiG-29, and then named it the MiG-35, but it was still not sold.

  In comparison, tanks are much better. The T-72 has a bad reputation. It was renamed T-90, and it really sold a lot.

After some on-site inspections, it was the turn of the flight performance in the air. Pugachev put on his flight suit and walked out confidently. Relying on the famous cobra maneuver, he has become the world leader. The most famous test pilot, he flew the Su-35 for the longest time, and even flew the famous Su-37. He also created many classic maneuvers on the Su-37.

  For him, this is just the most normal air show.

  After the engine was started, the beautiful triplane fighter Su-35 slid onto the runway, took off with afterburner, and climbed at a high angle of attack. Various maneuvers made people dizzy and dizzying.

The three-wing plane was originally used on carrier-based aircraft to improve the short-range take-off capability of the Su-33. However, after the Su-33 was developed, the Sukhoi Design Bureau became addicted to the three-wing plane layout. The Su-27 is equipped with canards and digital telex, which greatly improves its maneuverability.

Of course, there are costs, such as increasing the windward area, increasing the complexity of the operating system, etc. However, with an additional pair of control surfaces, more actions can be made. Da Mao is still very satisfied with this change .

   At this time, the big guys looked up at the various maneuvers, and could feel the performance improvement compared to the Su-27.

"Everyone, the Su-35 is your best choice." Simonov said enthusiastically: "Please trust us, this fighter will not let you down! Although its price is 80 million US dollars a piece, but , its performance is worth the price.”

  Now we have started to negotiate the price!

   Eighty million dollars! When he heard the price, Elder Lin's expression changed immediately. This is money grabbing, and your asking price is too high!

At present, the J-11 fighter jets produced by China itself are equivalent to 30 to 40 million U.S. dollars each. If you purchase this kind of Su-35, 50 million or even 60 million U.S. dollars per aircraft is acceptable, but Eighty million dollars a plane is ridiculously high!

   "Is your price the price of the whole life?" Qin Tao asked with a smile: "For example, it includes a lot of after-sales services, including backup parts and even backup engines."

"Of course not. This is the price of a stand-alone aircraft. You also need to purchase a series of advanced weapons. For example, we equip it with active radar-guided R-77 air-to-air missiles and R-77 missiles for long-range attack on targets such as early warning aircraft." -172 missile, it can hunt and kill the enemy's key targets at a distance of 300 kilometers."

  Su-35 naturally also needs to **** the market of MiG-31. The two design bureaus have fallen in love with each other in the era of the Red Empire.

The MiG-31, which was refitted on the basis of the MiG-25, used phased array radar for the first time, and the search distance is longer, so the range of the corresponding missile can be greatly improved. For this reason, the Pennant Design Bureau The R-33 missile and the modified R-37 were developed. The latter has a range of 300 kilometers and is hung under the belly of the MiG-31 in a half-buried manner, making the MiG-31 a sniper in the sky. .

The aircraft of the Sukhoi Design Bureau also performs homeland air defense missions, and also has the capability of long-distance sniping. The MiG-35 uses more advanced radars, and of course more advanced missiles are required. They chose The R-172 (also known as KS-172) missile of the Innovator Design Bureau, which appeared later than the R-37, uses more advanced technology.

The projectile body is the same as the S-300, very simple, with a two-stage engine, and even a special ramjet engine. The later model even has a range of 400 kilometers. Of course, in order to avoid export rules, the export product is still reduced to three. hundred kilometers.

   These are the ones that move the East the most!

   Sure enough, after hearing these introductions, the eyes of Lin Lao and the others flickered again.

  Modern air combat is inseparable from early warning aircraft. It is the brain and eyes of modern warfare. Therefore, when a war starts, killing the opponent's early warning aircraft has become an important combat task.

  However, the opponent must also know that the AWACS is a high-value target and will be well protected. It is really too difficult to attack this kind of AWACS.

  Ordinary air-to-air missiles only have a range of tens of kilometers, and fighter jets have to get close to tens of kilometers away from the early warning aircraft to have a chance. At this distance, the opponent's **** fighter jets have already rushed forward.

  The only way to solve the problem is to throw weapons from a distance, just like the navy is fighting an aircraft carrier!

  Air-to-air missiles have a longer range, the better!

   Now, this kind of missile with a range of 300 kilometers can really become the killer of the early warning aircraft. The opponent will never think that it will launch a missile at a distance of 300 kilometers!

  Even if you take into account the avoidance of missing the target, if you get closer to 200 kilometers, the hope of success will greatly increase.

   This aircraft can really make up for the gap in our own side.

  Seeing the look in everyone's eyes, Simonov knew that the deception had worked. Su-35 is the best choice for Orientals, so even if it is more expensive, Orientals can still accept it!

This batch of aircraft will make the Sukhoi Design Bureau a lot of money. Next, the Sukhoi Design Bureau will have more funds for the development of the fourth-generation aircraft. The shape of that fighter has just been made, and the other There is still a lot of design work to do!

  The MiG 1.44 of the Mikoyan Design Bureau is destined to be a failure!

  The fighter plane completed all the flight performances and landed again. This time, everyone stepped on the gangway and looked at the layout inside.

  Da Mao Watch Shop really disappeared. Inside the cockpit is a layout of four monitors, two on each side and two vertically in the middle, forming a T-shaped layout.

"Everyone, this fighter jet is our most advanced aircraft, 20 years ahead of the Su-27 you are flying now. If it weren't for our friendship, we would never have sold such an advanced fighter jet to you." Simonov continued to be complacent.

If it was in the past, they would not have sold it. After all, it was already the most advanced. But now, as they have started the research and development of the fourth-generation aircraft, the importance of this aircraft is not high. It is only after selling it to make money. most important. How to develop without money?

  (end of this chapter)

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