Warship of Great Power

Chapter 493: Localization of 396 Diesel Engine

  Chapter 493 Localization of 396 diesel engine

  Coal Province Diesel Engine Factory.

   "Welcome Mr. Qin." Factory director Wang Xiangyang extended a warm welcome to Qin Tao's arrival, and there was a large group of people standing behind him.

In the diesel engine supporting project of the 022 missile boat, Qin Tao had contacted Guo Jiamin, the director of the sales department. Now, Guo Jiamin is the deputy director of the factory, standing next to Wang Xiangyang. I introduced the people around me.

   "This Sun Tao is the person in charge of the localization of 396 diesel engines. He will go to the meeting room in a while, and he will give you a detailed report."

  Sun Tao is a middle-aged man in his forties. He is not tall. He wears thick glasses and a blue overalls.

   "There's no need to go into the conference room, let's go to the production line first." After Qin Tao finished speaking, he thought of something, and continued to ask: "I won't embarrass you?"

   "Of course not. At your level, Mr. Qin, you can get access to many secrets, including the tank's engine. If you want to see it..."

  Qin Tao quickly waved his hand: "I don't want to see it. Tank diesel engines are very different from our marine diesel engines."

  What's different?

   Of course, the needs are different.

  Marine diesel engines don’t care about the size. After all, there is plenty of space on the ship, so the impact of size is not very serious.

  But tanks can’t do it. Tanks are driven on the ground. The size of the engine directly determines its overall size. If you look at Western tanks, there is a big bulge at the back, which is caused by the size of the engine.

  Another difference is longevity.

In order to achieve a high enough power output with a small size, tank engines are all at the level of crazily squeezing potential. Take the oldest 59 tank engine as an example, it only has a lifespan of 500 motorized hours. overhaul.

  For the ship, five hundred hours, the maiden voyage has not yet ended, and the engine will be overhauled, how is that possible?

  Currently, the Coal Province Diesel Engine Factory is developing a new generation of tank engines for the army, which is their number one key project, but it has nothing to do with Qin Tao.

"Yes, there are indeed big differences, but in some fields, they are still similar, such as their manufacturing technology, precision machining technology, etc." Sun Tao said: "Our 616 factory has explored many advanced processing technologies. The technology has solved many technical problems in precision machining of connecting rods, crankshafts, and pistons, and is completely universal, but some technologies still cannot be broken through immediately."

  When it was just established, the factory was code-named 616, so even now, many old people are still used to saying the code-name of 616 factory.

   "For example?" Qin Tao asked.

"For example, for a diesel engine, the most important thing is the high-pressure oil pump and fuel injectors, which directly determine the power output and fuel consumption of the diesel engine. The 396 diesel engine we currently produce still needs to import these key parts. "

  While speaking, everyone has arrived at the final assembly workshop, where diesel engines are being assembled on the engine stand.

  Small diesel engines are produced on an assembly line, and dozens of units can be produced every day, but the annual output of this large marine diesel engine may be single digits, so there is no need to set up a production line at all.

  396 diesel engines are widely used in China, and the annual output is only one or two hundred units. The average monthly output is single digits to ten digits. Therefore, it can be assembled directly on the engine stand.

  In the elongated production plant, there are a row of engine stands, and on each stand, there is an engine being assembled.

  The cast-steel body shines brightly under the light, and the V-shaped engine is like a big open mouth, waiting to eat.

  There are stands on both sides, and the 165mm diameter piston is being carefully assembled by hand. The shiny appearance looks so smooth.

"At present, we have about 20 sets of oil pumps and fuel injectors in stock." Wang Xiangyang introduced: "If Mingzhou Group needs it, we can provide it to you, but after this batch is used up, I want to order from MTU again. , it will not be easy."

   The key device was stuck in the neck, and everyone felt uncomfortable.

"Mr. Qin, you reminded us to pay attention to localization a few years ago, so we spent a lot of effort, from assembling parts to producing more than 90% of the parts by ourselves. It took ten years, but in the end these , I am afraid it will take many more years." Guo Jiamin was also very emotional.

  At the beginning, Qin Tao reminded that when the 396 diesel engine was used on the 022 missile boat, Qin Tao said that he was prepared to prevent some people from making troubles and cutting off the supply, so that he could not build the relevant ships, and now, it finally came!

"We want to develop gradually and become stronger. There will always be people who are hostile to us and want to hinder our peaceful development." Qin Tao said: "And what we have to do is to break through. Whatever others block, we will break through. Even, we We need to do better! Moreover, since the technologies are all related, as long as we break through the technical difficulties of the fuel supply system of the 396 diesel engine, then other related products will also be guaranteed, right? For example, the army’s engine?”

  Sun Tao nodded: "Yes, a high-performance diesel engine is inseparable from high-performance fuel pumps and fuel injectors."

  The working principle of a diesel engine is not difficult. There are four basic steps: intake, compression, work, and exhaust.

  Before work begins, the fuel injector will spray atomized diesel into the cylinder. The pressure of the oil pump and the processing level of the fuel injector determine the atomization quality and directly affect the combustion effect.

   "The workbench here is the fuel injection pump and nozzle imported from Germany." Sun Tao pointed to the device on one of the tables.

  Qin Tao nodded, walked over, and looked at the cylindrical parts.

   "Have we imitated it ourselves? Is it a material problem or a processing technology problem?" Qin Tao asked.

"Both." Sun Tao said: "Our industrial foundation still cannot reach the level of the West. We used to imitate it based on the technical data we purchased and disassembled a set of devices. However, the high-pressure oil pump cannot reach the original pressure. , the atomization of the fuel injector is not good enough, the power has dropped by about 10%, and the service life is less than half of the original one.”

   When he said this, Sun Tao's face was a little ugly: "Even if we disassembled the original German high-pressure oil pump and then reassembled it, the original quality could not be achieved. I really don't know how they installed it."

When Ah San was researching the Arjun tank, he directly purchased the diesel engine parts of the Leopard-2 tank from Germany, and assembled it by himself when he came back. He was surprised to find that the engine that could burst out 1,500 horsepower, after their assembly, A thousand horsepower is not enough!

   This incident was ridiculed by many people.

  Actually, it’s not much better in China! The high-pressure oil pump and fuel injector of this 396 diesel engine are still uncertain.

  However, this is also the last difficulty.

  “Especially, no matter how we debug it, the fuel injection timing of our imitation high-pressure fuel pump will have problems. It’s either too early or too late.”

   These problems have tortured them for a long time, how to solve them? Still confused.

If you have been in the truck repair industry, you will know that there is a professional name called a school oil pump. The oil pump is not allowed to work for a long time. At this time, professional personnel are needed to adjust it. Among them, people from Nanyang, Henan Province are the most Famous, during the peak period, people from this place all over the country were working on school oil pumps, with a total scale of more than 20,000.

   Of course, with the advancement of technology, when the era of high-pressure common rail is developed, the mechanical oil pump will withdraw from the stage of history.


   Qin Tao suddenly thought of something: "If we want to precisely control combustion, can we use high-pressure common rail technology? Directly bypass the existing high-pressure oil pumps and nozzles, and transition to the era of high-pressure common rail?"

  Mechanical pumps are multi-body. One nozzle corresponds to the plunger and sleeve of one oil pump. The pressure is provided by the extrusion of the cam. The oil supply time is completely determined by the machine, and the adjustment is very complicated.

The high-pressure common rail system is different. It has only one oil pump, which provides stable pressure to a common rail pipe and connects each fuel injector. Complete.

In civilian vehicles, this technology has begun to be popularized, especially for new European vehicles, which must be equipped with this system, so as to meet the strict environmental protection requirements, because the combustion is more complete, so it is more fuel-efficient, and the power output can also be further increase.

  As for the domestic market, it only became popular after entering the new millennium, and because of the unqualified diesel oil, it was disgusted by users at the beginning.

   Improve the engine in front of you into a high-pressure common rail system?

  Sun Tao frowned: "Mr. Qin, this technology has just been promoted in Europe, and only Bosch has mastered it. If we develop it ourselves, it may take a long time!"

  Even if the financial issue is not considered, it is impossible to guarantee the time.

After all, this is not just a matter of changing the high-pressure oil pump and fuel injectors, there are many other aspects that need to be changed: the air intake must have an air flow sensor, the transmission shaft must have a speed sensor, and other oil pressure and the like must be changed. It will take a long time to improve and upgrade from mechanical to computer control.

  Conservative estimates, one year is optimistic, maybe it will take three to five years.

   As for existing products, if new oil pumps and injectors cannot be imported, production will be discontinued next month!

   This is completely because the far water cannot quench the near thirst!

  Qin Tao smiled: "What do you think, if people from MTU see that we are developing a more advanced high-pressure common rail system, what will they think?"

  Of course it takes time to develop, and this technology is too advanced, the time will definitely not be short, but Qin Tao's purpose is not just this.

The 396 diesel engine is produced under the authorization of MTU Company. Now, MTU Company produces a moth and does not provide supporting parts for us, so we can also announce that we have developed a brand new engine, which has nothing to do with MTU Company. In this way, MTU won't get a dime.

  Even in the future, if our own research and development is successful and the performance of the 396 diesel engine continues to improve, it may be able to grab the business of MTU!

  So, after the smart Germans discovered the research and development project of the Coal Province Diesel Engine Factory, they had to weigh it up. Is it meaningful to continue to cut off the supply? It has stimulated the Orientals to complete the comprehensive localization, and it has nothing to do with them in the future!

  So, after various calculations, the Germans may give up the original plan to cut off the supply and restore the supply. After all, they cannot do without the East!

   "Are we just bluffing a shot to let the Germans shoot the mouse?" Guo Jiamin opened his eyes wide. He is in sales, and he immediately figured out the doorway.

  Qin Tao shook his head: "This is not a false shot. We must achieve 100% localization. This is just delaying time and letting the Germans resume supply until we can produce all the parts ourselves."

   "Boss Qin, I often hear about your intelligence and intelligence. Seeing it with my own eyes today is really an eye-opener. This strategy of yours has saved us from our predicament!" Wang Xiangyang was even more emotional.

  Qin Tao smiled: "This is not enough, we still need to go to Europe and find another marine diesel engine factory to negotiate, preferably in Germany."

  We don’t provide parts, so let’s start from scratch! Anyway, the Coal Province Diesel Engine Factory was an agent of 396 diesel engines at the beginning, and later produced and sold 396 diesel engines.

  In short, you MTU company don't want to make money in the future!

   "Other things, Mannheim is a good choice. Their company also has a dedicated diesel engine, which has been suppressed by MTU's products, and there is no chance of success." Guo Jiamin said.

  Mannheim Company? What did Qin Tao think of? That TDB620 engine was quite good. In Qin Tao's original time and space, it was even selected by Lao Maozi as the power of Lao Maozi's frigate.

Guo Jiamin continued to introduce: "Mannheim Company, referred to as MWM, is also an old company. It was established in Mannheim, Germany in 1922. It is a company specializing in the manufacture of engines. In the mid-1980s, it was merged by KHD Company and changed its name to Deutz-MWM is still based in Mannheim."

  Qin Tao nodded: "That's right, let's make a scene, go to the Mannheim company and discuss the introduction of the engine with them."

   While he was having a good time talking, a staff member hurried over: "The factory director, the factory director, it's not good, the German consultant is here!"

  The workshop on their side produces products with MTU technology. Therefore, MTU also has technical consultants here, and they come to the production line every day to have a look.

  Originally, Wang Xiangyang and the others planned to take Qin Tao to the conference room first. After some introduction, the German consultant just finished inspecting, and then brought Qin Tao to have a look.

   Unexpectedly, Qin Tao asked to come to the workshop first, and finally got together!

   Let President Qin avoid it? Obviously inappropriate, why avoid a German consultant?

  However, the request of the other party is to make things difficult for the Mingzhou Group, and it seems that it is not very good for them to meet.

   Just when Wang Xiangyang suffered from difficulty in choosing, Qin Tao helped him make a decision.

   "It's just in time. Let's play a show here. Now, we don't have to go to the Mannheim company in Germany, and we save the airfare."


  Actually, Karl, the German technical consultant, was stuck.

  He has already heard that Mr. Qin of Mingzhou Group is here. Of course he knows what Mr. Qin is here for, but he doesn’t care. The marine diesel engines produced by MTU are famous, and he hasn’t paid attention to Mingzhou Group.

  After President Qin comes, do you have to go to the conference room for a meeting first? Orientals like this, so he waited for a while.

  Then, when he heard that Mr. Qin came straight to the workshop, he walked over lazily.

  As soon as I walked to the door of the workshop, I heard arguing inside.

  Having been here for a few years, Carl also learned the language here, so he could hear what was going on inside without a translator.

   "What? There are only 20 sets of fuel injectors and fuel pumps left, so you can't provide them to us?"

  I haven't heard this voice before, and it probably belongs to Mr. Qin. When he heard this, Carl was very happy. It seems that they are in a hurry.

   Without MTU diesel engines, their submarines cannot continue to be built!

Of course, this is not just the instruction of the Americans. It is not appropriate to let them come out as guns with only a few words from the Americans. They also have their own interests to consider: this advanced diesel-electric submarine will seriously disrupt the world. Diesel Electric Submarines on the Market!

  Originally, the 209 submarine was the leader in the industry. It was exported to many countries and became an evergreen tree in the arms market. Some countries even specially introduced production lines for production!

What now?

  039B was born!

  Pump-jet propulsion, AIP system, single- and double-hull hybrid structure... It is conceivable that once this submarine opens up the international arms market, it will seriously threaten the export of German submarines!

   After all, the performance of the AIP system is so advanced that even German submarines don’t have it! Their 212 submarine is still in the process of modifying the design and has not been put into construction. The East has already started sea trials!

   Therefore, for various reasons, they must curb the foreign trade submarines of the Mingzhou Group.

   At this time, after hearing this angry curse, he thought this method worked!

   "President Qin, please calm down, we can't help it." This is the voice of Director Wang.

   "You also know that if we want to continue production, we must rely on the relevant parts provided by MTU."

   "Ten years have passed since the introduction of the 396 diesel engine in 1986. You have not completed the 100% localization task. You have disappointed me so much. I will report to the superior and hold all of you accountable!"

   This is angry! Carl is very happy. If the people here are removed, especially if the experienced technicians are transferred from their posts, it will cause production chaos. It would be even better if the 396 diesel engines cannot be produced here and continue to be imported from Germany!

   "Mr. Qin, please rest assured that we will imitate the relevant parts as soon as possible and complete 100% localization."

   Hey, is this a show of determination?

  Carl became curious. This voice belonged to Sun Tao, the specific technical person in charge, and he often dealt with Carl, so he was very familiar with it.

   "We will cooperate with foreign companies and introduce Bosch's advanced high-pressure common rail technology, not only to solve the problem, but also to improve the performance of the 396 diesel engine by a large margin, exceeding the level of the original version."

  Cooperate with Bosch to engage in high-pressure common rail technology?

  Carl already had an ominous premonition in his heart.

   Their company is also working on this kind of project. This is the most advanced technology in the world. These Orientals are stimulated and want to sprint?

   No way, technology research and development must not be allowed here!

"Hmph, I don't trust you anymore, you guys without a backbone, you can't hold your chest up under the denunciation of others!" Mr. Qin's voice continued: "We have already decided to find other people. Diesel engine factory cooperation, and not only MTU diesel engines can be used on submarines."

   "Boss Qin, MTU's diesel engine is the most suitable!"

"What is suitable? Their 396 diesel engine has long been outdated. The MTU4000 diesel engine that their MTU company is currently researching is the most advanced. However, given their urine, they will not be able to provide it to us within ten years." Angry. The voice continued to sound: "So, we can choose other companies' diesel engines, and we don't have to hang them on one of their trees."

  This President Qin is so powerful that he actually knows about the new diesel engine that he is developing?

  Carl was stunned, and his ominous premonition became stronger and stronger.

   "We decided to go to Mannheim Company. The TBD620 diesel engine they have just successfully developed has higher power and lower fuel consumption. It is a better choice for us."

  Mannheim Company? The company that lives in the shadow of MTU?

   This company will not listen to any bans. As long as the Mingzhou Group comes to the door, it will definitely sell it. Even if it is restricted, it can also be sold under the pretext of civilian use!

  Carl's face changed.

"We not only need to install it on submarines, but also on surface ships. The commercial ships we are building also use a large number of Mannheim diesel engines! Especially the membrane-type natural gas ships patented by Mingzhou Group, We have completely revised the design drawings and replaced the MTU engines with Mannheim's engines. Anyone who uses our patents must follow our design drawings!"

  Karl was already shocked.

  Only one or two submarine orders, single-digit engines, don’t want them, but the engines of surface ships, especially commercial ships, can’t be replaced by others even if they are only auxiliary machines for power generation.

Their MTU company has opened up the market and won the approval of users, so the products of Mannheim Company cannot be sold, but if Mingzhou Group promotes it vigorously, then Mannheim Company can gain a foothold in the field of marine diesel engines It has been developed, and it will continue to flourish in the future, until it finally threatens their MTU company!

   Can't let this happen!

   "Okay, our cooperation ends here, we will fly to Europe immediately and sign a strategic partnership contract with Mannheim!"

  Someone came out from inside, that person was so young and had such a strong aura.

  Karl hurried up.

   "President Qin, President Qin, please don't get excited, there must be a misunderstanding."

  He wants to save it, and can't let the Mannheim company get bigger!

  (end of this chapter)

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