Warship of Great Power

Chapter 468: Proud former Tomcat pilot

  Chapter 468 The former Tomcat fighter pilot is very proud

  Now Strow needs someone to listen to him, his heart is suffering!

  He doesn't care about secrets or not. Anyway, many people know about it. He has become a complete clown! He needs to talk.

   "Too much, they are too much, I have gathered many friends and plan to go there together, who would have thought that they are actually lying to me!"

   "Really? What kind of friends did you gather?"

   "The best one with me is the former carrier-based aircraft pilot Delano, who used to be my wingman." Stroll said: "There is also maintenance crew Edison, catapult commander George..."

  Stroh mentioned the names of more than a dozen people in one breath: "They still plan to go to the East with me to see, now, it's actually a scam!"

"Perhaps, you can go and have a look. After all, the Eastern Mingzhou Group is very magical. The person in charge of this group, Mr. Qin, is a very good person. He will never deceive a friend, and will definitely treat you warmly. "

  Stroh opened his eyes wide: "Go to the east? At that time, Mingzhou Group promised to buy the Saratoga to transform the aircraft carrier park!"

   "It's not your fault. Even if you didn't buy an aircraft carrier for modification, I believe that President Qin will definitely welcome you warmly."

"Going to the East? No, no, I haven't completed my mission, and I don't have the face to meet Mr. Qin." At this time, Stroh still insisted on his face. A person like him can be the captain of an aircraft carrier. , It is definitely the mistake of the superiors!

   Too straightforward!

The man who accompanied the wine was feeling in his heart, Mr. Qin's choice of candidates was really too accurate. This person's faith has collapsed, and he was disappointed with his former superior. After going to the East, Mr. Qin will definitely stay if he fools around. .

   "Even if you want to apologize, you have to meet again. As an honest person, how can you break your promise?" said the man with the wine.

  Stroh nodded: "That's right, I need to go there, and I want to apologize to President Qin in person!"

   "Do you want to take your companions with you?" Stroh shook his head: "No, it has nothing to do with them. I can go alone."

   "Are they longing for the East? Just treat it as a trip, and we can go there together!" The man accompanying the wine continued to fool, he was only responsible for fooling people over, after that, President Qin will definitely keep these people.

   "Well, I will take Delano with me, he really wants to go to the East."

  On June 18, Qin Tao took a plane, took off from the base on Shuangsha Island, and flew directly to Huating.

"Stroh and the others are here, this time, we must not let them go." On the plane, Xu Zhengyang said to Qin Tao: "This is the request of the superiors. Both of them are excellent carrier-based aircraft pilots with rich experience. , we must keep all the knowledge they have mastered!"

   "Can't let them go?" Qin Tao smiled: "Of course they have to go back."

   "Go back?" Xu Zhengyang was a little surprised.

   "What are the two of them? We still need more personnel. Don't we need someone to teach us the various vests on those decks, the dispatching of those decks, and the takeoff and landing of carrier-based aircraft?" Qin Tao said.

Xu Zhengyang understood and nodded again and again: "Yes, these need manpower, but for now, we must let them stay and help, and the superiors have instructed that we should not reveal our plan without certainty. "

   These are Americans after all, who knows if they came here sincerely, what if the Yankees played a game of Zhou Yu playing Huang Gai?

   You must not be fooled by the Americans!

  Actually, after the warship returns to China, it is no longer afraid of anything, but in order to avoid accidents and avoid those people exaggerating threats, you still have to be careful.

  Everything is developing quietly. Before others notice, one's own side has become quite powerful, so that's all right.

  Xu Zhengyang was very careful when speaking. He knew that this request was too difficult.

  If you want these people to stay and help, of course you have to let these people know that your side is developing an aircraft carrier and needs their help. Only in this way can we gain the trust of the other party, but if we operate in this way, our own side may be in danger.

   So, what exactly to do?

  Xu Zhengyang was very worried.

  I saw Qin Tao smiled: "The superiors really have a lot of demands, but it's not a big deal, I have a solution."

  Do you have a solution?

  Xu Zhengyang immediately became curious: "What way?"

"Huashan tournament."

   This sentence confused Xu Zhengyang. In the past few days on the island, there will be martial arts movies on TV at night. Is Mr. Qin addicted? Those in martial arts movies are fake!

   "After we go back, find a few old men, sing against them, compare each other, and we will get useful information from it and sort it out." Qin Tao said.

  Xu Zhengyang came to his senses and looked at Qin Tao, full of admiration.

   President Qin is President Qin, no matter what problem you encounter, you can find a solution!

   Lao Maozi also has an aircraft carrier. Although it is called a heavy aircraft cruiser, it can also take off and land fixed-wing carrier aircraft. Therefore, it is normal for the two parties to argue.

   "Then let's set up the reception place at the Huating Naval Academy?" Xu Zhengyang asked.

Qin Tao thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay, we can also watch from the sidelines. However, after they come, the first stop is to go to our aircraft carrier park. We are there to start the debate. Just from the deck Come on with all kinds of vests causing controversy.”

  June 18, at four o'clock in the afternoon.

  Stroh and Delano came to the aircraft carrier park.

   "You two, welcome to Dongfang. I'm very sorry. I have some other business and I didn't go to the airport to meet you." Qin Tao stood at the VIP entrance of the park and looked at the two people who came over.

   "Mr. Qin, you are too polite. You manage a huge group and manage a lot of things every day. How can I bother you to go to the airport to meet you? I'm just very sorry, I..." After Stroh came up, he started to apologize.

"I'll talk about work matters later. Let's go for fun today." Qin Tao said: "During the Cold War, I'm afraid you used the Kiev-class aircraft carrier as an imaginary enemy countless times. Now, the Kiev is here with us, let us go up to it." Visit it and feel how fast the world is changing."

  Stroh nodded: "Okay."

  Draenor didn't say anything. Although he was wearing casual clothes, he was wearing a signature aviator sunglasses, looking radiant.

   "Mr. Delano, let's go up together." Qin Tao warmly greeted Delano.

  Draenor nodded.

Xu Zhengyang glanced at the pilot. It was obvious that this guy was trying to pretend to be a pilot of the most powerful country in the world. It was really funny. This guy was said to have been expelled, but the specific circumstances were not investigated. .

  However, Qin Tao doesn't mind. On the contrary, he is still very interested in such a rebellious pilot. Such a character is good, and he will definitely become angry in a while.

  With this thought in mind, Qin Tao continued to move forward: "First of all, let's go up to a stand from here, from which we can see the whole picture of the entire aircraft carrier."

  The design of the park is ingenious. The location of this stand is at the entrance. After entering, you can take pictures here. Moreover, with the aircraft carrier as the background, it is very suitable for souvenirs.

   Since it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon, there were very few new visitors, and there was no one visiting the stands for the time being.

   "The whole picture of the aircraft carrier? It should be called the whole picture of the cruiser." Delano said: "It doesn't look like an aircraft carrier at all."

  The starboard side of the Kiev aircraft carrier is leaning against the shore, so what you see is the huge ship island on the starboard side, which occupies almost one-third of the space of the ship. The front is anti-ship missiles, and there is only one deck area at the back.

  So, it really doesn't look like an aircraft carrier.

   "Yes, in order to attract people, we call it an aircraft carrier. Lao Maozi has never called it that. They have always called it a heavy-duty aircraft-carrying cruiser." Qin Tao said.

"This kind of warship is simply nondescript!" Delano said: "The aircraft carrier is a delivery platform for carrier-based aircraft. The task of launching missiles can be handed over to other **** warships in the fleet. This kind of warship still wants to fight alone." Fighting alone is really funny."

   "Well, different countries have different strategies." Qin Tao said: "Da Mao never thought of fighting you at sea. Their warships are just to protect the underwater submarines."

  This is a different tactic. The Yankees, the world police, must send troops to any place at any time, so they need a big killer like an aircraft carrier as an offensive force. What about the Red Empire? They have been pursuing the path of nuclear peace in the world. Any weapon wants to install nuclear warheads. They have never thought about fighting the enemy at sea. Their surface ships are designed to eliminate the enemy's underwater power and protect their own nuclear submarines. Appropriate sea area, ready for the enemy to launch a nuclear bomb attack.

  The initial Moskva-class was for this purpose, and the later Kiev-class was actually like this. As the mast guard, the Yak-38’s mission was to drive away the enemy’s anti-submarine helicopters. It never thought about air combat with the enemy’s fighter jets.

  Using the Yak-38 to fight the Tomcat is definitely looking for abuse.

   "Hmph, their ideas are really strange." Delano continued.

   "Draenor, don't do this." Stroh finally couldn't help it: "Change your bad temper. If it weren't for your character, you can still fly now."

  What was your original character?

  Qin Tao became curious, there must be something inside this!

   "This man, what glorious deeds have you done?" Qin Tao asked curiously.

   "It's nothing, I just beat a **** guy." Delano said: "When I was still in service, there was a captain of an Aegis warship who wanted to return to land, so I carried out this air taxi mission."

  The Tomcat fighter jet is a two-seater, with the pilot in the front and the radar officer in the back. If it is not a war, then only the person in the front is enough to fly the plane.

   So, occasionally there are people in the fleet who have urgent missions and will take fighter jets.

   "Really? And then?" Qin Tao asked curiously.

   "The guy in the back seat really thought he was sitting in a taxi, and felt that the seat was not adjusted properly, and wanted to readjust the seat, so he pulled the yellow and black pull ring between his legs."

  When Qin Tao heard this, his eyes widened.

  Nima, is there such a stupid person?

  Qin Tao was shocked.

"The results of it?"

   The result is needless to say!

   "The next moment, this guy was no longer on the plane. I flew the plane by myself and landed at Fallon Air Station. After the helicopter at the air station picked up the **** guy, I gave him two punches."

   "You deserve to be beaten." Qin Tao said, "However, it's not enough to fire you for this matter, right?"

   "Of course, there are many other things. This is just the most fatal thing. Before that, I just received a warning because I flew a Tomcat fighter jet over a bridge hole."

  Flying a fighter jet?

  Qin Tao felt that this pretentious guy seemed quite interesting.

   Only the most skilled pilots will undertake these challenges, and ordinary pilots simply don't need this.

   "Any more?"

   "Also, with the afterburner, I flew over the aircraft carrier at supersonic speed, and sprinkled the captain who was drinking coffee at that time."

   At this time, several people had already walked in front of the aircraft carrier. When Qin Tao heard this, he couldn't help asking: "You learned from Brother Cruise?"

   "Of course not. Cruise learned from me. This classic shot of Top Gun used my bold act." Delano continued.

  Qin Tao already understood that this guy is a man with a lot of bad deeds, beating the officer is just the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

  However, Qin Tao is very interested in this guy.

   "Now, you can no longer fly. What a pity."

   "It's a pity, Tomcat fighter jets have begun to retire one after another. Even if I still stay in the army, I probably have to fly big bugs instead. I hate that kind of aircraft. We need heavy carrier-based fighter jets!" Delano said.

There used to be many types of aircraft on the US aircraft carrier, but later for various reasons, the number of models became less and less, and the F-18 replaced other aircraft one after another. This role, which originally existed as a low-end aircraft, became the main force later on. It is very emotional.

  Of course, many pilots in the U.S. Navy are repulsive, so the nickname of the bumblebee is called a big bug.

   "So, do you want to experience heavy fighter jets?" Qin Tao asked.

  Heavy fighter? Delano's eyes lit up: "You mean, I have the opportunity to experience the Su-27?"

  In the whole world, the number of heavy fighters is rare. The U.S. Navy only has one type of Tomcat fighter, and the U.S. Air Force only has F-15. As for Europe? sorry, we do not have that.

  The Su-27 of the Red Empire is already one of the few heavy fighters in the world, and the East has also introduced this aircraft.

   "If you have an idea, I can help you get in touch." Qin Tao said.

  Draenor's eyes flashed hope: "Of course!"

For an eagle who used to soar in the sky, of course he does not want to be tied to his wings. After being fired by the US Navy, Delano once went to civil aviation, but after only a few months of flying, he ended this A boring life, so that he has been living on unemployment insurance, drinking with old friends when he has nothing to do.

   This time he came to the East because he was really bored, and was encouraged by Stroll again. However, now he suddenly felt that he came to the right place!

   If I have the opportunity to fly the Su-27, or even fly the classic air cobra maneuver, that would be great!

  Xu Zhengyang was a little worried, Mr. Qin was boasting too much, right? Is this kind of thing that easy? You must know that the current Su-27 and J-11 belong to the Air Force, but the Navy does not yet have them.

  However, since Mr. Qin said it, it is Mr. Qin's business. He has done a lot of deceiving people. How to fulfill the promise in the future is not what I have to worry about.

  The entrance and exit are in the middle of the warship. After entering, it is a world full of big hair style. Delano walked into a shop, and when he came out, he had a model made of bullet casings in his hand.

   "This thing is really creative, and I haven't seen it in the United States." Delano said excitedly.

  In the Yankees, extravagance and waste are the norm. No one cares about the shell casings, so of course they don’t use this thing to make models.

  In China, it has developed into a high-end art.

   At this moment, upon hearing what Delano said, Qin Tao smiled: "You can just take whatever you like, without spending money."

   "No, we still have principles." Stroh quickly stopped, lest this Draenor really take away all the contents inside, this model is not cheap anymore.

   "Let's go, take a look on the deck, it's completely different from the deck of your American aircraft carrier." Qin Tao said.

  The deck of the Kiev aircraft carrier is covered with titanium alloy rivets, which looks very special. When Delano stepped on the titanium alloy rivets, he began to express his emotions again.

   "How can this be called an aircraft carrier? This is clearly a cruiser. The deck simply cannot allow the plane to roll! What is the designer thinking? Even the transfer of the plane on the deck is inconvenient."

   "This is because of the problem of high temperature ablation of the deck." Qin Tao said: "So, they laid another layer of this material on the original deck."

"Ablation of the deck? Vertical takeoff and landing is unreliable, you still need an aircraft that takes off and lands conventionally!" Delano finished speaking, and looked at the Yak-38 on display: "This kind of aircraft can still be called a warship. Carrier? It's just rubbish! The old man must have lost his mind!"

   "What's the matter? This is one of the only two types of vertical take-off and landing fighter jets in the world!" At this time, someone beside him spoke. He spoke English with dissatisfaction on his face.

   "So what? Trash is rubbish, let it compare with our Tomcat fighters? It's only for being abused!"

  Draenor said while turning his head to look at the speaker. This person was not very tall, but he was tall, with piercing eyes, and he looked like he was walking with him. The other party was wearing half-sleeves and shorts, and the thick fine hair was exposed. He was a genuine old man.

   Only being abused?

  Of course the old man was not happy: "Even against the Tomcat fighter, as long as the vertical take-off and landing fighter performs well, it can gain an advantage and even defeat the Tomcat!"

"Defeat the Tomcat?" Delano seemed to have heard something interesting: "How to defeat the Tomcat? How can I defeat the Tomcat? A hundred kilometers away, the Tomcat fighter jet can launch Phoenix missiles, and Jacques- 38 blasted to pieces!"

   "One hundred kilometers away? At such a long distance, you should use PDSTT mode. In this mode, as long as we switch to vertical hovering, you will lose the target!" The other party said.

  Draenor was stunned for a moment, how could the other party know?

PDSTT is the abbreviation of PulseDopplerSingleTargetTrack. Translate it, it is pulse Doppler single target tracking. For the AWG-9 radar of the Tomcat fighter, this is the farthest mode that can launch an attack. Phoenix missiles are also in this mode. under attack.

  However, since it is a pulse Doppler mode, its disadvantages cannot be avoided: it cannot search for a target flying vertically with itself, and this target will be directly filtered as clutter, which is also to filter ground clutter.

  Therefore, in air combat, the necessary skills for pilots are to turn sideways when the enemy’s radar is locked on, and to be perpendicular to the direction in which the enemy is flying.

  As for vertical take-off and landing fighters, there is no need to turn sideways, just hover in the air, that is complete clutter.

"Why, can't you attack?" The other party continued: "So, if you want to detect me, you must use ACM. In this mode, the detection distance of the radar will be reduced to less than ten kilometers. At this distance, I can launch Short-range air-to-air missiles, shoot you down. Of course, if you find that I have disappeared from the radar and fly away, I will not be able to catch up. You have also said that the Yak-38 is the guardian of the mast.”

  Draenor, who had been eloquent and extremely confident just now, stopped answering! This is rare.

   "Okay, goodbye!" After the old man on the opposite side finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave. At this time, Delano recovered from the shock.

   "Don't go, don't go!" Delano shouted: "Why are you so familiar with the radar parameters of the Tomcat fighter?"

   "Because we used to be opponents, we have studied the tactics of using the Yak-38 against Tomcat fighters many times." The other party said.

  According to the original script, it should start from the vest of the deck operator, but unexpectedly, it cut directly from the Yak-38. At this time, the old man did his tricks and successfully teased the proud Draenor.

   Moreover, this is exactly the specialty of this old man. His name is Shepkov.

Shepkov is the pilot of the Yak-38. Later, he accepted Qin Tao's invitation and came to the East. After that, he stayed happily in the East with his little friend. Now, when Shepkov talks about these things, it is a pleasure .

"Can't go, you stay, I want to continue the debate with you, we use Tomcat fighter jets to deal with the Yak-38, it's a piece of cake, we also have optical detection equipment, we can use sparrow missiles! Even with machine guns, I I'm sure too!"


   "Okay, stop arguing." Qin Tao said, "There is no point in arguing here. Shall we find a place to have a serious discussion?"



  (end of this chapter)

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