Warship of Great Power

Chapter 457: Convert Gloria-class cruiser to Arsenal ship

  Chapter 457 converts Glory-class cruiser into an arsenal ship

   Want to play this kind of game with Qin Tao, they are still a little young, just like that, kicking the ball back and forth a few times, Asnaev and Moskalenko were speechless.

Asnayev smiled wryly and said, "Boss Qin, air defense missiles can be wrapped on us. You really need to discuss this kind of anti-ship missiles. This kind of weapon is related to Da Mao's military secrets. We are not qualified for this. "

"If you don't have one, then I don't have one. That is to say, the most powerful anti-ship missile on this cruiser is actually completely useless." Qin Tao said, "You two, I'm right. wrong?"

Zheng Ming watched Qin Tao's performance from the sidelines. Of course he knew that the results of this visit were unlikely to be achieved, and there was a high probability that he would just take a look. However, it was precisely because of this that he let go of all his burdens. I am very interested.

  Look at Mr. Qin teasing these two hairs like this.

  Asnayev and Moskalenko both nodded with wry smiles: "Boss Qin, we are all good friends, so I won't hide this from you. These anti-ship missiles should be difficult to obtain."

   "Then the combat power of this warship will be reduced by half." Qin Tao said: "The price must also be reduced by half. What did you just say, 200 million US dollars, in my opinion, is worth 100 million US dollars."

"No, no." Asnayev shook his head quickly: "What we just said is that it can be completed with another 200 million. In this way, the remaining 10% is worth 200 million. Therefore, the whole The warship is worth two billion, we are all good friends, I will give you half the price, and you can drive this warship away with only one billion."

   "Yes, you spent 200 million dollars to purchase the Type 956. Now this cruiser is definitely worth a billion dollars." Moskalenko said.

   "Today's weather is really nice." Qin Tao said: "I miss the beaches of Crimea, let's go here and enjoy the sun and the beach next."

  Qin Tao is leaving?

   "President Qin, President Qin, our warships have not been negotiated yet."

   "Let's not talk about it, we can't afford a billion dollars." Qin Tao said: "You should keep it for yourself, just like the Varyag. The price quoted to Ah San was really good."

  Asnayev blushed.

  The Varyag, which could be sold for hundreds of millions at the beginning, turned out to be a sweet potato, asking for a lot of money. In the end, Ah San didn't buy it, so they had to sell the scrap iron.

  This lesson is profound enough, now, why did you make this mistake again?

"President Qin, we sincerely want to sell this warship, and please offer us a suitable price." Asnayev said: "Our cooperation last time was very pleasant, and we also hope to can continue to work together.”

   "Appropriate price? Didn't you just say it? 100 million dollars." Qin Tao said: "If you can accept it, we will drive it back now."

"President Qin, the price of 100 million US dollars is really too little." Asnayev said: "This warship is different from the Varyag. It will be completed soon. You purchased 956 and spent two The combat power of this warship is at least twice that of Type 956, and it is worth at least 500 million dollars! Moreover, you can’t leave immediately, it still needs to continue to be outfitted until it is completed.”

  Can't drive away immediately?

  Qin Tao is like a bright mirror in his heart. If he stays, he will be in trouble. Maybe he will be slaughtered a few times like the Chaoriwang, and the last 10% of the outfitting will continue to ask for prices.

"To be honest, in our eyes, it is not as good as Type 956, and it has been castrated for anti-ship missiles, so we give 100 million US dollars, which is indeed the most appropriate price." Qin Tao said: "Everyone, I No kidding, 100 million is 100 million, and after we go back, we will have to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on refitting."

   "You modified it?" Asnayev and Moskalenko were both stunned: "How do you modify it?"

  According to their thinking, they really planned to make money from the Chinese in the last 10% of the construction, but they didn’t expect that once the other party bought it, they would directly tow it away, and they even said they would refit it!

  How can the Chinese modify it?

"Are you going to replace the anti-ship missile? This is indeed to be replaced, but there are still a lot of electronic equipment on it that has not been completed. You don't have corresponding replacement products, so you can't complete its modification. Let us do it." Mo Skalenko said.

   "Are you going to change it? Are you sure you can still order parts from relevant factories? Take its rear mast as an example, that huge MP-800 radar, can it be purchased again?"

As a huge warship, there are many radar devices on it. In addition to the roof radar in the front, there is also a larger "flag (top pair three-coordinate air search radar at the back. One of its The side is like a huge pumpkin petal, and the other side is like an orange petal, back to back, staggered at 90 degrees.

  This kind of radar can only be equipped on cruisers. Relying on the super huge power, the detection range is as high as 500 kilometers, and the anti-interference ability is very strong. But it costs electricity! Unless it is in wartime, the radar is generally not turned on. At the same time, even if it is turned on, the heat dissipation must be turned off after twelve hours.

  The warship in front of me has not yet installed such a huge radar. Qin Tao pointed out a key question. If you want to modify it, do you have the ability? The relevant manufacturers have all closed down!

   Moskalenko stopped talking.

   It's okay to fool others, especially Ah San, who is easy to be fooled, but the man in front of him is not good. The other party knows everything about the big and the second, and they have a clear mind and good reasons, and they can't refute at all.

   "We can find a way to resume production in the relevant factories. After all, even if you drive back, you will not be able to replicate the radar system above." Asnayev said.

  He's still fighting for it.

  Qin Tao smiled: "Why do we want to copy the radar system above? We have an alternative plan."

   "Your alternative?"

"That's right, if we purchase this warship, we will carry out a large-scale modification." Qin Tao said: "For example, from the position of the missing radar base, the superstructure will be cut off and directly flush with the deck. , From the rear chimney to the bridge in front, we can insert eight more eight-unit anti-aircraft missile launchers, so that the number of anti-aircraft missiles can reach 128."

The hull of the Glory class is huge, and there is still a lot of space between the chimney and the helicopter hangar at the back. There are eight eight-unit anti-aircraft missile launchers inserted in it. If it is stuffed in the front, the same If the number is smaller, then the number of its anti-aircraft missiles will be doubled!

  What are so many missiles for? Is it resistant to saturation attacks?

"Wait, you can't do this. With so many missiles, if there are not enough targets to illuminate the radar, then the ability to resist saturation attacks cannot be achieved!" Moskalenko said: "The roof radar alone is not enough. If we fight on our own, we won't be able to fully take into account all flying targets!"

Qin Tao smiled: "Director Moskalenko, you really have a lot of research on warships, and you know the problems involved. For us, these are not big problems, and we can use data links to solve them. "

   "Data link? Do you entrust the search of this warship, and even the task of target assignment, on other warships?"

   "That's right." Qin Tao nodded seriously, and came up with his own conclusion.

"If a fleet is equipped with seven or eight air defense ships equipped with four-sided phased array radar, it is undoubtedly a waste. Moreover, we use active phased array radar, so the cost must be high. How can we reduce the cost? , and have multi-target strike capabilities?" Qin Tao proposed a new plan: "Then, we need to build some special ships, the role of these ships is to store missiles, the more the better, as for the search capability, It can be completely handed over to brother warships, which not only simplifies the cost, but also improves the ability to coordinate strikes. We call this kind of warship that specializes in launching missiles an arsenal ship."

  Zheng Ming was also attracted by Qin Tao's words, so it makes sense!

  Now the Navy is indeed building a warship with four-sided phased array radar. This kind of warship is too expensive, and the cost of the four-sided phased array radar is frighteningly high.

  How can fleet procurement costs be reduced?

   Here comes the answer.

In a fleet, it is enough to have only one warship equipped with a four-sided phased array. Anyway, this one is enough to cover hundreds of kilometers of sea and air around it. If the radars of all warships are turned on, it is definitely a waste, and even cause electromagnetic interference.

  One warship is responsible for scanning, and other warships only need to receive the radar signal scanned by this warship, and then start the target to illuminate the radar, aim at the target, and launch missiles!

  In this way, the cost is reduced, and the ability of air defense operations is greatly improved!

   Considering the shielding effect of aircraft carriers in the fleet, it is enough to equip two Aegis battleships!

  Arsenal ship, this solution is really innovative! Zheng Ming was very emotional, Mr. Qin kept his secrets, and every time he cooperated with Mr. Qin, he could always hear something new.

  Zheng Mingzai sighed with emotion.

  Asnayev and Moskalenko were even more shocked.

   They originally wanted to finish the warship and rely on Dongfang’s money to support a group of companies that produce parts, but now they don’t need it. People think there are too many electronic devices on it! What people need is a warship that only has missiles, at most it is a target that illuminates the radar. In this way, the number of missiles loaded on a warship will be scary!

"We have to dismantle the anti-ship missiles on both sides. Anyway, it is impossible to get P-500 anti-ship missiles." Qin Tao continued to introduce his thinking: "In this way, in the original position, we can put Enter our Hongqi-16 anti-aircraft missile. This kind of missile is relatively small in size and relatively shallow in depth. I think ten launchers can be inserted into one side, and 20 on each side, that is, 160 pieces. Medium-range anti-aircraft missiles."

  One hundred and twenty-eight long-range anti-aircraft missiles, one hundred and sixty anti-aircraft missiles, the firepower of such a warship is equivalent to several Glory-class ships!

   Of course, this is an appetizer.

"The second deck at the front end of the bridge can be dismantled. We don't need the backward double-arm launcher and the supporting automatic loading system. The lower deck here is also hollowed out. We can stuff it into a cruise ship similar to the Tomahawk. Missiles, although there are no such missiles in our country, they can be reserved. This part of the space should be able to fit about sixty-four missiles. That’s right, at least sixty-four missiles. The main gun is dismantled!"

  Sixty-four cruise missiles, what is the total number?

  Three hundred and fifty-two pieces!

   Isn’t this too powerful?

   Both Asnayev and Moskalenko were shocked.

  However, Qin Tao obviously hasn't finished speaking.

  Qin Tao looked at the back of the warship again.

"Since it is going to be refitted, it should be more thorough. We don't want the helicopter hangar at the back. We have to keep the takeoff and landing deck. In case a helicopter is parked in the future, the engine is under the takeoff and landing deck, and we can't poke it to the end. The hangar Thirty-two cruise missiles should be able to fit into this part of the area.” Qin Tao was finally satisfied: “In this case, nearly 400 missiles can be stuffed into a 10,000-ton battleship, and it can It meets the vision of our arsenal ship."

   "President Qin, you don't even want the anti-submarine system?" Moskalenko asked in surprise.

"What do you want it for?" Qin Tao glanced at Moskalenko with a smile: "Since it is an arsenal ship, it has only one function, which is to serve as a missile carrier, carrying more missiles, and anti-submarine things. For other warships in the fleet, what are those frigates of one or two thousand tons used for?"

  Qin Tao seemed to be talking about a very common thing.

  Moskalenko was thinking about Qin Tao's words, but Asnayev obviously thought more: "So, that is to say, you only need the shell of this warship?"

Congratulations, you got it! Qin Tao looked at Asnayev with a smile: "So, for us, buying this warship for 100 million US dollars is already very expensive. For us, the power system on it is still expensive. The S-300 air defense missile system is what we need, and the others have to be dismantled and rebuilt. If it wasn’t for these, we would have built it ourselves, and we wouldn’t have purchased it here.”

  China is still lacking in the power system of warships. After the completion of two 051C ships, the lack of new destroyers is a proof.

As for the warship in front of me, the power system has been installed, and it is still a tall all-combustion power. When cruising, it uses 2 M-70 cruising gas turbines. When it needs to accelerate, it uses 4 M8KF gas turbines. A cruiser reached 32 knots, and its power performance was quite good. (There are also 2 boilers for exhaust gas circulation and cruising. I don’t know what that means. Boilers are still used for this cruise?)

   "President Qin, your request is too sudden and we are not prepared, so please wait a few more days, we need to report your idea to the superior." Asnayev said.

  Qin Tao nodded: "I'll wait for your good news."

In Da Mao's eyes, the Admiral Robov is full of advantages and is a powerful war machine, but in Qin Tao's eyes, it is just a shell with an engine and S-300 missiles , worth at most 100 million!

  The two sides have differences, and the differences are very big, so this matter should not be too anxious, and it needs to be reported to the superior.

   "Okay, we will also visit here for a few days, a week at most, if you don't reply, then we will leave."

  Qin Tao didn't take a second look at the warship, and left with Zheng Ming and others.

After returning to the hotel and checking the room, Zheng Ming couldn't help but said: "Mr. Qin, your plan is really genius! I just thought about it, our navy's aircraft carrier formation only needs to be equipped with Two Aegis battleships equipped with phased array radars are enough, and with five arsenal ships of this level, you can have two thousand missiles, which are powerful weapons for both offense and defense, and the price is cheap!"

  Qin Tao glanced at Zheng Ming: "Are you tempted?"

   Zheng Ming became curious: "President Qin, isn't what you said true?"

"What do you think?"

   "Are you fooling them?"

  Zheng Ming also went out with Qin Tao more than once, and he is very familiar with Qin Tao's style. Now it can be seen from Qin Tao's expression that Qin Tao is really fooling the old man!

   It's really embarrassing, I was fooled into it!

   Zheng Ming was a little ashamed, but he was still curious: "I think it's very good when you said that just now! This idea can save costs and improve combat effectiveness. Why can't it be used?"

"On the battlefield, we cannot guarantee the integrity of every warship. The warships in the fleet must have their own combat capabilities. To put it simply, what if the two Aegis warships we were responsible for the target search and distribution were sunk? ?”

Such a fleet has a huge weakness: Aegis warships. These warships are equivalent to the eyes and ears of the fleet, and even the brain. Therefore, once entering a war, this kind of warship must be the first target that the enemy will aim at. The enemy will try their best to There are various ways to kill this kind of warship.

  As long as the two Aegis warships are sunk, or even the phased array radar is damaged, the entire fleet will be useless, and those majestic arsenal ships will aimlessly set off fireworks at sea.

"Therefore, each of our warships needs to have complete combat capabilities. All our destroyers must be equipped with phased array radars. In normal times, only one or two warships in the fleet will be equipped with radars. But once If necessary, each warship can fight independently, which is safer, understand?"

  Zheng Ming nodded. He was almost fooled into it by President Qin just now. Now that he explained it like this, it was so clear and strange. Why didn't he think of this? Maybe this is the gap between him and Mr. Qin!

   Zheng Ming thought of something amidst his emotions: "Mr. Qin, what you are saying now is to buy back the warship at a low price?"

Qin Tao smiled: "If you can buy it back with 100 million U.S. dollars, it is worth it. We changed the medium-range air defense missile to the Hongqi-16, and changed the anti-ship missile to our own model. It is still a good all-rounder." Type warships, however, this hope should be very slim, the Americans will not watch us buy the warships back."

   It is worthwhile to buy this shell for 100 million US dollars. After all, the six gas turbines behind are worth 100 million, and the S-300 system equipped on it is also worth more than 100 million.

  In later generations, in many fictional novels, there was an idea of ​​this cruiser, and the anti-ship missiles on both sides were properly replaced with domestically produced Eagle-12, which is still good in its original position. Moreover, due to the smaller diameter of the Eagle Strike-12, the original double-mounted launcher can also be transformed into a character-shaped triple-mounted launcher, or even a square-shaped quadruple-mounted launcher. Firepower density is doubled.

  If you get it back, you can really modify it like this.

  However, a 10,000-ton cruiser is not easy to obtain, and many people must come out to stop it.

   "Then we came this trip just to lead the development of the world's navy?" Zheng Ming asked.

  In the field of the navy, there are many stories of being fooled and lame. Take aircraft carriers as an example, Americans complain every day that super aircraft carriers are too expensive and inconvenient to operate, but light aircraft carriers are better.

  The British stopped fooling around and came up with the tasteless invincible level. (Of course, it may also be because the British have no money. This statement is an excuse.)

  In the era of the omnipotence of missiles, Lao Maozi was also led astray. He devoted himself to developing the submarine force and planned to use missiles to defeat the enemy.

   Now, it's Qin Tao's turn.

  Qin Tao proposed the concept of the arsenal ship. I wonder if it will lead to the development of the navies of various countries?

   "I don't have such a great ability, but as the first person to propose the design concept of the arsenal ship, I will definitely be recorded in the history of naval equipment development, and I can still be named."

  Arsenal ship, this is a brand new ship type! As the proposer of this new ship type, Qin Tao should be remembered by the world.

   "Boss Qin, will your trick work?" Xu Zhengyang also asked curiously.

   "Of course, the Americans will definitely regret being preempted by me after hearing about it." Qin Tao is very confident.

After all, the real proponent of the arsenal ship is the U.S. Navy. When considering the follow-up development of Aegis warships, the U.S. Navy couldn’t bear the price increase, and proposed the SC21 plan. You can tell by the name that this is already after the new millennium. thing.

It's a pity that the Americans have been proposing plans, but they have never built them. Instead, they continue to launch Arleigh Burke-class destroyers one after another. Therefore, this plan, like Star Wars, is likely to fool the world, but who If they are not fooled, the Americans will not be able to continue playing.

What now?

  What would those guys think about the plan proposed by Qin Tao?

  (end of this chapter)

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