Warship of Great Power

Chapter 418: Didn't you mean dredging?

  Chapter 418 doesn’t talk about dredging?

  Lin Liang shook his head excitedly: "No, no, President Qin, you are the number one person, and I am just one of your subordinates."

  Qin Tao smiled: "I already have a lot of halos on my head. I don't care about this small title. For you, this title is worthy of the name. Please don't refuse."

  Wu Shengli is very satisfied.

If Lin Liang was just an ordinary person in charge of the Fisheries Bureau and a deputy, he would remain unknown all his life, but now, Qin Tao has pushed Lin Liang out, and after some publicity, he will be shaped into a person who will go down in history. figure.

  For Lin Liang, this is the right path.

   And for the overall situation, it is also good. Such a publicity will make Shuangsha Island more stable.

   "I'll give you half a year to prepare. After half a year, you can go to the island."

   Half a year? Lin Liang raised his chest and raised his head: "Boss Qin, we can go up now."

"It's not yet the right time, so you should be more prepared. By the way, the salaries given to you by the group will start from next month, so you can also take advantage of this half a year to enjoy life. After all, you have to go to Shuangsha Island, it will be much more difficult.”

   "Boss Qin, we have to make various preparations for the past six months, so I will go."

  Looking at the back of Lin Liang leaving, Wu Shengli smiled: "In this way, Village Chief Lin is enough, and you don't have to look for those fishermen, do you?"

  Of course Wu Shengli knew Qin Tao's plan. Qin Tao came here just as a transit point. He originally planned to find the fishermen on the island, those lovely fishermen who helped salvage things without copper last time.

  Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, we don't need to look for them for the time being, but we can still bring them the news. If they want to go, ask them to sign up with Village Chief Lin. After all, there is still a need for manpower there."

   "Okay, the arrangements are made here, I should go back, the dredger will come over in two or three days, do you have any ideas?"

   "It's nothing, I'll go to the airport for a few pilot meals." Qin Tao said.

  Wu Shengli looked at Qin Tao seriously: "Taozi, do you think this is very important?"

Qin Tao nodded seriously: "Yeah, I know the range of the Flying Leopard is long enough, but the air combat capability of this kind of aircraft is not good, so the Su-30 is a must, and the navy should try its best to fight for it from the superiors. Also, our Sea life-saving equipment must also be developed. Naval pilots must organize sea life-saving training every year."

Speaking of this, Qin Tao was eloquent again: "Especially the three-piece set that is necessary for lifesaving at sea. The first one is the underarm life preserver. It is just like two small satchels. After falling into the water, these two small The satchel will become two semicircular life buoys, relying on the buoyancy generated by the buoyancy of the life preserver, so that the wearer’s shoulders are exposed to the water, so as to achieve the purpose of lifesaving.”

"The other two are the single-person lifeboat and the life-saving kit. The life-saving kit contains necessary equipment such as a flare gun, a life-saving radio, windproof matches, medicines, and rations, and the lifeboat is installed under the ejection seat. Landed on the water with the umbrella, and set up a boat of life for the pilot at sea."

  Watch more western movies. After parachuting, climb into the lifeboat, eat life-saving dry food and wait. When you see the helicopter in the sky, you will fire a signal flare and be picked up.

  If it is not for the backwardness of sea life-saving equipment, it will not be...

"In the future, if I have a chance, I will bring back the old Maozi's sea life-saving equipment and the Yankee's sea life-saving equipment." Qin Tao said: "The American life-saving equipment is very advanced, and we can completely imitate it. .”

  American? Wu Shengli was even more confused.

Looking at Wu Shengli's expression, Qin Tao smiled: "Dad, we have to send people to prepare in advance, especially to keep an eye on those retired aircraft carrier officers. When we have an aircraft carrier in the future, deck dispatch operations and the like will all be needed." There are experienced people to guide. In this regard, old men can’t do it either, so we have to find a way from the Americans.”

The Americans have been operating modern aircraft carriers for decades, and at the beginning, they paid a price of countless blood to master the operation of jets boarding ships and formulate a set of standardized procedures. Just ask the instructor directly from there.

  Wu Shengli nodded.

In the past few days, Qin Tao really went to the HNA base, wandering around here, and other people greeted him with a smile, sometimes on the lawn, sometimes in the hangar, Qin Tao didn't seem to be interested in the two J-31s, but when it came to the J-31A that was being developed, he was extremely excited and talked non-stop.

   After a few days like this, finally, the dredger Tianjing came over, Qin Tao boarded the dredger, and went to the destination together.

On Shuangsha Island, on the flying platform made of refractory bricks, the naval soldiers guarding the island and reefs who were undergoing daily training were assembled. Zhang Haiyang looked at the people in front of him and said excitedly: "Now, I will announce a good news to everyone. !"

Half a year has passed in a flash, and the first batch of soldiers guarding the island reef are about to leave here. Since they have a large space for activities here, and the dormitory where they sleep at night has air-conditioning to dehumidify, so their mental state is still the same. Well, not a single one got arthritis or something.

   At this moment, they stood upright, waiting for Zhang Haiyang's announcement.

   "Before our fighters who change defense come, we will see the dredger of Sky Whale coming to work here!"

  Sky Whale Dredger?

   The big guys are curious.

   "Report, what kind of ship is this?"

   "I don't know either. A dredger is, of course, a dredger."

   "Report, I know! Dredgers are used to remove mud from the seabed!"

"That's right, it's this kind of ship that came to clear the silt around our islands and reefs. In the future, our activities here will be more convenient!" Zhang Haiyang was interrupted by his soldiers, almost forgetting important things : "Also, the most important thing, General Manager Qin came with the dredger to express condolences to us!"

  This is what Zhang Haiyang really wants to say, the most important thing!

   They are going to see Mr. Qin again!

   "So, the task of the last few days is to clean up and clean up our outpost. If I see anyone who is not up to date in the internal affairs, I will punish him to swim ten kilometers with an armed force!"

  The soldiers below laughed.

   "Report, a ship has been spotted in the distance!"

  Hearing this, Zhang Haiyang was taken aback. Did he already come?

  Isn't it too late for the superior to notify? Is this a surprise attack for yourself?

  Zhang Haiyang picked up the binoculars on his chest, saw the flag hoisted on that ship, and then looked at the special features of that ship, he knew it was right!

   "Quick, within half an hour, tidy up the housework, and in half an hour, come out to greet me!"

  Zhang Haiyang was in a hurry.

  The speed at sea is not fast, so even if you see it, you still have time to prepare.

  Zhang Haiyang's subordinates also rushed back to clean up the internal affairs. He stood on the platform and looked into the distance, hoping that there would be no helicopters on the ship.

  Sky Whale is a special operation ship, and there is really no place to set up a helicopter take-off and landing platform, so Qin Tao still took a small boat to the sentry post on Shuangsha Island. The small boat was full of living supplies, which was some of Qin Tao's thoughts.

  If it wasn't for the fact that the Mingzhou Group couldn't pay the soldiers, Qin Tao really wanted to give these people a salary and bonuses. These are the cutest people in our time.

  So, I can only take this opportunity to give them some condolences.

  With this thought in mind, Qin Tao looked towards the approaching post. Under the flagpole of the basketball court, two teams of fighters were already standing.

   "Salute!" Zhang Haiyang shouted loudly.

   "Comrades have worked hard! I, Qin Tao, came to see you!" Qin Tao shouted at the soldiers.

   "Serve the people!"

   shouted from above.

  Xu Zhengyang stood behind Qin Tao, also raised his right arm, and saluted these people back.

  The boat drove down, Qin Tao and others went up the steps, and other soldiers helped carry the supplies.

   "President Qin, how long do you intend to stay here this time?"

   "At least three to five days, as many as ten days."

   "Well, we have specially prepared a room for you."

   "Okay, the boat is too swaying, so it's still comfortable to live here." Qin Tao said, "How is everyone's life during this period of time?"

   "Everyone's life is pretty good, look, everyone is alive and kicking."

  Qin Tao nodded, and then thought of something: "Why didn't you hear the sound of the generator?"

   "It is enough for us to use solar energy for power supply during the day, and we will start the generator at night. Don't worry, Mr. Qin, we have enough fuel. Every night, soldiers have to sleep under quilts."

   While speaking, Qin Tao came to the living area. He gently pushed open the door of a room. Inside was a room with four bunk beds for eight people.

  For the army, this kind of room layout is very normal. Although there are a lot of vacant rooms here, it is convenient to turn on the air conditioner if they live together. If it is a four-person room, it is probably really reluctant.

  The housekeeping was very neat, and the quilt was folded into tofu cubes. Qin Tao reached into the quilt and touched it.

   "How about it, Mr. Qin, we didn't lie, did we?" Zhang Haiyang said.

  Qin Tao nodded.

   "Yes, the bedding is very dry. Under such conditions, the soldiers can sleep well and nourish their spirits, so that they can better guard the motherland's sea frontier."

  Xu Zhengyang also touched it, feeling very emotional: "Yes, when we guarded the reef, where there was a quilt, it was hot to sleep directly on the ground. It is really good to be able to sleep under the quilt."

  The humidity at sea is high. If the air conditioner is not turned on, the bedding may be twisted out of water. At this time, it is impossible to rest well, and it will not be long before you will get sick.

  A dry environment is very important. Even if the air conditioner is not cooling, it is quite necessary to turn on the dehumidification function.

   "Everyone is very satisfied with the current environment, so after the expiry date, they are reluctant to return to the mainland after going to the reef. I wonder if there will be such treatment after returning." Zhang Haiyang said to Qin Tao with a smile.

   "Switch the defense when it's time to change. After going back to stay for half a year, you can apply to come back again. At that time, the conditions may be better."

  Zhang Haiyang's eyes lit up: better conditions? It's already very good now, even better than this, is it going to turn this place into a small island?

   "Wow, what's that?"

   "O sea dragon!"

   At this moment, there was an exclamation from outside.

  Zhang Haiyang walked to the window in surprise and looked outside. When he saw the distant scene, he was also shocked.

The tail of that ship with a special shape is facing their direction. There is a special thing protruding from it, which is inserted obliquely into the sea water. The sea water here is very shallow, so you can clearly see the mud on the bottom of the sea being turned up. .

  Of course, the most spectacular thing is the other end, the huge pipe, which directly blows out the things drawn out of the seawater, and it flies hundreds of meters away, just like a mud dragon.

  This spectacular sight is unbelievable.

   Zhang Haiyang was also shocked when he saw this scene.

   "Boss Qin, what are you doing?"

"What do you think?"

   "Is it removing the silt and opening up the waterway?"

   "You think so."

  In space, a reconnaissance satellite crossed the sky, and soon discovered the unusual scene here, so the photos were taken and sent back through the satellite.

"It's just a joke!" Looking at the photo, Swift's face was full of smiles: "Are they clearing the mud and planning to open a waterway? There is nothing there, just a few cement platforms. Military base? I don't see any value!"

"Your Excellency, what if they continue to expand the territory there after clearing the silt? Our technicians have analyzed that the power of the dredger is quite large. If it is used to build an island, it can blow air in half a year." Come an island."

"Are you kidding, what's the use of an island made of sand?" Swift shook her head, "If they really want to do it, then we'll call it the Great Wall of Sand. George, you played with sand at the beach ?"

  The adjutant could only nod.

That's right, even if they blow it in reverse and fill up a small island there, it doesn't make any sense. A small island made of sand will collapse if pushed. As long as a sea storm comes, the small island there will be completely destroyed. disappeared.

  The name of the Great Wall of Sand quickly spread from Swift to the whole world.

   Lopez, who has been paying close attention to this place, is a little confused: "I think they want to remove the silt, but what will they do after removing the silt?"

  Intuitively, he thought there must be some action here, but he didn't know what to do.

   Just like what Swift said, even if a small island is filled with sand, it doesn't make any sense.

   That evening.

  Relying on the communication satellites launched into space, TV programs from the motherland can also be watched here.

   "At present, our Sky Whale is operating in the southern waters. This dredger independently developed by our country plays a key role in removing silt and clearing waterways."

  The picture in the TV flashed by in less than fifteen seconds, but the soldiers in front of the TV cheered, and they looked at the sea in the distance, where the dredger was still working.

  Construction entered the third day.

  Zhenhua-1 is here.

It doesn't make sense to dispatch it early, because the first step to remove the silt is really important. Only when the silt is removed and the channel is cleared can it sail safely in this area. stop adjusting.

  At the post, the soldiers opened their eyes wide, watching all this in disbelief.

  Zhenhua-1 hoisted the cylinder it was carrying and placed it near their post. The cylinder accurately poked into the water and went straight up.

   Then, another ship moved over. This ship had an even weirder shape. It had a tall frame with a heavy hammer on it. When it fell, it hit the cylinder hard.

   Bang, boom, boom!

  With just three blows, the cylinder was smashed down by more than one meter, and what was exposed on the water was still more than two meters high.

   Then, a water pump began to pump out the seawater inside.

  In the afternoon of that day, some workers climbed in from inside. In order to facilitate the construction, an extra row of ladders was welded inside the cylinder!

   "What is this for?"

  Zhang Haiyang was confused.

  The next thing he saw was a steel bar stuffed in.

   "Could it be that we are going to build concrete pillars there?"

   "Yes, you guessed it right." Qin Tao said.

   "Then what's next?"

"you guess."

  Zhang Haiyang racked his brains for a while: "Could it be that we want to build a huge platform?"

   It is at least 500 meters from the post to the other side. If such a huge platform is built, how huge will the island be here?

   "Of course not. If we really do this, how much reinforced concrete will be used, we can't afford it."

what is that?

  Zhang Haiyang didn't guess it.

   But the work is still going on.

  Steel cylinders and steel drills were continuously driven into the bottom of the sea. In ten days, a length of about three kilometers had been enclosed!

   "It's time for the dredger to blow and fill, let's blow up this piece first." Qin Tao said.

   With this length of enclosure, the construction of the dredger can begin!

  Countless people opened their eyes wide, watching this incredible scene.

  Five kilometers away, the dredger started working.

You can't see the jet of mud flow, you can only see a huge pipe connecting the dredger and the part that is enclosed by the enclosure. The dredger will move back and forth during operation, and that pipe It will also sway back and forth in the water, like a long snake.

  Here, the blocked part has more and more sand and sand.

   "President Qin, is the area of ​​our island going to expand?" Zhang Haiyang asked Qin Tao excitedly.

  Qin Tao smiled without saying a word.

  If these soldiers have been on the island all the time, then Qin Tao can tell them generously, but they are about to go to Shuangsha Island soon. What if they accidentally leak the secrets when they arrive on land?

  So, we can’t say yet, we can’t tell them the final grand blueprint.

  In space, the reconnaissance satellites are also watching this change.

   "Damn, didn't they say clear the sludge? What are they doing now?"

   "Looking at the situation, they plan to reclaim the island."

"Even if they built a few stakes, it's useless. It's still just a Great Wall of Sand. It won't be long. Just a storm will wipe out all their hard work." Swift looked at the latest satellite The photo is still dismissive: "They are really whimsical, and they want to transform it into an island, which is simply impossible."

  Under the same night, another location.

"We have never seen China have this kind of technology. Their dredger may break down in a short time. They want to blow up an island in the southern waters, which is simply a dream." Lopez Also do not believe.

  Even if some media exaggerate the facts and exaggerate the reclamation and island building, these sophisticated people don't believe it. In their eyes, the East does not have this kind of technology at all, and it is impossible to succeed.

   Shuangsha Island.

  Qin Tao saw a transport ship approaching, and the youthful and energetic faces that jumped off the ship knew that it was time for him to leave.

  It's time to change the defense. These young soldiers will replace the officers and soldiers who have been stationed for half a year. Qin Tao will also follow this transport ship and return to the mainland. It is impossible for him to stay here for half a year.

  Although there is air conditioning and TV here, life here is still too boring.

  "I am a glorious Nansha guard. In order to fulfill the sacred mission entrusted by the party and the people, I swear: obey orders and obey commands... People are on the reefs and the flag is on, and we swear to live and die with the islands and reefs!"

   No matter how the conditions change, these vows will never change. No matter how many officers and soldiers come, this spirit will be passed on forever!

  After the handover ceremony, people will not leave immediately, but will hold a lively dinner in the cafeteria, and they will leave after eating.

  This is also the only time on the reef where you can drink openly. Everyone drinks and sings songs from time to time. Later, everyone starts to cry. I don’t know if I will have a chance to come up again this time.

  Qin Tao didn't drink with them, he just looked at the things brought by the fighters who switched defenses.

  In addition to various daily necessities, everyone brought a bag of soil, a bag of soil from the mainland of the motherland.

  The soil will be spread to the land that has been blown up and mixed with the soil dug out from the sea to witness the growth of this place together!

  In the future, there will still be trees and luxuriant branches here!

  Pile driving and steel cylinders are still going on, and the length of the fence will continue to expand, eventually covering the entire ring-shaped island reef. The infrastructure madman will show its power here and create a miracle.

   "Boss Qin, shall we board the boat?" Xu Zhengyang asked Qin Tao.

   "Well, don't worry, let's go over there and see our village."

  Of course the village is still underwater. At this time, the water has not gone down yet, so Qin Tao can only swim through it.

   "Six months later, our Shuangsha Island Fishing and Tourism Village will start construction. At that time, let's come back here to participate in the village's foundation laying ceremony."

   "Well, Mr. Qin, let's come together." Xu Zhengyang nodded.

   This used to be the place where he served and fought. Now, seeing the earth-shaking changes here, Xu Zhengyang is also very excited.

  There is no spring, summer, autumn and winter here, it is always hot, and it will be very good to come here for vacation in winter.

  However, when the two were walking back, they unexpectedly discovered that several people were also walking on the reef.

The one headed by   , wearing thick glasses, looks like a pedant.

   "Who are you?" Qin Tao was very curious.

   "We are engaged in geology in China. We came here with the navy ships. We hope to find fresh water here."

  Qin Tao was taken aback for a moment: "Can we still find fresh water here?"

  He thought about desalinating the seawater, but never thought that he could find fresh water directly from here, that is absolutely impossible.

   "Yes. Mr. Qin, have you heard of the freshwater lens effect?"

  Qin Tao shook his head.

   "This is a tropical marine monsoon climate, with abundant and uniform precipitation throughout the year. This precipitation is all real fresh water. Unfortunately, we have no means to retain it. However, the rocks below may have means to retain the fresh water."

   "That has to be mixed with sea water!"

"No, no, there is a difference in the density of seawater and freshwater, which can form a freshwater lens effect. Freshwater and seawater will be blocked by rock layers. The outside of the island is normal seawater. The closer to the island, the lower the salinity of the water until In a certain place, it is completely reduced to fresh water. Later, when our island is built, we can dig a few wells to try."

  Xu Zhengyang showed worry there, digging a well? No matter how unreliable it sounds, the island will not be dug up, right?

  Qin Tao nodded: "You can try it, I support you!"

  (end of this chapter)

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