Warship of Great Power

Chapter 1057: Draenor's new helmet

 Chapter 1057 Draenor’s new helmet

However, it is not easy to leave this settlement system and perform settlement quickly. This requires advanced communication technology and electronic technology as a basis.

 Now, this technology is already available.

As long as the RMB is turned into a digital currency, so that when trading, you can directly use the terminal to operate it, it can be transferred to the account in real time, and it can be circulated globally. Naturally, there will be no need for this international currency settlement system, which can also promote other countries to do so. The digital renminbi serves as a foreign exchange reserve to expand the influence of the renminbi.

If you want to break the hegemony of others, you have to break the financial hegemony. First use Bitcoin to open the way and provide a model of a globally circulating digital currency. Under the premise of this model, you can then promote the digital renminbi, so that it can be slowly promoted. opened.

Although Bitcoin is a scam, it can circulate globally after all and allow people to accept the concept of digital currency. This is definitely a strategic move!

After listening to these introductions, Wu Shengli nodded with satisfaction: "This plan of yours is very good. Write it into a formal report and wait for me to submit it to you."

“This is something we need to consider in the future.” Qin Tao said: “Now it’s better to promote our Bitcoin first. After all, it’s too difficult to get banks to change.”

Although there are many benefits, it is not easy to get banks to respond. After all, they are not willing to try new things. When they encounter problems, they turn to the old calendar to see how they were solved in the past. They just don’t look forward. This is slow. Take your time, introducing these concepts now is a thankless task.

Even, it will arouse resentment from others: Mr. Qin, aren’t you a shipbuilder? Why did you start to get involved in national finance?

Qin Tao doesn’t want to be scolded for doing good things.

 “Okay.” Wu Shengli gave up.

“After talking for a long time, I’m feeling hungry. Come on, let’s go eat!” Qin Tao said, holding his stomach.

Delano and Xiang Jing also went to the cafeteria together.

Outside, the wind is freezing, but Mr. Ni’s heart is burning. His mind is now filled with the idea of ​​digital currency mentioned by Qin Tao. It is so bold and groundbreaking!

Mr. Qin is full of good things!

"By the way, how is the progress of our mobile phones?" Qin Tao suddenly thought of something: "Give me the latest mobile phone."

"Well, the latest mobile phone has been delivered to the Mingzhou Group headquarters, and all middle-level leaders have a share." Mr. Ni said: "Compared with previous mobile phones, the multimedia capabilities are stronger, especially the video call capability, and it also has built-in Satellite navigation terminal…”

Loongson Company is involved in more and more projects and is the absolute leader among high-tech companies.

“Xiang De, Xiang De!” Just when everyone arrived at the canteen, a voice sounded from afar: “There is your express delivery!”

“Don’t worry, you guys collected it first and put it in my dormitory. I’ll go have dinner with Mr. Qin.”

 Delano doesn't care about receiving express delivery. For him, being with Mr. Qin is more important. Everything he hears is new.

But this time, he regretted it. After eating and returning to the dormitory, he saw the square box, and suddenly he felt excited. He quickly opened the box, and a brand new and tall helmet appeared inside. !

His custom helmet has arrived! The dense pockmarks on the back of the helmet are so kind.

Isn’t this too fast? Moreover, such an important thing did not go through the military logistics route, but went directly to private express delivery? Even the express delivery company affiliated to Mingzhou Group cannot guarantee absolute safety, right? What if I lose it along the way?

Regardless of this, Delano excitedly put the helmet on his head. Sure enough, the size was right and the size was very precise!

Delano put on his goggles again. It is said that these goggles can display target data, replace the role of the head-up display, and can even display images. However, this goggles does not seem to be anything special, it is just an ordinary mirror.

According to Delano's idea, the goggles are a transparent LCD screen that can display various data. In fact, it does not look like this.

what happened?

 Go and try it on the simulator and you will know!

With this thought in mind, Delano left the dormitory and left with his helmet on. Along the way, everyone he met was surprised.

 “Instructor Dingo, why are you wearing a helmet?”

"Yes, this is the most advanced helmet!" Delano showed off to everyone he met. At this time, he was like a child who got his favorite toy. Of course, he wanted to show it off. Moreover, he was a He didn't say what kind of airplane the helmet was from. Even if you guessed it, you couldn't talk nonsense as it wouldn't cause leaks.

Delano just like that, wearing a helmet, proudly headed to the flight simulation room.

 After entering, I happened to meet Lei Zi.

“Leizi, look, my helmet has arrived too!” Delano said proudly: “I can fly J20 tomorrow!”

“Well, your practice on the flight simulator during this period has been full marks, which shows that you have reached the state of man-machine integration. I support you in flying the J-20.” Lei Zi said.

Delano puffed out his chest proudly, opened the hatch of the flight simulator, and got in.

In front of him is a huge display, which almost occupies the entire cockpit. However, there are some physical buttons next to the display. This is not a conservative decision, but a decision made after many studies. Although there is voice input, although it can Use touch to click on the screen, but physical buttons are still very important. Some key system functions are better to be activated directly with one button.

 Delano plugged his helmet cable into the right side of the seat. After powering on, two green spots appeared on the goggles in front of him.

At this point, Delano finally understood. This was not the principle of a liquid crystal display at all, but an optically projected image. Just like a flat display, it was an image formed by optical refraction or diffraction.

As for the two green spots that appear after turning on the phone, it is actually focusing. After optical focusing, some data information appears on the goggles, just like what is displayed on the flat display.

Then, Delano adjusted to the image function, and the scene outside the cabin appeared on the goggles. He moved his head back and forth, and he could see everything around him, as if the cockpit that blocked him no longer existed.

But after just a few seconds of looking at it, Delano felt dizzy and turned the feature off.

“No, this function is not practical at all, it will make the pilot lose the sense of space!”

For pilots, the sense of space is a very important thing. The existence of this thing allows pilots to feel their own status and the status of the aircraft at any time, especially in fierce air battles. If there is no sense of space, there will be no sense of space. An unsuspecting defeat.

There were once excellent pilots who flew fighter planes into the sea. After analysis, the reason was that the pilot mistook the sea for the sky and thought he was climbing upwards. Who would have thought that he was flying upside down and diving.

Pilots have become accustomed to the existing cockpit and determine their posture based on the things in the cockpit. If they have a pair of perspective eyes, they may lose this most important sense of space.

“Yes, so this function is only a reserved project for the time being. We still need to wait for the continued development of technology or the growth of a new batch of pilots.”

Veteran pilots all have inertia, and they won’t change what they’re used to. Pilots who were used to cockpits with mechanical instruments are not used to glass cockpits, especially the head-up display. The first thing they do when getting on the plane is to turn it off. Get in the way.

 Today’s pilots are not used to the technology that can see through the cockpit, and they may not be able to adapt to the various data displayed on the goggles, so the head-up display is still retained.

“However, it is also useful, such as flying at night, such as landing on an aircraft carrier. This function should be useful.” Delano did not kill him with a stick, but continued to analyze.

When landing, the pilot of the carrier-based aircraft only adjusts his attitude according to the Fresnel lens and the guidance sound, and cannot clearly see the aircraft carrier deck. Especially after flying close, the fuselage blocks the front and bottom view. This It would be beneficial if you could clearly see the situation below.

"Yeah, your analysis makes sense." Lei Zi said, "But whether it works or not, we have to test it before we know." "You can test it now." Delano said, "I'll do it right now. Ship simulation flight.”

The canopy was closed, and the surrounding scenes began to appear on the surrounding curved canopy, which was exactly the same as the real one. Of course, to achieve this effect, powerful computer processing power was required. He started flight training, and from From ejection to take-off, to blocked landing, there is a set of procedures, which is very enjoyable.

“This system can indeed provide a wider field of view when landing on a ship. However, whether it is useful or not, we still have to wait for actual testing to know.”

 A simulation is a simulation, it is never the actual situation. Who knows how big the delay will be in actual use? For a high-risk project like shipbuilding, even half a second is enough.

the next day.

Delano happily put on his helmet and came to the hangar. In the past few days, he could only watch every day, but today was different. He could finally fly!

The J-20 has been conducting test flights of catapult take-off and arrested landing every day, and has accumulated a lot of experience. It is almost its turn to board the ship. Delano must get this flight mission to the ship.

“Report, the aircraft has completed maintenance and can take off at any time!” A ground crew member in charge of aircraft maintenance came over with a folder and said.

 Zhao Dangsheng is still checking around the plane.

Delano glanced briefly, signed his name on it, and then looked at the hangar door: "Open the door and get ready to take off!"

“Report, we have to wait for the test flight window, we can’t go out yet.”

 The test flight window is the gap when satellites fly overhead. In order to avoid exposure, the J-20’s flights come and go in a hurry every time.

 “Okay, I’ll go up and wait.”

Delano had a lot of patience. He sat in the cockpit and began to feel the static. If he couldn't take off, he had to sit in it.

One after another, other people also arrived. Wu Shengli and Qin Tao came to the hangar together. Watching Delano go up, they couldn't help but said: "Our flight simulator is already very advanced, so we don't need to If you need to fly a two-seat fighter jet, you can fly a single-seat fighter jet after training directly on the simulator.”

“Yes.” Qin Tao nodded: “With the continuous development of electronic technology, the operation of aircraft is becoming easier and easier. However, whether you want a two-seater model still depends on the demand.”

 “What’s the two-seater model for?” Zhao Dangsheng came over and joined the discussion.

Among fighter jets, there are many two-seat models, and many of them are used as trainer aircraft to train pilots. No matter what general trainer aircraft the pilot has flown, he must continue to fly the two-seat model corresponding to the fighter, whether it is J-10 or J-10 First, it’s all like this. Even the Navy’s carrier-based J-15 aircraft also has a corresponding two-seat trainer aircraft.

 However, when it comes to the development of fourth-generation aircraft, almost all of them are single-seaters. Whether it is the medium-sized stealth aircraft developed by the Mingzhou Group, the American F-22, or the JSF, they are all single-seaters.

The two-seater is mainly for training. Since the flight simulator has completed the training task, it is natural not to use the two-seater, which also saves money.

In addition to training, the two-seaters are also used for bombing missions. For example, the Flying Leopard and the J-16 are the main fighter-bombers. They are all two-seaters. The pilot in the back seat is responsible for operating weapons and equipment. Those complex air-to-ground or air-to-ship missiles are not The pilot can do it alone.

 But the J-20 is not a fighter-bomber, it is an air superiority fighter, and there is no need for a second seat at all.

 Zhao Dangsheng was very curious about this.

"It depends on what purpose our J-20 is used for." Qin Tao said: "In addition to fighting for air supremacy, it should have other uses. If it can be combined with the world trend, it will definitely play a more important role. important role.”

 World trend?

Zhao Dangsheng rolled his eyes, and then thought of something: "Mr. Qin, are you talking about drones? Turn the J-20 into a stealth airborne early warning aircraft with a drone? The pilot in the back seat directly commands the drone. Man-machine combat?”

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, if we want to develop a two-seater model, we can consider this direction. Use the J-20 to carry a group of drones and fight together to maximize the effect, whether it is to seize air supremacy or attack the ground." Any attack can be carried out in formation."

Wu Shengli also opened his eyes wide. Qin Tao's mind was very flexible and he could think of some weird ideas quickly. Now, Qin Tao's idea is really innovative.

The J-20 is not only a heavy-duty stealth fighter, but also an advanced fighter carrying a large number of drones!

The J-20 is like a hidden assassin in the sky, always hiding behind and using drones to attack targets. This tactic is still very advanced. After all, the cost of the J-20 is too expensive. It is best not to attack the target with this kind of fighter. It's best to go to the front and direct a group of boys to rush forward.

“This is a good idea.” Wu Shengli nodded: “Our drones have also matured. If we can use stealth fighters to fight with drones, that will be the best combination!”

“Report, the flight window has appeared.” At this moment, someone finally came to report.

 The launch window is open!

Delano had been waiting impatiently for a long time. When he heard the news, he immediately shouted: "What are you waiting for? Open the hangar door!"

 After saying that, Delano started to start the engine.

Generally speaking, the aircraft is towed to the runway by a tractor, but Delano couldn't wait for the tractor to come over. When the hangar door opened, he immediately taxied out and ran to the runway in a hurry. For the first time When flying an airplane, it is also important to experience low-speed taxiing. Driving such an expensive fighter plane is like a small tricycle.

At the take-off position of the catapult, all preparations were made, waiting for Delano to come over. Delano lowered his head, looked through the fuselage, and saw the ejection shuttle below, which was accurately positioned.

This method of being able to see through the fuselage is also beneficial. On the aircraft carrier deck, due to the small space, many aircraft slide to the parking position by themselves. If the pilot is not skilled enough, it is really impossible to get into position at once. It takes more This training requires precise adjustments by the commander on the deck.

Pilots also have to practice hard, look for reference objects on the side, and rely on experience to accurately determine the position.

But now, because of the cameras installed under the fuselage, the pilot himself can see the position of the nose landing gear. This operation is smoother and can be accurately positioned without anyone's command.

Even if it cannot be used in aerial combat, it seems to be good just to use it during takeoff and landing.

In particular, this camera can not only sense visible light, but also infrared rays. It can be used not only during the day, but also at night. In the past, pilots needed to wear special night vision devices when taking off and landing at night, but now they no longer need them. Night vision goggles, helmets will be lighter.

This brand new device is still very useful!

Delano watched the ground crew fix the front wheel. He raised his head and looked forward. A wonderful takeoff was about to begin!

take off!


There was a pulsing pushing sensation on the back. Delano's eyes were fixed on the front. There was no need to turn on the afterburner. The aircraft could easily leave the deck with the help of the maximum military thrust and the catapult. This will save a lot of fuel!

 The plane is pulled up gently, just like flying on a simulator. This twin-engine heavy fighter is full of power and gives people a refreshing feeling.

 Now that you’re flying, it’s not too late to do some flying moves over the ocean, and then fly back!

“Attention wild dogs, the flight window is only five minutes, please return immediately!” A familiar voice came from the earphones.

 “Wild dog received.” Delano was very good.

With the familiar return route and the familiar Fresnel lens, Delano flew back easily and landed easily according to the operation on the simulator. When the last wheel touched the ground, his head subconsciously looked back and clicked his tongue. , this see-through eye can also see the rear fuselage, and you can see whether the blocking hook can hang the blocking cable.

The next moment, the seat belt tightened around him, and he felt pain in his neck... Well, this action is very dangerous, don't try it easily in the future!

 (End of this chapter)

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