Warship of Great Power

Chapter 998: The tall DDG1000

Chapter 998 The tall DDG-1000

The leaders above were stunned for a while.

 How many more ships should be built? You put it lightly, but this costs money. Although our navy now has ample funds, it also has many projects to support. You put it simply, we have to spend real money.

"These costs are not much. The price of one 052 can build several comprehensive supply ships." Qin Tao seemed to know what these leaders were thinking, and said: "The navy is indeed in short supply of destroyers, but in order to maintain the In order to benefit, comprehensive supply ships cannot be lacking, so I think that if the navy is really short of money now, it would rather build one less capital ship and build this kind of auxiliary warship, otherwise the navy's construction will face shortcomings."

 All the leaders started thinking.

 That's right, what Mr. Qin said makes sense.

If the navy wants to sail on the ocean, it cannot do without integrated supply ships. Now this is the navy's shortcoming and must be made up for!

“Okay, then let’s build two types of supply ships at the same time!” Wu Shengli agreed: “This 50,000-ton supply ship will be modeled as 901, and this 20,000-ton supply ship will be modeled as…”

This kind of 50,000-ton supply ship, Wu Shengli has said before that it is designated as 901. This is the first among the supply ships, but how to finalize the 20,000-ton supply ship? He was really hesitant.

At this moment, Zhang Xing said: "Leader Wu, our comprehensive supply ship is very similar to the 903 built by Mingzhou Group in the 1990s. Otherwise, let's call it 903A."


The ship built by the Mingzhou Group is a 20,000-ton ship. Their plan is two to three thousand tons more than the 20,000-ton ship, which is pretty much the same.

But is this appropriate?

 Establishing a brand new model is obviously of greater benefit to Huangpu Shipyard, but now, it is like a follow-up model of 903.

Wu Shengli was somewhat hesitant.

Zhang Xing continued: "Actually, our comprehensive supply ship is modeled after the 903. We are equivalent to using Mingzhou Group's previous plan after modification to bid. Mr. Qin did not expose our shortcomings just now. We are very grateful. , but here, we have to say it ourselves, this warship is very similar to the 903, let’s regard it as a follow-up model of the 903.”

 After Zhang Xing finished speaking, he looked at Qin Tao.

 Qin Tao smiled and said nothing.

"Okay, let's call it 903A." Wu Shengli said: "In order to allow the navy to have sufficient maritime supply capabilities, we have decided to build one 901 and two 903A first. I hope you can use your hard-working and capable military industry spirit to put these ships into service as soon as possible. A kind of advanced equipment is manufactured!”


 “Okay, it’s almost time, let’s go eat next!”

 Unconsciously, it was already noon.

The guys walked briskly towards the canteen. Zhang Xing walked a few steps quickly and walked side by side with Qin Tao.

“Mr. Qin, thank you for your support.”

 “What have I supported you for?”

"If it weren't for your suggestion, only you would have succeeded in bidding this time, and we would have ended up in failure. After all, this meeting is an aircraft carrier bidding meeting." Zhang Xing said, "You helped us obtain two supply ships. We have you to thank for the order.”

Qin Tao smiled: "That's right. Your design is also very good. It just makes up for the vacancies in our navy."

“Our design plan was also plagiarized from yours. I’m very sorry. By the way, Mr. Qin, we still have to import the gantry and refueling device and other equipment from your Mingzhou Group.”

The Mingzhou Group was responsible for the conversion of Lao Maozi's oil tanker into a comprehensive supply ship. Through the modification of that warship, they also mastered the design and construction of modern maritime supply devices. Now the brother unit wants to build a comprehensive supply ship. , then you have to purchase it from their Mingzhou Group.

 So even if the Mingzhou Group fails to bid, they can still make profits from the order. Now everyone is happy.

"Of course there is no problem. The performance of your comprehensive supply ship is moderate and the price is cheap. In the future, it can not only be used by yourself, but also exported." Qin Tao said: "You can go to Lao Ba to sell it another day."

 “Thank you, Mr. Qin!” Zhang Xing was even more happy.

 “Come on, let’s go have a few drinks.”

 The canteen is already in sight.

As for the cheap comprehensive supply ship, once the Eastern Navy decides to purchase it, it can be built very quickly, and this shortcoming of the navy will be quickly made up for.

Furthermore, the hull of this comprehensive supply ship is similar to that of an oil tanker. No one can tell what it is in the following stages of construction.

This kind of ship does not cause too much trouble. However, on the slipway of Mingzhou Group, as the outline of the 055 under construction gradually became clear, this warship attracted a lot of people's attention.

“On the slipway of the Mingzhou Group, this warship is very big, and its displacement must exceed 10,000 tons!” Swift’s men said while handing him the photo.

Swift held the cigar in his hand, but did not smoke it in his mouth. He let the cigar burn slowly between his fingers. He looked at the outline of the warship and kept feeling emotional in his heart.

 The Eastern Navy is going to build a 10,000-ton cruiser!

At present, the U.S. Navy's "Ticonderoga" class cruisers have a full-load displacement of less than 10,000 tons, and the Burke-class destroyers have a tonnage of less than 10,000 tons. However, the displacement of this kind of warship made by Dongfang has exceeded that of the main force of the United States. warship!

 This is something they absolutely cannot tolerate. They rely on their powerful navy to dominate the world. How can they lag behind in the main warships now?

"The Kirov-class cruiser of the Dalai Lama Navy is being repaired by the Mingzhou Group. Now, the second repaired warship may be ready for sea trials. The strength of the Dalai Lama Navy is also increasing, but our DDG-1000 has been difficult to deliver. Among them." The assistant said with some worry: "If this continues, our naval equipment will fall behind."

  This is a scene that no one wants to see. The powerful U.S. Navy is being outmatched.

  The former rival Mao is recovering, and the Eastern Navy is also growing. What should they do?

"Faced with the 002 aircraft carrier commissioned by Dongfangren, we chose to deal with it in a low-key manner, thinking that this aircraft carrier has only reached the level of our Kitty Hawk and is not something to be afraid of. But now, when we look at the Mingzhou Group's shipyard, it seems that A new aircraft carrier is being built. If nothing else happens, the performance of this aircraft carrier will be more advanced and it will also use nuclear power. Now, facing this kind of cruiser from the Orientals, should we continue to keep a low profile?"

"No, we can no longer keep a low profile." Swift said: "We should tell the world that the strength of the Eastern Navy has expanded too fast. Our navy must get more budget and update our equipment! "

 Swift's eyes continued to stare gloomily at the photo of the 10,000-ton cruiser, with an ugly expression on his face.

  This is a conventionally designed warship. Is it just an enlarged version of the 052? Our DDG-1000 is a completely new design. Is our design better?

  We must vigorously promote our own DDG-1000. Only DDG-1000 can defeat the Eastern cruisers and get Congress to allocate more funds!

 Hudson Institute.

The camera was placed in a small studio and focused on the people on the rostrum.

"Hello, viewers, I am Brian Clark, a senior military expert." This is not the first time Clark has sat in front of the camera to speak. When Zhang Zhong from Dongfang said that the program became popular, their Hudson Institute Analysis Center Just decided to organize a similar program! Clark was their host. Clark is in his forties. He is full of energy, tall and handsome. He works out all year round. Sometimes he will deliberately wear half-sleeves in the studio to show the muscles on both arms to show his strength. .

 But he seems to have forgotten that this is not a talent show or a strongman competition, they are talking by mouth.

 Today, he got the latest information and was very excited.

“We have just received the latest intelligence, which shows that Mingzhou Group is building a huge warship, which may have a displacement of more than 10,000 tons.”

 The screen switched to a satellite image. The camera focused on the huge shipyard and countless slipways, and then slowly zoomed in until it focused on one of the slipways.

"Dongfang's construction speed is very fast. The entire hull has been built so far. We can see that the upper layer of the hull is tilted inwards, indicating that this is a main warship with a stealth appearance. Its length is about 180 meters. The width is also more than 20 meters. Based on this estimate, its displacement will be enlarged to about 10,000 tons." Clark introduced: "This is an upgraded version of Dongfang's 052 destroyer, and it is also the first ship built by Mingzhou Group with a displacement of more than 10,000 tons. A 10,000-ton warship.”

“We predict that this warship will have vertical launchers arranged at the front and rear, so that the number of vertical launchers may exceed one hundred, making it a warship with powerful firepower.”

 Models began to appear on the video. The models were filled with missile launchers and demonstrated using animations. They are also professional in this aspect.

"In this way, its firepower will be comparable to our Ticonderoga-class cruiser. We believe that this kind of warship is a powerful warship, ranking second in the world after the Kirov-class cruiser. At present, we do not have corresponding warships."

"That's right, we don't have a corresponding warship. We must develop a more advanced DDG-1000. Only the performance of this warship is strong enough. It has many characteristics, such as stealth."

The screen switched to the advanced DDG-1000. The shape of this warship is indeed unique. It adopts a wave-piercing and inclining shape design. Above the waterline, the entire warship's hull shrinks back, forming a unique inverted V. Type, its design makes its stealthiness first-class: most of the radar waves emitted are reflected into the sky, and even if the hull shakes, this effect will not be affected. This means that this kind of warships and submarines Same, hard to find on the sea!

“Let’s look at its weapon system. It also uses a unique vertical launch system around the hull.”

On general warships, missile vertical launchers are arranged along the central axis of the ship. There are usually a large number of launch silos in front of the bridge, and the launch silos behind the chimney form the main launch unit.

 But not the DDG-1000. The missile launcher of this warship forms a unique peripheral vertical launcher on both sides of the ship.

 What are the benefits of doing this?

Of course, it is to reduce the risk of being killed. Many military commentators are saying that once the current concentrated vertical launcher is hit by an anti-ship missile, the consequences will be absolutely terrible, just like a battleship being hit. Just like being hit by an ammunition depot, there was almost no chance of luck, and it was directly blown into two pieces in the explosion.

 So, changes must be made!

Although the Yankees were not the first to develop vertical launchers for warships, they were the first to develop universal launchers. In the past, they also used dense vertical launchers, but now they place the vertical launchers on both sides of the warship, next to them. The position of the ship's side.

 This way, the risk of being killed by an explosion is avoided. Even if it is exploded, it will only explode the outside, while the inside will remain intact. This method can even be used as explosive reactive armor when faced with an anti-ship missile attack.

 However, only DDG-1000 can be deployed.

"Because the hull section is an inverted V shape, it is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. Although it is arranged on the edge of the hull, there is enough length below to accommodate missiles. Our DDG-1000 uses the brand new MK57 vertical launcher device, this launcher uses four tubes as a unit, each unit weighs 15.24 tons, is 4.33 meters long, 2.29 meters wide, and 7.925 meters high. The width of a single missile cell is 71 cm and the depth is 7.19 meters. This vertical launch device can It can accommodate many weapons and equipment that the original MK41 could not accommodate, and has more advanced performance. Of course, due to its larger size, our DDG-1000 has only 80 vertical launchers despite its displacement of more than 14,000 tons."

"But this is not a flaw. Some missiles can have two bombs in one pit, or even four bombs in one pit. Although there are only eighty of these vertical missiles, they can accommodate two to three hundred missiles, and their performance is more advanced."

 Other warships cannot do this, because warships float outward. If it is poked on the side of the hull, it can only be three meters long at most, otherwise it will be poked outside the hull.

 The inverted V-shaped wave-piercing body and the vertical launch system around the hull are a perfect match!

Next, there are many advanced aspects. Its superstructure adopts an integrated structure, integrating the traditional bridge, chimney, helicopter hangar, etc., without any protruding parts, and even the cable throwing rope must be in the cabin. The inside of the cover is pouring. Such a large building is still made of composite materials!

The power system is also very advanced, with comprehensive power, all-electric propulsion, and a power surplus of more than 25%. There will be room for installing electromagnetic guns in the future!

 Clark introduced enthusiastically that DDG-1000 is very advanced and has ten key technologies across the ages! Therefore, the U.S. Navy must build a large number of ships to regain maritime superiority! Clark is building momentum for the Navy, and at the same time he is announcing to the world that in terms of advanced technology, the United States is still number one!

 But, someone was unhappy.

 After watching this competitor's video, Zhang Zhong gritted his teeth: "Huh, this guy is obviously talking nonsense. What advanced technology is just a vase, good-looking but not practical. How can it be as advanced as our 055!"

“Then we are going to do an introduction program on the advanced 055 destroyer?” the assistant asked.

"Of course not, we are not stupid. We are the Bureau of Strategic Deception, not the Bureau of Strategic Leaking." Zhang Zhong said: "I'll give Mr. Qin a call."

“Hey, Mr. Qin, I have something to report to you. Where are you? The capital? That’s great. Give me your address and I’ll be there right away!”

 Half an hour later, Zhang Zhong saw Qin Tao in the Gongzhufen compound.

“Mr. Qin, they bullied people too much!” Zhang Zhong was very indignant: “In their mouths, the DDG-1000 has become the most advanced destroyer in the world. This thing is obviously worthless!”

“Yeah, it’s useless, and the price is too expensive, so if they want to brag, they can brag, and we have to follow suit and try to get them to build more DDG-1000!”

Zhang Zhong’s eyes lit up: “Shall we help blow up the DDG-1000?”

"This kind of cross-era warship has many benefits." Qin Tao said: "First of all, it is expensive to build. The cost of such a warship is at least more than 2 billion US dollars, or even more than 3.5 billion US dollars. Think about it. , How many aircraft carriers do the Americans have?”

The initial plan for this kind of warship is not expensive, less than one billion US dollars, and it is planned to reduce costs through mass production in the later stage. However, the United States has long lost innovation and vitality, and will always be superior no matter what it develops.

 If the R&D costs are shared, the cost will be higher. The price of the first ship was 4 billion. When the third ship was built, the price reached an astronomical figure of 7.9 billion U.S. dollars. You must know that the cost of the Ford-class aircraft carrier was only 13.5 billion U.S. dollars. One is 10,000 tons. Escort warships, one is a 100,000-ton aircraft carrier. Are the prices comparable?

 Therefore, the Yankees need to build a lot of them, and the more they can build, the better.

“This kind of warship is not only expensive to build, but also expensive to use.” Qin Tao continued: “Needless to say, the price of firing shells from the two main guns is about the same as Tomahawk missiles.”

 Two 155mm naval guns with a caliber of 62 times are also newly developed. The price is high, but what is the actual performance? Each shell fired costs 800,000 US dollars, and its range is less than 200 kilometers. The price of Tomahawk missiles with a range of several thousand kilometers is the same as it.

Therefore, although the two naval guns were installed in place, they have been eating dust. The wealthy US Navy was reluctant to use them. Later, it gritted its teeth and decided to dismantle one of them during the mid-term life extension and install more vertical launchers.

The U.S. Navy will of course have to build a large number of such useless items.

Zhang Zhong's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he nodded repeatedly: "Mr. Qin, we will definitely brag about this kind of warship and use it as a representative of future warships. We can also make it up and say that our navy is also studying this type of warship. warship."

 Qin Tao nodded.

“Mr. Qin, when do you think Americans will realize this is a trap?”

"I don't know. It's best to build ten or eight ships and then react." Qin Tao said: "At that time, they will find that our 055 is the most suitable plan, and they will have to plagiarize our plan. .”

 Thinking about that scene, it makes people look forward to it.

PS: Happy National Day to everyone!



 (End of this chapter)

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