Warship of Great Power

Chapter 996: Diesel engine on nuclear submarine

The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Shanghai needs to install an auxiliary diesel engine to provide power when the nuclear reactor is not working. The same is true for nuclear submarines. In addition to nuclear power, there are also auxiliary diesel engines and battery packs.

Take Lao Maozi's famous Akula-class nuclear submarine as an example. It not only has a nuclear reactor, but also has 2 sets of lead-acid batteries and 2 DG-300 diesel generators. Of course, these systems are backups, so they do not last long. , generally speaking, it can only sustain a voyage of more than ten days.

In the period when there was no electric propulsion, that is, when a steam turbine was used to directly drive the propeller, the submarine installed a low-speed propulsion motor on the main shaft, so that if the nuclear power failed, the submarine could be propelled forward. Now the entire submarine uses integrated electric power. Regardless of diesel engine or nuclear power, they are all used to generate electricity, so it is easier to integrate them.

 Since there are these auxiliary powers, there must also be a chimney.

Yes, there is indeed a chimney on a nuclear submarine, but this chimney is completely different from the chimney of a conventional surface ship. It is a flue that can be sealed, and is usually installed behind the highest conning tower enclosure. department.

In this way, when sailing, a line of black smoke will be trailed by the tail, as if there is a fire inside the submarine.

During the trial flight of the British Astute Class, there was such a scene that made people stunned.

Since the chimney is on the command tower, the diesel engine of the nuclear submarine means that it can only be used while floating on the water. This is understandable. After all, if a diesel engine is needed, it must be faulty, and there is no way to submerge at all. , the purpose of the diesel engine is to allow the submarine to drive back without losing power.

 Now, watching the submarine start its diesel engine and gradually disappear from everyone's sight, everyone is filled with emotion.

“The power of the auxiliary system is not low either.”

“In recent years, our military industry has developed so fast that all these power machines have been domestically produced.”

 Back then, when advanced diesel-electric submarines were being manufactured, MTU's diesel engines were still used. This type of diesel engine was used on many submarines around the world and was the most representative.

Therefore, when Dongfang exported submarines, it was threatened by the Germans to cut off supplies. After all, the Germans were also exporting diesel-electric submarines, so there was a conflict of interest between the two parties. However, the Mingzhou Group was well prepared and took them out immediately. Own submarine-specific diesel engine: TBD-620 diesel engine from Mannheim Technology.

This kind of diesel engine has different structures, L-type and V-type, and different numbers of cylinders. The 16-cylinder product has a power of more than 2,000 kilowatts. It is the best choice for diesel-electric submarines. At the same time, one can also be moved and used in On nuclear submarines, it provides auxiliary power to nuclear submarines.

“A new era for our navy has arrived.” Wu Shengli continued to mutter to himself as he watched the submarine leave.

The straight-line distance between Zhoushan and Mingzhou is only 67 kilometers. Even if they take a detour at sea, it is still within 100 kilometers. For a submarine, one night's sailing time is more than enough. Before dawn the next day, the submarine has already set off to Zhoushan Submarine In the cave of the base.

Speaking of domestic nuclear submarine bases, there is one in the north and one in the south. The one in Yalong Bay in Qiongzhou will be the largest. But now, it is unrealistic for submarines without submersible capabilities to directly drive to Yalong Bay, so it is more convenient in Zhoushan. .

Like other bases, here there is not only a submarine dock exposed to the outside, but also a special cave. Mooring experiments can be done in the cave to ensure that no one knows about it.

This morning, after a group of people had breakfast at the Mingzhou Shipyard, they arrived at the Zhoushan base.

From a distance, you can see several submarines docked at the submarine dock from the helicopter. Three of them have hats on their conning towers, which look particularly different.

"Currently, our navy has equipped six 039 submarines and is very satisfied with the performance of this submarine." Wu Shengli said: "Compared with Lao Maozi's Kilo-class submarine, it is quieter and has more complete internal facilities. Moreover, There is also the AIP system, which can sail underwater for a long time and can even fight against nuclear submarines."

 Nuclear submarines are too expensive after all. Only the United States, with its deep pockets, is willing to eliminate conventional submarines and operate all nuclear submarines.

But they also feel some shortcomings of nuclear submarines. For example, nuclear submarines have a large displacement and are inconvenient to operate in shallow sea areas. Nuclear submarines are too sensitive and have almost no possibility of export. Otherwise, how could the international submarine market allow German submarines to dominate.

The navy's nuclear submarines are treasures and expensive to build. Their main mission is to accompany aircraft carriers to sea, while conventional submarines can patrol everywhere within the territorial waters of the motherland and monitor possible enemies underwater.

Looking at those conventional submarines, Qin Tao nodded silently: "Providing the navy with the most advanced equipment is our mission at Mingzhou Group. We will continue to upgrade submarine technology to make our conventional submarines more advanced in performance."

There is no doubt that the conventional submarines in the East are technologically advanced. When the Pyramid Navy and the U.S. Navy were confronting each other, they once sneaked up next to the U.S. aircraft carrier, surprising them.

 However, technological upgrades are endless, and there is still room for improvement in the performance of the Navy's submarines, including stronger Stirling engines, more advanced electronic equipment, advanced vertical launch bays, etc.

“Before, we planned to use this place as an aircraft carrier base.” Wu Shengli said: “At that time, we chose two places as aircraft carrier docks.”


 “That’s right, that should be in 1970.”

The Navy has long had the idea of ​​an aircraft carrier, and had an aircraft carrier plan in the 1970s. Unfortunately, the country's industry was not strong enough at that time, and it was simply unable to manufacture such a powerful combat machine.

 But it was thoroughly studied at that time, and even the aircraft carrier dock was ready.

“At that time, we chose two locations, one of which was Baitang’ao at the southern end of Jintang Island as a docking base, and a supply and support base for the aircraft carrier was established opposite.”

Wu Shengli was very familiar with this place and had obviously experienced it before. He introduced it.

This first location has a wide water surface, sufficient water depth, and can avoid all kinds of wind and waves. It is a rare haven. If it is really used as an aircraft carrier base, it can also be connected to a train.

 However, the transportation at that time was still very poor, and there were many small boats here, which was not conducive to confidentiality.

"Another location is the area between Guoju Commune and Xiangyang Commune. This location is also good. It has mountains behind it and the slopes are close to the sea. As long as the stones on the mountains are dug out, a dock can be built. There is a waterway to the south. Leaving the shore, the water depth is just over twenty meters.”

“It’s a pity that the navy didn’t take action.” Qin Tao took another look at the surrounding terrain. At this time, the helicopter had begun to land.

“Now that residential buildings have been built in these places, it is no longer possible for you to continue to use the harbor here as an aircraft carrier base.”

"Yes, real estate has developed rapidly over the years, and we never thought that these places would be spotted by developers to build sea-view houses." Wu Shengli said, "But now, the navy's strategy has been clear, and we don't need to Deploy aircraft carriers here."

Once upon a time, the fleet here was the strongest among the three major fleets. After all, they had to face too many threats. They had obtained a lot of advanced equipment from the navy, such as modern-class, glorious-class, Kilo-class submarines, etc. Almost all the equipment bought from outside was given to them.

 For a period of time, the strength here was the strongest, but as the shield ships continued to drain water and were rarely allocated to them, their strength continued to decline, and the most critical thing is that they did not have an aircraft carrier!

Without aircraft carriers, shore-based aviation can only be used. Naturally, the flexibility cannot be compared with aircraft carriers. However, when needed, both the northern and southern aviation forces can come over, and more importantly, they will have the opportunity to directly attack the aircraft in the future. By using the airport on Baodao, by that time, their shore-based aviation will be able to penetrate deep into the Pacific Ocean, so there is no need to use aircraft carriers.

 The helicopter landed at the base, and everyone got off the plane. Many people in the base were already waiting for the big guy, and one of them, an old man, stood out.

 When Wu Shengli saw him, he immediately went up to shake hands cordially.

 “Lao Zhang, why are you here?”

"This is my home. After I retired, I lived here. The army gave me a lot of convenience, allowing me to enter and exit the base at any time. I just walked around and looked at it when I had nothing to do. Watching the development and growth of our navy, I felt happy. .”

 Lao Zhang?

 Which Lao Zhang?

 Qin Tao's mind came to the old movie "Sea Eagle" from Bayi Film Studio.

"This is Mr. Qin, right? You are the hero of the development and growth of our navy. I have wanted to meet you for a long time, but you are usually too busy, and I am embarrassed to disturb you." Seeing Mr. Zhang talking to him, Qin Tao hurriedly Go up and shake hands: "Excuse me, are you the legendary captain Zhang Lao who led the 102nd boat to attack twice in one day in 1955 and used a single boat to sink the enemy's gunboats with torpedo tactics?"

 A smile appeared on Mr. Zhang’s face, and the wrinkles on his skin became more numerous.

“I didn’t expect that there would still be people who could remember my results.”

“Heroes will never be forgotten.” Qin Tao said: “Old seniors like you are worthy of learning and respecting us!”

What Qin Tao was talking about was only Mr. Zhang’s first victory. In fact, Mr. Zhang participated in six naval battles in his life, sinking three enemy ships and severely damaging one. He had outstanding achievements! Now facing such an old hero, Qin Tao certainly admires him very much.

 Seeing the admiration in Qin Tao's eyes, Mr. Zhang's smile became even brighter.

“By the way, our Mingzhou Group is also open to you. You are in Zhoushan, which is very close to Mingzhou. You are welcome to visit our factory at any time as long as you are willing!”

 Such an old hero has no other hobbies than looking at naval equipment, and Mingzhou Group is the most advanced naval equipment production factory. They have a lot of good stuff there that old heroes like.

The old hero spends his days in Zhoushan, knowing that there are good things around him, but unable to see them. It is understandable that he feels itchy and unbearable.

 “Really? Then I’d be really rude!”

"Of course, you can live in Mingzhou if you want. Our guest house will prepare a special room for you. You can stay as long as you want. You won't be charged any fees. Food and accommodation are free."

After Qin Tao finished speaking, he added: "Of course, the navy must agree in advance on the equipment you want to see."

“The Navy has no objection.” Wu Shengli spoke immediately.

Navy veterans and combat heroes want to see advanced equipment, what else can they do? Such an old man can never be a spy.

"I'd better stay in the base first and take a look at our nuclear submarines. There have never been nuclear submarines in our regular submarine base. This is the first time a big girl gets on the sedan." Mr. Zhang said: "You are also here to see nuclear submarines, right? , let’s go together.”

 Other leaders in the base came up to greet Wu Shengli and others, and then headed to the submarine cave together.

The submarines are kept outside for others to see. The submarines hidden in the cave are the secret ones, so that the other party does not know how many submarines one has and when they will take action.

There is a waterway inside the submarine cave, which can be entered and exited at the same time, so that the submarine does not need to turn around inside the cave. Many submarine bases are designed this way.

At this time, in the submarine cave, a huge submarine was docked at the berth, and a lot of equipment had been added next to it, all of which were used for mooring experiments.

"At the beginning, our superiors attached great importance to our Zhoushan base, and all kinds of equipment were delegated to our command. Later, they planned to hand over the submarines directly to our base, but we refused." Mr. Zhang said: "At that time, we believed that the submarine detachment was a strategic Troops and submarines need to be controlled by superior leaders, even the top leaders, and cannot be commanded by our base."

At that time, ordinary diesel-electric submarines were considered strategic forces and could complete many strategic tasks by relying on their concealment. You can tell by looking at the food. Ordinary soldiers pay one or two cents per meal, while submarine soldiers pay one dollar and seven, and every meal is a big fish and meat.

But now, of course, conventional submarines cannot be regarded as strategic arms. The strategic arms must be nuclear submarines.

 “Mr. Zhang, your consciousness is really high.” Qin Tao sighed.

"We are the People's Navy, and the ships and sailors do not belong to us personally. Our task is to fulfill our duties, lead them well, manage them well, and make them an excellent people's army." Mr. Zhang continued: "When the enemy invades, We must lead them to win the war, and we cannot treat them as decorations or vases."

Hearing these words, Qin Tao was also deeply moved. This is the consciousness of the older generation of soldiers! Everything is for the motherland and the people. My father is also such a person.

 “Report, the mooring experiment is ready, request to start!”

 “It’s time to start!”


 Kvasa and others have already boarded the submarine.

For submarines, mooring experiments are also very important. It is mainly to check the integrity and reliability of the submarine, whether the various equipment inside the submarine can work normally, whether the noise and vibration are within the designed range, etc. For nuclear submarines, the nuclear reactor must be started and various tests must be conducted. Depending on the progress, it may take several months to half a year.

Only after passing the test on the shore can it be tested at sea. After all, submarines are very dangerous. If you are not careful, it may lead to the death of all the people on the boat. You must not neglect it.

As an excellent submarine designer, Kvasa is also very proficient in mooring experiments. Now, he has to be present in person to ensure the normal conduct of the mooring experiments.

 For others, it is possible to walk around inside the submarine between experiments. Everyone took a quick look at it and were very satisfied with the submarine.

 It was already noon after we came out, and everyone was reluctant to leave and took one last look at the submarine.

“Dad, when will the tender for the 096 submarine be launched?” Qin Tao asked.

Wu Shengli asked back: "What do you think?"

There must be more than one 095 submarine, but the second one will not be launched until the sea trial of this one is completed. For those who build submarines, this one is no longer a problem. What they want to mess with is something bigger.

The navy has the final say on this kind of thing, but I didn’t expect that Wu Shengli would ask himself!

 Qin Tao was stunned for a moment, and then reacted: "It depends on the development progress of Julang-3?"

  Strategic nuclear submarines are designed to launch ballistic missiles, so their design depends entirely on the size of the ballistic missiles.

This is what Lao Maozi is like. Only by developing a submarine-launched missile can a corresponding nuclear submarine be produced. If there is no corresponding ballistic missile, the nuclear submarine will be a castle in the air.

 Originally, there is already a mature model in China, which is the Julang-2.

 When launching underwater, it is best to use solid missiles, which saves the need to inject fuel and oxidizer before launch. Therefore, in order to develop submarine-launched ballistic missiles, China concentrated on solid missile technology and built the Julang-1 missile.

The performance of this missile is actually not high. It has a single warhead and a range of only more than 2,000 kilometers. But after all, it is the first step from scratch. After the success of Julang-1, the country decided to transplant this missile to It came on land and was dragged around by a launch vehicle to become a mobile missile, so the Dongfeng-21 came out.

Although the problem of mobile launch has been solved, the range is still too close. Therefore, based on the Dongfeng-21, the aerospace department developed the Dongfeng-31 missile, with the range increased to 8,000 kilometers, and changed this missile to a submarine launch The missile is the Julang-2.

These actions become eight words: huge waves come ashore and east wind descends to the sea.

If the Mingzhou Group were not too excellent, the Julang-2 missile would definitely be used for a long time. The 094 nuclear submarine developed on the basis of the 093 nuclear submarine can be equipped with the Julang-2 missile as the main force of strategic nuclear counterattack.

  However, the 095 is so good. The 096, which is developed on the basis of the 095, is also a ballistic missile nuclear submarine with advanced performance. Putting the Julang-2 on this nuclear submarine is a bit overkill.

After all, a missile with a range of 8,000 kilometers can only be regarded as a long-range missile, and cannot be called an intercontinental ballistic missile. An intercontinental missile needs to fly 12,000 kilometers so that it can be launched in the South China Sea and directly hit the entire territory of potential enemies.

Therefore, under Qin Tao's suggestion, the Navy targeted the Dongfeng-41 missile, the latest development of the aerospace department, and improved it into the submarine-launched Julang-3 missile, so that the range can reach the standard.

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