Warm Dragon

Chapter 89 The Past of the Bluebird Family

"Russell, you've become handsome again. If you work harder, you can catch up with me!" Mel Ujiuka said cheerfully in the coach's tent.

Baron Roman and his eldest brother Roland warmly entertained Major Yujiuhua there, while Russell chatted with his cousin Mel Yujiuhua.

"Don't worry, I'm still working hard to become handsome." Russell smiled.

In my memory, my predecessor had a very good relationship with my cousin, even better than with my brothers and sisters.

This is probably because Russell is too handsome and does not fit in with the Fluorescent Mushroom family, but he can fit in with the Yujiuka family, which is full of handsome boys and beauties. Moreover, Cousin Mel is an only child and has no biological siblings, so he regards Russell as his biological brother.

"I thought you would have to wait two years before going to the snowfield, but I didn't expect you to come here with the Knights this year."

"Come early and make some money. Everything in the territory costs money."

"Haha, you are beginning to understand how difficult it is for a lord."

"Yes, it is not easy for my small manor. It is indeed very difficult to expand to the entire Youguang River Valley and even the mouth of Sancha River." Russell felt deeply about this. He is a time traveler, but he is just a mediocre person. time traveler.

In my previous life on earth, I worked as a social animal, and now I am still learning through trial and error as to my identity as a lord.

"Whether it is easy or not, Russell, as someone who has experienced it, I have to tell you that carpe diem is the true meaning of life." Cousin Mel glanced at his father and uncle who were chatting happily, and murmured in a low voice, "You turn around first Don’t go back to Youguang Valley and go to Bluebird Castle with me for a while.”

Glancing back at his father, Cousin Mel chuckled and said, "I'll take you to see the world. There are many ladies and ladies at the mouth of the Sancha River."

Russell narrowed his eyes and said, "Cousin, you have to take it easy. I see that the circles under your eyes are a little dark. You are in serious trouble."

"Bullshit." Cousin Mel laughed, "I keep my integrity well, I won't lose my virginity to anyone unless we are in love."

"Losing your virginity is a human thing, are you talking about it?"

"That's the truth. Those noble ladies surrounded me like wolves, talking sweet words, just to get my body. In such an environment, especially handsome ones like us, we really need to learn to protect ourselves." Cousin Mel was filled with emotion.

"I've never experienced it."

"So come and stay at Bluebird Castle for a while, and I'll show you how it feels."

"Not this time. There are still a lot of affairs waiting for me in the territory." Russell shook his head, but his heart was a little palpitating. "By the way, when will grandpa return to Sanchahekou, and the Elders Council will be disbanded, right?"

"Just one or two months. Kunstein has already ascended the throne. There is no point in going against this kid. My father wrote several letters to persuade grandpa... Anyway, grandpa promised to come back as soon as possible."

"Then when grandpa comes back and wishes him a birthday, I will come to Bluebird Castle to stay for a few days."

"Not for a few days, at least for a month!"

"It depends on the situation. If the territory can be separated, I will live here for a month." Russell agreed.

Cousin Mel said happily: "Okay, I will write to you as soon as grandpa comes back!"

Seeing his cheerful look, Russell couldn't help but feel some sympathy. Although he lived in a large aristocratic family, with rich clothes, fine food, and beautiful horses, but without brothers and sisters, he would still be lonely and lack companionship.

In total, Mel is three years older than Russell and is only Russell's second cousin.

Russell also has an older cousin, but he is not born to Uncle Major, but to his aunt Melinda Yujiuhua. His name is Cessel - he does not have a noble surname. His uncle Cecil is just a lord, an ordinary person. Family birth.

Grandfather, Earl of Floating Rose, Merlin Ujiuka, gave birth to two daughters and one son.

Aunt Melinda Ujiuka, despite her family's objections, fell in love with an ordinary knight named Seth Luo. In desperation, the earl and his wife had no choice but to confer the title of Lord Seth Luo and send him to a remote manor in the territory.

Seth Luo and his wife gave birth to a boy and a daughter, Russell's eldest cousin Seth and his eldest cousin Seth Wei who were the same age.

The eldest uncle, Major Ujiuka, married the princess of the Shadowflame family, Kunna Shadowflame, the aunt of the current Grand Duke, and gave birth to his only son, Mel Ujiuka.

Then there is Russell's mother, Meryl Yujiuhua, who gave birth to two boys and two girls after marrying Roman Fluorescent, Baron of Netherlight.

So Mel doesn't have any biological brothers or sisters, but she does have quite a few cousins.

Even Grand Duke Kunstan Shadowflame is his cousin.

But among all the cousins, Russell was the only one who had a good relationship with him, probably because they were both handsome.

After all, birds of a feather flock together, and good-looking people like to hang out with good-looking people (just like when Lao Bai writes a book and only subscribes to handsome guys and beauties).

Talk about the past when you were a child and imagine a bright future.

It was noon in a flash.

In this simple and shabby cold spring spot, the nobles from the two territories all crowded into Baron Roman's coach tent, eating simple food, drinking high-concentration spirits, and having a lively dinner.

"Lord Viscount, I offer you a toast!" Atlas stood up and toasted, "If it hadn't been for the help of Lord Viscount, I might not have been able to come back from the battlefield, and I wouldn't have been able to see the joyful drinking that I have today. scene!"

Major Ujiuka smiled and drank the wine: "Lord Atlas, we can still fight side by side for a long time."

"Yes, that's what the Viscount said!" Many people echoed.

Viscount is a special title, which is a lifetime title and cannot be inherited. It is usually a reward for court officials, or for some scholars and big businessmen who have made great contributions.

The noble titles of the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame are inherited from the Yaoguang Empire, or in other words, the titles of many countries in the entire Longmian Continent all follow the title system of the Yaoguang Empire.

Below the king, only the duke, earl, and baron are hereditary titles and have their own fiefdoms.

Marquis, viscount, and lord are all lifetime titles.

Of course, whether it is a hereditary title or a lifetime title, there is a strict hierarchy - duke, marquis, earl, viscount, baron, and lord, but the vassal is only loyal to the lord, and the territory is highly autonomous.

As an independent grand duchy, the duke is the highest title of the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame, so there are only two hereditary titles of earl and baron below.

Usually, the baron will give his heir a lord title to facilitate the heir to participate in the management of the territory.

By the same token, the earl will also give his heir a viscount title.

Russell's grandfather, Earl of Fuqiang Merlin Yujiuhua, is still in good health, so Uncle Major can only socialize with the title of Viscount - fortunately, the title of Viscount is enough, one level higher than the title of Baron.

"By the way, Lord Viscount, didn't Lord Medicullen come?" Lord Sally asked curiously.

Uncle Major shook his head and said, "My wife went to visit the Gravel Territory, and I asked Lord Medicullen to escort her."

"I see."

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