Warm Dragon

Chapter 52 Yuan Meat

Dragons warm the world, and knights fight for their habitats. Naturally, officials are needed to govern the territory and scholars are needed to comprehend the mysteries.

The Palace of the Grand Duke of Shadow Flame, that is, the Red Castle.

Those who have made major discoveries in fighting spirit cultivation, major innovations in magic creation, major contributions to knowledge inheritance, and major inventions in daily life will be awarded the title of polymath to show their glory.

In terms of status, polymaths are roughly equivalent to lords in the noble sequence.

They just don't have fiefs.

However, the Red Castle will provide a welfare every year, and at the same time, the major lords will compete to hire polymaths to serve as officials in their own territories.

It can be said that polymaths are a pass to the upper class.


Is a pair of reading glasses enough to get the status of a polymath?

Russell doesn't care about this. First, he doesn't need the status of a polymath to enter the upper class, he is already in the upper class; second, the evaluation of polymaths is just a casual remark by the Shadow Flame family living in the Red Castle.

Even if he didn't invent any reading glasses, if old lady Ingrid sent a letter, Princess Anxia might grant Russell the status of a scholar.

For no other reason, this can be seen as a way to win over Baron Roman.

Of course, there is a third reason why Russell doesn't care.

He can invent reading glasses, so he can also invent myopia glasses, as well as telescopes, microscopes, and so on. If these inventions are piled together and still can't be exchanged for the status of a scholar, it means that the people in the Red Castle have a problem with their brains.

"It's just an imperfect pair of single-view reading glasses, grandma, I have a better plan, a pair of reading glasses that are more suitable for you to wear." Russell smiled.

"My wise little will-o'-the-wisp, your filial piety to your grandmother is obvious!" Old Lady Ingrid hugged Russell into her arms, "Grandma only needs one single photo. If you really want to make a better one, let Grandma sponsor you. I can't let you spend any more money."

She smiled and said to the lords and ladies around her: "Russell has just been granted a fiefdom, and the first year's crops have not yet been harvested. We can't let him go hungry."

"Reading glasses are a good invention, old lady. Your sponsorship of Russell to improve reading glasses will become a good story."

"Yes, you have a good eye for people and have discovered a young scholar."

"Maybe you can even get a sponsorship fee from the Red Castle."

"Cheers to the fluorescent mushroom family!"

The lords and ladies who came to congratulate praised the old lady's wise decision, making the scene even more lively.

"I didn't realize you have such a skill." The eldest brother Roland smiled with satisfaction and patted Russell on the shoulder, "I hope you can really get the title of scholar. This honor has never been obtained by the family."

"I'll try my best." Russell smiled indifferently.

Rowling squinted her eyes and stared at Russell hard, which made Russell a little nervous. She put on a smile: "You are worthy of being my Rowling's brother!"

"Really." Russell tilted his head and did not comment on it.

Then the living room surrounded the reading glasses and praised for a while, mainly praising old lady Ingrid, and also praising Russell.

Only Baron Roman praised Russell with satisfaction.

This second son who looked a little weak on weekdays did not expect him to have much success. Unexpectedly, after the enfeoffment, he was actually watched by the dragon.

His luck improved greatly, he picked up birch worms and harvested a fantasy beast knight; his cultivation gradually caught up, and he was able to defeat Rowling, who was more talented; now he even had the hope of obtaining the status of a scholar, and it was obvious that he had an extraordinary wisdom.

"Work hard." Baron Roman advised.

He now believed that Russell would become a qualified lord and guard the south gate for the Valley of the Dark Light.

At the same time, he could smoothly take over Rosen and run around for the fluorescent mushroom family.

Russell smiled slightly: "I will, father."


The lunch was very grand.

Various precious dishes were served like an assembly line, the male servants kept shuttling, the guests laughed and talked, but Russell was the only one who was seriously cooking.

Whether the food was to his taste was secondary, and nutrition was what he cared about most, especially since he was at the peak of his fighting spirit recently.

So he picked those Yuan meat to eat.

"It's great, I can eat Yuan meat every day!" Russell couldn't help but feel the warm air in his stomach spreading, turning into subtle Dou Qi in his limbs and bones, and merging into the main meridians. This banquet can save him half a day of hard training.

The so-called Yuan meat refers to the meat of farmed Yuan beasts.

Between ordinary wild beasts and powerful fantasy beasts, there is also a special type of farmed Yuan beasts. They are special livestock, birds, fish and shrimp species that can brew Yuan force through careful selection by humans. The meat naturally contains Yuan force.

Eating this kind of Yuan meat can not only help ordinary people prolong their lives, but also strengthen the Dou Qi of knights.

Fluorescent Castle raises three types of farmed Yuan beasts, one is a short-haired rabbit, one is a long-legged duck, and the other is a brown cow.

Russell has no plans to introduce them yet.

The reason is simple. Farming Yuan beasts requires a lot of feed to brew Yuan force, which is much more expensive than raising ordinary livestock.


As he was eating Yuan meat, he suddenly thought: "Even if the golden black sow I bought failed to give birth to a fantasy beast baby, I think the quality of the piglets should not be bad. If I raise it carefully, will I be able to breed a new breed of Yuan beast?"

It's worth a try.

Thinking of this, Russell's appetite became better.

After eating and drinking and tasting afternoon tea, beautiful music sounded in the castle, the dance floor was open, and men, women, young and old gathered together.

The lords from other places all brought their families, and the local lords naturally brought their families, so there was no shortage of handsome men and beautiful women in the dance floor.

Russell was not interested in social dancing, whether it was his predecessor or himself.

He poured himself a glass of champagne that was more like a drink, and sat on a chair at the edge of the dance floor, silently admiring the dancers.

Not only did the baron and his wife dance in person, but even old lady Ingrid was invited by Lord Atlas of Red Falcon Manor to dance.

"Lord Russell, can I ask you to dance with me?" When Russell was staring at the ceiling in a daze, a noble lady came over to invite him.

The light pink slim dress showed off her good figure; the milky white wide-brimmed hat set off her fair skin; there were a few freckles under her eyelids, which echoed the two dimples when she smiled.

Russell looked over and naturally knew who the person was.

Marlena, the daughter of Lord Marcus, is one of the most beautiful young noble ladies in the entire Glowing Valley.

Even with Russell's eyes, who had watched countless movies in his previous life, Marlena could still give him a score of 75.

Lord Marcus is Baron Roman's most capable assistant and vassal, and the only high-level fantasy beast knight in the entire territory besides the baron. With such a family background, Marlena has countless suitors in the Glowing Valley, and even in other places.

"It's an honor." Russell smiled and stood up, took Marlena's hand, and walked into the dance floor together.

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