Warm Dragon

Chapter 422 Ouroboros

At first, there was nothing in the dark dream, not even a glimmer of light could be seen, but after Russell turned over and rode on the little dream dragon.

The magic light bloomed.

Now, with the roar of the little dream dragon, the magic sound also bloomed.

Then Russell rode the little dream dragon and headed straight for the direction of the fir parasitic grass. When he came to the branches, he could hear the magic sound of the fir parasitic grass, which was a very slight sound like the swaying of leaves.


Russell listened carefully and soon heard another sound, a "hissing" sound like a snake spitting out its tongue.

Following the sound, it came from the roots of a snow fir tree not far from Russell's camp.

The roots were outlined by dim lines. If you look closely, you can find a tree hole about the size of a bucket.

"So, this fantasy beast is hiding in the tree hole, so I can't see its magic light?" Russell suddenly realized.

Then he laughed: "Let's go, Ice Cream, let's go in!"

The little Menglong and Russell in the spirit form were not big, and they could easily fly into the tree hole, and then go down to a depth of about three or four meters underground from the tree hole, and finally saw the magic light at the end of the passage.

It was a snake-like fantasy beast coiled in a snake coil.

The magic light outlined the scales and patterns on its body. Its size was about the same as the black-waisted snake king contracted by Baron Roman. It was an ordinary snake with the thickness of an arm, not a giant python.

The strange thing was that this snake-like fantasy beast sleeping at night actually held its own tail in its sleep.

"Hiss, hiss..."

The sound of magic continued to radiate from its body, just like a snake spitting out its tongue.

"Ga?" Xiao Menglong sniffed, and then as if he had discovered something, his eyes suddenly lit up, "Ga!"


Xiao Menglong couldn't speak, but he danced with joy, which made it easy for Russell to understand: "You like this fantasy beast... I can't say you like it, you look down on all fantasy beasts... You mean, you feel the same way about it as Baoli?"

"Ga ga!" Xiao Menglong nodded repeatedly.

This made Russell raise his eyebrows: "Same as Baoli, that is to say, the talent of this fantasy beast is related to the dark dream!"

Among all the fantasy beasts, there is no doubt that only the unicorn Baoli makes Xiao Menglong look up to her.

The reason for looking up to her is that Baoli has the talent of walking in the dark dream. Her soul is pulled into the dark dream, and she can also use the dream horn to pierce the barrier between the dream and reality, so as to absorb the magic creations in reality.

Other fantasy beasts, such as the pseudo-harpy dragon Hape contracted by Russell, even as a pseudo-dragon heir of the fantasy beast species, still cannot make Xiao Menglong look at them more.

It can be seen that Xiao Menglong is also a very realistic dragon. It will open its eyes to anyone who can help it.

"This... Ouroboros can catch your eye. Obviously, it will soon become our partner." Russell immediately promised, "Don't worry, wait for me for a few days, and you can watch me take it down!"


"Let's go. I remember this place. We will come to subdue it tomorrow." Russell waved his hand, "It's a pity that there is no other magic sound, and the goblins can't find it... Let's go to the Black Wave Mountains and look for the trace of the Snow Giant Da."

A night of hard searching.

There is only silence in the Black Wave Mountains. Even snow ghosts and snow demons are rare here.

"It ran away. It seems that the Snow Giant Da and the Snow Driver ran away together." Russell shook his head. Otherwise, with the bright light of the Snow Giant Da, it can be seen from a few kilometers or even dozens of kilometers away.

With a "Ga", the dark dream dissipated.

The next morning, Russell woke up from the back of the black oil dragon Luo Sai. He didn't even bother to eat breakfast and started looking for the big tree with a tree hole.

Just as he walked to the side of the big tree.

A familiar strange murmur came to his ears: "Why did this human come over? Did he find me? And... I feel that he is different today. It's strange. I really want him to touch my tail."


Russell paused.

Suddenly, he felt that this Ouroboros was possessed by the unicorn Polly. Although the tone of speech was different, they both wanted him to touch it.

It's just that Polly wanted him to touch her horn, while this Ouroboros wanted him to touch its tail.

"Could it be?" In an instant, Russell's mind was associated with many things, "Its tail is as special as Polly's horn. Also, Polly wanted me to touch her horn, and the Ouroboros wanted me to touch its tail. I'm afraid it's all related to ice cream."

Russell was not narcissistic enough to think that he could conquer many fantasy beasts with his charm.

Considering the special feeling Xiao Menglong had towards Ouroboros last night, it can be seen that it was not Russell himself who really attracted Baoli and Ouroboros, but his golden finger Xiao Menglong.

Or rather.

It was the breath of the dark dream that attracted them together.

Thinking of this, Russell immediately knew what he should do: "Hello, little snake in the tree hole, I am here to visit you. First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Russell Fluorescent Mushroom, and I have no ill will towards you."

There was no sound in the tree hole.

Lucky whisper was not triggered.

Russell said to the tree hole: "I know you live in the tree hole. Maybe you will be very strange, but I can hear your voice... I also want to touch your tail, and I can give you more powerful abilities."

"Ah! What are the humans outside saying? It's so confusing. How did he know I was here?" The strange murmur sounded again.

The voice did not stop, and continued to sound: "It's so scary, but, does he really want to touch my tail? Oh my God, why do I have such a strange idea... No, no, no, I should hide, hide..."

Then, the strange murmur sounded again, and strange words sounded: "Just hide in the dream."

"Hide in the dream, does it mean the dark dream?" Russell narrowed his eyes.

Then he continued to say loudly: "Little snake, it's useless for you to hide in the dream. I can see you, and I must tell you one thing, I am the master of dreams, you hide in the dream, just like hiding in my home."

"Ah, terrible!" A strange murmur sounded, "Is this human the master of dreams? Then I'm in danger."

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I just want to make friends with you..." Russell persuaded him with emotion and reason, and spent a whole morning in the tree hole, but unfortunately, haste makes waste. The more he talked, the more silent the Ouroboros became.

After noon, the Ouroboros's lucky whispers could no longer be heard.

"Russell, the Ouroboros is obviously frightened. We should take it easy." Baoli gave advice in her mind, "When I first met you, I was also very hesitant, so I waited a few days before I met you."

"Is that so?"

"That's right. As a fantasy beast, we are much more vigilant about everything around us than humans." Baoli said with a smile, "I feel the same way about the Ouroboros. Since it wants you to touch its tail, it will recognize you sooner or later."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Russell followed suit.

No longer eager to see the Ouroboros, he also suppressed the idea of ​​digging a hole and directly capturing the Ouroboros alive.

The Ouroboros, which has the talent related to dark dreams, is undoubtedly an excellent contract object.

So in order to make future cultivation smoother and not to create a gap between the hearts of each other, it is better to attack the heart.

It won't be too late to dig a hole and capture the Ouroboros alive when the Ouroboros really refuses to change.

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