Warm Dragon

Chapter 420: Parasite


Baron Roman did not comment on Russell's whimsical idea. Longmian Continent has extraordinary power, so Baron Roman even did not agree with Russell's idea.

I will also retain three points of hope and look forward to the results of the Malone-like experiment.

We are also looking forward to the day when the Dragon Domain Lord can take a step forward and reach a higher level.

After resting, the Knights continued southward into the snowfields outside the country. The arrival of the warm season made the Snow Ghosts look sparse. Detection arrows were fired at the ice caps to ensure that there were no snow demons hiding on the route the knights were traveling.

Charge, fight.

Rest and seek.

The fighting life in the snowfield was quite boring, but Russell lived it happily. Since he was promoted to Dragon Territory Lord, he didn't even need clothes.

Unicorn Paulie will transform clothes for him.

There is no need to take a shower, just sweep up and down with the power of thunder, and you can start a new life with a clean conscience.

It's just that the food we eat is a little bit shabby.

Occasionally, he would exchange ideas about the practice of the Dragon Knight with the Steel Dragon Knight Lord Croa and the Black Coal Dragon Knight Lord Hancock, and learn the skills of Dragon Breath Starburst and Dragon Breath Star Flash from the two veteran Flying Dragon Knights. Skill.

A few days later.

He finally fully mastered the technique of Dragon Breath Star Explosion.

Use it in conjunction with the Dou Qi Dragon Martial Arts, and use the dragon's breath to transform a throwing spear at will, marking it down from the sky.

Hoo ho ho!

The Dragon Breath Throwing Spear accurately stabbed a fat snow devil among the snow ghosts.


The Dragon's Breath Star Explosion was activated instantly, and the transformed Dragon's Breath Throwing Spear seemed to transform into a bomb and exploded.

The fat Snow Demon was blown into a ball of broken ice on the spot.

"Cool!" Russell raised his brows, "It's more powerful than I imagined, and can match my Mysterious Thunder Sword... But this is the effect of my Dragon Breath. Without this move, I You can kill the Snow Demon instantly!"

Snow Demon's target is the Phantom Beast Knight.

Russell is a flying dragon knight and dragon domain lord, and his power level is far higher than that of the Snow Demon.

"Roar!" Luo Sai lowered his cloud head. Russell stretched out his hand and used his fighting spirit sword to pick up an ice soul bead from the remains of the snow demon.

Lean forward and soar into the sky.

Seeing the battlefield on the other side, Baron Roman also used the Dragon's Breath Starburst, projecting a Dragon's Breath Spear from a distance and accurately hitting the Snow Demon's chest. Unfortunately, after the explosion, the Snow Demon only lost one arm.

The lethality caused is slightly stronger than the damage caused by the breath of the flying dragon.

"The cooperation between father and Rose is still a bit stumbling." Russell commented casually, and then looked at Lord Croya, the steel dragon knight.

I bumped into a large troop of snow demons today, and found four snow demons among the group.

The knights charged to eliminate the snow demons, and the four dragon knights each picked one to deal with the four snow demons.

Lord Croya's fighting style is much more chic than Baron Roman.

It was also the Dragon Breath Star Explosion, but Lord Croya threw three Dragon Breath Spears one after another, and then launched the Dragon Breath Star Flash in mid-air.

But the two dragon's breath spears fired from behind suddenly flashed and caught up with the first dragon's breath spear, forming a posture of three dragon's breath spears keeping pace with each other. Then they all hit the snow demon at the same time and released the dragon's breath star. burst.

boom! boom! boom!

The Snow Demon shattered on the spot, and the Ice Soul Pearl fell out.

"This move is not bad!" Russell nodded, "Rosay, we have to work harder later, and try to learn all the Dragon's Breath Star Explosion, Dragon's Breath Star Flash, and Dragon's Breath Star Sky... There are many skills that are not overwhelming. , Grandpa is right!”

Even though he used the Mysterious Sword of Thunder to destroy the world.

But he can also destroy the world by using Dragon Breath Star Explosion, Dragon Breath Star Flash, and Dragon Breath Star Sky.

The more fighting methods you have, the stronger your combat effectiveness will be, and you will have more room to play when facing powerful enemies.

"If they can be integrated with each other, they can develop even more powerful combat power!"

It can be said that Russell at this moment is not only powerful with the power of the dragon knight and dragon domain lord, but also with the blessing of arcane level swordsmanship - his swordsmanship can already exert the power of elements and leverage the authority belonging to the dragon.

The battle ends.

The knights began to clean the battlefield, and the four dragon knights met in the sky.

Russell said directly: "Father, you two sirs, you continue to protect the knights in the battle, and I will search around."

"You go ahead." Baron Roman was in a good mood after he had just hunted a snow demon. "My two Excellencies and I will take care of it here."

Russell flew all the way south, flying hundreds of kilometers directly to the Black Wave Mountains.

Ever since he stole a little finger from the snow giant that night, Russell had been thinking about the Black Wave Mountains.

"Paulie, can you know the way?"

"Blurry, this way, yes, it's this way. When we entered the mountain that night, the ice cream flew from here." Baoli quickly identified the way into the mountain, then groped for a while, and successfully found the Hilltop.

It is surrounded by mountains on all sides.

This hilltop is unremarkable.

After looking around for a while, I couldn't find any traces related to Snow Giant or Snow Giant's driver: "It seems that Snow Giant completely hid after taking a bite of ice cream... Let's go, Paulie, let's continue south. Take a turn."

The Black Wave Mountains stretch for more than two hundred kilometers.

This distance can be crossed in minutes by the black oil dragon Rosai who has turned on the thunder boost. The Black Wave Mountains are still endless snowfields.

But at the end of the Black Wave Mountains, there is a huge snow forest.

"Well, let's go down and take a look. It's better to stay here at night. Maybe the snow forest here can breed fairies." Russell signaled Rose to land in the snow forest. "By the way, Polly, I miss the fairy Saiban a little bit."

Poly laughed in her heart: "Russell, you don't miss Saiban, you miss the lucky four-leaf clover in Saiban's hand."

"Haha, Polly, you understand me!" Russell laughed.

However, at this moment, in Russell's ears, the strange whispering voice of lucky whispers sounded for a long time.

"Such a powerful force, terrible... but it seems not as powerful as the two monsters that confronted before."

"Huh?" Russell widened his eyes.

Baoli asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"I heard Lucky whisper, here, there is a fantasy beast waiting for me!" After being surprised, Russell said, "Moreover, this fantasy beast revealed important information, it seems that there were two powerful monsters confronting here before!"

"Powerful monster?"

"Yes, it seems to be a monster stronger than me... Could it be a snow giant?" Russell thought of the snow giant at the first time.

Among the powerful forces currently known in Longmian Continent, Russell can say without modesty that his power is second only to the dragon and the snow giant - of course, including the dragon knight and the snow driver.

"Find this fantasy beast, then Russell, you contract it, and you will know." Baoli said happily. It is a generous fantasy beast. Not only does it not envy Russell for contracting other fantasy beasts, it is even very happy that Russell can increase its strength.

"We have to wait a little longer. Hape and I have not yet achieved perfect mental synchronization, and we have to balance our minds... Besides, we don't know what fantasy beast it is, how can we contract it casually." As a beauty party, Russell is very picky about fantasy beasts.

"Anyway, take it away first."


Russell always has ice hail beads in his pocket, so he immediately pinched a few of them in his palm and used the skill of Phantom Gaze.

In an instant, it seemed as if a dark dream had descended in his vision, and the magic light began to bloom.

However, after consuming more than a dozen ice hail beads and gazing at the entire snow forest, he did not find the magic light belonging to the fantasy beast.

Instead, he found a Cordyceps that was in the process of being bred on a snow fir tree.

"Is this... fir parasite?" Russell recognized this Cordyceps, which is a parasitic plant that likes to parasitize on fir trees. He often found a lush cluster of green on fir trees with withered branches and leaves, which is Fir Parasite.

Russell floated on the tree trunk and observed the Cordyceps: "Unfortunately, the spirit insect has not yet been bred... Let's wait until night. Meeting is fate, and the ice cream should wake up. It's just right to borrow a small bite of the original dragon flame from the ice cream to give birth to it."

Poly was not very interested in the spirits, but asked: "Strange, where is this fantasy beast hiding, Russell, can you still hear the lucky whisper?"

"I can't hear it. This fantasy beast seems to be a bit dull and doesn't like to speak his mind." Russell said.

"Then we can only wait."

"Well, wait." Unable to find the fantasy beast, Russell simply waited.

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