Warm Dragon

Chapter 411: Xueda Driver

The next day, early in the morning.

After Russell woke up from the bed, he laughed for no reason and connected with Paulie in his mind: "We did something big last night, hahahahaha!"

"It's really interesting." Baoli slept for less time than Russell and woke up early. "I actually took a bite of Snow Giant. Thinking about it, I find it interesting. It can not only help the ice cream grow, but it can also be regarded as revenge. Woolen cloth."

"This is far from revenge. When we eat the entire Snow Giant, it will be the real revenge!"

Thinking of the snow giant Da actually squeezed himself to pieces.

Russell was trembling all over. Although he had died once, he didn't feel anything when he was run over by a dump truck.

It was only when he was crushed to pieces by the snow giant Da that he truly felt the fear of death.

"Yes." Paulie responded, "But next time I want to eat Snow Giant, I'm afraid it won't be so easy."

"It doesn't matter, it will happen sooner or later. If Snow Giant Da wants to hunt the Shadow Flame Dragon, he must be prepared to be eaten by us!" Russell said happily, "I can't wait now. I want Snow Giant Da to come quickly. The border is invaded."

After a pause, he sighed again: "It's a pity that the Torrent Dragon has arrived and is still building the Torrent Scale Tower outside the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy. The Snow Giant Da may not dare to take action easily."

"But Russell, have you noticed it?"

"What did you find?"

"There seems to be something wrong with the Snow Giant Da and the Snow Giant Mage." Baoli expressed her doubts, "When we stole the food, the Snow Giant Da had no reaction. It was not like a normal snow giant should react. Even the Snow Demon knows how to resist."

When being sucked by the little dream dragon in the dark dreamland, although the snow demon could not find the little dream dragon, he would at least show his teeth and claws to symbolically resist.

The snow giant Da Ze was quiet, as if he was dead and allowed the little dream dragon to swallow it.

"Yes, when you said that, I also discovered it." Russell frowned, "Snow Giant Da did not resist at all, but the Snow Giant Mage used some means to prevent the ice cream from continuing to swallow the star crystals."

Then think of the size difference between the Snow Giant Mage and the Snow Giant Da, as well as the difference in the brightness of the blue light emitted.

Russell couldn't help but have an idea: "Is it possible that this Snow Giant Da has become the puppet of the Snow Giant Mage?"

Once the thought spreads, it cannot be taken back: "In other words, Snow Giant Da is not a living creature at all. Just like those snow ghosts and snow demons, they have low intelligence when alive and only leave a bead after death... "

The Snow Ghost leaves behind Ice Grael Beads, the Snow Demon leaves behind Ice Soul Beads, and the Snow Giant Da can obviously also leave those little star-like crystals.

"So it's very possible that Snow Giant Da is just a more powerful snow ghost and snow demon, and the real living creature is the Snow Giant Mage... The Snow Giant Mage is standing on the shoulders of Snow Giant Da. Doesn't it look like he's driving? Gundam?"

"Gundam?" Baoli didn't know why.

"You can understand it as a special kind of puppet, and the snow giant mage is the controller of the puppets. Snow ghosts and snow demons are all puppets created by the snow giant mage using the power of the snow demon, and then let them act independently."

Immediately, Russell frowned again: "No, humans have been fighting with the Snow Giant for thousands of years. The Snow Giant has always been a bit silly, not like a Gundam with a driver... And the little monster with the Snow Giant's shoulders has never been Never been discovered.”

Humans have hunted many snow giants, but there is no record that snow giants have drivers similar to snow giant wizards.

"Russell, Snow Giant Da's methods are also different from those of the Snow Giants in the records. Could it be that the previous Snow Giants were not controlled by mages?" Baoli gave a guess, "Only Snow Giant Da suddenly had Mage?"

"What you said is possible." Russell pondered, "But since the birth of the giant dragon, more than five thousand years have passed, and the snow giants have come and gone. It is impossible that there are no pilots, right? Could it be that in these five thousand years, the snow giants have all been unmanned?"

Think about it this way.

Russell was immediately in awe of the world of Snow Demon. Unmanned driving is high-tech, and it is unmanned driving between two worlds.

in this way.

Russell and Paulie discussed it all morning, but unfortunately they had too little knowledge and clues, and they did not discuss much useful information.

But one thing is roughly certain.

Snow Giant is an alien version of "Gundam", and the small Snow Giant is the driver of Snow Giant.

"This news, I have to find time to chat with the Shadow Flame Dragon." Russell made a decision, "The Shadow Flame Dragon sensed a new force gathering, and it is very likely that it is this 'Snowda Pilot' Disseminated!”

The trumpet snow giant has been named Snowda Pilot by Russell.

He even thought of the bipedal flying dragon and the flying dragon knight. From the comparison, it can be concluded that the Snow Giant pilot is the key to giving the Snow Giant Da the full combat power.

It's just that Russell didn't know where the Cedar driver came from.

"Crossing the Gate to Another World, an ancient legend spread on Longmian Continent, the Snow Demon comes through the Gate to Another World, but where is the Gate to Another World? Over the years, many dragon knights have searched the snowy fields, but it seems that they have not found the other world. The location of the door.”


Russell thought about one night when he was relaxing on the garden terrace and saw a shooting star falling from the sky.

"Could it be that the Snow Demons came here on a meteor? No, or maybe the Snow Demon pilot came here on a meteor?" Russell suddenly thought. It was not long after the meteor fell that the Shadow Flame Dragon felt a new wave. Strength is gathering.

But he soon denied himself: "No, before the meteor fell, the Snow Giant Da had already learned to play tricks... Even earlier, in the first fall, the Snow Giant Da took a sneak attack to win."

It is very likely that the Snow Giant Da already had a Snow Driver at that time.

"That's not right. If the Snow Driver had been there earlier, would it have sat and watched the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame recuperate for twenty years? Even in the second fall, apart from hiding the snow demon and killing Grand Duke Kunstan, there was no sign of any tricks used by the Snow Giant Da?"

He tried to communicate with the M-shaped mark on the palm of his hand, but the M-shaped mark only flashed, which meant that the little dream dragon was in a deep sleep.

The star crystal transformed by the little finger of the Snow Giant Da was enough for it to digest for a long time.

"Or does the Snow Driver also need to grow up and slowly learn how to fight in the contest with humans?"

It's a bit shocking.

But Russell still had more doubts: "By the way, did the driver of Xueda arrive at Longmian Continent alone on a meteor? Or did they arrive in a group, and then each of them found a snow giant to drive?"

If that's the case, Longmian Continent is in danger!

"Don't scare yourself, maybe I'm overthinking. If the drivers really came in a group, they should have joined forces to defeat the human countries one by one." Russell shook his head and stopped thinking about the situation of the snow giant Da and the driver of Xueda.

He stood up and prepared to call the black oil dragon Rose, and then go to the Shadow Flame Volcano to tell the Shadow Flame Dragon this news.

Let the Shadow Flame Dragon refer to it before deciding whether to tell King Ares Lieyang.

Just when he stood up, he remembered that Rose had returned to the Black Fire Land. As a two-legged dragon of the Black Fire Land, it had been wandering outside for too long. Russell happened to go home and planned to stay for a while, so he let Rose return to the Black Fire Land.

"Forget it, let Rose rest at home, Baoli, let's go to the Shadow Flame Volcano together." Russell communicated with the unicorn Baoli.

In fact, Baoli's speed is faster than Rose, who has applied the thunder enhancement technology, and has broken the speed of sound.

Riding Baoli out is much more convenient than riding Rose.

It's just that the wyvern is the absolute pass to Longmian Continent. No matter where Russell goes, the black oil dragon Russell is his identity symbol.

"Okay." Baoli flew over gently.

Russell jumped up and rode on Baoli's back. Just as he was about to set off, he heard a slightly resentful cry in his ears.


It was the pseudo-harpy dragon Hape, standing on the climbing frame of the garden terrace, staring at the backs of Russell and Baoli.

Although he didn't say anything in his heart.

But Hape's sad expression has surpassed thousands of words-it is also Russell's contract partner, not a vase placed at home.

Russell immediately turned around and waved with a smile: "Come on Hape, let's go together!"

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