Warm Dragon

Chapter 409: Lone Ranger

Unexpectedly receiving a letter from King Ares Lieyang, Russell was quite proud and proud. Isn't life all about fame and fortune?

Dragon Knight, the king of a country, personally wrote a letter to win him over, this is fame!

However, Russell did not respond to the king's wooing, he did not want to risk being exposed and defect to the Dragon Knight.

Moreover, in the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy, the Shadow Flame Dragon regarded him as an ally, the Chief Consul was his grandfather, and he himself was a hereditary baron nobleman. The position of the Grand Duke was still undecided, so he could be said to be a local emperor.

It is better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of an ox.

This is a true portrayal of Russell's heart. Although he is not strong, he is also a prospective Dragon Knight. How can he kneel to others?

"Sir Arnold, please write a letter to thank His Majesty Ares for me!" Russell put away the letter. "Originally, there were 300 boxes of Frost cigars every year, and your share was to be supplied to His Majesty Ares. How about this? I will supply His Majesty Ares with 100 boxes and ask him to smoke Rain Dragon cigars!"

Frost series Rain Dragon cigars only produce 300 boxes a year.

100 boxes are specially supplied to Baron Roman, 100 boxes are specially supplied to Earl Merlin, and 100 boxes are specially supplied to Marquis Arnold. Now Russell has decided to produce 100 more boxes and supply them to King Ares.

"That's great!" Marquis Arnold smiled happily. Although he can get 100 boxes of Frost cigars every year, the majority of them have to be given to his own king, and he can only keep a small part of Frost cigars for himself.

Now Russell has specially supplied one box to King Ares, so he can keep his own share.

Leaving the Never-Sleeping Castle.

Russell set off to return to the Black-Waisted Snake Manor.

The construction of the Torrent Scale Tower of the Torrent Dragon has begun. Once completed, the border of the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy will be impregnable. Although the Shadow Flame Dragon is weak, the Torrent Dragon is in its prime. If the Snow Giant Da dares to show up, he will definitely seek death.

Moreover, the Snow Giant Da's condition will only be worse than that of the Shadow Flame Dragon. Even Russell's sneak attack did not kill him, which is evident.

Therefore, the Dragon Blood Knights no longer need Russell's guards when patrolling the border.

Moreover, without Russell's guards, the Dragon Blood Knights will be more effective as bait. As long as they can lure the Snow Giant Da to show up, they can completely solve this major problem.

"I have only been the deputy knight of the Dragon Blood Knights for a few days, and I haven't even received a salary..." Riding the black oil dragon Rose, soaring in the sky, Russell enjoyed the feeling of the clouds blowing, and sighed in a trance.

"Grandpa is too old-fashioned. He thinks I'm too young. The elders' council didn't leave me a place. I'd better go back to my Black Fire Land and slowly farm!"

Flying leisurely, they arrived at the Black Snake Manor in the evening.

The manor was a little deserted. Charles, Eric and others all went to the Black Fire Land to assist their eldest brother Roland in opening up wasteland.

"Master, welcome home." Butler Morris always loyally served in the Cigar Courtyard.

"Quack." Harpy, the pseudo-harpy dragon who stayed in the courtyard to watch the house, also flew over. Russell stretched out his arm and it landed on it.

Although Harpy's wings were spread out, its wingspan was very large and looked like a large bird.

But in fact, Harpy's body was not big. After folding its wings, it was not much different from the red-eyed rat king Jerry.

After teasing Harpy for a while and exchanging feelings, Russell let Harpy fly.

Harpy didn't like going out either. She flew directly to the garden terrace on the roof and landed on her exclusive climbing frame to close her eyes and rest.

The mark of the Lord of Thunder on Russell's forehead also flew out and manifested the figure of the unicorn Polly, quietly entering the bamboo forest, enjoying the breath of spring, and occasionally chewing the bamboo shoots that emerged from the ground.

This bamboo shoot is also part of the bamboo Cordyceps.

It can be said that this bamboo Cordyceps is quite magical. One Cordyceps is a bamboo forest. Minor damage is harmless to the bamboo elf worm.

Not to mention that Polly likes to chew bamboo shoots, even Russell would ask the kitchen to steam a portion of Cordyceps bamboo shoots for him from time to time to satisfy his craving.

"In the future, when the bamboo elf worm evolves, I must let the ice cream spit out two mouthfuls of dragon flames to help it survive the life-and-death crisis and evolve into an elf... By then, the taste of Cordyceps bamboo shoots will definitely be more delicious, tut tut." Watching Polly chewing bamboo shoots comfortably, Russell was also hungry.

So he immediately ordered the butler Morris: "For the dinner menu, let the kitchen steam an extra portion of Cordyceps bamboo shoots."

"Okay, sir." Morris responded and turned to the kitchen.

After dinner, Russell practiced on the garden terrace as usual, but the content of this practice was different from the past.

He used his fingernails to cut a hole in his palm.

Then blood seeped out.

The tick mark on the palm flickered, and it turned into a small tick, and began to devour Russell's blood voraciously.

"Eat, eat, after the sword butterfly, you are the little guy, and you have the most hope of evolution." Russell stared at his palm silently, constantly using the ability given by the tick, Qi and blood transformation, and transforming his dragon breath into blood.

Then use blood to feed the tick amber worm.

The growth nutrients of this tick amber worm are Russell's own blood, and the blood of other creatures will not work.

Fortunately, the tick has the talent of Qi and blood transformation, otherwise Russell really dare not feed the tick with blood.

"Fortunately, drinking some blood can grow, and I can still afford to feed you..." Russell stretched out his hand and poked the tick.

The tick turned over and continued to suck blood greedily.

Russell looked at the other two sesame-sized marks next to the M-shaped mark.

He shook his head and sighed: "The thorns need to constantly assimilate the pheromones of wild thorns. The speed is too slow. There is no great opportunity in this life. I am afraid that there is no hope for evolution... As for the gecko, forget it. I don't even know what the gecko eats to grow."

It has been a long time since the contract with the gecko, but Russell still doesn't know how the gecko amber worm evolves.

This little gecko doesn't eat insects.

And before Russell's body was broken, the gecko consumed a lot of energy to repair his body, so that he is still in a state of deficit and a little weak.

How to make the gecko make up for it is what Russell has been worrying about.

After all, no one can say whether he will encounter a bigger crisis. If his body is torn apart again, it will be difficult to revive without the gecko's help.

After a while.

The tick ate and drank enough, and turned into a tick mark again, falling into the palm of his hand.

The wound on the palm also healed quietly. This is the ability given by the gecko. It doesn't take the gecko any effort to treat a little injury.

"Okay, Happy, it's our turn to practice."


One man and one owl began the daily running-in of the fantasy beast knight, and the mind synchronization progressed steadily, heading towards perfection.

At night, the dark dream land fell.

The Torrent Scale Tower of the Torrent Dragon has not been repaired to Lei Ze, so Xiao Menglong can continue to gallop at night for a while.


"Okay, call Baoli, let's go!"

One man, one dragon, one pseudo-dragon, one butterfly, one flower, one louse, and one gecko, the seven members of the Youmeng family, marched towards the snowfield in a mighty manner.

Cherish the few remaining collective hunting activities.

"When the Torrent Scale Tower is built, we can't get together in the dark dream casually, so this time, Ice Cream, I allow you to fly all the way south, fly until you are exhausted, and see where we can reach in the snowfield!"


Go all the way south, killing decisively.

When encountering a group of snow ghosts, Xiao Menglong stopped slightly, then opened his mouth to swallow the ice hail beads, and encountered a snow demon on the way.

Xiao Menglong opened his mouth and sucked out the Ice Soul Orb, but did not swallow it immediately.

Instead, he gave it to Baoli, who used her own Youmeng horn to directly stick to the Ice Soul Orb and prepared to take it back.

He rushed all the way and then arrived at a rolling mountain range.

"This is... the Black Wave Mountains, Russell, this is the Black Wave Mountains." Baoli is best at remembering the way. With the help of the sphere with a radius of eight meters of the Youmeng clone, it quickly recognized where this mountain range is located.

"The Black Wave Mountains? We have flown thousands of kilometers!" Russell made a brief calculation, "That is to say, we flew for eight or nine hours tonight!"

In a normal night, Russell would not sleep for more than seven hours.

In other words, the speed of time in the dark dream is likely to exceed the time in the real world - the speed of time in the two worlds is slightly different.

Of course, this is not surprising.

Xiao Menglong is an existence that can stop the time in the dark dream, and it is also easy to speed up the time in the dark dream relative to the real world.

After all, it is the master of the dark dream.

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