Warm Dragon

Chapter 394 You have a kind heart

The dark dream did not come to the Red Castle, and it was still too close to the Shadow Flame Volcano, so Xiao Menglong was very cautious.

In addition to being a microphone, Xiao Menglong will never reveal any trace.

This is an instinct. There is no way to guess whether the Shadow Flame Dragon will use any means once it seizes the clues of the Little Dream Dragon. However, only by ensuring sufficient safety can any possibility of malicious intent be avoided.

There was no dream about riding a dragon, but Russell's dreams were full of ups and downs.

But when I woke up, it was clear that there was no trace.

As a dragon knight and dragon domain lord, his control over his body has reached a state of perfection, so he will naturally avoid any embarrassing behavior. Even if his body no longer needs to sweat, the products of metabolism will be burned into slag by the powerful energy.

It can be said that Russell at this moment has reached the state of being dust-free.

"Good morning, Lord Russell." The maids opened the door and came in. Their beautiful and bright smiles always make people feel happy.

This is Cousin Mel's small independent castle.

Russell has no official position. Although he is an upstart baron in the Grand Duchy, he does not have a residence in the Red Keep. The nobles prefer to build castles and villas around Stormrage City because there are more people and more entertainment there. .

For example, Lord Arnaud Sun's Night Keep is located on the edge of Stormrage City.

"Good morning, ladies." Russell smiled in response to the enthusiastic maids. He always had a gentle attitude towards people from the lower class.

Soon the valet Ram also came in and changed Russell's clothes.

Instead of wearing the gorgeous baron dress yesterday, Russell chose a simpler black knight tuxedo. In this tuxedo, the upper body has gradually become more like a suit, while the lower body consists of high boots and tight pants.

After changing clothes, Russell's temperament became even more compelling.

After going downstairs and enjoying the buffet, Charles, Eric and others who were also arranged to stay had already gotten up and had breakfast.

"Good morning, my lord."

"Good morning, my lord."

"Good morning, my lord."

Followers and their families greeted Russell one after another.

"Good morning, gentlemen and ladies, did you have a good rest last night?" Russell stepped forward, and a servant immediately handed over a plate and tongs.

There are more than a dozen dishes in the breakfast buffet, but they are all local dishes, and few of them are Russell's favorite.

He still likes the food in Cigar Courtyard, the pure taste from his hometown on earth.

"Sir, this is my first time staying overnight at the Red Castle. Hehe, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep for half the night." Charles said with a smile.

Russell then joked: "Then you are quite durable."

Charles was stunned for a moment, then changed the subject with a smile: "It's too hot here. The heat wave of Shadow Flame Volcano is rolling in, which is completely different from the climate of Youguang Valley. However, the scenery of Red Castle at night is so beautiful."

During the day, the Red Fort, especially the area around the outer fort, has dilapidated buildings, messy layouts, messy streets, and a strong sense of life.

The Red Fort at night, covered in darkness and decorated with lights, looks stunning.

With a plate full of food, Russell sat down to eat and chatted with his followers: "I will discuss with my cousin later about the reception of 65,000 serfs and ask him to help prepare warm clothes for the road. and food.”

"What do you want me to help you with?" Merle, the chosen master, yawned and walked downstairs, "His Excellency, Baron Thunder Flame?"

"Cousin, why did you get up so late? You don't have to go to the Senate to listen to politics?"

"In order to celebrate the birth of the new baron, the Senate has a three-day holiday. Don't you know? Oh, yes, you are not qualified to attend the Senate." Mel quickly picked up some food, sat down with Russell, and slowly Enjoy breakfast.

"Who will the chancellor choose?" Russell asked. "Do you think I have a chance?"

Now that Baron Davis has died, the newly succeeded Golden Baron Dyson is obviously not qualified to hold such an important ministerial position.

The only ones left are the Horn Baron Gervaidas Bajiao and the Black Court Baron Kuris Tianzicao who have a chance to compete, but neither of them are flying dragon knights, just ordinary fantasy beast knights, and they are inferior in strength.

In addition, those few flying dragon knights affiliated with the Red Castle are eligible to compete.

Mel glanced at Russell and said seriously: "When it comes to strength and identity, you must be enough."

Baron Thunder Flame, Dragon Knight, Dragon Domain Lord.

These three titles taken together make him inferior even to Earl Merlin, and he is more than enough to serve as the finance minister of the Grand Duchy.

"But." Mel turned around and said, "Your qualifications are too low. You have only managed one manor. Obviously, you are not recognized by the elders and rulers. Not to mention them, even I doubt whether you can settle the accounts well. "

"Haha!" Russell laughed angrily, "Mel, open your eyes wide. The person in front of you is not only the most powerful person in the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy, but also has unfathomable wisdom. He may be promoted to a great scholar at any time!"

This is a fact, but Mel doesn't want to admit it, otherwise the gap between him and Russell will be too big.

So he pretended to suddenly realize: "I know, you are the scholar who studied feces and was awarded by the Red Castle!"

Russell corrected: "It's retting technology."

"I know, I know. It's just a technique of piling shit and urine together and slowly fermenting it. We are also promoting it at Sanchahekou." Mel smiled, "Russell Erudite, thank you for your contribution to the farming industry. contribute."

"You should be grateful." Russell did not think there was anything embarrassing about the composting technology. "After the composting technology is fully rolled out, it can at least increase the grain yield of the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame by 30%, feed more people, and enhance more national strength."

Russell finished the last bite of food on the plate and finally said: "Even the Shadow Flame Dragon has to thank me."


He suddenly frowned: "No, not only the Shadow Flame Dragon, but also the two dragons of Blazing and Torrent need to thank me. The dragons of the entire Dragon Sleeping Continent have to thank me... Marquis Arnold must have stolen the composting technology to the kingdom!"

The composting technology is very simple and there is no technical barrier. With the promotion of the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame and the Kingdom of Blazing Torrent, all countries on the entire Dragon Sleeping Continent will follow up.

It can be said.

This is Russell's contribution to the entire Dragon Sleeping Continent.

Mel thought about it, put away his joking attitude, and said: "I will immediately advise the Great Scholar Round Table to promote you to the Great Scholar, is that okay?"

"This is the real thing you should do when you choose a young master." Russell said, "Also, you have to help me properly receive the serfs rewarded by the Red Castle. These are the guarantee for my future development of the Black Fire Land and Lei Ze."

"Don't worry, we are brothers, if I don't help you, who will help you." Mel agreed immediately.

Of course, such trivial matters will naturally be handled by subordinates.

Russell and Mel only need to move their lips, and after breakfast, they will go to see off the Fluorescent Mushroom Family together.

"Father, my serfs, the family must help me take over first." Russell said to Baron Roman.

"Don't worry." Baron Roman looked at his second son with relief, "The family's caravan has arrived at Youguangji. I will leave your eldest brother in Youguangji to preside over the transportation of serfs in batches to ensure that fewer people die along the way."

"It's best if no one dies... Those serfs who are not used to the climate and are sick should be settled in Youguangji first." Russell said.

Baron Roman smiled: "You have a kind heart, Russell."

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