Warm Dragon

Chapter 392 Sister and brother meet again

The canonization ceremony was grand yet concise. After swearing allegiance to the sculpture of Quentin Shadowflame, Russell officially became the sixth baron of the Grand Duchy of Shadowflame.

Baron Thunderfire.

The Council of Elders announced the reward to Baron Russell Fluorescent Mushroom, two warm enclaves, Black Fire Land and Lei Ze. This was inevitable. In addition, Russell was allowed to have a noble surname - but Russell already had a noble surname. , and has no intention of changing.

Therefore, in the Golden Seal of the Grand Duchy, the noble surname of Baron Lei Yan is still "Luoshu Mushroom".

Finally, comes the highlight of the award.

"In view of Baron Thunder Flame's great contribution to the state, after unanimous discussion and approval by the Senate, and reported to the Supervisor Lady for review, Russell Fluorescent Fungus is specially awarded with 65,000 serfs, 300 cattle, and 500 dragon-blooded horses. !”

As soon as the reward was announced, the guests were shocked.

This can be said to directly help Russell, saving time for territory construction, and getting it done in one step, on par with many barons.

Just like the Youguang River Valley, after more than seventy years of development, it has only accumulated a population of 80,000.

As a result, Russell obtained 65,000 serfs at one time, which was equivalent to decades of development and accumulation.

However, the guests were very jealous, but no one dared to question it.

The glorious achievement of slaying three dragons with one sword has spread throughout the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy with the funeral of Baron Davis. Today, Russell has replaced Earl Merlin and becomes the well-deserved number one person in the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy.

Moreover, Russell is not yet eighteen years old, which means that in the next few decades, all the knights in the Grand Duchy will have to live in Russell's shadow.

Who dares to question such a strong person?

"It's taking off, it's taking off!" Among the crowd, Charles, as a follower of Russell, could barely stand in the government hall. When he heard about such a generous reward, his palms turned red and his excitement was uncontrollable.

Eric on the side also clapped his hands vigorously.

His wife held his arm shyly, feeling very embarrassed in such a big occasion. But both husband and wife knew that a bright future beckoned. When Baron Thunder Flame returns to the territory, it will be time for them to be promoted to Lord.

Grove and Fannie are also thinking about the future.

Wildcat sisters, Katie and her younger sister arrived together. Seeing the lord who was undoubtedly the center of attention in the hall, the two sisters couldn't help but puff up their chests. From the free folk of the underground caves to the followers of the Baron, they have completed a gorgeous transformation.

Wait for the reward to end.

The canonization ceremony is the real end, but then comes the celebratory dinner held at the Red Fort.

The dinner is a buffet. If there are too many people, a buffet is the best choice.

"Your Excellency Russell, congratulations, haha, Baron of the Grand Duchy!" Arnold Marquis Lieyang held the wine glass and found Russell who was eating wildly to fill his stomach. "Even in the Kingdom of Blazing Torrent, you are a genius of the generation!"

Russell narrowed his eyes and picked up the wine glass: "Your Excellency, Marquis."

Marquis Arnold has obviously been too comfortable during this period. As a dragon knight, his figure has obviously begun to gain weight and get out of shape.

Feeling Russell's indifference, Marquis Arnold's smile remained unchanged: "I would like to invite you to come to the Evernight Castle tomorrow to congratulate you on your canonization as a baron, and also to talk again about the profit distribution of the cigar trade."

"Really?" Russell swung the wine glass, "That's fine, I'm just looking to talk to His Excellency the Marquis about cigars."

Marquis Arnold looked at Russell and said with a smile: "That's very good. I will be at the Evernight Castle tomorrow, waiting for your visit."

There was no friendship, so after deciding to go to the Evernight Castle tomorrow, Marquis Arnold quietly left to socialize with other nobles.

"What does Marquis Arnold want from you?" The eldest brother Roland also came over with a wine glass.

"Discussing the profits of the cigar trade."

Roland's eyes lit up: "Is this old guy going to spit out some of the profits?"

"A portion is not enough." Russell said calmly, "Today is different from the past. His weight as a Marquis is no longer enough in my eyes."

"Very good, let him spit out all the profits." Roland said angrily.

The profits swallowed up by the Marquis of Arnold not only damaged Russell, but also the Fluorescent Mushroom family. There was nothing that could be done about the Marquis of Arnold before, but now it needs to be dealt with separately.

"Where is father and mother?"

"Father and several other nobles went to the side room to chat, while mother and several noble ladies accompanied Princess Anxia."

After a pause, Roland continued: "I came to you as some colleagues from the Dragon Blood Knights, asking if you need any followers. As you know, they are all great knights, but they have no chance to contract fantasy beasts."

"To be honest, I haven't decided yet." Russell said, "There are too many knights who want to be my followers."

"It's natural, you are the newly promoted Baron!" Roland said enviously, "The two warm enclaves of Black Fire Land and Lei Ze are waiting to be opened. Who doesn't want to follow you and enjoy the title of Lord in the future?"

It is normal for a warm enclave to digest three or four lords. The key is that Russell can also recommend a group of principality lords to the Red Castle as a great noble.

In other words, at least a dozen lords can be born among Russell's followers.

This is simply the temptation of Chi Guoguo. No great knight can escape such temptation.

"Let's do this." Russell said, "You invite some colleagues who want to follow me to go to Blackfire Land and Lei Ze first, which is equivalent to temporarily accepting my employment. If they are suitable, I will accept them as followers."

Roland laughed and said, "Okay, I'll go talk to them."

"Brother, you have to tell them first that I am very strict in accepting followers. If you are not motivated, it is best not to come, so as not to be embarrassed after being eliminated by me." Russell said that he can now choose followers at will.

If he meets a Buddhist knight like Grove again, he may not have the patience to train him again.

"That's natural." Roland smiled, "You are willing to give them a chance, which is enough. Eliminating them means that they are not capable enough."

"Roland, Russell!" As he was talking, he saw his sister Rowling, holding her husband Cooper Tian Zicao's arm and coming over, "I was looking for you everywhere. You were hiding here to whisper... Hi, my baron brother!"

Rowling still looked carefree.

Even though her son was almost one year old, she still didn't look like a lady, and her dress and outfit lacked a bit of ladylike temperament.

"Sister, brother-in-law." Russell smiled.

"When will you return to the Valley of the Light?" Rowling asked.

"My father and I will leave tomorrow morning. My father's three years of hard labor in combat have not yet ended, so it is not appropriate for him to stay in the Red Castle for too long." Roland said.

Russell said, "I will stay for two more days to properly transport the serfs rewarded by the Red Castle back to the territory. There are also some chores to deal with."

"I thought you could stay for a few more days." Rowling was a little regretful.

Cooper said, "Why don't we follow Roland and go to the Valley of the Light to live for a while? Anyway, there is nothing to deal with at home."

Rowling's eyes lit up: "Okay!"

Now her father is a dragon knight, and her brother is a dragon knight and the lord of the Dragon Domain. She is getting straighter and straighter. Her mother-in-law, Quinti Sunflower, can no longer put any pressure on her, so she can go back to her mother's home if she wants to.

Then, like when she was a child, she patted Russell's shoulder and said, "Cooper and I will follow Roland back to the Valley of the Dark Light. Come back when you are done. Then we can have another fight. Let me see how powerful you, the Dragon Territory Lord, are."

"Sister, are you sure?"


"Well, I am looking forward to this scene." Russell smiled.

Roland laughed and scolded: "Rollin, how old are you? You are already a mother. Why are you still making a fuss like a child?"

"Brother, after you were promoted to a fantasy beast knight, your tone has become more annoying." Rowin glared, "Cooper doesn't care about me, why do you care about me? It's just that the occasion is not right now, otherwise I will challenge you to a duel immediately."

Roland ignored Rowin's funny behavior, but sympathized with Cooper: "It's really hard for you, Cooper."

Cooper smiled gently: "Don't you think Rowin is cute like this?"

Rowin immediately acted like a little bird, leaning on Cooper's shoulder, and said in a tone that gave people goose bumps, "My Cooper still understands me the best."

Russell turned his head away and rolled his eyes.

Roland even retched.

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