Warm Dragon

Chapter 390 Sir Charles (Additional update, please give me a monthly ticket)

The canonization of a new baron is a major event that has not happened in the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy for decades, and the ceremony is naturally grand and complicated.

However, due to the lack of the position of Grand Duke, the Council of Elders is now in charge.

Therefore, the canonization ceremony of the sixth baron of the Grand Duchy, Baron Thunder Flame, was made simple and many aspects could be omitted.

After the new Grand Duke ascends the throne, the omitted links will be filled in.

The time is set for March 20th.

The canonization ceremony will be held in the Government Affairs Hall of the Red Fort, presided over by the wife of the Supervisor, Anxia Lieyang. All Russell had to do was swear allegiance to the statue of Quentin Shadowflame, the founder of the Grand Duchy of Shadowflame.

The steps can be omitted, but the scenes cannot be omitted.

The baron canonization ceremony requires the presence of two earls, five barons, and more than 300 duchy lords from the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy.

Even if the earl, baron, or lord himself cannot be present, the designated heir must be present.

They unanimously witnessed the birth of a new hereditary noble aristocracy - only the hereditary nobles are the masters of this country in the true sense; all other serfs, free people, and civilian knights are just servants serving their masters.

Throughout the Black-rumped Snake Manor, the festive atmosphere has begun since the arrival of the Messenger Knights, and continues day and night.

There was no agricultural work during the Ice Age.

The serfs can share the glory of the lord with peace of mind. An old serf smoked his pipe and cried with joy: "The lord has been promoted to baron. From now on, we will be the serfs of the baron!"

The little grandson asked curiously: "Grandpa, grandpa, is there any difference between the baron's serfs and the lord's serfs?"

"Silly boy, of course it's different." The old serf knocked on his pipe, but for a moment he couldn't figure out what the difference was.

It seems that farming for the Baron or farming for the Lord is both farming.

But looking at his little grandson, the old serf thought of something different: "The Baron needs to raise a knighthood, and he will train many little kids like you to be knights! And there are many, many industries that need to be managed. You, can't you be a knight?" The knight becomes a steward!"

"Knight!" The little grandson's eyes suddenly lit up, "Grandpa, grandpa, I want to be a knight!"

He picked up a stick and imitated a knight stabbing a spear, shouting slogans such as "charge" in his mouth.

Knights are justice in this world!

At this moment, there were many knights in the Cigar Courtyard. Eric said in a low voice: "My lord, we have all gone to the Red Castle. Who will guard the territory?"

"Otherwise, I'll stay in the manor." Katie said.

"No, I have already made an agreement with the Phosphorus Castle. Knight Commander Kendall will stay in the territory to patrol, and will also inspect the Black-rumped Snake Manor." Russell smiled slightly and said loudly, "As my followers, you naturally want to witness me. A moment of glory!”

Charles immediately agreed happily: "Yes, your lord will be honored in the Red Castle. How can we miss this moment!"

Tom, the knight's retinue, said in a choked voice: "I never thought that an ordinary armored knight like me could set foot in the Red Castle!"

Three years.

Originally, Russell's four knights, John, had died in the snowy field, leaving Tom, Jack and James.

It's just a pity that none of the three people were able to dig out complete meridians and be promoted to a great knight. It will probably be difficult to be promoted to a great knight in this life. Only those who are promoted to Grand Knight are eligible to step into the extraordinary, contract fantasy beasts, and bipedal flying dragons.

Under the great knight, he can only be regarded as an ordinary person.

Jack also had mixed emotions. He couldn't imagine that one day he would be able to witness his lord's promotion to baron as a knight's squire.

Only James chuckled and said: "I knew this day would come when I was appointed by Lord Roman as your retinue. Our Lord is so wise and powerful that we can easily be promoted to Dragon Knight and Dragon Domain Lord. Baron is just the beginning!"

Russell heard this and laughed: "It is indeed a new beginning. Everyone, hurry back and prepare a new suit of clothes. The day after tomorrow, you will follow the Fluorescent Castle's convoy and set off for the Red Castle to follow me to participate in the Baron's canonization ceremony!"

"Follow your lord!" Charles shouted, "attend the baronetship ceremony!"

"Follow your lord!" Everyone responded.

Returning to the officials' dormitory, Grantan Bajiagan opened his clothing box and carefully selected a suitable tuxedo.

He is only fifteen years old, but he is already about to be promoted to Grand Knight.

I left the Baijiogen family and came to follow Russell without any regrets. And now, witnessing Russell's promotion to Baron proves how correct his choice was.

"Brother Russell... Your Excellency, we have just started. The Baron is just the beginning. The Earl... even one day, Your Excellency will definitely be recognized by the Shadow Flame Dragon and become the master of this country!"

In his mind, Russell was the future dragon knight, the most perfect knight incarnation in his mind.

In another dormitory of the officers' quarters.

Charles hummed a little tune and let his wife bring one dress after another and gesticulate on his growing body.

"This doesn't work, it's a bit old."

"Too tight, uncomfortable to wear."

"This doesn't work either. Did you see that there are traces of mending here... Oh my god, don't I have a brand new dress?" Charles complained.

The wife was annoyed by his request and scolded: "With our little income, how can we afford to buy you a new dress every day? Moreover, your belly is getting bigger day by day, even bigger than when I was pregnant. It's hard to buy the dress." Can’t put it on!”

"How can you talk to me, bitch?" Charles glared. "Do you know my identity? I am now the clerk of the Baron. In the future, all officials in the Black Fire Land and Lei Ze will have to obey my orders!"

After saying this, his wife's body softened immediately: "Yes, yes, my Lord Charles."

"Go, go to town immediately and buy me a suitable dress. You also buy one. You must follow me to attend the Baron's enthronement ceremony." Charles said calmly. Power made him more confident.

His wife, who always loved to quarrel with him, has now become humble and obedient. This feeling is particularly good.

"Hehe, Ang Ang." After his wife left, he looked in the mirror and couldn't help laughing, "Charles... Lord... Ang Ang, I am Lord Charles!"

At the same time.

In the cigar courtyard, servants were busy shuttling back and forth, cleaning the restaurant, living room, study and other rooms where the banquet had just been held.

Russell's personal butler Ram squatted at the stairs a little restlessly, fiddling with the buttons on his clothes.

Until the maid Phoebe came over: "What's wrong with you, Ram? Why are you so worried?"


"Tell me about it." Phoebe said gently.

This made Ram calm down quickly: "I'm a little nervous, Phoebe, I'm about to follow the master to the Red Castle."

"This is a good thing, isn't it? The master will soon be the Baron of Thunder Flame, and you will also become the Baron's personal servant." Phoebe covered her mouth and smiled softly - she has buck teeth, and she always covers her mouth when she laughs.

"But I'm not at ease... Phoebe." Ram said with some distress, "You also know that the master has basically never taken me with him when he went out in the past two years... Sometimes I even doubt whether I am a close-fitting manservant."

Phoebe replied: "That's because the master comes and goes like lightning, and you can't keep up with the master's pace, but after returning to the Cigar Courtyard, didn't the master still let you serve him?"

"I... I'm really afraid that the master will dismiss me."

"How could that be? The master is a nostalgic person, and none of the servants in the Cigar Courtyard have been dismissed."

"But the master will soon be a baron and will move to a new castle." Ram was still a little unconfident, "You also know that I am not a qualified close-fitting manservant, and the master may replace me."

Phoebe thought for a while and said: "Perhaps, it is precisely because you are not a qualified close-fitting manservant that the master will keep you."

"Huh?" Ram was stunned.

"You also know that we maids always secretly look at the master. According to my observation, the master is very resistant to the service of the male servants, especially some physical contact." Phoebe said, "And you are stupid and rough. When the master asked you to hand over the clothes, you just handed them over directly, and you would not take the initiative to help the master dress..."

Finally, Phoebe concluded: "The master may appreciate this point of you, an unqualified but qualified personal servant."

Ram's expression was embarrassed when he heard this.

But his self-confidence suddenly returned.

As Phoebe said, he may not be a qualified personal servant, but he is the most satisfied personal servant of the master.

That's enough!


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