Warm Dragon

Chapter 385 The Golden Field changes its owner (more updates, please give me a monthly ticket)

The moment the dragon's breath warmed his body, Lord Dyson couldn't help but feel happy. The excitement came from the inside out, and he was so excited that he wanted to tremble.

Foul Dragon Howard chose him!

Although he is not allowed to ride.

But he is about to become the master of the Golden Fields, a new generation of Golden Barons, and move into the Golden Roof Castle that he covets day and night.

Count Osclo and others were as happy as if they had defeated a powerful enemy.

"It's all in vain. Your Excellency Howard has chosen Dyson a long time ago. Dyson is the true heir of Davis!" Earl Osclos beamed, but because Russell stared at him with an unkind look, he did not dare to celebrate wildly.

Mrs. Quinley, with thick foundation on her face, also celebrated: "Dyson should inherit everything in the Golden Fields!"

Then he said arrogantly to his daughter-in-law Dai Wen: "With the support of the Shuiliu family, you have nothing to worry about!"

Dai Wen glanced at her mother-in-law who was squeezing her nose and face, and then at her younger brother who was recognized by Foshan Dragon, and smiled: "Praise to Mr. Howard."

Then he stopped looking at his mother-in-law.

On the other side, Dai Aina's face was still tense, holding back the tears in her eyes.

Mrs. Luo Bi gently stepped forward, hugged her daughter, and held her in her arms, as if she had already understood this choice.

She had lived with Davis for more than ten years, and was also very familiar with the Fossil Dragon. How could she not know that Dyson was the heir chosen by Davis and the Foul Dragon together? She had previously respected her husband's decision, but she knew that she was powerless.

How can an heir that is not recognized by the family's flying dragons inherit everything in the territory.


Diana broke away from Mrs. Luo Bi's embrace and pointed at the Fossil Dragon who had turned back and was about to continue lying on the cemetery to guard the grave.

Said loudly: "Grass Dragon, I hate you!"

Then he ran outside with all his strength.

The charcoal dragon froze for a moment, but soon returned to its original state. He lay on the lawn with his eyes closed and calmed down, no longer paying attention to everything in the outside world.

Russell stared at the Foul Dragon, not very satisfied with the Foul Dragon's choice.

However, it did not choose to force the charcoal dragon. With the pride of the flying dragon, even if it was killed, it would not necessarily change its choice. And it's impossible for him to shout and kill the grass dragon just because of this.

after all.

The birth of the entire golden field and the survival of all the people in the territory are based on the power of the charcoal dragon.

Russell could only respect Cao Tanlong's choice.

Of course, Russell also showed no mercy when killing the three bipedal flying dragons that liked to follow Osclo to help others.

After the heir is chosen, Lord Dyson will tour the territory as the heir and complete the last part of the funeral.

In the future, the Golden Wilderness will also change owners, and Dyson Golden Summit, who bears the surname "Golden Summit", will inherit everything, including the vast warm enclave, the tall and magnificent Golden Summit Castle, and the Golden Baron's estate. title.

Russell did not participate in the subsequent handover of the castle and property division.

This kind of trivial matter was naturally left to his father, Baron Romain, and his eldest brother, Roland, to fight for Aunt Robbie and cousin Diana.

Diana ran out crying, but was brought back by the servants before she could get far.

After crying loudly, Diana was no longer sad, but actively packed her luggage and wanted to leave the Golden Summit Castle as soon as possible.

"My father doesn't have me in his heart, so I won't be sad for him anymore." Diana said, "Mom, I already have a new name, just 'Diana'. Don't call me 'Diana Golden Top Mushroom' anymore." '

She chose to have it completely mutilated, including the aristocratic surname passed down to her by Baron Davis.

But although Diana could give up everything she wanted, Aunt Robbie could not give up the wealth of the Golden Summit Castle.

The common property is owned by the family and will go to Lord Dyson.

But the dowry she brought back then, as well as the private property of Jinding Castle, will naturally be taken away without leaving any trace.

"Auntie, you and your sister can live in the Golden Roof Castle with peace of mind." Lord Dyson came to express his goodwill immediately. "Even if I inherit the title of baron, I can still build a separate courtyard outside the castle to live in."

"I will not stay here. Everything that belongs to our mother and daughter will be taken away. Of course, you can rest assured that I will not ask for anything more that does not belong to our mother and daughter." Aunt Luo Bi responded calmly, and then began Look through the ledger.

Mrs. Meryl, Aunt Clara, even old Mrs. Ingrid, and Laura are all helping Aunt Robbie settle the accounts.

The eldest brother Roland was even more busy, visiting manors in various places to cut up the private and public properties of the Golden Roof Castle.

Baron Roman took care of his face and did not personally settle the property issues of the Golden Roof Castle. Instead, he walked outside the castle with Russell.

"With Osclo gone, the Golden Roof Castle has become more and more boring." Baron Roman sighed. "With him here, I can still argue a little and have some fun. Especially when I see the three-headed dragon in his house, the crooked posture makes me feel... ridiculous."

The three-headed two-legged flying dragon was seriously injured by his own son with a sword.

This will undoubtedly become the biggest joke in the gravel collar.

Only the Earl and Countess of Osclos know how to do what they say, so that they can feel good about themselves after Dyson has determined the identity of the heir, and feel that they have defeated Baron Roman and his son once - they lost once before, they win now, and they are tied.

The Shuiliu family’s trip is well worth it!

"It's a pity that Foshan Dragon didn't choose his cousin." Russell said, "Otherwise, this trip would have been a success."

"Not choosing Diana is perfect." Baron Roman smiled slightly, with a different opinion, "My fluorescent mushroom family, a father and son are both flying dragon knights, and you have been promoted to the legendary dragon domain lord, which is too high-profile."

Russell did not comment.

Baron Roman continued: "At Davis's funeral, you defeated the three-headed dragon of the Osklo family, demonstrating the strength of the fluorescent mushroom family; and giving the choice to the charcoal dragon undoubtedly respects the golden mushroom family..."

Inside and out, it can be said that the fluorescent mushroom family won.

"But after Dyson took office, Augustus had an extra vote of supporters." Russell said.

"Not necessarily." Baron Roman narrowed his eyes, "I have observed Dyson, who is very pragmatic and may not be willing to be tied to the chariot of the Shuiliu family. Osklo and Augustus are both trash, and you have humiliated them so much, how can there be hope of winning the election, how can Dyson not see it?"

It seems to echo Baron Roman's vision.

That night, before Russell had rested, he received a visit request from Lord Dyson.

"Do you have something to ask me?" Russell accepted Dyson's visit with a very calm attitude, without enthusiasm or deliberate alienation.

"Sir Russell, I'm really sorry to bother you so late." Dyson's attitude was very enthusiastic, even a little respectful, and he used honorifics, "I just heard that you are leaving tomorrow..."

"Just get to the point." Russell said.

Dyson sorted out his words: "It's like this, I heard from Lord Roland that when you were promoted to the Lord of Dragon Domain, you opened up the warm enclave Lei Ze, from the Dark Light Valley to the Black Fire Land and then to Lei Ze, almost connected, getting closer and closer to my Golden Plains..."


Dyson said sincerely: "I think why don't we jointly develop a trade route? The Golden Plains is rich in products, and the development of the Black Fire Land and Lei Ze must require a large amount of materials, which can just be communicated through the trade route."

"Establish a trade route?" Russell raised his eyebrows.

When choosing the hatching area for the black oil dragon eggs, Russell had thought about using his territory to connect the Dark Light Valley and the Golden Plains.

However, the territory has not yet expanded to its limit, so it is too early to discuss the opening of a trade route.

Unexpectedly, Dyson actually took the initiative to bring it up.

Seeing that Russell was interested in this, Dyson smiled more enthusiastically: "Mr. Russell, the Golden Plains can fully bear all the expenses of opening up a trade route. This is also a gift from me to congratulate you on your promotion to the Lord of the Dragon Domain!"

"This gift is too expensive." Russell was surprised.

"Compared to my desire to get to know you, it is not expensive at all!" Dyson said, "If you hadn't nodded, even if Mr. Howard recognized me, I would not be able to keep my status as the heir... In short, the Golden Top Mushroom Family is willing to make peace with your family for generations!"

"This..." Russell was really speechless.

His father had just said during the day that Dyson might not tie himself to the Shuiliu Family, and at night Dyson came to express his intention to surrender.

The turn was too fast, and Russell couldn't help but sigh, this is the nobility!

However, seeing that the other party was so direct, Russell did not intend to waste time and asked directly: "I support Mel, who do you support?"

Dyson was caught off guard by Russell's question, gritted his teeth, and said firmly: "I also support the election of Master Mel!"


It's the last day, Lao Bai will add more monthly tickets!

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