Warm Dragon

Chapter 376 Bad News

What reward do you want? Russell was lost in thought for a moment.

Earl Merlin said, "The baron title will definitely be approved. I would like to congratulate the new baron of my Grand Duchy, Russell Fluorescent Mushroom in advance... Of course, you can change your noble surname after you are promoted to a hereditary noble and create a new family."

Mel said enviously, "I really envy you, Russell, you will become a hereditary baron in the future."

Russell was about to be modest.

Mel teased again: "Unlike me, I can only be your monarch and become the new Grand Duke of Shadow Flame."

Russell rolled his eyes quickly: "Grandpa, I'm ready to stand on Queensley's side."

Earl Merlin stroked his beard and smiled: "Okay, you two boys, stop talking nonsense... Tell me, Russell, what reward do you want? Grandpa can meet your needs as much as possible within the scope of his authority."

"Population." Russell pondered for a long time and finally gave an answer, "Grandpa, I hope to get enough population."

"Okay, I will try my best to get serfs for you as a reward."

With Earl Merlin's guarantee, Russell also breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he can get the population reward, the pressure to develop the Black Fire Land and Lei Ze will be greatly reduced. And in the future, Russell will also need a large population to establish his own country.

In short, the population is never too much.

After a while, the topic of the topic came to the Exorcism Order again. Earl Merlin still couldn't decide whether to take back the Exorcism Order.

This made Russell sigh.

In the past, I always thought that my grandfather, Earl Merlin, was a powerful figure who controlled the situation. He was not wise and brave, but at least he was decisive and courageous. But after the filter brought by his status disappeared, I looked at Earl Merlin again, and he was just an ordinary person.

He was also hesitant in his character, and he would also look ahead and behind when doing things.

"Yes, the times make heroes... People are the same person, but they will create different situations in different times..." Russell sighed in his heart. He had a clear understanding of this.

Now everyone in the entire Shadow Flame Grand Duchy is praising him and imagining him as a young genius and a hero with infinite wisdom.

But in fact, without the golden finger, he is just an ordinary person.

Or, if others have such a golden finger, they may be able to make a good living: "In the hometown of the earth, the talents of Liu Bang in one county can govern a country... Zhu Yuanzhang also relied on his hometown people to conquer the world..."

It can be seen that there is no shortage of talents, but the soil for cultivating talents is lacking.

Russell even had some disrespectful thoughts about his elders: "If it were Charles, with the title of Earl of Floating Rose, he wouldn't necessarily be much worse than my grandfather in doing things... Of course, with Charles's character, he is more likely to become a second-generation rich man."

After a short distraction, Russell quickly recovered his thoughts.

I only heard cousin Mel shouting: "Grandfather, in my opinion, there is no need to recall the demon-killing order. The snow giant Da has been seriously injured by His Highness Shadow Flame and Russell, and may not dare to show up again. After all, the Torrent Dragon can help at any time!"

Then he glanced at Russell.

I didn't want to admit it, but sighed helplessly: "The snow giant Da attacked Russell, probably because His Highness Shadow Flame admired Russell...It was also afraid that His Highness Shadow Flame would choose a new knight, and then it would be its doom."

Russell did not have the blood of the Shadow Flame family, which seriously restricted his possibility of riding a dragon.

But if the Shadow Flame Dragon wanted, the contract would not limit its choice at all. It could still skip the previous contract and choose to contract with Russell again.

Just like humans contracting elves.

The contract is still the same contract, but humans are more powerful and have more choices. They can completely cut off the contract and trade or pass on the elves.

With the power of the dragon, the contract can never stop it.

The only thing that can stop the dragon is the dragon's own pride.

Just like the lost dragon described in "Volcano Song", it is a dragon of the kingdom and has a contractual bond with the queen. In the end, it was infected by the hatred of Seagroft, and finally cut off the bond of the contract and chose Seagroft.

From then on, it turned into a lost dragon born for revenge. Only a knight with a blood feud can summon it out of hatred.

The story is not true or false.

But at least it shows that in the eyes of the world, the contract between the dragon and the Dragon Blood Family is by no means immutable.

So Mel thought that the snow giant Da was willing to risk his life to kill Russell, a possible future Shadow Flame Dragon Knight.

"Now that Russell has been promoted to the Lord of the Dragon Realm, the Snow Giant Da knows that he can't kill Russell, and he probably fled to the depths of the snowfield long ago." Mel said, "In short, the demon exorcism order can continue to be executed, but Grandfather, you can change it and let the dragon knights go out together to hunt the snow demon."

Earl Merlin pondered.

Russell also nodded: "Cousin is right. If we are afraid, we might as well surrender to the Kingdom of Blazing Torrent... But I'm afraid that the Kingdom of Blazing Torrent will sacrifice my Grand Duchy directly."

Russell had previously said that the "hunting ground rumor" that the Kingdom of Blazing Torrent might intend to sacrifice the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame was somewhat unconvincing.

I don't think that the Kingdom of Blazing Torrent has spent so much effort just to sacrifice the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame.

But through what the Shadow Flame Dragon said, it can sacrifice a warm enclave and then wipe out the Snow Giant Da.

This made Russell think of something.

If the Kingdom of Blazing Torrent wants to wipe out a powerful snow giant but doesn't want to sacrifice its warm land. Then the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame is a very good substitute. At that time, all the wealth and population of the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame can be plundered and then sacrificed.

If sacrificing a warm enclave can wipe out the snow giant, sacrificing a volcano may even wipe out the legendary frost giant.

A dragon for a frost giant, it's a good deal!

After some persuasion from Russell and Mel, Earl Merlin also made up his mind: "Yes, I am a little scared. Even Russell can't kill the snow giant with a sneak attack, so how can he hunt the flying dragon knight of my Grand Duchy!"

He took a puff of his cigar and said: "Not only should we continue to execute the exorcism order, but we should also form an expeditionary knight group to go deep into the snowfield to hunt snow..."

The voice has not fallen yet.

The door of the study was pushed open, and the butler of the castle stood at the door, leaning forward and saying, "Master, I'm sorry to bother you. There is an urgent report from the Golden Peak Castle. The Golden Baron Davis Golden Peak Mushroom died in the snowfield and was killed by the snow giant Da."

"What?" Earl Merlin stood up.

Russell and Mel also sat up in shock. They had just boosted their morale and were ready to go to the snowfield to fight a big battle, but the bad news came first.

"Where is the messenger, call him over!" Earl Merlin clenched his fists, and his face turned gloomy in an instant.

When the messenger was brought in and asked carefully, he knew the whole process of the matter.

Baron Davis was bored in the Red Castle, so he returned to the territory to prepare, and then went to the snowfield to hunt snow demons to meet the requirements of this year's demon exorcism order. As a result, only the charcoal dragon escaped with serious injuries, and barely woke up after feeding a bunch of magic potions.

After a communication, everyone in the Golden Peak Castle knew what happened.

The snow giant Da used the same trick again, and attacked Davis again, killing him on the spot. Only the turf dragon escaped.

"Da!" Earl Merlin took a deep breath, "That is to say, it attacked you, Russell yesterday, and attacked Baron Davis again today... It attacked twice in a row, and it didn't hide at all, and it still hunted the dragon knight recklessly!"

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