Warm Dragon

Chapter 359 The Coldest Ice Age

Dragon Calendar 5581, Black Waist Snake Manor developed rapidly throughout the year.

Russell stopped the construction of the government office, school, court and other buildings originally planned. There was no need to waste money on this. Sooner or later, Black Waist Snake Manor would be returned to Baron Roman. At that time, these buildings would not be used and would be abandoned sooner or later.

Although the construction project was hindered, agricultural production and population growth were advancing by leaps and bounds.

"After a year of growth in the birch forest, most of the saplings have grown to the point where they can parasitize fluorescent mushrooms. Next year, the output of fluorescent mushroom potion will surely increase fivefold!" Charles said loudly.

Russell nodded involuntarily. The knights consumed a lot of potions.

If it weren't for the investment of the fluorescent mushroom family and his mother, Lady Meryl, who subsidized him with her dowry, he would not have enough potions.

In the future, the development of the Black Fire Land will require a large number of knights to protect it, so now we have to plant more potions to make magic potions and then train knights. It's impossible for him to protect the business road himself.

Therefore, he was very satisfied with the increase in the production of fluorescent mushrooms.

"This year, we planted two crops of tobacco magic potion, 70% of which were used to refine magic potion, and 30% of which were used to make wind and frost and cloud cigars... Old Hans will report the income of this area to you in person later."

The cigar factory is a cooperative industry between the fluorescent mushroom family and Russell, and Old Hans is responsible for it, so Charles skipped it.

However, he soon said excitedly: "This year, we also completed the planting of a crop of wheat magic potion! A quarter of the wheat magic potion is used for food storage in the cigar courtyard, and the remaining three quarters are sent to the fluorescent castle to refine magic potion."

Adding the magic potion produced by the eight elf bugs, Charles proudly announced: "My lord, deduct the needs of you and the knights for training, the needs of the fantasy beasts, and the needs of cultivating a group of knight seedlings... The territory can have a surplus of at least 3,000 magic potions this year!"

"Three thousand, um." Russell nodded.

This number may be enough for him before, but for him now, it can only be said to be okay.

After all, as a dragon knight and a fantasy beast knight, he has to consume more than ten magic potions every day for training.

Otherwise, he can't get enough magic power for consumption by eating.

That is, the wyvern does not need magic potions to feed it, and all its power is provided by the warm enclave. Otherwise, it would bankrupt a noble to feed a wyvern and ensure the stability of its dragon breath.

The stronger the power, the greater the consumption, and energy is always conserved.

Then Charles introduced the results of this year's serf trade: "Back and forth, we borrowed from the fluorescent mushroom family, hired thunder beasts to pull carts for transportation... and recruited a lot of free people from the volcanic oasis cave... A total of 3,500 people were added."

At the beginning, there were only 3,500 people in the Black Waist Snake Manor. Later, Russell cleaned the cave and recruited about 500 people.

Then he participated in the serf trade and purchased 1,300 people.

In addition to the continuous recruitment of free people in the surrounding caves, the population of the territory reached more than 5,500 people. The continuous recruitment of freemen throughout the year and the large-scale purchase of serfs in the warm season finally made the total population of the territory exceed the 10,000 mark.

"The population has reached 10,000, but the territory's finances are still in deficit..." Charles finally summarized the fiscal revenue.

The cigar factory makes a lot of money every day, but the serf trade also makes a lot of money every day.

After a while, it's like not seeing any money.

Charles complained: "Sir, the Mountain and River Trade Road can be said to be the lifeline of trade. At least half of the money we earn has to be subsidized into the trade road... Maybe we should open up a trade road to the volcanic oasis ourselves."

"Okay, Charles, stop complaining." Russell interrupted directly, "Without the help of the family, how can I have the current scenery."

"Uh, of course." Charles nodded hurriedly, "But sir, we always have to consider the future, especially the construction of the Black Fire Land, which will definitely require a lot of capital investment."

"I know, I will renegotiate the issue of the subsidy fee for the trade road with the family in the future." Russell said.

Brothers should settle accounts clearly.

The fluorescent mushroom family has invested a lot in him, so he naturally wants to return the family's investment, but the return on investment must be moderate.

In short, he will discuss carefully with Baron Roman to find the balance point.

Achieve the goal of win-win cooperation.

After the performance report is over.

It is a celebratory dinner. The magic bread made from flour ground from magic potion wheat has a delicate and soft taste. With the blood paste boiled from fluorescent mushrooms and blood tooth fungi, a meal can be equivalent to a magic potion.

"Praise your Excellency!"

"Praise your Excellency!"

"Praise your Excellency!"

Accompanied by Charles's flattery, the officials soon flattered in unison at the dinner.

Russell picked up the wine glass with a bright smile: "Praise the dragon!"

The officials raised their glasses together and echoed Russell's toast loudly: "Praise the dragon!"

As for which dragon to praise, this is a matter of opinion. In short, everyone had a great time at this dinner.

The heavy snow has stopped.

The temperature at night was exceptionally cold, and a breath turned into cold mist and drifted away.

From the December copy of the court report, Russell had read the inference of the Great Scholars Round Table. Various signs indicate that the next few months may be the coldest ice age in recent years, and this is true across the country.

"In the final analysis, it is the power of the Shadow Flame Dragon that has declined to the extreme." Russell stood on the garden terrace and shook his head.

The opening up of the Black Fire Land seems to be the expansion of the warm land of the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy, but in fact it is just a facade.

"If the Shadow Flame Dragon cannot recover as soon as possible, it is conceivable that the border will be reduced in the next few years." Russell thought of the border line in the Green City Snow Forest, "Maybe in a few years, the Green City Garden Cold Spring Point will belong to a foreign country."

"This year is colder than in previous years." Hape's voice suddenly sounded in his heart.

"You feel it, too, right?"


"It's better to be cold." Russell thought, trying to make the best of a bad situation. "Maybe the colder the weather, the more snow ghosts there will be, and even snow demons will continue to breed. Then there will be no need to go abroad to hunt snow demons, and we can hunt them at home."

We can hunt snow demons at home, with the protection of the Shadow Flame Dragon, so who would be willing to take the risk of hunting outside the border.

The Snow Giant Da is very likely hiding outside the border.

"However, there should be dragon knights like me, hunting snow demons outside the country, and then secretly paying tribute to the Ice Soul Orb to the Shadow Flame Dragon for healing... Even if the Shadow Flame Dragon is willing to bow its head, the Blazing Torrent Kingdom will also provide it with Ice Soul Orb."

But the Shadow Flame Dragon will never bow its head. It is still thinking about joining forces with the Little Dream Dragon to take back its hope.

"What does the hope of returning to ancient times mean?"

Russell thought silently.

The snowflakes fell on his body, and before they got close to his clothes, they were evaporated by the dragon breath that was vibrating all the time.


Russell saw a meteor streaking across the sky in his peripheral vision.

He turned his head sharply and looked at the trajectory of the meteor, but the meteor was very fast and the brilliant trajectory flashed by.

He couldn't tell the exact location where the meteor fell.

"Meteor, there are also meteors in Longmian Continent..." Russell's thoughts diverged, "So if the snow demon is an alien, how did it open the door to the alien world and invade Longmian Continent? Superluminal travel, or through a wormhole?"

No one answered.

There are still too many mysteries in this world that have not been solved: "If I want to know all this, I can only solve it by myself... Ride a dragon, ride a giant dragon!"

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