Warm Dragon

Chapter 355:

"Sir Russell, I don't understand what you mean." Derela took a deep breath, "I couldn't swallow this bad breath myself, so I came to challenge Roland!"

"Not telling the truth?"

Russell disagreed and waved directly. The dragon's breath turned into a big hand and slapped Drela suddenly.

This is an application of Dou Qi Longwu.

Not only can it condense weapons, but it can also condense other forms.

Sensing that its master was in danger, the sharp-thorned porcupine behind Drela immediately turned into a beam of light, crashed into Drela's back, and then condensed into a set of energy armor.


The big hand condensed with fighting spirit Long Wu slapped the Yuanxi armor, directly sending Drela flying more than ten meters.

Russell paced in the air and walked forward: "How dare you resist!"

"Sir Russell, I..."


The black oil dragon Rossai swooped down, then stopped suddenly and hovered behind Russell, boosting Russell's momentum.

"If you don't say anything, you will die immediately!" Russell's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and his energy locked firmly on Drela.

"You dare to kill me? I am the son of the Lord of the Principality, and I am on the dragon riding list of the Dragon Garden!" Drela screamed.

"So what, I'm a flying dragon knight!" Russell laughed ferociously.

Murderous intent is becoming more and more pervasive, not only emanating from Russell, but also from the body of the black oil dragon Rossai.

It was a coldness that penetrated deep into the bones.

Drela couldn't help but shudder. At this moment, he finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

He shouted hurriedly: "I said, I said, I chose Young Master Kunslai. He encouraged me to challenge Roland, beat him up, and let... let the Fluorescent Mushroom family be embarrassed. He also said that after I made trouble, he would protect me as soon as possible. Qualified to ride a dragon.”

"Is there really someone instigating this?" Russell was stunned for a moment.

In fact, he just came here to cheat. He always felt that a talented knight who could be recognized by the flying dragon could not be so unwise.

What age has it been, and we are still fighting for love.

Unexpectedly, Drela was actually encouraged.

"I have already said it, please calm down." Drela couldn't help shouting as he felt uncomfortable under the oppression of the murderer.

Russell's eyes narrowed, and he raised his right hand upwards, with his fingers spread wide, and the shadow of a dragon gun suddenly condensed into shape.

"Ah!" Drela shouted, "Your Excellency said you would not kill me..."


The phantom dragon spear transformed by Dou Qi Longwu directly grazed Drela's Origin Breath Armor and plunged into the ground behind him, blasting a large hole in the ground. It also pierced Drela's Origin Breath Armor, and then destroyed De Leila Leila and the Thorny Porcupine both exploded.

Boom, boom.

One person and one pig fell to the ground, grunting.

The pervasive murderous intent dissipated, and Russell said calmly: "Dreira, I won't kill you, but you can go to Stormrage City and pass a message to Baron Quimbeef for me."

Drela hurriedly got up: "Your Majesty, please give me your instructions."

"Since Quinbiff dares to encourage you to challenge Roland and humiliate our fluorescent mushroom family, then let this old man Quinbiff wait for me, and I will come to challenge him personally!" Russell's eyes were gloomy, "Let him know about fluorescence The mushroom family is not easy to mess with!”

"Um, Sir Russell." Drela replied carefully, "It was Prince Quinsley who encouraged me, not Baron Quinbeef."

"I'm not going to challenge the Flying Dragon Knight, why should I challenge a Phantom Beast Knight?" Russell sneered, "If I ask you to deliver the message, you should do it honestly. Not only must you deliver the message, but you must also publicize it in Stormrage City. If If you don’t make any noise, I will personally come to your door.”

"Your Excellency Russell, I will go and take the message right away." Drela said hurriedly.

Then he left the Netherworld Valley in despair. At this time, Baron Roman rode a nightmare horse and turned around from the side of the road.

"Father, are you coming to intercept Drela too?"

"Come and take a look, but I have finished everything for you... Do you really want to challenge Baron Quembeef?" Baron Roman said with some worry, "Quenbiff, like his father, is a level 3 advanced fantasy beast. The Cavaliers have a strong foundation.”

The more powerful the Phantom Beast Knight is, the more powerful the promoted Flying Dragon Knight will be.

Russell is now only a level 2 high-level fantasy beast knight, which is one level worse than Baron Roman and Baron Quimbieff.

But Russell chuckled: "Father, I am just using Drela to scare Quimbieff and make the old guy fearful for a while. I will not challenge Quimbieff until I am completely sure... I don't want to go against him. Beaten by Quimbiff."

Baron Roman breathed a sigh of relief and smiled happily: "Haha, okay, although this move is a bit reckless, it is also in line with the low-key survival of my fluorescent mushroom family."

So father and son returned to the banquet hall together to continue attending Roland's wedding.

Looking at the newlyweds exchanging rings and showing off their love on the stage, Russell couldn't help but sigh: "Life is like a drama, it all depends on acting!"

When Drela came to make trouble, it was supposed to be a moderate blow to Roland and the Fluorescent Mushroom family, or at least make them disgraced.

But Roland worked hard and rehearsed in advance, and he was able to perfectly resolve the unfavorable situation.

When word spreads about this matter, it will definitely be praised as a good story - even if no one spreads the word, Roland will definitely send people secretly to publicize it.

The good news about Roland's wedding has not spread yet.

The large-scale drama "The Boy Riding the Dragon", written by the playwright Nicholas and based on Russell, has been screened at the largest opera house in Stormrage City.

Nowadays, the popularity of Russell, the youngest dragon knight in the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame, remains high. People are full of curiosity about this young and mysterious dragon knight. Therefore, "Young Man Riding a Dragon" became a huge hit once it was released.

Performances at the opera house are sold out.

Even Mel, the chosen one, had some tickets sent to the boxes on the second floor, and then secretly went to watch the play in the opera house.

The protagonist Su Luo in "The Boy Riding the Dragon" is the son of the noble Suman.

However, as the second son of the family, he was not taken seriously. Instead, he had poor talent since childhood and was often bullied by servants and knights. However, he endured the humiliation and finally succeeded in blooming his fighting spirit, thus getting the opportunity to perform meritorious service in Xueyuan. After a desperate struggle, he finally obtained the title of Lord.

"Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect that Russell was so miserable when he was a child." Of course Mel knew that drama was an artistic process, but this did not prevent him from participating in it.

After Su Luo became a lord, he ushered in the war between the dragon flame and the snow giant A.

In this battle, Su Luo showed his outstanding talent. After the Snow Giant escaped, he followed the Flood Dragon to pursue the Snow Giant. He accidentally picked up the newborn Black Oil Dragon and named the Black Oil Dragon. For Su Sai.

Then he rode Susai and performed many meritorious deeds, and finally won the title of baron. The Grand Duke told him that as long as he could kill the snow giant, he would marry his daughter to him.

At the end of the play, after some hardships, Su Luo finally got the recognition of the dragon flame, and finally beheaded the snow giant A by riding the flame dragon. Then return to the castle of the Grand Duchy and embrace the beauty.

"Ride on a dragon, tsk tsk, every knight has fantasized about it." Mel finished watching the play until the actors bowed and thanked them, and some were immersed in the play.

The literary and artistic atmosphere in the Grand Duchy of Shadowflame is very open.

This level of arrangement will not be suppressed by the nobles.

This is also the reason why Nicholas dared to make up such a random play "A Boy Riding a Dragon". At this moment, he was on the stage and gave a high-spirited speech: "Thank you Mr. Russell, the dragon knight, for giving me the inspiration..."

He bowed deeply to the south, and then said: "I also sincerely pray to the Shadow Flame Dragon, and wish Lord Russell a more glorious future, and even cut off the head of the Snow Giant Da, and become the savior of the Grand Duchy!"

"Tsk tsk, Russell definitely can't do it..." Mel felt a little sour, "Leave such a difficult task to me."

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