Warm Dragon

Chapter 344 A rare Yulong cigar

Stormrage City.

The capital of the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy has a population of nearly half a million, accounting for almost one-seventh of the population of the volcanic oasis.

Saltwater Hole Manor outside the city.

Lord Minor looked at the invitation in his hand and exclaimed: "The lord of Marcus actually has such an outstanding son. The Fluorescent Mushroom family will now become the first noble family in the Grand Duchy, and the Yujiuka family will also be inferior. "

"How do you think you can pick up a dragon in the snowfield?" Minor's wife couldn't help but marvel.

There are more than tens of thousands of knights fighting on the snowy fields every year.

But in the entire history of the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy, there were only a few knights who picked up dragons, and they all founded great noble families.

"This is fate." Lord Minor shook his head, "If you can't envy him, even the dragon will look at Lord Russell."

"Marcus is also lucky to follow such a powerful lord."

The most powerful one is Russell, but that does not prevent the outside world from seeing him and Baron Roman as one, both of whom are the glory of the Fluorescent Mushroom family.

"Are you still worried about Mikel and Malena's marriage now?"

"I feel a lot more relieved indeed." The wife said, "That girl Malena is indeed good, but her father was just an ordinary lord before, and we are the lords of the principality close to the Shadow Flame Mountain... Anyway, there is some inequality."

"It's a good thing you didn't reject this marriage, otherwise Marcus would not necessarily look down on Mikel now that he is backed by two barons."

"That's not necessarily true. We Mikel are also very good. Besides, Malena is already nineteen, and she will be an old girl in a blink of an eye. How dare he, Marcus, go back on his word." His wife said plausibly, "Let me tell you, Malena and Our son is a perfect match.”

"Okay, stop talking nonsense." Lord Minor stood up and said, "Put the invitation away and get ready. We will leave for the Netherworld Valley as soon as possible... Also, ask Mikel to invite Malena to go with you."

After saying that, Minor sighed and said: "This kid Mikel is too rigid. If he were half as charming as I was back then, he wouldn't have chosen the daughter of the lord of the principality at will!"

The wife chuckled, and her tone was full of sarcasm: "You have the nerve to say that you were so suave back then that you invited several famous ladies to the ball, but they were all rejected. If I hadn't couldn't bear to see you sad, I would have rejected you."

"You're farting."

"Whether it's true or not, you know in your heart."

The bickering between husband and wife has become accustomed to it, and it does not affect each other's feelings.

After reminding his son to invite Malena to accompany him, Lord Minor changed his clothes, took two male servants with him, and went to Stormrage City. A friend there invited him to join him to drink tea and discuss in the teahouse. Recent drama.

Nowadays, the border is peaceful, not even a snow demon can be found, and many principality lords like him are at home for the holidays.

I had nothing to do, so I made an appointment with a few friends to have tea and watch a show in Stormrage City.

"Your Excellency, please come this way. The friend you have made an appointment with is in the box No. 7 on the corner of the third floor." The waiter in the teahouse took Lord Minor to the box No. 7. As for the male servants, they were waiting downstairs. There were people in the box. Teahouse maids serve.

"Minor, you are late again." Three principality lords were already sitting in the box, with a teahouse maid behind them each helping to squeeze their shoulders.

"There's been a lot going on lately." Minor sat down.

The waiter behind him immediately asked: "Sir, which maid do you need to serve you, or do you have a maid you are familiar with?"

"Lilia." Minor asked a familiar maid.

"Okay, please wait a moment."

After the waiter left, Minor immediately took out the pipe box from his pocket and prepared to light the pipe and smoke.

The Lord of the Duchy opposite him immediately joked: "Minor, why are you still smoking a pipe? How can a knight not smoke a cigar?"

As he spoke, he shook the Bailu cigar between his fingers: "I heard that your son is going to marry Marcus's daughter. Marcus is loyal to Baron Roman, Baron Roman's son, that is, Now the famous flying dragon knight Russell!"

"Yes, cigars were invented by Lord Russell." Another Lord of the Principality said, "You will have endless cigars in the future!"

"I'm still used to smoking pipes," Minor said.

"Really, civilians smoke pipes, and you smoke pipes too, no wonder you are late all day long." Lord Duchy smiled, "While you had time to play with your pipe, I had finished smoking all the cigars, and even thought about my life as a knight. ”

Minor rolled his eyes and continued toying with his pipe.

Another Lord of the Principality said: "Nowadays, Yulong cigars are becoming more and more difficult to buy on the market. Not to mention Yunwu, even Bailu cigars are not available."

"Yes, I had my followers run all over Stormrage City before I managed to grab seven boxes of White Dew cigars. I couldn't even see the shadow of the Cloud Mist cigars."

"Isn't that right? Mr. Russell is now famous in Shadow Flame. The Yulong cigar he invented is a hard-to-find one!"

The name of Yulong Cigar has been linked to knights.

Now the inventor Russell has been promoted to Dragon Knight, injecting a more powerful style into Yulong cigars.

Originally, if knights smoked cigars, one was for convenience, and the other was to savor the life of a knight. So now, there is another reason - that is, by smoking Uryū cigars, you can get a taste of the glory of the Flying Dragon Knight.

Yulong cigars are not only associated with knights, but also with flying dragon knights.

As a knight, who doesn't want to have a good start? Taking a puff of Rain Dragon cigar may bring good luck.

So it's hard to get a Rain Dragon cigar.

And with the endorsement of Russell, the flying dragon knight, and the endorsement of Earl Merlin, Baron Roman, and even Marquis Arnold, no one in the entire Shadow Flame Grand Duchy dares to counterfeit Rain Dragon cigars - even the brave Shuiliu family is embarrassed to counterfeit.

If they are really discovered, they will be embarrassed in the Senate.

The more they can't buy it, the more the style of Rain Dragon cigars is highlighted. Even the duchy lords began to scramble for it and were proud to smoke Rain Dragon cigars.



"When your son marries Marcus's daughter, ask Marcus to send you more Rain Dragon cigars. If you don't smoke them, you can sell them to us." The duchy lord said, "Do you know how much a white dew sells for on the market now?"

"I've heard of this. It seems to be a silver coin. It's too expensive." Minor said.

"Ha!" The duke of the duchy sneered, "That was the price ten years ago. Now on the black market, a cigar of White Dew costs ten silver coins!"

"Ten!" Minor was shocked.

At the same time, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind: "This time when I go to the Valley of the Glow, can I buy a few boxes of Rain Dragon cigars through Marcus and bring them back? Even if the cost is one silver coin per cigar, I can make ten times the profit by reselling it!"

However, this idea was interrupted just as it was formed.

I only heard a duke of the principality say: "I also received an invitation to the Dragon Riding Festival in Fluorescent Castle this time. I plan to take a carriage with me... When I come back, I will pull a carriage full of Rain Dragon cigars. I won't make money, but keep them all for myself!"

"Tsk, now that you mention it, I will also prepare a carriage."

"Me too."

Several dukes of the principality received invitations to the Dragon Riding Festival in Fluorescent Castle, and then simply discussed and said: "Why don't we hire a thunder beast and buy a thunder beast-pulled carriage of Rain Dragon cigars, keep half for smoking, and sell the other half!"

"That's right!" Everyone's eyes lit up, "As long as it works, the money earned is enough for us to buy more Rain Dragon cigars!"

Then the three of them looked at Minor together: "Hurry up and let your son marry Malena home, and then ask Marcus to help buy cigars!"

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