Warm Dragon

Chapter 341 Black Fire Land

Standing on the warm enclave, Russell, as a flying dragon knight, can feel his own strength and reach an optimal state.

It can be said.

This warm enclave is Russell's root.

"My lord, what should we call our new territory?" Katie suddenly asked a question. Every warm enclave has a name.

Sancha River Mouth, Gravel Territory, Fire Ant Swamp, Golden Plains, Dark Light Valley, Poplar Gobi, Black Court Mountain, etc.

The warm enclave opened up by the black oil dragon Rose is the eighth independent warm enclave of the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy.

"Name?" Russell looked around and felt the warm and stable territory. He smiled indifferently and said, "This territory will produce black oil mines in the future, and it is a vast plain. Let's call it the Black Fire Land."

Black fire is the flame formed by the burning of black oil.

Russell didn't know whether he could create an alien version of the industrial age in his territory by relying on the burning of black oil.

But this did not prevent him from imagining the future. In this territory, flames and black smoke came out of the towering chimneys.

"Blackfire Land..." Katie chewed on the name, "Very appropriate, sir."

"Yes, very appropriate, sir." Eric followed up with a sentence. With his cultural background, he couldn't think of a better name than this.

"But I hope that in the future, my title will not be divided into 'Blackfire Baron', let alone 'Black Oil Baron'." Russell smiled. Both titles are quite unpleasant, and he would not choose.

The warm enclave has a name.

Blackfire Land.

However, the current Blackfire Land does not have the conditions for development. For the time being, he can only wait until his territory is fully expanded.

After patrolling the Blackfire Land, Russell saw that it was getting late, so he prepared to ride the dragon away.

He didn't want to live in the wilderness.

"Are you staying here tonight to camp?" Russell asked.

"Yes, sir." Eric responded, "I originally wanted to find a black oil mine, but there is none. Then I will go back to the Black Snake Manor tomorrow."

"Okay, you stay here."

Russell whistled to the sky, and the black oil dragon Rose roared down, carrying him to the sky again.

Overlooking the snowfield below, he has already outlined the prototype of the trade route.

"The distance between the Black Fire Land and the Dark Light Valley will get closer and closer as the territory expands. There is no need to rest at the cold spring point, and you can directly travel between the two warm enclaves. At that time, I can build a trade route in the north and south of the territory."

The northern trade route connects Uncle Rosen's Dafeng Manor.

In the future, with the help of Dafeng Manor for transit, it will connect to the Mountain River Trade Road and the Shuanghe Trade Road to conduct foreign trade.

The southern trade route connects to the Black Snake Manor.

In the future, it will be necessary to complete the relocation work one after another to transfer the wealth of the Black Snake Manor to the Black Fire Land.

But soon he sighed: "Population, population... The development of the Dark Light Valley has accumulated less than 70,000 people in the past 70 years. How many years of development will it take for me to accumulate enough population to cultivate the land?"

The Red Castle had already opened the door to serf trade.

But the population of the Volcano Oasis is not large. After more than 20 years of cultivation, the population has only increased to nearly 4 million.


Russell narrowed his eyes: "In the future, you can go to the Blazing Torrent Kingdom to seek benefits, and exchange cigars for population... The Blazing Torrent Kingdom is an old country that has developed for thousands of years. It has a rich population and will do it sooner or later."

He promised the Shadow Flame Dragon that he would join forces with the Shadow Flame Dragon to regain its hope.

Thoughts flew.

He has returned to the Black-waisted Snake Manor.

When the dragon roar resounded through the territory again, the serfs who had just finished dinner knew that their lord had returned.

Some brave serfs even ran to the vicinity of the cigar compound and tried to take a look at the noble two-legged dragon.

But no one dared to approach the Cigar Courtyard.

First, they were afraid of the majesty of the flying dragon, and second, they were afraid of the majesty of Russell, the lord. But at this moment, they deeply hoped that the Cigar Courtyard would send them to serve for odd jobs, so that they could have a glimpse.

"Sir, sir!" Charles heard the dragon's roar and rode over quickly.

"Charles, what are you in such a hurry for."

"Ah, sir, I really want to see you." Charles laughed, "I was shocked to learn that you rode a dragon, but then I felt deeply honored. I knew, I always knew that you would ride a dragon sooner or later!"

"Okay, let's eat first." Russell waved his hand.

During dinner, Charles drank the Black Pearl wine stored in the Cigar Courtyard while asking, "Sir, when the news of your dragon riding came back, I had already distributed a round of copper coins to the people in your name."


"I thought that Fluorescent Castle would definitely hold a dragon riding ceremony for you, so should we also hold a dragon riding ceremony in our territory?"


"I have three ideas about the dragon riding ceremony." Charles has done enough homework now. "The first one is your favorite, the simple and crude celebration of throwing money; the second one is that the Cigar Courtyard makes bread and let the people come to collect it."

"What about the third one?"

"The third one is to hold a song and dance party in the small market, so that all the people can participate in this dragon riding ceremony and share the glory of the lord."

"Choose the third option." Russell said, "This is lively and always gives out money and food, which can easily develop the bad habits of the people. Now that the people's lives are getting better and better under my governance, it's time Let’s seize a wave of spiritual civilization construction.”

Charles didn't quite understand what spiritual civilization construction meant, but that didn't stop him from understanding it: "I'll arrange a song and dance when I get back."

"Don't be in a hurry, make arrangements slowly, and try to hold it together with the Dragon Riding Ceremony of the Fluorescent Castle." Russell said, "At that time, you can invite circus or comedians from the town to come over and perform for the citizens."

"Okay, my lord."

When the wine was half drunk, Charles picked up the wine glass and said emotionally: "Sir, let me propose another glass of wine to you!"

He rarely said with a choked voice: "Since I followed you to the Black-waisted Snake Manor, I have witnessed your growth step by step. To be honest, I had some small emotions before, thinking about how you could shrink back and not conquer. Mr. Ross."

Russell smiled and listened to him.

"Until today, I didn't know how big your heart and talent were, so how could I compete with my father and brother for Mr. Ross?" Charles praised loudly, "Your Excellency is far-sighted. It must have been from that time that he knew that he was destined to ride the dragon!"

After speaking, Charles drank the red wine in one gulp.

"It's not that mysterious. It's just the dragon watching." Russell smiled lightly and drank a drink with Charles.

Only he knew that it wasn't that he didn't want to ride Clay Dragon Rose, it was that Clay Dragon Rose was hostile to him.

And now knowing that the clay dragon Rose was scared out of his mind.

Even if I give him a ride, he won't even bother to ride it - after all, we also have the black oil dragon Rosai.

After dinner, Charles staggered away on horseback, and Russell stood on the terrace garden, looking at the Gloomy River under the night.

The river flows quietly, with ripples sparkling in the moonlight.

Hape, the harpy dragon, stood on the climbing frame and stared sharply ahead, seemingly looking for prey that haunted the night. To this day, Happy has not completely changed his daily routine. He feels sleepy during the day and energetic at night.

The unicorn Baoli has fallen asleep peacefully in the bamboo forest.

The black oil dragon Rosey crouched on the roof of the third floor of the Cigar Courtyard, like a dark gargoyle sculpture.

That is to say, the materials used in the Cigar Compound are compacted, otherwise it will never be able to withstand his weight of more than ten tons.

"Why are you suddenly riding a dragon?"

Russell felt the abundant dragon's breath and the strong second-turn vitality in his body, which felt more or less unreal.

"I am a stranger in a foreign land...but I have relatives who love me and so many contract partners, so I am not alone!"

As soon as you lie down on the rocking chair, you can look at the starry sky above your head and enjoy the bright stars.

Galaxy not found.

The stars here do not have any similar constellations to the stars back home on Earth, but Russell does not feel lonely.

At this moment, he was only filled with the joy of riding a dragon.

"Last year, I traveled back in time in mid-April, and now it's mid-September. One year and five months have just passed." Russell stretched, and the black pearl wine was slightly on his head, making him feel dizzy, "I have already It’s the Dragon Knight!”

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