Warm Dragon

Chapter 325: Studying the Three Swords Style (Additional update, please give me a monthly vote)


Rosen Fluorescent Mushroom spurted out a mouthful of tea, all on the butler's face: "What did you say, Russell defeated Marcus?"

The butler wiped his face without showing any expression, and said: "Yes, that's what the knights outside said. Master Russell defeated Lord Marcus with the Four Swords Flow. It is said that someone observed that even Lord Ross was stunned."

"Lord Ross was stunned?" Rosen laughed angrily, "Which knight is so bold to make up Lord Ross."

"Master, but the knights seem to swear that it was indeed Master Russell who defeated Lord Marcus."

"Call the knights over, I'll ask in person!" Rosen didn't believe it.

It's not like he hasn't felt what Marcus' strength is. He, a veteran fantasy knight, can't hold out for long under Marcus.

Russell has only been promoted to fantasy knight for less than a year, how could he beat Marcus.

However, after being questioned, several knights swore that it was indeed true, and they personally participated in the onlookers at that time.

"My lord, you didn't see that Master Russell's four swords flow was so powerful that it almost destroyed the entire battlefield. I have never seen a knight who can release sword light from the toes. Master Russell is worthy of being a knight that the dragon looks at with respect!"

Hearing this.

Rosen had to believe that this was a fact. The young Russell did defeat the 2nd turn high-level fantasy beast knight Marcus in a head-on confrontation.

"No, I have to go to the fluorescent castle to ask my brother!" Rosen could no longer sit still.

Just after changing clothes and preparing to go out, he was seen by old lady Ingrid: "Rosen, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

"Mother, it's incredible." Rosen said briefly, "At noon, Russell fought with Marcus and actually defeated Marcus. I have to go to Fluorescent Castle to ask my eldest brother, who watched the whole fight."

"What, Russell defeated Marcus?" Old lady Ingrid was surprised.

She also bred the seeds of fighting spirit when she was young. Although the seeds of fighting spirit are now weak and no different from ordinary people, her knowledge is not shallow.

She immediately exclaimed: "How is this possible? What did our little ghost fire eat to be so fierce?"

"I won't say more to you, mother, I'll go and find out the situation first."

"Don't worry, Rosen, I'll go with you." Old lady Ingrid couldn't sit still either, and set off with Rosen.

When the mother and son arrived at Fluorescent Castle, Russell had not left yet and was instructing his eldest brother Roland's swordsmanship in the martial arts training ground.

Roland was envious of the three sword style and four sword style secrets. Without the sword butterfly amber worm, he was destined not to be able to practice the four sword style secrets, but there was still hope to practice the three sword style, so he begged Russell to teach him the three sword style.

He had been defeated by Russell's single sword before, and today he saw Russell's more powerful fighting power, and he was completely convinced.

No longer regarded himself as the eldest brother everywhere.

As a qualified heir of the nobility, Roland knew how to make choices and sacrifices, and his mentality switched smoothly.

He was willing to ask for advice, and Russell would naturally not be stingy with guidance.

For a while, there was a harmonious picture of brotherly love and respect between the brothers, which made Baron Roman and his wife very pleased.

"Grandma, uncle, why are you here?" Russell put down the fine steel sword and greeted old lady Ingrid and Uncle Rosen.

"Russell, did you defeat Marcus?" Old Lady Ingrid went straight to the point. After getting a positive answer, she held her hands to her chin and kept praying to the Shadow Flame Dragon, "The dragon is watching, the light is blessing, this is really... the prosperity of the Will-O-Ghost Family!"

Mrs. Meryl had already walked out with her husband. When she heard Old Lady Ingrid muttering "Will-O-Ghost Family" again, she instinctively felt disgusted.

Will-O-Ghost Family is a nickname, similar to giving someone a nickname.

She didn't like others calling the Fluorescent Mushroom Family the Will-O-Ghost Family, but Old Lady Ingrid didn't mind it. Instead, she used it as a self-proclaimed name, and often called Roland, Russell and other children "Little Will-O-Ghosts".

"It's the prosperity of the Fluorescent Mushroom Family." Mrs. Meryl smiled indifferently.

Old Lady Ingrid immediately glanced at her daughter-in-law and laughed, "It's all the same. The little will-o'-the-wisp are so outstanding. The will-o'-the-wisp family will become more and more powerful, so powerful that others will be afraid, just like people walking at night are afraid of will-o'-the-wisp."

"What kind of description are you talking about?" Baron Roman interrupted the conversation between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law, looked at Rosen and said, "Why did you come here? Why don't you stay at home to accompany Clara? I heard from Meryl that Clara is pregnant again?"

"Luckily, Clara is pregnant with her third child." Rosen smiled, "I came here to ask about the fight between Russell and Marcus."

"Haha, I knew that you would all be restless." Baron Roman said proudly.

Finally, the eldest brother Roland vividly described the details of the battle between Russell and Marcus.

After listening, Old Lady Ingrid praised the family's hope for revitalization. Rosen looked at Russell with curiosity in his eyes: "Russell, can you let me, your uncle, feel your three swords flow, no, and the secret of the four swords flow."

"Of course." Russell made a move, and three fine steel swords flew from the weapon rack, and instantly launched the three swords flow towards Uncle Rosen.


The next moment, Rosen's breathing stagnated, and he was frightened by the three swords flow and broke into a cold sweat. The sword light net that came to his face made him feel powerless and unable to escape.

After Russell leaped up, kicked out sword beams with both feet, and performed the Four Swords Secret, Rosen was shocked for a long time.

"Too scary!" After a while, Rosen got rid of the horror of the Three Swords Secret and the Four Swords Secret, and exclaimed, "Although I didn't fight in person, just a face-to-face, I know that ordinary fantasy beast knights can't stop your sword."

Baron Roman said: "Don't say ordinary fantasy beast knights, even old second-turn veterans like Marcus can't stop it!"

At that moment, Lady Meryl accompanied old lady Ingrid into the castle.

Four people, father, son, uncle and nephew, continued to stay in the martial arts training ground, and let Russell explain the skills of the Three Swords Secret.

However, although the three swordsmanship can't be said to be sparse, it is just average, and without the swordsmanship feeling brought by the sword butterfly amber worm, they can't coordinate their left and right hands. Not to mention the Three Swords Secret, even the double swordsmanship can't do it.

"Forget it, I won't learn it anymore. I can't learn it." Rosen was the first to give up.

He knew that his talent was already the limit of being a fantasy beast knight, and he was already past the age of pursuing strength.

Baron Roman saw his brother give up, so he gave up quickly. After all, he was already a flying dragon knight, and he didn't care much about the swordsmanship: "You two brothers can study it slowly, I will accompany your uncle to take a stroll."

In the end, only Roland was left, pestering Russell for more than two hours, and he was still not satisfied: "Russell, next time I go to the black waist snake... um, I guess I have to find you in a new place. Anyway, you have to help me learn the three swordsmanship."

"As long as you are willing to learn, I am willing to teach you." Russell said with a smile, "I have even thought about summarizing a new fighting spirit martial arts, called "Three Swordsmanship", but I haven't started to write it yet."

If it were in the past, Roland would definitely ridicule Russell for overestimating his own abilities without hesitation.

But now he nodded seriously and said: "Teaching while learning, while you are teaching me, you can also summarize this "Three Swords Flow Big Move Sword Technique". I believe that sooner or later this fighting spirit martial arts will become famous with you in the shadow flame."

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