Warm Dragon

Chapter 323 The Second Person in the Valley of Dark Light

The fierce battle is still going on.

Russell had to admit that Marcus's strength was far beyond the reach of Eric, Grove, Katie and others.

The second-turn Yuanxi of the 2nd-turn high-level Fantasy Beast Knight is much stronger than the first-turn Yuanxi.

Moreover, the Yuanxi Great Sword transformed by Douqi Yuanwu also gave Marcus a stronger offensive power, which could easily tear apart the sword light special effects of the Three Swords.

At this moment, Russell finally realized why the way of swordsmanship was not taken seriously by most knights.

No matter how powerful the swordsmanship is, even a three-sword flow big move like Russell's is still struggling in the face of the high-intensity second-turn Yuanxi.

Yuanxi crushes Douqi, the second-turn Yuanxi crushes the first-turn Yuanxi, and the dragon breath crushes all Yuanxi, whether it is the first-turn Yuanxi or the fifth-turn Yuanxi... Over time, the knights will only pursue more powerful power, not sharper swordsmanship.

It seems that Russell's difficulty has been glimpsed.

Marcus showed a ferocious smile on his face. The Yuanxi Great Sword broke through the special sword light net of the Three Swords Flow, and took the opportunity to shout: "It's time to lose, Russell!"


With a sword slash, the sword light transformed by the second-level Yuanxi burst out from the Yuanxi Great Sword, rushing straight to more than ten meters away before dissipating.

Even if Russell avoided it at the critical moment, the snow-colored unicorn armor was still scratched by the second-level Yuanxi sword light, and a gap was directly broken. However, the gap was quickly covered by the flowing Yuanxi and healed again.

Then came the magic bombardment.

The magic given to Marcus by the Iron Thunder Beast was the steel shield, which was a defensive type of magic, but the magic given to Marcus by the Pangolin King was the ground spikes. Countless rocks pierced out from the ground, piercing the lawn with holes.

These ground spikes can pierce more than ten meters in the air, and last for more than ten seconds before breaking into the basic elements between heaven and earth.

Russell wanted to fly to the sky, but Marcus was also flying in the air, and the Yuanxi Great Sword kept forcing him to land.

The ground was constantly piercing with spikes and assault magic.

Russell was forced to take care of himself.

"Hu... Hu..." Russell gasped violently.


"It's the limit, Russell." Baron Roman sighed. He could see that Russell's Yuanxi had been exhausted.

It was only a matter of time before he lost.

Then he secretly praised: "You are good enough to fight to this extent! I thought you would be beaten by Marcus and let him vent his anger at Malena... Now it seems that you want to use this battle to become famous in Shadow Flame."

In the entire Shadow Flame Grand Duchy, there are not many high-level fantasy beast knights, not much more than dragon knights.

For example, there are only two high-level fantasy beast knights in the Valley of the Glow, which shows the difficulty of mental balance.

Russell, as an ordinary fantasy beast knight, fought against a 2nd-level high-level fantasy beast knight for such a long time without losing the upper hand. Even if he lost, he still lost with honor. This battle spreads and will surely cause a small sensation in the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame.

The three-sword style will also resound throughout the volcanic oasis.

"It's really amazing. If I learn the three-sword style..." The eldest brother Roland has already begun to imagine how to ask Russell for advice and learn the three-sword style.

Old Lord Sally stroked his beard and kept exclaiming in amazement.

There was no praise, but every "tsk" was an appreciation and admiration for Russell, and he kept "tsk"ing from beginning to end.

"Russell is so strong, but... my father is stronger!" The young Musk watched his father turn the situation around, and finally showed a proud smile on his nervous little face, "In the future, I will be stronger than my father!"

Mrs. Shafali stood behind her son, her expression was always calm and composed, she believed in her husband's strength.

In the entire Valley of the Dark Light, only Baron Roman, a 3rd-level high-level fantasy beast knight, can defeat Marcus.

No one else can!

"Has the Three Swords Flow finally reached its limit?" Russell, who was panting and struggling to fight, was also asking himself.

He wanted to break through the mystery of swordsmanship, but it was obvious that the opportunity for breakthrough was not in this battle.

The limit of the Three Swords Flow had been exposed little by little under Marcus's strong attack.

However, Russell did not feel lost at all, and his heart was still filled with the belief of winning: "Since the Three Swords Flow is not enough, then start the Four Swords Flow!"

At this moment.

Russell, who was panting, suddenly stopped panting, his breathing became stable again, but the blood color on his face faded slightly.

"Come on!"

"Sword butterfly, tick, give this world a little shock!"

The blood and qi transformation provided by the tick amber worm has been quietly performed by Russell. All his limbs felt numb, and his boiling blood seemed to be burning, turning into pure essence, roaring in his meridians again.

Russell also used the blessing provided by the sword butterfly amber worm.

He waved his two swords in his left and right hands, and the third sword of the Dou Qi sword kept stabbing. At the same time, as he moved his body, the toes of his feet could also emit sword light - this was Russell's fourth sword, the Six Meridians Divine Sword.

He could use sword light without the help of weapons.

In fact, not only fingers can use sword light, but any part of the body can release sword light as long as Dou Qi can be released.

It's just that the hands need to hold the sword, and the feet are the most suitable for swordsmanship among the remaining parts.

Four sword flow!

It can be called the secret!

Three sword flow big move, four sword flow secret!


At this moment, Russell's fighting power was sublimated again, and in the incredible eyes of Marcus and the onlookers, he burst out with more powerful power.

The sword beams intertwined with each other, and a thicker and more terrifying sword beam net crushed towards Marcus.


When the Yuanxi Great Sword was swung, many sword beams were annihilated, but Russell, who was in the Four Sword Flow, burst out a continuous stream of sword beams and filled the sword beam net again.

Then Marcus felt countless sword beams coming at him from all directions, and a Yuanxi Great Sword could not stop it at all.

His eyes were about to burst!

He kept urging the magic-ground spikes to attack, trying to interfere with Russell's swordsmanship.

But Russell could also fly. After the transformation of qi and blood, the Yuanxi was filled again, and he could constantly dodge quickly in mid-air. The swordsmanship combined with flying allowed him to blast out the Four Sword Flow secrets in a casual and comfortable manner.

Crush the Yuanxi armor on Marcus' body and crush the magic-steel shield.

Then the sword beam bombarded, directly knocking Marcus from mid-air to the ground, and he fell heavily on the grass full of holes.


The sword light was retracted, and the armor was scattered.

A sword was suspended in front of Marcus's face, and the tip of the sword had a sword light that was floating like a snake's tongue.

Russell's figure was quietly suspended beside him, holding the sword in both hands, and on his slightly pale face, there was a proud smile of a winner. However, this smile was reserved, and he did not laugh wildly in public, losing his noble demeanor.


Faced with this result, the onlookers were all shocked.

Lady Safali stared at her husband lying on the ground and couldn't get up in disbelief, as if her three views were shattered. Her husband, who was like a god of war in her mind, was defeated by a young junior knight.

Musk clenched his fists and tried hard not to let himself shed tears.

The eldest brother Roland was stunned, and old Lord Sally exclaimed louder, "Tsk tsk" in amazement, and the knights all held their heads, looking unbelievable.

The battle changed too quickly. Russell looked like he was about to fall, and the next moment he launched a thunderous attack. It was just a wave of attacks, and he ended the battle in a crushing manner.

"Is this... still my son Russell?" Baron Roman stood up from his chair, shocked and didn't know what to say.

Even Lord Ross, who was sitting on the top of the small castle and looked down on the battle, couldn't help but stare at Russell.

Russell's figure was reflected in his narrow vertical pupils.

Russell seemed to have a feeling, raised his head and looked at the top of the small castle, and looked at Lord Ross.

Lord Ross couldn't help but turn his head away and stopped looking at Russell.

Russell smiled and thought proudly in his heart: "Afraid, Ross, you are afraid of the eyes of the second person in the Valley of Light!"

Having defeated the 2nd-level high-level fantasy beast knight, Russell is the well-deserved second person in the Valley of Light.

"Your Excellency will win!" Katie had already shouted, and as she spoke, Eric and Grove followed suit, "Your Excellency will win!"

So the many knights watching also shouted "Russell is mighty" and "Russell will win" to flatter him.

Such a strong young knight, if not now, when!

Facing the cheers of the crowd, Russell waved his hand in a chic manner, bowed again, elegant and noble, and then stretched out his hand to Marcus who was lying on the ground with his eyes blank: "Thank you, Sir Marcus."

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