Warm Dragon

Chapter 320 Sleeping (Updated)

"That's great." Mrs. Meryl sighed inexplicably while lying in Baron Roman's arms.

Baron Roman put down the newspaper in his hand and asked, "What?"

"Russell is about to become a flying dragon knight. You are a flying dragon knight, and our son is also a flying dragon knight. It's unimaginable." Mrs. Meryl shook her head. There was only one bipedal flying dragon in the Fluorescent Mushroom family, so it was impossible for father and son to ride a dragon together.

However, such an impossible scenario actually came true.

After a pause, she sighed again: "It's a pity that Roland didn't ride a dragon. I can feel it. Russell's riding a dragon was a big blow to him. Moreover, Baron Gervidas refused to marry, which made Roland even more discouraged. He is much silent now than before. "

"It may be that he has matured." Baron Roman said optimistically, "How can a man grow up without experiencing a few blows?"

"Fortunately, there is no need to fight over the family property between the two brothers, otherwise we would have a headache."

"That's true. If it is Russell who rides on Rose, it's hard to say... Maybe I will pass the title to Russell. After all, the importance of the Dragon Knight to the family is self-evident... Fortunately, there is no such thing Worry, two brothers each have a dragon, which is good."

"Are you willing to let Mr. Ross ride on Roland?"

"Of course I'm not willing to give it up," Baron Roman said confidently.

But he soon sighed and said: "But I will always grow old. When I get old, even if I can live for more than ten years, I don't plan to ride a dragon anymore. If Roland can get Ross's approval, I will cancel it as soon as possible." contract."

"You really think so?"

"Of course, do you think that everyone is just like your father, so infatuated? For Ross's pride, I resolutely gave up the position of finance minister." Baron Roman said proudly, "There is no one in the world who is as free and easy as me. , how many more are there!”

"Okay, okay, isn't it because my father took away your position as finance minister? As for talking about it every day, and if he hadn't experienced this, Mr. Ross might still be unable to untie the knot... Speaking of which, my father is you The benefactor who rides the dragon.”

"I don't recognize this kindness."

"Oh, I really want to see the day when Russell rides a dragon sooner." Mrs. Meryl sighed with emotion, "My father, my husband, my son, my father, my husband, my son, there are three dragon knights in the family, and they were all dragon knights at the same time."

At this moment, she only felt that she was the most beautiful woman in the entire Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame, and even Princess Anxia was not as beautiful as her.

Baron Roman yawned: "Go to sleep, sleep soon."

Stayed one night at Fluorescent Castle.

The next day, Russell went straight to the plain east of Jiandao Mountain and arrived at the chosen location, a slightly raised terrain in the flat snowfield.

According to his inference, there should be a vast plain beneath the ice cap, and at his feet is the only higher hill in this plain. He planned to place the hot springs on the hills and build a castle here in the future.

This way you can enjoy the hot springs in the castle.

Unlike the Youguang River Valley, the hot spring is at the northernmost end of the river valley and the castle is in the middle of the river valley, some distance apart.

After soaking in a hot spring, I have to go to Uncle Rosen’s manor.

"Paulie, what do you think of this place?" Russell asked in his mind.

Unicorn Paulie said gently: "It's all OK, Russell." It couldn't see the difference between each place in the vast snowfield.

Russell looked up, looked at the harpy dragon Happy hovering above his head, and asked: "What do you think of this place, Happy?"

Happy responded: "Quaer."

The meaning was unclear, but Russell thought it was very satisfying, so he took out the black oil dragon egg that shone with red light from his arms.

Place it flat in the palm of your hand.

"Father..." Russell called Russell's name in a baby voice.

"Settle down here, Russell, what do you think?" Russell asked softly.

"I don't know, but it was chosen by my father, and Roselle likes them all." Roselle was full of admiration for Russell. It can be said that all its intelligence was given by Russell. Since it was still a blank piece of paper, when.

"Then this is it." Russell squatted down and waved his hand, and the thin stream of vitality swept away the snow on the ice cap.

Then he placed the black oil dragon egg on the ice cap.

At that moment, the ice cap melted rapidly as if frightened. In an instant, it melted from tens of millions of years of solid ice into a pool of warm water. The water continued to evaporate, creating a cloud and mist wonderland within a radius of dozens of meters.

It was different from the scorching heat when the Shadow Flame Dragon appeared.

The heat emitted by the black oil dragon egg was slightly warm, but equally powerful. After a moment, the solid ice within tens of meters melted into water and then evaporated, exposing the soil layer below, and the water quickly evaporated.

On the surface of the soil, the black oil dragon egg has disappeared.

But cracks began to spread around, and there was a magma-like red light shining in the cracks.

This flickering frequency is like something breathing below.

Standing on the dirt, Russell looked around. He was now in a large crater after the ice disappeared, like a cold spring on the snowfield. There is only an ice cap above the cold spring point, but the ice cap here has completely disappeared.

However, the warmth is limited to this large pit. Looking outside, you cannot feel the power emanating from the black oil dragon egg.

Therefore, the solid ice around the crater still exists, and the snow above has not melted.

"Father..." Rose's voice came from his mind, "I'm going to fall asleep. When I wake up again, I'll be able to see my father."

"Rosai, how long do you need to sleep?"

"Half a month."

"Okay, your father will wait for you." Russell said.

Then, through the mind connection, he felt that Rose had begun to fall asleep, sleeping under this big pit.

The lines flashing red light like magma around were the breath of Rose when he was sleeping.

"Half a month, and I will be a flying dragon knight in half a month... Think about it, it's quite calm." Perhaps because he was excited for too long, Russell could already treat it with a normal heart, without any impatience - it was his, and he couldn't run away at all.

He jumped up and jumped outside the several-meter-high pit.

Standing on the edge of the ice cap pit, overlooking the pit below, he could feel more and more that there seemed to be a huge beast sleeping under the flashing red lines.

Once the beast wakes up, it will be earth-shattering.

"Russell, why does Rose need to sleep?" Polly asked in her heart, "I thought it would be born today."

"Because it still needs to accept the brewing of the power of the earth, integrate the power into this land, and warm this land." Russell speculated, "Moreover, it may also need to gather the power radiated by the Shadow Flame Dragon."

The entire Shadow Flame Grand Duchy, all magical creations are built on the power of the Shadow Flame Dragon.

However, outside the volcanic oasis, the power of the dragon has been dispersed too much, and it cannot open up warm land. At this time, the wyvern is needed as a "repeater" to amplify the power of the dragon and then open up a warm enclave.

In Russell's opinion, Rose's sleep for half a month is probably to obtain the authority of the "repeater".

Only in this way can it open up a warm enclave.

"I see." Polly nodded, showing her understanding. "Then do we have to wait here forever?"

"No." Russell smiled, turned over and rode on the unicorn's back. "Let's go back first, and wait for Rose to wake up. It won't be too late to wait... and now our hearts are perfectly synchronized, it's time to contract with Happy."

But before contracting with Happy, Russell still has to visit Windmill Manor and visit Lord Marcus.

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