Warm Dragon

Chapter 313 Golden Pearl

"Master, according to your instructions, ten more ponds were dug on both sides of the Youguang River this year to culture pearl mussels."

Jimmy the Clam Pork Ribs is very concerned about raising river clams and he is also very confident.

Although he is still a serf now, he has been rated as a serf technician, and his salary has been greatly improved. And because the clam pond is close to the cigar compound, Russell can often be seen. This honor is better than that of most serfs in the manor.

This made it easy for him to find his wife. Now he has a family and a business, and his wife is pregnant.

"Under the leadership of Mr. Charles, as soon as the warm season arrived, I recruited a group of capable boys to go down to the river to touch the mussels. Then I also recruited several ingenious female workers to work with me to plant pearl nuclei for the mussels."

After a year of exploration last year, plus some guidance from Russell, Jimmy Pai Ribs has summarized a set of pearl farming methods.

"I checked the pond yesterday and today, and found that the death rate of these river mussels has dropped to only half!" Jimmy Pork Ribs said proudly, and then scratched the back of his head, "Those girls are so gentle, river mussels I can bear it!”

"The matter of planting pearl nuclei will be left to female workers from now on."

"Yes, sir."

After asking about the clam pond, Russell basically had an idea. It could be said that relying on the scientific knowledge of his hometown on Earth, he had successfully cracked some of the mysteries of magic.

The power of the earth is contained underground. In the warm place radiated by the dragon, the power of the earth is obviously more abundant.

That’s why magical creations are born.

But this does not mean that humans cannot interfere with the birth of magical creations - the Shadow Flame Dragon can crush dragon eggs with bare hands. Humans rely on continuous domestication of elves to reproduce from generation to generation, which in itself is an act of human interference.

As long as we find the right method, humans can rely on scientific methods to cultivate more magical creatures.

"Science is not exclusive to the earth. It is a methodology in itself. As long as you know how to sum up experience, Longmian Continent can also develop science!" Russell was quite proud of his ability to successfully cultivate pearls.

As a time traveler, most of his current achievements were achieved through the golden finger of Xiao Menglong.

After leaving Goldfinger, he was still an ordinary office worker back home on Earth.

However, reading glasses, cigars, retting technology, and now pearl cultivation technology have undoubtedly allowed him to find another kind of confidence - with a vision of the earth, even without a golden finger, he can outperform most of the natives of Longmian Continent.

"Even without Little Menglong, I can still prosper in Longmian Continent with my earth vision."

Maybe it is not developing as well as it is now.

But if you give him enough time, he can still build a foundation, and it will not be difficult to achieve a hereditary and unreplaceable title of baron in the future. At least for now, there is absolutely no problem in taking the path of a polymath.

Thinking of this, Russell felt a little bit more uncontrollable proud.

What he was thinking in his heart could not be explained to outsiders. He quickly restrained his pride and said calmly: "The river mussels and pearls that were raised last year are almost ready for collection. Jimmy Spare Ribs, go catch some old river mussels." Come here."

The clams in the Youguang River basically only live two or three years.

So the river mussels that were farmed last year are already old river mussels this year.

"As you wish, sir." Jimmy Pork Ribs ran to the pond and plunged into the water. After a while, he came back with a few old river clams. "Sir, this is the biggest one I found in the pond." A few old river clams.”

Although it was an old river mussel, it was incomparable to the wild pearl river mussel that Russell caught for the first time.

Too small in size.

That wild pearl river mussel had lived for who knows how many years and was about the size of a basketball, but these old river mussels that Jimmy Pork Ribs caught were only as big as a palm when they were stretched to death.

"I really regret that I violently pried open that wild river clam. It was really a waste of natural resources."

Russell looked at the palm-sized old river clam in front of him and regretted it again.

However, he didn't realize at the time that river mussels that could produce pearls were so rare. He thought that with the Dark Dream, he could catch more pearl mussels in minutes, so he ordered people to violently pry open the clam shells.

As a result, the big river clam died.

As soon as he thought about it, he didn't think much about the pearl that the old river clam in front of him could breed. He waved his hand and said calmly: "Pry it open and take out the pearl."

In fact.

It can be said that he already knows how big the pearls are in the old river clam. When he lived in the Cigar Courtyard, he would ride the little dream dragon over every night to take a look. After more than half a month, it is impossible for the pearl to suddenly increase in size.

Soon Jimmy Pork Ribs pried open the clam shell and took out the pearls bred by the old river clam.

"Hey!" Although he had given up hope, Russell was still surprised, "These pearls are actually golden!"

Pearls are small.

The largest one is only one-third the size of a glass marble, more like a pearl the size of a soybean grain.

The largest pearl from the old wild river mussel was the size of an egg, and the smallest one was as big as a glass marble. It completely exploded the pearls produced by this batch of old river mussels. However, the large pearls produced by river mussels are all milky white.

These small pearls produced by Laohe Mussel have a light golden luster.

Charles and others also came out and followed Russell, curiously looking at these small golden pearls.

"Sir, there is really a magical breath flowing!" Charles exclaimed, then held his head and exclaimed, "This is really... It's really the dragon's gaze. Only the adults who are watched by the dragon can raise such treasures!"

Charles's characterization made everyone firmly believe that Russell's ability to cultivate pearls is entirely a gift from the dragon's gaze.

Such a statement somewhat denies Russell's role.

But Russell can also understand that in this Dragon Sleeping Continent where the power is concentrated in the dragon, people naturally think that all magical creations come from the dragon - the fact is almost the same, and the pearls also condense the power radiated by the dragon.

Officials are still using the dragon as a gimmick to flatter Russell.

But Charles has already shrewdly seen that Russell is not happy with this flattery under the banner of the dragon.

He rolled his eyes and understood why.

He exclaimed: "The dragon's gaze has endowed the earth with infinite magic, but only wise and knowledgeable adults can see through the trajectory of magic, create a miracle, and condense it into magic pearls!"

After a pause, Charles said loudly: "The Great Scholars Round Table should immediately invite adults to join it. At that time, adults will surely lead the Great Scholars Round Table to create more extraordinary miracles!"

"Passed, passed, Charles." Russell waved his hand, but the smile on his face betrayed his satisfaction at the moment.

The ranger Howls, who was responsible for recruiting free people, had a rising status because of the increasing number of free people he recruited. But due to his strength, he was just an ordinary ranger and it was difficult for him to advance to the upper echelons of the manor.

But he was not reconciled to this, and he wanted to continue to improve.

So when he saw the opportunity to flatter Russell, he immediately scratched his ears and cheeks, but because of his low culture, he was not as flexible as Charles.

Hearing Russell say "over, over" in a low-key manner, he immediately had an idea: "Over, over, the adults said that he has surpassed the Great Scholars Round Table, and the Great Scholars Round Table is not worthy of the adults' wisdom!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Russell looked at Holes and said calmly: "Howls, do you think you are humorous?"

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