Warm Dragon

Chapter 311 Hops


Russell gave the newly acquired wheat elf a relatively common name without the family symbol "Luo".

Only the dragons or elves harvested by oneself will be crowned with the "Luo" symbol according to family tradition.

For example, Rosie, the black oil dragon, and Rosie, the fluorescent mushroom bird.

"This is a food elf. After years of domestication of wheat, the yield of wheat magic medicine is much higher than that of ordinary plants." Cousin Mel said with envy, "Mrs. Jianguo really looks up to you! "

"Because I'm worthy of a high look." Russell said proudly.

I have to say that the feeling of being taken seriously by others is quite refreshing, especially for a person of such noble status as Princess Anxia. As far as Princess Anxia's courtesy goes, in the future, she and her daughter, Princess Kunlaya, must have a good home.

"Okay, cousin, it's time for me to set off. I'll come to the Red Castle to see you when I have time." Russell took the wheat elf Whit with him.

Mel was a little reluctant to give up and sighed: "To be honest, your Black-rumped Snake Manor is too remote and closed-off. It would be better to move it to a volcanic oasis so that our brothers can come and go frequently. Then you can completely become my pawn." assistant."

"What the hell are you thinking? I'm not even willing to be the assistant to the Minister of the Volcano. How can I give you the job of assistant to a young master who can't even speak in the Council of Elders?"

"Hey, if you regard me as the future Grand Duke, won't it bring you psychological balance?"

"No need to talk about it anyway."

Russell waved to Katie coolly, then turned over and rode on the unicorn Pauly, and left the small castle.

As soon as they reached the connection between the outer castle and the Long Bridge Chi Road, they saw a knight waiting here early and stopped Russell: "Your Excellency Russell, please wait a moment."

"Who are you?"

"I am the guard of the inner castle. On the order of the little princess Kunraya, I am sending you a letter." The knight handed over the letter.

"A letter from little Princess Kunlaya to me?" Russell was surprised and didn't quite understand. He wanted to say something to call him to the inner castle hall. Writing a letter was completely unnecessary, but he still took the letter and opened it immediately. .

There was nothing special about the content of the letter.

In the words of the little princess Kunlaya, she thanked Russell for inventing the retting technology, which helped the common people grow more food, which in turn enhanced the power of the Grand Duchy. Then when it comes to commending the wheat elves, I hope Russell can continue his efforts and make more contributions to the Grand Duchy.

Basically, it's just a thank you letter and a bit of acknowledgment.

"It's interesting." Russell squinted his eyes, and he could clearly feel that this letter was said to be written by Princess Kunlaya, but in fact it was Princess Anxia who wrote it.

But what he didn't understand was: "Why do you want to get close to a lord like me? Just because the Shadow Flame Dragon glanced at me? It shouldn't be the case. Baron Gervidus didn't treat me just because the Shadow Flame Dragon glanced at me. He looked at me differently and even kicked me out of Hu Yangbao."

It can be seen from this that being spotted by the Shadow Flame Dragon is not a big deal in the eyes of the great nobles.

Princess Anxia doesn't need to take it so seriously.

"I always feel that the Shadow Flame Dragon said something to Princess Anxia... Could it be that he revealed my secret? No, probably not. Revealing my secret will delay the growth of the ice cream, so the Shadow Flame Dragon will No chance for revenge."

I couldn't think clearly for a while.

But Russell didn't think too deeply. Anyway, he was getting stronger and stronger, and he had enough ability to protect himself without fear of getting into trouble.

"After I successfully ride the dragon, Princess Anxia's purpose will naturally be revealed." Putting away the letter, Russell continued on his way.

Stay overnight at a post station on Chidao.

The wheat elf Whit has just left Elfland and is still a little timid about the outside world. He has to hold Russell's finger at night before he dares to sleep.

Looking at Whit, Russell sighed: "This is already my third elf. Speaking of which, I only have seven elf bugs now. If you don't wait a while, the number of my elves will exceed that of elf bugs." Bar?"

The value of elves is unquestionable.

It seems that it only affects plants and grows potions, but in fact the knight's practice is based on potions.

It can be said that without elves, there would be no knights, and without knights, naturally there would not be today's prosperous civilization. Human civilization must rely on dragons for high-level power, and elves for low-level frameworks.

Longmian Continent is an extraordinary world under a magical creation system.

As if without thinking about it, Russell thought that the number of elf bugs in his body was sparse, so when the dark dream came, he used the light of magic to find a wild cordyceps, and there was an elf crawling on the cordyceps.

"This... is a complete stroke of luck, the elf bugs in the wild, and the elf bugs have already been bred!"

It is not that there are no fairy bugs in the wild. In fact, the probability of breeding Cordyceps in the wild is not too low.

However, the problem of lack of origin has caused most of the cordyceps in the wild to basically abort and fail to successfully breed elf bugs.

Only a very few lucky people can be born in this world.

It was the birth of these lucky ones who were picked up by others, and they began to breed elf bugs generation after generation, allowing the elves to continue to bloom and contribute to the construction of the warm land opened by the dragon.

"Paulie, have you remembered this place?" Russell asked.

Baoli immediately replied in her mind: "Remember, I will take you there when you wake up tomorrow."

In terms of remembering the way, Russell is far inferior to Polly. Basically, if the environment is not too complicated, Polly can reproduce the route that he has walked in the dark dream exactly the next day and successfully find the target.

At dawn the next day, Katie was asked to wait at the post station.

Russell rode Polly and quickly arrived at the location of the elf bug found last night, where a large area of ​​hops was blooming.

Clusters of green hop flowers hung upside down between the branches like small pineapples.

"It turned out to be a hop elf bug, not bad!" Russell nodded in praise. The biggest use of hops is brewing beer.

At the same time, hops can also be used to make bread. The bread made can be stored for a long time and is a natural preservative.

This is all wasteland. In theory, all magical creations belong to the Shadow Flame Dragon Blood Family, but the Red Castle can't take care of it at all. So there is an unwritten rule that whoever can find a magical creation in the wilderness can take it away at will.

Russell soon found the most vigorous plant in the wild hops and found a light green fairy worm with light white stripes on the leaves.

"Come, eat some jade powder, little guy." Russell used jade powder as bait and successfully tricked the hop fairy worm into a "first kiss". The blood beads mixed with jade powder went down his stomach, and a contract was successfully concluded.

"Very good, very good, little guy, put away your cordyceps." Russell guided the hop worm to put away the cordyceps.

He looked at the large hops around him and shook his head.

These hops have not yet become magic potions, which shows that the hop worms are bred within a few days.

"I'm back. It's just right to plant a hop in the territory and brew beer in the future." Russell doesn't like drinking, but when it's hot in the hot summer, drinking a glass of beer that exudes magic is a pleasant enjoyment.

Back to the post station, put the hop worm into the jade box where Whit was, and Russell waved his hand in high spirits: "Let's go home!"

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