Warm Dragon

Chapter 31 Feeding the Dragon with Gold Coins

Russell has never been an open-minded person, not in his last life, and even less in this life.

"My Lord, what do you want to do?" Charles had quietly changed his name since he didn't know when, and no longer called Russell by name.

Eric frowned and said, "This man is cunning and difficult to subdue."

"Why should I subdue him? He has given me enough reasons to kill him by luring snow ghosts to invade my manor." Russell said in a deep voice, "Two teachers, and Knight Commander Chris, what I am thinking about now is how to kill him."

Lone Wolf Lisbon has already violated his taboo.

Inducing snow ghosts to invade, disregarding the property of the manor and the personal safety of serfs, this is the way to die.

"It's not easy to kill him either." Knight Commander Chris said, "If he dares to show up, I can help Master Russell kill him, but this man is cunning, and it's difficult to find him if he hides in the cave and doesn't come out."

The caves around the Valley of the Dark Light are connected by secret passages to form a well-connected transportation network, which may be larger than the entire Valley of the Dark Light.

Once someone hides there, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack to catch him.

"So difficult?"

"If the Baron takes action, puts pressure on the forces in the cave, and sends a team of knights to block the road, it should be easy."

"Forget it, if I have to trouble my father for such a small matter, what qualifications do I have to manage the manor fiefdom well?" Russell quickly rejected the plan to ask the Baron to take action. Bothering the Baron for everything would only lower his reputation.

Only an excellent lord can recruit excellent followers in the future.

Knight Commander Chris smiled: "If you need it, please tell me."

Russell thanked him: "If it really comes to the last resort, I will come to trouble you again... Well, let's not talk about this disappointing thing first, let's continue to celebrate!"

The celebration did not last until the night.

Knight Commander Chris said goodbye and left in the afternoon, riding the Nightmare Ghost Horse and disappeared on the Cinder Avenue. After all, he is the Knight Commander of the Castle Guard, not Russell's Knight Commander. Obviously, he will be dissatisfied with the Baron if he is absent for a long time.

"Sir, do you really want to kill the lone wolf Lisbon?" Charles took the initiative to mention something that he had not finished saying before.

"Of course."

"If you really want to kill Lisbon, I think the Wildcat sisters are the key. Maybe you can use the Wildcat sisters to lure Lisbon out."

"Don't worry, this matter can be considered in the long run." Russell has calmed down, "Lisbon must be killed. If I don't kill him, my thoughts will not make sense, but killing him cannot hinder my conquest of the Xiangshui River Cave, so the plan must be complete."

Eric suddenly said: "Sir, let me sneak into the Xiangshui River Cave and find out the situation first."

"No, there is no need to take such a risk."


"Wait first, wait for the Wildcat sisters to come." Russell smiled slightly. He has already demonstrated his own strength. Next, it depends on whether he can attract butterflies.

Charles was puzzled: "Will the Wildcat sisters come? Didn't Catherine say she would come again before she left?"

"If she didn't mean to, she wouldn't have come to deliver the letter on a rainy night. Since she wants to make friends with me, she naturally chooses to make friends with me when I am weak." Russell felt that he was 70% to 80% sure that he could guess the Wildcat sisters' thoughts, "Don't you think so, Mr. Charles?"

Charles admired: "Sir, you are becoming more and more like the Baron."

"You are too flattering. I am still learning from my father."

"The dragon is watching, I believe that you will soon be better than the master, fluorescent The mushroom family will flourish in your hands."

"That's my eldest brother's task."

"But you can create a new foundation. The Black-waisted Snake Manor is too small for you. This is just the starting point for your take-off."

"Well, that's true. Teacher Charles, Teacher Eric, let's work hard for it together."

Charles bowed and saluted: "Follow the adults' footsteps!"

On the side, watching Charles flattering him in various ways, Eric tried his best to resist the idea of ​​rolling his eyes, then pounded his chest hard, and said in a muffled voice: "Follow the adults' footsteps!"

At night.

Russell continued to sleep in the manor villa.

The Cordyceps has grown safely, and it is not good to camp in the wild in the name of protecting the Cordyceps. Besides, there was a big battle in the daytime, and he also needs to rest well.


The familiar dark dream, the familiar little dream dragon.

"What are we, ice cream, are we destined to meet only in dreams?" Russell raised a new question.

But Xiao Menglong couldn't understand, he just quacked and carried Russell around the lines to outline the manor courtyard.

"Alas, it's useless to ask, you are just a fool." Russell raised his middle finger.

Xiao Menglong found it interesting and waved his tiny forelimbs, raising one of his matchstick-like claws: "Quack, quack, quack!"

"Stop quacking, go to my bedroom and see what the ice hail beads are shining like."

The man and the dragon returned to Russell's bedroom. In addition to the light of the dark gold ceramic armor, the green ceramic sword, the two small pearls, and the gem lamps, you can also see the drawer of the bedside table emitting a faint blue light.

The light gathered into a cluster, which was obviously emitted by the ice hail beads.

Seeing this cluster of light, before Russell could study it clearly, Xiao Menglong suddenly shouted loudly: "Quack! Quack! Quack!"

"What, you want it?"


Russell was surprised. He rarely saw Xiao Menglong react so violently, so he immediately waved his hand: "If you want it, you can!"

The next moment, Xiao Menglong dived into the drawer. For the dark dream, except for the magic creations that glow, all objects are illusory, so Xiao Menglong went through the drawer directly and put his head in front of the ice hail beads.

He opened his mouth, rolled his tongue, and swallowed the ice hail beads.


He burped comfortably: "Gah..."

"You can actually eat in the dark dream?" Russell was very surprised, and then he tried to touch the green ceramic sword himself.

Unfortunately, his arm passed through the light of the green ceramic sword and could not touch the entity.

This is the same as the previous experimental results.

"Xue Gao, come on, can you get this green ceramic sword?" Russell patted Xiao Menglong's head and guided it to take the green ceramic sword.

Xiao Menglong didn't understand, but he followed suit and stretched out his claws to grab a green ceramic sword.

However, the result was the same as Russell's before. Its claws passed through the light of the green ceramic sword and could not touch the entity.

"Hmm?" Russell couldn't understand this.

He pondered carefully and said, "Although the dark dream is an illusion formed by referring to reality, the ice cream does have the ability to interact with reality through the dark dream... Before, it exhaled and bred birch worms, which was an interaction, and now it swallowed the ice hail beads, which is also an interaction."

It's just that the number of interactions is too small, so Russell can't judge what kind of behavior belongs to the category of interaction.

"Forget it, I'll slowly explore it later."

There is still a long time, and Russell has enough time to unravel the mystery of the dark dream.

He looked at Xiao Menglong carefully: "After eating the ice hail beads, I don't feel any changes in you... Tsk tsk, I'm really extravagant now, and I started to feed the dragon with gold coins."

Ice hail beads are gold coins.

Most serfs may never see what gold coins look like in their lives. Silver coins and copper coins are enough to meet their living needs.

"Take off, we'll go shopping for a while and then go to sleep." Russell rode Xiao Menglong and started strolling on the street again.

However, after flying for a while, he found something wrong: "Xue Gao, the dark dream is a little bigger. Before, only a small part of the tree was in the dark dream, but now, more than half of it is in the dark dream!"


Family, Happy Chinese New Year, and auspicious Year of the Dragon!

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