Warm Dragon

Chapter 306 Old Girl

Roland and Russell entered Huyang Castle smoothly.

Although the two brothers came with a mission, they obviously couldn't get straight to the point right away, and had to take it slowly.

Of course, Roland was much better at this kind of thing than Russell, so Russell didn't have to worry about anything and just treated it as a trip.

Russell's guide was the second son of the Horned Baron, Gronttan Baimaigen, who was not yet an adult. He was only fourteen years old this year, but he had already blossomed the seeds of fighting spirit for more than a year, and could be regarded as a senior armored knight.

At this time, Gronttan was riding on a warhorse and introduced to Russell: "Although the conditions in the Gobi Desert are harsh, there are many wild beasts, and you can often find fantasy beasts."

Then he couldn't help but secretly take a look at Russell's mount, the unicorn Polly, and said enviously: "But there has never been a fantasy beast as beautiful as your mount, Brother Russell... What a beautiful warhorse."

"Go!" Polly snorted from her nostrils.

Russell immediately corrected him with a serious face: "Grontan, I have to correct your misconception in principle."

"Ah?" Gronttan was puzzled, "What?"

"My partner Polly, it's not a horse, it's a unicorn. Unicorns are not horses, these are two different creatures."

"Oh." Gronttan still didn't understand, "If it's not a horse, then what is it?"

"It's a unicorn."

"What is a unicorn?"

"You stumped me, but you only need to remember one thing, a unicorn is a unicorn, a separate creature, it is not the same as a horse." Russell could only explain it this way, in fact, he himself was also confused.

Poly's appearance is basically a horse with a horn, at most it is a little handsome and cool.

If the nightmare ghost horse evolved from a horse, then the unicorn Polly should also evolve from a horse in theory.

Russell deduced that Paulie might have pseudo-dragon blood, but no matter how noble the pseudo-dragon bloodline is, pseudo-dragons are also evolved from fantasy beasts, and fantasy beasts are evolved from ordinary beasts - in the final analysis, Paulie's ancestor may still be a horse.

Of course.

People are in trouble, so they are in trouble. Russell doesn't mind satisfying Paulie's needs - unicorns are not horses!

Fortunately, the young man Gronttan didn't get too entangled. What exactly is a unicorn? He took Russell to visit the Gobi Desert quickly. During the period, it was easy to develop a good impression of Russell, after all, Russell riding a unicorn was so handsome.

It fits all the fantasies of young people about knights - handsome people, handsome mounts, and super strong combat power!

Even on the way back to Huyang Fort, Gronttan suddenly had a whim: "Brother Russell, can I follow you?"

"Huh?" This shocked Russell, "Why do you think so?"

If Gronttan was just the second son of a lord, Russell would not be surprised to say such a thing. But Gronttan is the second son of a baron noble, and he will be able to become a lord sooner or later in the future.

Even if the Baron of the Horns is unwilling to divide the fiefdom, and his elder brother Groongo treats him badly, at least he can get some resources to fight for the status of a duchy lord.

"I don't know." Gronttan scratched his neck embarrassedly, "I just think that you, brother Russell, have a kind of temperament that makes me want to follow you."

"Haha, just say this in private." Russell reached out and patted Gronttan's shoulder, and his favor for this discerning young man increased greatly, "Of course, if one day I fight for fame, you are welcome to come."

"Well, that's settled!" Gronttan nodded heavily, "I believe in brother Russell, you will definitely achieve great things!"

In his heart, he silently added: "A knight who can ride such a handsome warhorse must be an extraordinary knight!"

Obviously, the reason why this little boy wanted to follow Russell was entirely because Russell rode a unicorn that made him envious!

Russell didn't know this, but it didn't stop him from feeling good about himself.

He even took the initiative to say to Gronttan: "I've been staying in Huyang Castle these days. You can ask me for advice on cultivation. I can't guarantee anything else, but in terms of swordsmanship, no one in the entire Shadow Flame Grand Duchy knows more than me!"

"Really?" Gronttan was surprised.

Russell saw his expression and knew that he didn't believe it, but he didn't care. When he showed his skills tomorrow, Gronttan would naturally kneel down and become his disciple.

The number one swordsman in the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy is not a false reputation!

After taking a shower and changing clothes, the dinner party started soon. The banquet in Huyang Castle was not luxurious, and even a little simple. But Russell didn't mind. He was already a phantom beast knight and no longer needed to eat magic food crazily.

So at the banquet, he paid more attention to the people of the Baimaigen family.


Feeling something different.

"Gwen and my brother seem to get along well. Occasionally, they make eye contact once or twice, and there is indeed something going on." Russell had to admit that Roland was really good at flirting with women, and his laughter always made Gwen happy.

But other than that, the Baimaigen family seemed a little cold.

Baron and his wife Gvedas hardly said a few words at the banquet, and the eldest son Grongo and his wife were also perfunctory.

Only the second son Grontan occasionally asked Roland some questions.

"Quinnila Sunflower is the granddaughter of Swan Baron Kunbiff. Obviously, Baron Gvedas will support the election of Young Master Queenslai Sunflower... But Baron Gvedas should not refuse to marry his daughter to Roland, right?"

Let's put the issue of standing aside for now.

Gwen married Roland, and she will be a baroness in the future. This is the best result for the daughter of a noble family.

"Besides Roland, Gwen has no better marriage partner, right... He can't want to marry cousin Mel, right?" Russell thought silently.

There are two earls in the Grand Duchy of Shadowflame.

Augustus Waterwillow, the son of Count Osklo Waterwillow of Stonebreaker, one of the selected princes, has been married.

Although cousin Mel is not married, the marriage partner is likely to be a branch of the Shadowflame family. Only in this way can the Shadowflame family increase the recognition of cousin Mel, after all, he became a selected prince as a relative.

In addition, there are five barons in the Grand Duchy of Shadowflame.

Baron Swan Kunbif Shadowflame is old, and his granddaughter Quinnilla Sunflower has married to Huyang Gobi. He can't let his grandson Queensley Sunflower marry Gwen to make the relationship closer.

Baron Gold Davis Golden Top Mushroom has no son.

The son of Baron Black Court, Kulis Tian Zicao, Cooper has married Russell's sister, Rowling.

So only Roland, the son of Baron Youguang, is left. He is the most suitable marriage partner for the Baimaigen family. The two families have previously confirmed it verbally.

"Forget it, why should I think so much? Let my brother handle it himself." Russell was too lazy to think about it because he couldn't figure out where the Baimaigen family's indifference came from. He was also not sensitive to human feelings. "Maybe I think too much."

After the banquet, Russell was used to taking a walk outside to digest his food.

Roland stayed and chatted with Baron and Baron Gevidas.

When Russell came back from a stroll and returned to the room, he saw Roland waiting for him with a gloomy face.

"What's wrong, big brother?"

"Things have changed." Roland clenched his fists. "We had a good chat at dinner, so I took the opportunity to propose a marriage proposal while drinking tea. Who knew that Baron Gwydas didn't agree, but instead said that Lady Joanna didn't want Gwyn to get married early!"

As he said this, Roland punched the table: "What nonsense is this? Gwyn is already 19 years old. If we wait another two years, she will be an old maid!"

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