Warm Dragon

Chapter 284: Dragon Rider as Glory (Additional update, please give me a monthly ticket)

With two great scholars, the return journey was not fast.

When they arrived at the Phantom Light Group and joined the big bear Grove who was waiting there, the team had four fantasy beast knights, which was enough to roam the snowfield and cross the mountain and river trade route.

And they encountered many snow ghosts along the way, but they didn't see a single snow demon.

"It must be that during the war, the snow giant summoned all the snow demons, so now they can't fill the vacancy." Roland guessed so. Otherwise, according to the situation in previous years, they had to be careful when traveling on the trade route at this time, and they would encounter snow demons from time to time.

"It's possible." Russell agreed deeply.

Not only did the team not encounter any snow demons during the day, but even at night, he rode Xiao Menglong around and swaggered, but he still couldn't see any snow demons.

Xiao Menglong was so angry that he could only vent his anger on the group of snow ghosts.

Without snow demons, there would be no ice soul beads. Without ice soul beads, Xiao Menglong's development would be delayed, which was not good news.

Moreover, without the snow demons on the snowfield, the dormant Shadow Flame Dragon in the Shadow Flame Volcano must be anxious. It also needs the Ice Soul Orb to recover from its injuries, make up for the loss of its origin caused by two consecutive wars, and regain its strength.

"Fortunately, we can still hunt snow ghosts." Roland handed over several ice hail beads that he had seized from hunting snow ghosts, "Give them to Luo Sai, and meet everyone earlier."

"Thank you, big brother." Russell was not polite.

Roland smiled: "We are a family, brothers, why thank you. Work hard, Russell, the glory of the fluorescent mushroom family depends on father and you."

"Brother, what are you talking about? The fluorescent mushroom family will always be passed on to you, and you have no choice but to do it."

"Haha." Roland laughed, "Let's encourage each other."

It must be said that after a blow, Roland is indeed much more mature than before, and his attitude is much more friendly. It is no longer like before, showing an inexplicable sense of superiority everywhere, and being wary of Russell all the time.

Of course, Russell also knew that it is difficult to change a person's nature.

He had basically seen what kind of person Roland was in the past year. But it was no longer important. After riding the dragon, Russell would create his own foundation and his own family.

There was no conflict of interest between him and Roland.

Roland did not need to worry that he would take away the foundation of the fluorescent mushroom family. On the contrary, with Russell as a neighbor, the two families could cooperate happily in the future.

After all, the two of them had the same blood and were more trustworthy than outsiders.

"Home." When the team walked down the snowfield and came to the familiar Red Bat Cave, Roland, sitting on the Nightmare Ghost Horse, sighed softly, "I don't know when my father will come home. My grandmother and mother should be very happy now."

"And Lola." Russell suddenly thought of his sister, "Lola should be very happy too."

"Yes, and Lola." Roland said and shook his head, "It's a pity that I was in a hurry before leaving and didn't prepare a gift for Lola."

Russell spread his hands: "I forgot... But you don't have to buy gifts for Lola every time you go out."

Roland smiled and said: "Why not, and the more expensive the better, this little girl has already started saving her dowry. Speaking of which, Lola is already twelve years old, and there are still four years before she becomes an adult, so she has to prepare a dowry early."

"I have to prepare a generous dowry for Lola by then." Russell said, he liked this quiet sister very much.

Although many times, he couldn't remember that he actually had a sister.


Fluorescent Castle

Baron Roman wore a gorgeous baron's dress and warmly entertained the two great scholars and the escort knights.

Because the Senate had issued a ban on banquets, there were only sumptuous food and delicious juice at the banquet, without any alcohol.

"Baron, congratulations on your successful dragon riding and becoming the new dragon knight of the Grand Duchy." Robert, the great scholar, raised the juice instead of wine and congratulated Baron Roman, "This is your honor and the honor of the entire country!"

"Haha." Baron Roman laughed loudly, but spoke modestly, "No, no, I am nearly fifty years old. It is too late to ride a dragon at this age. The time left for me to make achievements is not long."

"Baron is too modest." Alex, the great scholar, said, "You will definitely live to 195 years old and make achievements for another 100 years !"

"Haha, haha, I'm so grateful for your words!" Baron Roman laughed, "Come on, everyone, the country prohibits banquets, so we will use juice instead of wine and drink this cup!"

Russell looked at the cup in his hand and said with a smile: "Father, who can drink such a big cup of juice in one breath? Just take a sip to show your appreciation."

Baron Roman nodded: "Then take a sip."

So everyone raised their cups and took a sip of juice. Although the banquet seemed a little dry without wine, the atmosphere was quite good. The most important thing was that Baron Roman, as the host, was in high spirits and frequently greeted guests.

It is a great honor for anyone to receive the warm hospitality of a dragon knight, and naturally the atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic.

The women did not sit at the main table.

But old lady Ingrid and Mrs. Meryl were also smiling. One was very satisfied with her son, and the other was very satisfied with her husband and son. Looking at the warm atmosphere at the main table, they were all proud of it.

Of course.

Old lady Ingrid did not know that Russell was about to become a dragon knight.

Baron Roman and his wife were worried that the old lady was not strict with her words, so they wrote a letter to tell Aunt Luo Bi about this matter. If Aunt Luo Bi publicizes it, the entire Grand Duchy will soon know about it.

"I knew that Roman was always the best among that group of people." The wrinkles on Mrs. Ingrid's face seemed to be smiling, "Back then, Roman's reputation was higher than that of Roland and Russell now. Even louder!”

"I know that." Mrs. Meryl's eyes were full of pride.

"If Roman hadn't been good enough, your father-in-law and I would have proposed marriage to the old earl. How could the old earl think highly of our family?" Old Lady Ingrid said, "The old earl is the most arrogant person."

Mrs. Meryl said: "Father does value Roman."

"So, the old count took Roman's position as finance minister. I don't blame him at all. He is such an upright person."

"My father will be very happy to get your approval."

"I'm just a woman, I don't understand the twists and turns of politics. When Rhodes was still alive, I also had a glorious time at the banquet in the Red Castle... It's a pity that Rhodes left too early. I haven't been here all these years. I’m willing to leave the Dark Light Valley.”

Rhodes is Russell's grandfather and a clay dragon knight from the previous generation.

Mrs. Meryl consoled her: "Wherever you go now, others will respect you because your son is a dragon knight."

Aunt Clara also consoled her: "Yes, you are the mother of dragon knights."

"Yes, Roman is a dragon knight." Mrs. Ingrid's mood immediately improved. "What I am most proud of in my life is that my husband is a dragon knight, my son-in-law Davis is a dragon knight, and so is my son. Dragon Knight."

As he said that, he glanced at his daughter-in-law.

She was not born into a noble family, but was the daughter of a lord, and she married Rhodes, who was still the son of the lord.

Who would have thought that my father-in-law would suddenly pick up a dragon...

"Yes, the dragon knight is the glory of men, and also the glory of us women." Mrs. Meryl smiled, "Like mother, I feel extremely honored for this. My father is a dragon knight, and my husband is Dragon Knight, my son will definitely be a Dragon Knight in the future!”

Mrs. Ingrid also smiled: "Yes, our little will-o'-wisp will definitely become a dragon knight."


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