Warm Dragon

Chapter 28: Ghost Hunting

Looking at the fantasy knight, the fantasy beast, and admiring his four fairy bugs, Russell ended his tryst with Xiao Menglong.

There were no river clams breeding pearls by the river, and no fairy bugs were breeding in the surrounding flower beds.

Unless he camped outside the manor, it would be difficult for Russell to get a harvest through his golden finger.

"Good morning, Master Russell."

"Good morning, Mr. Chris."

The sun shone in from the window, and Russell and Chris were leisurely enjoying today's breakfast. At this time, Butler Morris came over.

"Master, the water in the Youguang River has risen, and the warm season is really here!"

"Very good, the warm season means that all things will revive, and I hope the manor will have a good harvest this year."

In the morning, Russell continued to practice the "Yaoguang Sword Technique" in the yard to attract fighting spirit, open meridians and experience fighting spirit penetration.

Then Charles, as his opponent, fought with him in swordsmanship.

Knight Captain Chris was wearing casual clothes, and from time to time he pointed out Russell to help him improve his practical skills.

Time flies, and it's noon.

Before lunch started, the knight's squire Jack rode back quickly on his warhorse: "My lord, the snow ghosts are invading! Knight Commander Eric is resisting!"

Russell said sternly: "Sir Chris!"

"Be ready at any time, Master Russell." Chris has already brought out his contracted fantasy beast - Nightmare Ghost Horse.

The butler William carried the silver armor with great effort to help Chris put on the armor.

The personal butler Ram also carried a set of dark gold armor to help Russell put on the armor - this is the dark gold ceramic armor given by the baron, made of metal and ceramic inlay, not too heavy, and can withstand the attack of the fantasy beast knight.

"Master, your sword." Another butler Fox, holding a silver-gray long sword, the hilt of which was embedded with a shining emerald.

This is Russell's sword, the Green Ceramic Sword.

As the son of the baron, even if he is the second son, Russell also has a full set of excellent equipment, which can be said to win at the starting line.

Wearing dark gold ceramic armor, equipped with a green ceramic sword, and riding on a black warhorse, Russell quickly transformed from a gentle noble gentleman into a heroic knight in armor.

"Jack, lead the way!"

"Yes, sir!"

The knight's entourage led the way, and Russell and Chris followed side by side, followed by Charles, a middle-aged knight - Charles was also a knight in armor, but he had not completed the meridians for many years and had no hope of becoming a great knight.

The sound of horse hooves clacking away.

In a moment, they arrived at the southeastern border of the Black-waisted Snake Manor, where there was a clear geographical boundary.

The soil on the north side was moist, and new green weeds had already sprouted.

The snow on the south side was difficult to melt, and the snow became thicker as it went south, presenting a vast and undulating snowfield.

There was occasionally a cluster or a piece of snow-covered woods on the snowfield, but there was no other scenery.

"Over there!" Chris pointed casually.

Not far ahead, in a place where mud and snow were mixed together, Eric was leading three knights to fight a group of strange monsters.

These monsters were all humanoid, holding weapons like ice sculptures in their hands, and even wearing tattered clothes.

But their skin was dark blue, their heads were bald and hairless, and they had vampire-like fangs in their mouths, and their ears were very thin and long.

Among them was a snow ghost, which was three meters tall.

Other snow ghosts were generally taller than knights like Eric. They were flexible and fast in battle, and their ice sculpture-like weapons were quite methodical, but there was no coordination between the snow ghosts, so they were blocked by Eric and his men.

"There are only twelve snow ghosts, not even one ghost beast. And there is only one leading snow ghost, who has reached the level of a big snow ghost."

Chris rode on the nightmare ghost horse, saw the number of invading snow ghosts clearly, and immediately laughed: "Master Russell, how about I give you a practice?"

"Okay!" Russell didn't say much nonsense and joined the battlefield directly.

Charles looked around, especially secretly taking a few glances at the calm Knight Commander Chris, and rushed into the battlefield with gritted teeth.

"Eric!" Russell roared.

The green ceramic sword did not attack in a fancy way, but just a well-trained slash, slashing at a blue-green snow ghost with its back to him.

Just as it was about to hit the snow ghost's neck, the snow ghost seemed to have eyes on its back, and suddenly raised the ice-carved spear in its hand.


The ice-carved spear completely withstood this powerful slash, without breaking, but only falling a little bit of ice chips.

Eric then shouted: "Come and form a formation, sir!"

He and three knights repelled the besieged snow ghosts, opened the gap in the formation, and let Russell, Jack and Charles in.

Then seven knights and seven war horses, with Eric as the center, formed a common knight squad charging formation, and continued to attack under the siege of twelve snow ghosts, trying to pull the snow ghosts apart and defeat them one by one.

But these snow ghosts always gathered around the leading big snow ghost, and it was difficult to really separate them.

"Sir, capture the thief and the king, kill the big snow ghost first!" Eric quickly changed the attack method, "Everyone, attack the big snow ghost!"


Under Eric's lead charge, the seven knight squad quickly turned around and charged towards the tallest big snow ghost, and the knight's lance and knight's long sword took turns to attack the big snow ghost.

The big snow ghost was fearless.

Or it was originally a dead thing, wielding a huge ice-carved mace that was longer than its height, one stick after another, fighting hard with the knight squad.


Eric's sword of fighting spirit cut into the big snow ghost, only shattering its tattered frozen clothes like armor, and leaving a snow-white sword mark on its blue-green skin, without bleeding, the wound was like a dead tree.

The power of a single snow ghost may not be as strong as that of a knight, but the effect of immortality is really terrifying.

"Come on, accumulate strength, focus on killing the big snow ghost!" Eric sprinted a round, quickly turned his horse's head, and charged again waving the long sword in his hand.

Rounds of sprints, rounds of killing.

There were more than a dozen deep wounds on the big snow ghost, but no blood flowed out, which only made the big snow ghost's movement slightly inconvenient.

"Hiss!" The big snow ghost opened its fangs and roared at the charging knight squad.

The eleven snow ghosts behind him opened their fangs and mouths in imitation, and then let out a hoarse and low roar like a venomous snake.

"Charge!" Eric roared.

Being in the knight team, Russell could feel that the fighting spirits between the knights seemed to have entered a state of resonance.

Everyone's fighting spirit was running at the same frequency, and then running synchronously. The fighting spirit seemed to surge several times invisibly, making Russell feel incredibly powerful in an instant. With one sword, everything can be cut.

"Charge!" He shouted with Eric.



Charles and the knights' followers followed suit, venting the resonant fighting spirit through shouting, and completely condensing this power into their knight swords and knight spears.

Rush towards the big snow ghost!

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