Warm Dragon

Chapter 278 Three Swords (Additional update, please give me a monthly ticket)

The so-called three-sword style means fighting with three swords.

This is a fighting method that Russell has only recently explored. With the blessing of the Sword Butterfly and Amber Insect, he has a natural sensitivity to sword techniques.

So when he holds the sword, the sword butterfly can help, allowing him to show his sword skills to his heart's content. Even when holding a sword with both hands, it can be used simultaneously to perform different sword techniques. So much so that he can use his distraction to control the third sword with fighting spirit.

The three swords perform sword skills together and release the sword light. Compared with one sword, the power is simply incomparable.


The consumption of the three-sword style is several times that of normal situations. There is no doubt that there are gains and losses.


The competition between individuals gradually moved towards a bigger scene. Cooper, who was taking a group photo with the fantasy beast, not only failed to counterattack Russell, but was defeated by Russell's three-sword style.


Cooper can also release the elemental breath spell, which is magic, but even though there is no explicit rule during the competition, magic is still prohibited.

"Sir... you are so powerful!" Grove looked at the two warring parties, dumbfounded.

He thought that his previous battle with Russell had tested Russell's limits, but Russell, with two swords, refreshed his knowledge again.

Rowling was currently standing in front of the bedroom window on the second floor, watching the battle between her husband and her younger brother.

She was also stunned: "Is this still my brother?"

The maid supported Rowling's arm and also stretched her head to look downstairs. She exclaimed, "Young madam, your brother, Mr. Russell, is really a powerful knight. He can even compete with the young master."

"This is not a tie at all. Russell is simply crushing Cooper!" Rowling shook her head in disbelief. "When I was a kid, I beat Russell every day. Last year, I almost beat Russell. How come even Cooper can't beat him this year?" Can’t beat Russell?”

"Your Excellency Russell must have grown up, so he has such strong strength." The maid didn't know much about fighting spirit training.

"No matter how strong he is, he will never be like this. Moreover, he has just been promoted to the Phantom Beast Knight, and it is obvious that he has only started to practice the fighting spirit sword. He has not practiced the fighting spirit armor and the fantasy beast photo... three swords, he can use them superbly!"

Rowling was amazed.

The battle has come to an end. With the help of his peak swordsmanship and the three-sword style that transcends worldly knowledge, Russell directly defeated Cooper's phantom beast.

At that moment, Cooper's face turned pale and he almost sat on the ground.

The bristle-haired wolf spider Ku Shou fell from the shadow on his body. After landing, he lay flat on the ground, obviously exhausted.

The outcome has been decided.

Russell holds the sword in his left hand with the tip forward, and holds the sword in the backhand with his right hand, with the tip backward. There is a sword hanging in the air behind him, with the tip slightly above his head.

The posture is extremely chic.

After finishing the pose, he threw the three swords back, then reached out and took Cooper's hand, pulling Cooper up.

"I lost!" Cooper was free and easy, and said calmly after standing up, "I am convinced, you are already better than me."

"I accept it, brother-in-law."

"What's the name of your ultimate move?" Cooper asked curiously.

Russell explained: "Most people cannot learn the three-sword style. Only those who can use three distractions can learn this move. I also felt that fighting with one sword was not enough, so I gradually figured out the fighting method of the three-sword style. "

"Genius, you are the real genius." Cooper said with emotion, "Your sister always claims to be a genius in cultivation. If her daughter had not delayed her, she would definitely be stronger than me. But now it seems that being stronger than me is not No matter what, you are the real genius."

"Thank you, brother-in-law." Russell laughed and said, "But my grandfather, Earl Merlin, also praised me. When it comes to swordsmanship, no one in the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy can be my opponent."

"Mr. Merlin's swordsmanship is no match for yours?"

"Of course, I had a competition with my grandpa, and I was lucky enough to win one move." Russell couldn't help but show off.

Little Menglong can't show off, and Black Oil Dragon has to wait first. All he can show off now is his swordsmanship.

Cooper clicked his tongue in amazement and said with emotion: "By the time you reach the stage of taking a photo with the phantom beasts, I'm afraid that all the level 1 phantom beast knights will no longer be your opponents, and even the level 2 advanced phantom beast knights may not be able to take on you." "The Three Swordsmanship."

"I don't know about that. I haven't fought against a level 2 advanced fantasy beast knight, but I'm looking forward to the day when I can become stronger through hard training."

Russell smiled slightly, looking past all the knights in the Grand Duchy and looking at the dragon knights in the long history.

According to legend, there are some dragon knights with swordsmanship that can destroy heaven and earth.

He has been looking forward to this day, when he can understand the secret of swordsmanship and ride on the little dream dragon to destroy the world.

The first kill is to take down the Snow Giant Da!

At this time, the voice of Unicorn Baoli suddenly sounded in my heart: "Russell, I also have to practice hard. Seeing you getting stronger and stronger, I feel that I have fallen behind. Apart from the unicorn, I don't have much combat effectiveness.”

"It's okay, Baoli, although you are not good at fighting, but in terms of support, you are the best among all fantasy beasts." Russell comforted in his heart.

He was not dissatisfied with Baoli at all. Whether it was handsomeness or ability, Baoli was the best.

And it complements the little Menglong very well.

Besides, Baoli is only the first fantasy beast he has contracted. After the synchronization of mind and thought is complete, he can contract another fantasy beast suitable for combat, and two may not be the limit. He may be able to contract the third, fourth, or even fifth fantasy beast.

Of course.

Russell will soon be promoted to the flying dragon knight, and his combat power at that time will instantly kill the fantasy beast knight stage-so for the fantasy beast, he is more focused on functionality and the magical effects of the fantasy beast.

As a knight, what he wants most is to practice magic and martial arts.

"Russell, let's go, let's take a rest, and then you can explain the three sword flow to me. I am particularly envious of this move." Cooper pulled Russell and prepared to go back to the castle to rest and discuss the three sword flow.

Russell invited Grove to go with him.

But Grove shook his head: "My lord, you discuss with Mr. Cooper, I want to continue practicing for a while."

He wasted several years in the cave, and now seeing Russell's strength, he felt more and more urgent. In the future, I will marry Ms. Fanny, have a family and children, and follow Russell to make achievements. How can I be lazy?

Russell did not force Grove, and went to discuss the Three Swords with Cooper.

At the window, seeing her brother arm in arm with her husband, Rowling smiled. It felt good to have family around.

"Rowling, why did you get out of bed again? Go back and lie down." Mrs. Quinti came over with the maid. "I have told you many times not to move around, so as not to hurt the fetus. If you don't cherish your body, you should also think about the child."

"I will go back now, mother." Rowling did not argue.

"Is there anything that makes you so happy? You can't stop smiling?" Mrs. Quinti asked.

Rowling immediately smiled and said, "It's Russell. I just saw him fighting with Cooper. He has grown into a powerful fantasy beast knight."

"He's just a new fantasy beast knight. How powerful can he be?" Mrs. Quinti disagreed. "Speaking of which, your eldest brother Roland seems to be a great knight. Alas, riding a dragon is not easy."

Rowling smiled and said, "Mother, the dream of a knight is to ride a dragon. Cooper will succeed, Roland will succeed, even Russell, I also believe he can ride a dragon one day!"

"Haha." Mrs. Quinti smiled without saying anything, but the disapproval in her expression was obvious.

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