Warm Dragon

Chapter 275 The journey is difficult

Baron Roman left the Red Castle. He had to return to the territory and take Lord Ross back to the Red Castle to admit his mistakes.

However, he could not refuse the position of Minister of Finance for a while, so his eldest brother Roland took over temporarily.

This also meant that Roland could not go to Black Court Mountain with Russell to visit Rowling who was about to give birth.

"Say sorry to Rowling for me. I should visit her, but my father left, and the stall of the Minister of Volcano must be taken over by no one." Roland has been a little quiet these days, far less lively than before.

It seems that he was hit by Russell's upcoming becoming a flying dragon knight, and he seemed a little depressed, but on the other hand, he has also matured and stabilized a lot.

"Official business is important. Brother, you can stay in the Red Castle and share the worries of your father. It's enough for me to visit my sister." Russell said.

"Have you prepared gifts for Rowling, or your unborn nephew or niece?"

"I bought a piece of jewel jewelry for my sister." Russell said, "As for my nephew or niece, I plan to give her a special gift. My territory's bear bees have been cultivated and grown, and I plan to give a group of bear bees as a birth gift."

"Well, bear bees? These are cultivated Yuan beasts... But Rowling gave you an elf bug last time, so it makes sense for you to give her child bear honey this time." Roland said.

Then he took out a packaged box and handed it to Russell: "I have also prepared gifts for Rowling and her children. They are all in this box. Please take them to me."


Russell took the box and felt a breath of life. He couldn't help but ask curiously: "What gift is this?"

"A fantasy beast egg, a fantasy beast egg of a long-tailed pheasant." Roland smiled, "This is a gift from Grand Duke Kunstan... I originally planned to hatch it myself and then raise it to contract, but now I decided to contract a fantasy beast as soon as possible."

So he didn't plan to wait for the fantasy beast egg of the long-tailed pheasant to hatch.

After a pause, Roland continued: "You gave a breeding beast as a gift. As the eldest brother, how can I give a worse gift than you?"

"Sister will be very happy."

"Tell her that when I finish my work with the Minister of Volcano, I will definitely take time to visit her."


After explaining these, the two brothers suddenly fell into a speechless atmosphere. Russell is not a talkative person. Originally, the eldest brother Roland was the leader when the brothers got along with each other, but now Roland has become much more silent than before.

After a while, Roland patted Russell on the shoulder and said, "Rowling is alone in Black Court Mountain. It's not like when she was in the Valley of the Light, where everyone doted on her... So we are Rowling's strong backing, you must tell her this."

"Of course." Russell smiled, "Soon Rowling will be the sister of a flying dragon knight."

Hearing this, Roland's mouth twitched. He wanted to say a few more words, but now he didn't want to say a word.

After saying goodbye.

Russell went to see his cousin Mel again.

As a son of the Chosen, Mel has been busy with various chores recently. He has to go to the grassroots level to visit and comfort the disabled knights whenever he has time. So even though he lives in Mel's independent tower, it is really difficult for Russell to see Mel.

"Are you going to visit Rowling? I've been so busy lately that I forgot that Rowling is about to give birth... Well, I'll prepare a gift, you take it for me."

Mel prepared a gemstone sword, which should be very much to Rowling's liking, after all, Rowling likes to wield swords and knives whenever she has time.

She even thought about being promoted to a great knight and then contracting a fantasy beast to become a female fantasy beast knight.

However, after giving birth, Rowling's vitality was greatly damaged, and her road to practicing fighting spirit would probably be cut off.

This is also the reason why female fantasy beast knights are rare.

Most women who have the conditions to practice are from aristocratic families, and the daughters of aristocratic families basically have to marry and have children. If women really have to wait until they are promoted to fantasy beast knights before giving birth, they will be too old.

Moreover, after the fighting spirit is fused into the vitality, the body is too strong, which will also affect the probability of pregnancy.

This is also the reason why the second-generation fantasy beasts are rare-the same kind of fantasy beasts are hard to find, and even if they are found, the mother beast is too strong and it is difficult to successfully breed offspring.

But it is not absolute, there is still a chance to cultivate the second-generation fantasy beasts.

However, this probability may be lower than raising a group of ordinary beasts and hoping that a fantasy beast will be born in the herd.

Say goodbye to cousin Mel.

Russell took the big stupid bear Grove and left the Red Castle, heading northeast of the volcanic oasis - Black Court Mountain is located in the northeast corner of the volcanic oasis.

The journey was smooth.

Although February and March are the coldest period of the ice age, the volcanic oasis is still spring all year round, and only the periphery feels like winter.


After leaving the power suppression range of the Shadow Flame Dragon, Xiao Menglong began to shake himself up again and went on adventures with Russell every night.

Only when you reach the cave at the border of the volcanic oasis can you truly feel the power of the ice age.

The entire cave has been frozen, and the original trade route has become narrow and difficult to pass, and carriages cannot pass at all. When you reach the snowfield, the road conditions are even worse, with snow flying all over the sky, and the heavy snow directly submerges the trade route.

The ice and snow Great Wall is clearly visible in the warm season, but only a few sentry towers are exposed during the ice age, and the road can be vaguely identified.

"Bill, come on!" Grove encouraged loudly.

He did not choose to ride a horse, but rode his contract partner, Wind Blade Brown Bear Bill.

Bill's huge body made it very difficult to walk in the snow. Fortunately, the phantom beast was extremely powerful, and Bill had eaten and drunk a lot in the past few days, so he had enough nutrition in his body to continue to use wind blade magic to clear the way.


Bill opened his mouth and spit out several wind blades, which directly penetrated the snow in front of him to create a passage, and then he squeezed through the passage.

Watching Grove and Bill's clumsy progress, Russell had to sigh again that his contracted partner, the unicorn Polly, was simply the most perfect partner for the knight.

This easy flight along the way, the heavy snow in the ice age had no effect on him at all.

"My lord, I'm holding back." Looking at Russell who flew quickly to the front and stopped to wait, Grove scratched the back of his head embarrassedly.

"It doesn't matter, just walk slowly." Russell glanced ahead, "The Black Fire Business Road is very short and can be crossed in one day."

The warm enclave of Black Court Mountain is very close to the volcanic oasis.

In the warm season, not to mention the knights, even the caravans can cross the Black Fire Trade Road in one day, so there is frequent contact with the Volcano Oasis.

However, it was the same in the ice age, and the caravans could not take the trade road at all.

In the evening, the two finally crossed the Black Fire Trade Road. The moment they walked down the snowfield, the wind blade brown bear Bill couldn't help but roared to the sky: "Roar!"

This journey has exhausted him.

Polly glanced at Bill, without contempt, but somewhat disapproving. This journey was very slow for him.

"Russell, don't take Grove and Bill out next time, it's too slow." It said in its heart.

Russell smiled and responded in his heart: "Then no one can take them out, Grove and Bill can't, Eric and Kevin can't either. Except for the flying fantasy beast, no one can keep up with your speed."

The speed of the unicorn Polly, sprinting, easily reached 200 kilometers per hour.

"Then we'll go alone. With our strength, there's nothing to be afraid of even if we meet the Snow Giant." Baoli responded with a little pride. If you can't beat it, you can run away. Even the Snow Giant can't catch it.

"Okay, next time we'll go alone!"

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