Warm Dragon

Chapter 272 Princess Anxia summons

"If it doesn't recognize you, you won't live?"


"Learn from your brother. He has not been as talented as you since he was a child. What you and Rowling can do easily, Russell needs to practice day and night to do. Even he didn't bloom the seeds of fighting spirit until a few days before his coming-of-age ceremony!"

In the study of the tower, Baron Roman was enlightening his heir, Roland, the eldest son of the fluorescent mushroom family.

When talking about Russell's achievements, he was infinitely moved: "I always thought that talent determines the level of a person, but your brother changed my mind with hard work. He changed his fate with sweat and won the attention of the dragon!"

"He is always so lucky..." Roland whispered.

Baron Roman immediately glared at him: "This is not luck, this is the strength won by hard work. Russell never fantasizes about riding a dragon. He firmly practices fighting spirit, contracts fantasy beasts when he has the opportunity, and then fights hard to make achievements, which gives him the opportunity to ride a dragon!"

"Yes." Roland had to admit this.

Baron Roman continued, "So you should stop holding on to unrealistic fantasies. Choose a fantasy beast from the fantasy beast park in the Red Castle and buy it. Make a contract as soon as possible."

"Father, I want to try again!"

"Try a fart!" Baron Roman swore, "You are just like your sudden death Kunstan, unrealistic and dreaming all day long! You don't even contract a fantasy beast, but you just want to ride a dragon all day long. It's strange that the dragon will recognize you!"

Roland didn't dare to refute.

But he was muttering in his heart. It was Baron Roman who told him not to think about contracting a fantasy beast so early, and to win the favor of Lord Ross with his "virginity".

As a result, he was scolded again. He couldn't even contract a fantasy beast, but he wanted to contract a wyvern.

Unfortunately, he did not dare to refute, and could only nod and say: "Okay, father, I will contract the fantasy beast as soon as possible."

"Yes." Baron Roman calmed down, "After contracting the fantasy beast, you should also run more in the Dragon Breeding Garden. There are eleven two-legged flying dragons without knights. Go and contact one or two of them. There will always be a dragon that will like you!"

"Yes, father."

"Okay, don't be an eyesore here, take a rest quickly, there are official business to deal with tomorrow. After the relief work for this war is over, I will return to the territory to help Russell train Rose, and you will help me take on the work of the Minister of Finance."

"Yes, father."


The next day, Russell was going to continue to stroll around the Red Castle. The last time he came to the Red Castle, he was too hasty and went back without visiting anything.

This time he was going to stroll enough.

However, before he could leave, a messenger from the court came to the small castle: "Sir Russell, Her Royal Highness the Regent invites you to have lunch at the inner castle at noon."

"Madam Regent...you mean, Her Royal Highness the Princess invites me to dinner?" Russell was surprised.


"What's going on?"

"Your Highness, the Lady Regent, just wants to meet the outstanding young knight of the Grand Duchy, that is, Mr. Russell. There is nothing extra." The court messenger said, and then left a pass for Russell.

This obviously disturbed Russell's interest in shopping.

Because Baron Roman, his elder brother Roland, and cousin Mel all went to the Senate to handle official business, he couldn't even find someone to discuss.

He could only stay in the small castle until noon, and then hurried to the inner castle.

After handing over the pass, he was soon led to the depths of the castle by the guards of the inner castle. The guards here have all been replaced by female guards. Russell was led into a gorgeous palace. The magnificent decoration means that this is Princess Anxia's bedroom.

After a brief communication, Russell soon met Princess Anxia again.

Unlike the day when she cried so hard that her eyes were red and bloodless after seeing her son's tragic death on the battlefield, Princess Anxia now looks much better, with her black hair casually tied up, looking noble and gentle.

However, there are already some crow's feet at the corners of her eyes, and there is also a depressed look between her eyebrows. Obviously, she has not recovered from the pain of losing her son.

"Your Highness." Russell bowed and saluted.

"Call me Madam." Princess Anxia said gently, "There is no Princess Anxia here, only the Madam of the Regent."

"Yes, Madam." Russell followed suit.

"This time I invite you to dinner, nothing else, you don't have to be nervous, Russell." Princess Anxia comforted, "I just want to meet the young heroes of the Grand Duchy. You are the future of the Grand Duchy."

"Madam, you are too kind." Russell was a little confused.

In the Second Fall, he was just a soy sauce throughout the whole process. He was obviously a fantasy beast knight, but he only played the combat power of a great knight and followed the Knights to get some qualifications.

There are many knights who are younger and braver than him on the battlefield.

There is no reason to establish him as the leader of the younger generation of the Grand Duchy. Is it because he was born into a noble family and is one of the few noble children who can show off?

Of course.

Russell did not think this was the reason. He guessed in his heart that it might be related to the Shadow Flame Dragon. It is very likely that the Shadow Flame Dragon looked at him and attracted the attention of others - there are not many people who can be looked at by the Shadow Flame Dragon in recent years.

"Are you hungry? Let's eat first." Princess Anxia invited Russell to take a seat, and then asked someone to call Princess Kunlaya to eat together.

Princess Kunlaya still looked like a fairy, which made people pity her.

At first, Russell always felt that Princess Anxia would have something to do with him, so he was a little worried, fearing that it would be some weird request like "giving up the black oil dragon egg". However, as they ate, they discovered that Princess Anxia was just chatting about family matters and had no other intentions.

So he let go and ate happily. There were not many dishes, but each one was a precious ingredient.

Russell loves magic food the most.

Seeing Russell eating so voraciously, the little princess Kunlaya gradually relaxed and asked curiously: "Your Excellency Russell..."

"Your Highness, little princess, just call me Russell." Russell smiled.

Princess Anxia then said: "Then you should also call me Kunraya. Don't always refer to your highness as your highness. After all, we are all relatives."


"Russell, are you riding a white horse? I heard from the guards that you are riding a very beautiful white horse." Little Princess Kunlaya asked.

"That's a unicorn, named Baoli. Besides, Baoli hates being called a white horse." Russell explained with a smile, not forgetting to take another bite of fried rice. "It looks like a white horse, but its bloodline seems a little strange." Same."

"Oh, Paulie."

The little princess Kunlaya was full of curiosity about the outside world, so she asked many questions during the meal, and Russell answered them one by one.

Then the meal ended peacefully, and nothing special happened until Russell said goodbye and left. It was as if Princess Anxia had just invited an outstanding young man like Russell to have a meal.

"Kunlaya, what do you think of Russell?" Princess Anxia suddenly asked after a long time after Russell left.

Little Princess Kunlaya didn't know why: "He's a very gentle elder brother."

"If one day, mother marries you to the Kingdom of Blazing Torrents, will you be willing?" Princess Anxia asked again.

"Ah!" Little Princess Kunraya exclaimed, "Why, mother, I don't want to leave you."

"Silly boy, you have to grow up and get married." Princess Anxia stroked her daughter's face, "My mother married from the Blazing Torrent Kingdom to the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy. You can also marry back to the Blazing Torrent Kingdom from here. "

"No." Little Princess Kunlaya hugged Princess Anxia, ​​"Mom, can I stay in the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy? I don't want to be too far away from home."

Princess Anxia didn't speak, just stared at the sky quietly.

Looking out from the palace gate, the towering main body of the castle blocks half of the sky, leaving only a small gap where you can see the blue sky.

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