Warm Dragon

Chapter 270 Health Revolution

The composting technology was highly praised by the great scholar Alex.

"I live in the Red Castle, but I often need to go to several colleges in Windrage City for classes. Every time I go in and out of Windrage City, it almost takes half my life... The streets are full of sewage, and residents directly dump sewage on the streets!"

Alex's face was pale when he complained. Obviously, recalling the experience of going to class was a mental blow to him.

Russell nodded in agreement: "I understand."

He also went to Windrage City to buy serfs. The environment in Windrage City is indeed very bad and not a place for people to live.

This is also the reason why most nobles would rather stay in the country manor than live in the city.

"But with this composting technology, once it is feasible, Windfury will quickly see a change!" Alex is quite confident about this, "As long as the manure is profitable, the residents will no longer dump it recklessly."

"I can prove this." Russell smiled, "In my territory, since the composting technology was introduced, the serfs are no longer willing to waste any manure, and they even hide it for fear that others will steal their manure."

"Haha, I hope this situation will happen in Windfury soon." Alex said, "Sir Russell, I will present this composting technology to the Grand Round Table as soon as possible, and it may take some time to prove it."

"I understand."

"If the result is correct, then the composting technology you invented will definitely benefit the entire Grand Duchy! This will be a food revolution, and also a revolution in civilization and hygiene, with profound and far-reaching impact!"

"I brought out this technology so that more people can benefit from it." Russell smiled.

Alex was in awe: "You are a true noble of the Grand Duchy!"

Then the two chatted about other things. Russell learned about botany from Alex, learned about many new and exotic plants, and received a set of "Detailed Explanation of Plants in the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame" from Alex, which was illustrated with pictures and texts.

It can be seen that these pictures were carefully drawn by painters after observing the plants on the spot.

"It's a pity that there are no photos. It's hard to identify them with black and white pictures alone." Russell sighed in his heart, thinking about when the camera will be invented, and then color printing will be made, which will surely shock the world.

Although this invention is still in Russell's mind, he still shocked Alex again inadvertently.

"I think the current plant classification standards are very vague, and they should be more scientific and systematic." Russell talked freely, "For example, plants of the same genus should be classified together, and plants of similar species should also be classified in the same subject..."

He popularized the set of kingdoms, classes, orders, families, genera and species in his hometown on Earth.

This made Alex exclaim: "Genius idea, Sir Russell, this is really a genius idea!"

"Just a little personal idea."

"No, no, no, this is definitely a genius idea. According to your description, our classification of plants will be clear at a glance. And you also said that this can also be applied to animals... You are really a natural polymath!"

When Alex spoke, he had unconsciously used honorifics, which was a respect for knowledge.

His beard was shaking with excitement: "You should come to the Great Polymath Tower, you will definitely become a great polymath! Sir Russell, you really should come to the Red Castle, your ideas are admirable, even a great polymath can be inspired by it!"

"I'm sorry, Sir Alex, I have a territory to govern." Russell declined.

If this is a world without extraordinary power, Russell might seriously consider taking a scientific research path.

If nothing else, at least it's safe.

But Longmian Continent has extraordinary power, and he has only one goal, that is, to pursue extraordinary power and reach the pinnacle of power. If you can live forever, it would be even better. If you can't live forever, you should live a life of glory.

Alex smiled bitterly: "I almost forgot that you are still a young and promising lord."

"Although I won't come to work in the Great Scholar Tower, nor will I go to the academy for classes, I will continue to study the way of erudition and explore the truth of the world." Russell smiled.

Seeing that it was getting late, he said goodbye.

Alex personally sent Russell out of the Great Scholar Tower and watched him ride away on the unicorn.

"Alas, such a natural scholar, why was he born into an aristocratic family, and he himself is also an aristocrat!" Alex sighed. He knew very well that it was impossible for aristocrats to give up their affluent lives and spend so much energy to study the truth.

Alex asked puzzledly: "Mr. Russell... is he very powerful?"

"Powerful, no, no, no, more than powerful." Alex praised, "Although I only talked to him for an hour, I can conclude that Mr. Russell will definitely have a seat at the Great Scholars Round Table in the future."

"Ah, so powerful!"

"What a pity, what a pity, he will not focus on the way of erudition, otherwise, he might be a chief great scholar in the future."


Leaving the Great Scholars Tower, Russell was in a good mood.

Being able to show off in front of the most intelligent group of great scholars in this world can still satisfy his vanity.

However, Russell also knows his own ability. He can talk about the knowledge of his hometown on Earth, but if he really concentrates on studying the way of erudition, he will probably be exposed soon-he is not the material for studying science.

Go shopping and see the scenery.

It was night before he knew it. He went directly to his cousin Mel's small castle and had a sumptuous dinner.

He returned to Baron Roman's tower at eight or nine o'clock.

At this time, Baron Roman also came back with his elder brother Roland. Both father and son were filled with alcohol, but it was obvious that both of them had used their fighting spirit to dissolve the alcohol and were not drunk.

"Russell, when did you come?"

"I came here in the morning, walked around the Red Castle, and just came back from my cousin Mel." Russell said.

"The Red Castle is different from home. I am busy with official duties and meet endless visitors every day." Baron Roman complained.

However, Russell saw that in addition to the smell of alcohol, Baron Roman also had a faint smell of perfume, and there was even a lipstick mark on his neck under the collar. He didn't know whether the visitor at night was a man or a woman.

The eldest brother Roland said, "Father is now the Minister of Finance of the Grand Duchy. It is inevitable that he will be tired to manage the purse for the Red Castle."

"Fortunately, you came here to help me share the burden, which made me feel much easier." Baron Roman said.

Russell was too lazy to listen to the business bragging between the father and son, and asked directly: "Father, the Elders Council issued an appointment decree to me, asking me to serve as the assistant to the Minister of Volcano. What's the matter? I am your vassal, right?"

"It is the dragon that recognizes you!" Roland said with a little jealousy, "How could father stop you from making progress."

"Yes, I didn't expect the dragon to value you so much." Baron Roman said proudly, "Lord Quintkay, the Minister of Volcano, is over 80 years old and has been preparing to resign several times, so the next step is to train a successor."

"Me?" Russell was surprised.

"How could it be, how old are you?" Baron Roman shook his head, "It is Lord Welch, who was deprived of the right to ride a dragon, but no matter what, he has made blood and sweat contributions to the Grand Duchy, so he will take over as the Minister of Volcano."

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