Warm Dragon

Chapter 267 Wind Blade Brown Bear

After finding the location of the phantom brown bear, the next operation was simple. Russell led Grove directly to the tallest fir tree.


The phantom brown bear roared and tried to drive Russell and his party away.

"This is a fantasy beast, sir!" Grove's eyes widened. Any knight would be excited to see an ownerless fantasy beast.

Even a great knight like Grove, who is lying flat, has no expectations for the Phantom Beast Knight in his heart.

"I know." Russell said calmly, "There is no manor near here. This forest is an ownerless forest. We captured this big stupid bear at will."

In fact, this forest has an owner, and that is Grand Duke Shadow Flame.

However, as it is an uncultivated wasteland, many knights will go in to capture the phantom beasts, and the Red Castle will turn a blind eye to this.

What's more, now that Grand Duke Kunstan is dead, and the position of Grand Duke Shadow Flame is still up in the air, it is not impossible to say that it is an ownerless forest.

"Roar!" Seeing two humans and a beautiful white horse, ignoring itself, the phantom brown bear roared again, trying to scare the humans away.

This is its territory, and the honey hanging on the tree belongs to it!

"Big stupid bear, do you understand human speech?" Russell shouted, trying to trigger the lucky whisper, but it seemed to have no effect.

The phantom brown bear is still roaring: "Roar!"

"Sir, it doesn't look like a fantasy beast that can understand human speech," Grove said.


"I think so."


"Sir, what should we do?"


"According to the usual practice, naturally I have to convince him, but I am always kind. If I like you, I will do so." Russell smiled softly, and his eyes had already found a big tree not far away, and the hangings on the branches. Very large hive.

I was about to ask Grover to get the honey.

Seeing his roar, the fantasy beast Brown Bear couldn't scare away the two people. He got really angry and opened his mouth to spit out two white wind blades.

The wind blade cuts quickly, and the big tree breaks immediately when it is touched.

However, Baoli dodged the wind blade with a slight dodge, and Grove also jumped to avoid the wind blade. This phantom brown bear didn't seem to have any intention of hurting anyone. The wind blade's aim was a little off, and it was obviously meant to intimidate.

"If you had the skills, you would have cut off the branches long ago and you would be able to eat the honey. Why bother climbing a tree?"

In his mind, he complained about the fantasy beast brown bear. Russell could confirm that this was indeed a big stupid bear with limited IQ.


There is an advantage to having a limited IQ, that is, you are easy to fool.

Russell pointed to the honey in the distance and said loudly: "Big stupid bear, do you want to eat honey? I can help you."

"Roar?" Big Stupid Bear was stunned.

Obviously it still understands a little bit of human language. Even if it doesn't understand it, it can probably guess what Russell is talking about through the behavior of Russell's fingers.

"I can help you reach the honey and make you full." Russell said, and then told Grover, "Go climb the tree and cut some honey, and drop it to feed this big stupid bear."

"No!" Grove's eyes lit up, and his heart was filled with excitement as he lay flat.

Seeing Grove running quickly towards the big tree with the beehive, the phantom brown bear became anxious: "Roar!"

"Be calm, big stupid bear, I'm helping you cut the honey." Russell quickly diverted its attention and gestured with his hands as he spoke, "You don't dare to climb the tree, you will never be able to eat honey on your own. But I can help you!"

The phantom brown bear seemed to understand the meaning, looked at Russell, and then turned to look at Grove who was climbing the tree.

Then he just paced in place, a little impatient.

It seemed that it was expecting Grove to really bring honey, but at the same time, it was worried that these two humans were not helping it at all, but stealing its honey.

Relying on the body protection of Dou Qi, Grove easily climbed to the edge of the hive under the attack of the swarm, and then used his sword to cut off a piece of the hive. Under the eyes of the phantom brown bear, he threw down the hive.

"Ouch!" The phantom brown bear immediately rushed over, picked up the honeycomb, sat down on the ground, hugged the honeycomb with its paws, and started eating happily.

See Grove and continue to harvest honey.

Russell quickly stopped: "Don't be in a hurry to feed me!"

Grove obeyed: "No."

Russell rode Baoli lightly like this and came to the side of the fantasy beast Brown Bear: "Big stupid bear, I will keep my word, let you eat the honey."

"Ouch!" The phantom brown bear nodded in a humane manner. If there is food, everything can be discussed easily.

Just after eating a piece of beehive, it raised its head again, its little eyes looked at Russell, and then at Grove on the tree: "Ouch."

"Give it another piece," Russell said.

Grove immediately dropped a piece of honeycomb dripping with fragrant honey, and the brown bear once again buried his head in eating happily.

Three pieces of honeycomb were thrown down in a row, and when Big Bear began to beg for the fourth piece, Russell finally revealed his purpose: "Big Bear, you can eat honey if you want, but you must recognize me as your lord and obey me. Order!"

The phantom brown bear suddenly bared its teeth and said, "Roar!"

"Don't be too busy to refuse. You may like this kind of honey. Only I can give you honey." Russell motioned to Grove to throw over a piece of honeycomb. He held the honeycomb and said with a smile, "But you don't recognize me as your master. You can’t eat it.”

"Roar!" The fantasy beast brown bear tried to snatch it.

But Baoli flew directly into the air, overlooking the fantasy beast brown bear from a high position, and made a high-spirited laugh.

After the fantasy beast brown bear calmed down, Russell continued: "If you recognize me as your master, you can eat honey! Moreover, there is better honey in my territory, which is a hundred times more delicious than this honey. Do you want to eat it?"

After a lot of coaxing and deception, the fantasy beast brown bear finally fell into thinking.

Its little eyes looked left and right, and then turned quickly. After a long while, it suddenly stood up and crawled beside Russell and Polly's horse hooves.

This is recognizing the master.

"Haha!" Russell laughed proudly, just a fantasy beast, you can control it!

He immediately threw the honeycomb in his hand to the fantasy beast brown bear, and then reached out to touch the fantasy beast brown bear's fur. Since it recognized the master, the fantasy beast did not know how to cheat, so the fantasy beast brown bear allowed Russell to mess up its shiny gray-yellow long hair.

Not only did he rub it himself, he also asked Grove to come over: "You rub it too, it's a big stupid bear, you are also a big stupid bear... Grove, go to the Red Castle, and then turn to Black Court Mountain, you can try to contract it along the way."

"Ah!" Grove was stunned.

"As long as you can succeed, then this big stupid bear will be your partner!" Russell himself looked down on this fantasy beast brown bear.

It has neither the characteristics of a beast king nor magic, so there is no need to contract it.

He even looked down on the Red Eyed Rat King, so how could he be interested in this fantasy beast brown bear, so it was most appropriate to let his subordinates contract it.

Grove was excited for the first time in a long time and knelt on one knee: "Thank you, sir!"

"Try hard, Grove. If you don't contract a fantasy beast, all your fighting spirit training in this life will be in vain." Russell said with a smile, "After you are promoted to a fantasy beast knight, marry a wife and have a few children, and your life will be meaningful again."

Then the two cut most of the honey from the whole tree, packed it in a bag, and hung it on the back of the fantasy beast brown bear for the fantasy beast brown bear to eat on the way.

Grove took care of the fantasy beast brown bear all the way.

Russell just simply tested the strength of the fantasy beast brown bear and its magic - wind blade continuous firing - it can fire wind blades like a machine gun, which is much more powerful and cooler than imagined.

"Let's call it Wind Blade Brown Bear."

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