Warm Dragon

Chapter 253 The horn that pierces reality

The Second Fall did not last long, only a few days in total, but walking down the snowfield, Russell felt as if he were in another world.

Snow giants, giant dragons...

The top fighting force of Longmian Continent was fighting in front of him. Although he could not see clearly from a distance, the might of the earth-shattering earth was deeply engraved in his heart, making him more and more awed by this extraordinary world.

In front of a powerful individual, he could feel his own weakness, even after being promoted to a fantasy beast knight, he was still weak.

"But I won't be weak forever, right, ice cream." Russell said softly.

The M-shaped mark in the palm of his hand quickly burned up. This was the little dream dragon responding to Russell, and it would soon take Russell off.

The remaining knights soon arrived at Swan Castle.

Baron Kunbif Shadow Flame was not there, and his son, Lord Kunt'on Sunflower, received the remaining knights.

Then the knights without titles camped near Swan Castle, and Russell and other lords with titles all moved into Swan Castle.

Enjoy a delicious meal and take a nice hot bath.

The difficult life in the snowfield came to an end. Russell felt that he had returned to civilized society. Then, that night, the dark dream finally came.


Xiao Menglong, who had been depressed for several days, screamed crisply as soon as he appeared, venting his anger.

Then he called the unicorn Polly. One person, one dragon, one beast, plus a butterfly and a flower, the five family members strolled in the dark dream together. Everyone was in high spirits, except for the unicorn Polly, who was a little absent-minded.

It was still thinking about what the use was of being called into the dark dream by Xiao Menglong.

In this way, the five-person group had flown out of the dark dream and continued to stroll around in the form of a dream clone.

Unknowingly, they strolled to a swamp.

There are many swamp pools near the Swan Lake where the Swan Castle is located. Although it is now frozen, it is not frozen here.


In a swamp, the magic light that emerged attracted Russell's attention.

The five-man team quickly approached the magic light and prepared to check it out. If it was confirmed to be an elf bug, Russell would not bother to pay attention to it anymore.

After all, this was someone else's territory. Even if they found an elf bug, it would not be easy to take it away quietly. If the elf bug had not yet bred, then they could not waste time. They could not waste Xiao Menglong's original dragon flame for a few elf bugs.


When they got there, they found that the magic light was emitted by a round object with a faint yellow luster.

In an instant, Russell remembered the amber he found in the rock wall when he was in the Bent Blade Mountain.

The amber bred the sword butterfly amber bug.

"This can't be an amber too!" Russell was surprised and happy, but after the surprise, he fell into embarrassment.

He rode Xiao Menglong and wandered around. He didn't know where he was now, and there were no very conspicuous objects around to mark. In other words, when he woke up tomorrow, he couldn't find this place at all.

Even if he could find it, he didn't have time to look for it. He couldn't stay in Swan Castle.

Moreover, even if he stayed, it would be difficult to hide the attention of the Sunflower Family when looking for the amber worm, and he would be discovered by the other party.

At that time, Russell could only return the amber worm to the Sunflower Family - all the magical creations in the territory belonged to the lord.

"Alas!" Russell sighed.

He really wanted the amber worm, especially the amber worm like the sword butterfly, which could help him understand the sword technique, which was priceless.

Especially after the Second Fall, the sword butterfly amber worm absorbed a lot of sword technique nutrients from the battlefield, and now its body size has grown. If there are one or two more battles, the sword butterfly might really evolve.

Even if it cannot evolve, Russell has also gained a huge benefit - the sword butterfly will slowly pass on the absorbed sword technique nutrients to Russell.

It can be said that after the Second Fall, Russell's sword technique, which was already perfect, has reached a new level.

There is only a layer of window paper away from understanding the mystery of sword technique.

If he can successfully comprehend the secrets of swordsmanship, then with the swordsmanship of the secret level, he will definitely be able to suppress any opponent of the same realm. When he is promoted to a dragon knight in the future, he can kill the snow giant in a minute with the swordsmanship of the secret level.

It can be said that the higher the realm of Russell, the greater the blessing brought by the swordsmanship.

Shaking his head, Russell controlled his greed and comforted himself: "Forget it, it may not be possible to pick up an amber worm like a sword butterfly. If it is a thorn amber worm, it doesn't matter."

The thorn amber worm on the horn of Xiao Menglong didn't know that he was complained by Russell, and still waved the small thorn branch.

It exuded the muttering of "growth and growth", "comfortable and comfortable", and "happy and happy".

"No more watching, ice cream, let's go!" Russell successfully persuaded himself, and imagined the magic light of this suspected amber worm as a waste like a thorn amber worm, and he felt much more comfortable in his heart.

A five-meter-long thorn whip, huh, it's really useless.

"Ga." Xiao Menglong turned around and prepared to walk in another direction.

However, the unicorn Baoli who was following behind him quietly came to the front of the yellow magic light. I don't know what she was thinking. She didn't catch up with the team immediately, but communicated with Russell through her mind, asking him to wait for her.

"Hmm?" Russell signaled Xiao Menglong to hover.

Looking back at the pink Polly, I don't know when, she has quietly lowered her head, and then gently poked the yellow magic light with her pocket horn.

At that moment.

He felt that Polly seemed to have stimulated the power in his soul, and the pocket horn suddenly emitted a flash of light, and then pierced through the ghost dream clone, pierced through the dark dream world, and directly pierced into the real world.

Then the pocket horn picked up the thing that looked like amber stone, and then stuck to the pocket horn.

"Ah!" Russell was stunned.

Polly turned around, grinned, and smiled at him: "Russell, I found my role, my horn can pierce the dream, return to reality, and bring things back to the dream!"

"No way, this works!" Russell immediately drove the little dream dragon, approached Polly, and wanted to take the stone off the pocket horn.

But his hands went straight through the stone and did not touch any entity.


"It seems that only my horn can touch reality. Although this stone is stuck on my horn, it is still in reality."

"Is that so!" Russell rolled his eyes and said, "Then stick to it first, Polly. Let's see tomorrow morning if it is also stuck to your horn in reality... If so, Polly, you are too strong."

Poly was very happy that she had found her position and was no longer a soy sauce in the Youmeng family.

"Ha." Xiao Menglong curled his lips and disdained it.

Russell rubbed its head hard: "Our ice cream is the most powerful, but you have to work hard to develop as soon as possible and strive to erupt from the volcano as soon as possible. In the future, you will join forces with the Shadow Flame Dragon to kill the Snow Giant!"

Xiao Menglong raised his head and responded proudly: "Ha!"

Poly smiled and said nothing. The sword butterfly danced around Xiao Menglong and cheered for Xiao Menglong. As for the useless thorn, he was still muttering "comfortable and comfortable" there.

Russell laughed and waved his chubby little hands forward: "Now we are full of energy. Let's continue to move forward, forward, forward, forward, to find all the magical creations!"

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