Warm Dragon

Chapter 249 Farewell

With the death of Grand Duke Kunstan, this battle, which should have been a victory, once again became a new "Falling Battle".

Two generations of Grand Dukes died in the two wars, casting a heavy shadow on the future and fate of the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame.

"This time, the successor to the Grand Duke's throne is more difficult than twenty-one years ago." Earl Osklo Shuiliu frowned in the tent and said, "The direct bloodline of the Shadow Flame Dragon Blood Family has no suitable heir."

No one responded immediately, and the nobles present were thinking deeply.

The direct bloodline of the Shadow Flame Dragon Blood Family has never been strong enough, especially since Quentin III Shadow Flame, it has been declining from generation to generation.

Quentin III Shadow Flame has two daughters and one son, but his son Quintero Shadow Flame was born with dystocia, resulting in brain problems and unable to inherit the Grand Duke's throne. He can only be canonized as a marquis. Fortunately, he finally married Princess Anxia smoothly and gave birth to a son and a daughter.

For this reason, the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy ruled with the Senate for 20 years, waiting for Grand Duke Kunstan to come of age.

Everything went smoothly. After Grand Duke Kunstan came of age, he soon ascended the throne and quickly took power.

But no one expected that in this war, Grand Duke Kunstan, who only needed to boost morale in the rear, would rashly go to the front line of the battle, and then be ambushed by the blue-skinned horsemen and die directly.

He had never married, so naturally he had no offspring.

As a result, the Shadow Flame Dragon Blood Family now only has a little princess Kunlaya, but unfortunately women cannot inherit the title.

"Osklo, let's not discuss this issue now." Viscount Major said, "Let's wait for Princess Anxia to arrive and bury Grand Duke Kunstan, and then go back to the Red Castle to discuss it carefully... Don't be discouraged, we can always find a proper solution."

"This problem will be solved sooner or later, and it is impossible to avoid it." Count Osklo said, "I want everyone to be mentally prepared."

"Do you think it is appropriate to discuss this in this situation? Grand Duke Kunstan's body has not been burned yet!"

"The country cannot be without a king for a day!"

"The twenty years of the Senate ruling have just ended, what nonsense are you talking about!" Viscount Major refuted unceremoniously.

Count Osklo shouted angrily, "How dare you talk to me? In terms of blood relationship, I am your brother-in-law and brother-in-law. In terms of title, I am the hereditary earl of the Grand Duchy. Major, you'd better be respectful in front of me!"

"Okay, okay, stop arguing!" Baron Kunbiff tried to reconcile, "We still have to listen to Princess Anxia's opinion on this matter."

Baron Gwidas Baimaigen, the Horned Baron, said worriedly, "Princess Anxia rarely interferes in politics. We have always respected her, but don't forget that this time the Torrent Dragon came with Marquis Arno... The Blazing Torrent Kingdom is not easy to deal with."

"Yes, with the in-laws, Princess Anxia..."

"So what I mean is that we should first unify our opinions." Count Osklo narrowed his eyes, and there seemed to be some small thoughts hidden under his rough appearance, "From which bloodline will the future Grand Duke be selected!"

"Isn't the opinion of His Highness Shadow Flame the most important?" Baron Roman saw everyone arguing and pointed out the key point.

Hearing this, the nobles, who each had their own thoughts, stopped talking.

Princess Anxia's opinion is very important, Earl Merlin's opinion is also very important, and even the opinion of Marquis Arno Lieyang must be considered.

But in the final analysis, it is still necessary to get the approval of the Shadow Flame Dragon first.

The so-called Shadow Flame Dragon Blood Family, naturally, whoever can get the approval of the Shadow Flame Dragon can become the direct bloodline of the family. Otherwise, no matter how authentic the bloodline is, if it is not recognized by the Shadow Flame Dragon, it will not be able to inherit the position of the Grand Duke.

"Disperse." Earl Osklo rolled his eyes, lifted the door curtain, and walked out of the tent.

Wait until the afternoon.

The knights have completely cleaned up the battlefield, and the knights are standing quietly around the coffin of Grand Duke Kunstan.

The Shadow Flame Dragon is sleeping soundly not far away, without emitting excess heat, and it is still icy and snowy here.

As a lord, Russell stood at the front of the Knights of the Valley of the Dark Light. He could clearly see the coffin of Grand Duke Kunstan, the nobles who were also standing quietly in front of the coffin, and the Marquis Arno Lieyang.

It was silent, with only the nearby two-legged dragon occasionally roaring.

Everyone was waiting.

Dark clouds rolled and heavy snow fell.

At this time, a group of flying fantasy beasts flew quickly from the sky and landed on the open space in front of Grand Duke Kunstan's coffin.

There were several knights riding on the back of the fantasy beast, as well as Princess Anxia and Princess Kunlaya.

The nobles, led by Count Osklo, quickly gathered around the fantasy beast, greeted Princess Anxia in armor, and Princess Kunlaya, who was wrapped like a small dumpling, and helped them off the back of the fantasy beast.

Both of them had red and swollen eyes from crying, and walked towards the coffin step by step.

After standing in front of the coffin for a whole day without drinking a drop of water, Count Merlin could no longer face it calmly when he saw Princess Anxia approaching with a dead face. When Princess Anxia approached the coffin, he knelt down in front of Princess Anxia.

"Old minister... Old minister... Old minister is ashamed of Your Highness!" Count Merlin burst into tears, and his white hair was messy in the wind and snow.

Princess Anxia did not look at Count Merlin, but walked numbly to the coffin and leaned over to look at the fragmented body of Grand Duke Kunstan in the coffin.

Tears had been working hard on the road, and at this moment she just stretched out her hand and wanted to touch her son's face.

"Princess, please do not touch it." A knight guarding the coffin blocked Princess Anxia's hand and explained seriously, "The touch of a living person will cause your body to become a corpse, and your soul will not be able to rest in peace."

Hearing this.

Princess Anxia retracted her hand, and seeing that Princess Kunlaya also wanted to go forward to see her brother, she quickly covered Princess Kunlaya's eyes.

She said in a hoarse voice: "Brother knows that you are here to send him off, that's enough, don't look."

"Brother... I want to see my brother..." Princess Kunlaya begged.

But Princess Anxia never allowed it, and handed Princess Kunlaya to the two maids who followed behind her.

Then she turned around and saw Earl Merlin kneeling at her feet and crying. Her numb eyes seemed to have changed a little. She glared at Earl Merlin twice, and her trembling body seemed to exude great hatred.

"Why!" Princess Anxia asked hoarsely.

"I am ashamed of your highness." Earl Merlin did not defend himself, but just repeated this sentence.

Russell looked at his grandfather from afar, kneeling on the ground and crying to Princess Anxia in pain, feeling a strange feeling in his heart.

Having followed two generations of Grand Dukes, both of whom died on the battlefield, the pain in Earl Merlin's heart was unimaginable.

But the most pitiful one was Princess Anxia.

This was the first time Russell saw Princess Anxia. He did not see the charm of the former Shadow Flame's most beautiful woman, but only the pitiful appearance of a mother mourning the death of her son.

He also saw the little Princess Kunlaya for the second time, who was held in the arms of a maid, shivering like a homeless puppy.

"Is this war..." Russell's thoughts were in a mess, and he suddenly thought of his squire knight John.

John also died in the snowfield.

"When I go back to the territory, I really don't know how to announce this news to John's family... Let Eric or Charles announce it on my behalf? Forget it, I'll tell them in person... This is my responsibility."

Suddenly, Russell felt that being a lord was not just an enjoyment, but also a heavy responsibility.

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